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Posts posted by gaymer.1648

  1. So I hit 80 the other day on my mesmer and will be going chrono tank on her as soon as I fully unlock the spec. Question is what gear should I be using until I can get ascended gear? The gear guide on metabattle shows I should be using Maklain's set but that's ascended gear. It has equal parts toughness & healing with equal parts vitality & concentration on it. I was looking on the broker and there are no pieces with all 4 stats on it which is why I'm here asking which gear/stats I should concentrate on until I can get the ascended gear. Also what runes should I be using? The ones listed on their guide shows Superior Rune of Sanctuary can only be purchased with Symbols of Koda which are earned by completing the Honor of the Waves dungeon so obviously it will take some time to obtain those for the gear. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    For reference the guide I was looking at is this [https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Minstrels_Tank](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Minstrels_Tank "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Minstrels_Tank")

  2. Can a ranger of any level get any pet in the game or are the ones in Crystal Desert & Heart of Maguuma locked behind being a certain level to obtain? I'm looking to get the Jacaranda, Rock Gazelle, and Fanged Iboga which are all in those 2 zones.

  3. So I was just browsing through the trade broker searching for various things I might be interested in buying and came across these training manuals. There's an Adept's, Master's, and Grandmaster's training manual. Are these things that can still be used to reset your hero points spent so you can spend them on different ones or are these just rubbish left over from when traits were a thing? Also is there any items that can refund HP spent to spend them somewhere else or are HP one of those one-time spent things you can never undo? (yes I plan on getting all of the elite specs unlocked but I'd rather unspend points to speed up the process of learning them)

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > I think it usually shows up around Halloween, but may be available sooner.

    > Keep an eye on the Gem Store Announcement/News Sticky above.



    > Good luck.


    Thank you for making me have some glimmer of hope that it becomes available again! I was just going through the outfits section to see if anything looked cool and my boyfriend & I fell in love with this outfit. We both want it badly.

  5. Is this outfit no longer obtainable or if it can be obtained still where do I get it from? The wiki says that you can only get it from the Black Lion Voucher Dealer in The Vaults (with an Outfit ticket that was only sold between Aug 21st 2018 and Sept 4th 2018) or from the gem store for 700 gems but lists it as unavailable. I really want this outfit!

  6. What disappoints me about this game is that virtually nobody does dungeons when it is the appropriate level to do them. Open world events & personal story completion is jammed down your throat when you ask people if they want to run something. The only time people run dungeons is if they can put a full group together with friends or guildmates. I wish they would implement a queue finder system to help people get grouped up for dungeons & then ported into the dungeon when it is ready. Many other games out there have these sort of things but GW2 for some reason just lets people look in LFG and then have to go there themselves.

  7. > @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

    > For any innocent people who stumble by this thread and wondering: Go with Berserker's for your first set of armor.


    > @ OP: Please take a break.




    Also I thought I'd point out I posted in the individual class sections because I wanted advice specifically on each of those classes with specifics to each character I was referring to. I didn't want generic "oh you should get such & such armor because its the best overall set". I wanted to discuss the class, the build I planned on playing, and get advice as to which gear to get for those classes. I don't see why this is an issue with you.

  8. OK thanks! I know that the first utility/healing spell you get (default #6 key) for each race is different but I didn't know if that would factor in when healing others. That's mainly why I was asking about this.

  9. Is there a certain race that is better suited to being a druid ranger (the healer of the group)? I know every race can be every class but does one race do a better job at healing than the others?

  10. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going either power boonstrip bannerslave (strenght/tactics/spellbreaker using dagger/axe with GS secondary) or axe/axe arms (strength/arms/discipline build using axe/axe and x/mace secondary). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  11. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going power dps d/d (deadly arts/critical strikes/deadeye using dual daggers) or condi dps (deadly arts/trickery/daredevil using dual daggers again). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  12. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going either Power Glint (invocation/herald/devastation using swords) or condi dps (corruption/devastation/renegade build using mace/axe). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  13. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I plan on doing ranger spec for this ranger at 80. What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  14. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going either condi dps (curses/soul reaping/scourage using septor/torch) or condi minion master (curses/blood magic/scourage using septor/torch) build. What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  15. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was planning on being a Chrono tank at 80 (still don't know what weapons & builds to use but from what I understand Chrono is the tank build). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  16. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going Power DPS build (Zeal/Radiance/Dragonhunter using a GS) or Power DPS build (Zeal/Radiance/Virtues using a GS). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  17. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? After reading some of the replies to my "help me engineer" post, I've decided I probably am going to go with a Power DPS build (Firearms/Holosmith/Explosives using a rifle). Which of those boxes or satchels would you recommend me picking up for that time?

  18. So I've decided that I'm going to buy one of those Satchel of X's Exalted/Emblazoned Armor OR Box of X's Draconic/Gladiator Armor for when I hit 80 to have a full set of exotic gear ready. Question is what set should I pick up? I was thinking of either going Power DPS (Air/Arcane/Tempest build using septer/warhorn) or Power DPS Fresh Air (Fire/Air/Weaver build using sword/dagger). What set of gear would you recommend from those boxes/satchels to pick up?

  19. > @"Taygus.4571" said:

    > You can uses any weapon set you want for leveling. Just keep updating weapon and armor through drops. There's no point worrying about efficiency at this stage, anything can handle openworld and personal story. And you level so fast that you'd have to keep changing armor anyway


    The reason I was asking about the gear & weapons is because I've been powerleveling my professions and keeping gear for each level stage in the bank as I make stuff. It wouldn't be that much of a hassle to just grab stuff out of the bank as I hit like 15, 20, 25, etc

  20. So in addition to leveling up a reverant in my spare time, I've decided to also level an engineer when I'm not on my rev. The only thing is I know nothing about the class other than it uses turrets and can is supposed to be a decent healer at 80 (aside from druid healing of course which I'm told is still the meta for healers). I was thinking at 80 going one of two builds. Either condi dps firearms/explosives/tools using dual pistols or going condi dps firearms/explosives/holosmith build using dual pistols again. Problem is getting to 80 and what kind of builds, stats, and weapons to use. I plan on doing this solo out in the world with questing & personal story getting me to 80. I don't plan on doing dungeons or grouping up with people unless I need to because quite honestly I haven't done that with any other character I've had since nobody likes to group up for anything lower than 80. What would you guys suggest as far as builds, stats, sigils, runes, and weapons to use? I'd prefer dual pistols since that's what I plan on using at 80 but open to other suggestions too.

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