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Posts posted by gaymer.1648

  1. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > > @"Erzian.5218" said:

    > > > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

    > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > > Keep in mind: if players engage in like behaviour, then both parties lose the opportunity for account action.

    > > > > As above, there's a reason the game provides tools like the Block function and the Report function. The rest is just bestowed with maturity.

    > > >

    > > > If only we had any indiction to wether or not our reports did something...

    > >

    > > My theory is that it’s just an interface without any function to it.

    > >


    > ArenaNet has stated numerous times that any actions taken because of a report is a confidential matter and neither the community nor the person making the report will know what has been done...which if you think about it makes complete sense.


    Honestly that's how it should be. If I was being some jerkoff and did something that got my banned or something I wouldn't want it to be told to the community because honestly we all have bad days & some times do stupid crap that gets us in trouble. Its just like when we were kids and got grounded. Hopefully you learn from your mistake and don't repeat it. If you continue to do the stupid crap you'll get yourself a permanent ban.

  2. So I know with GW2 that any class can provide any roles in a given situation. There is no "healer class" and there is no "dps class" and there is no "tank class" in GW2. I also understand that certain classes perform better for different roles than other classes do (last I played the game on a regular basis Mesmer was the go-to tank for everything while ranger was the go-to for healers). I've looked on Snow Crows and on MetaBattle for help but all it lists are builds without giving suggestions or advice on what the class is better at doing. Essentially I'm looking to level my Revenant up now and although I've been told that while leveling you should do mace/axe with hammer for weapons & go full power while leveling up, there's been no advice on what would be helpful once I hit 80 and start running harder stuff than world quests & solo stuff. So I turn to you guys here for help. Is there anywhere I can go to find out what each class excels at (healer/mdps/rdps/tank) and which of the builds (power/condi/etc) are best for those things? While I'm asking here predominately for the revenant, I have other classes I'd like to level up and read up about too.

  3. So I know with GW2 that any class can provide any roles in a given situation. There is no "healer class" and there is no "dps class" and there is no "tank class" in GW2. I also understand that certain classes perform better for different roles than other classes do (last I played the game on a regular basis Mesmer was the go-to tank for everything while ranger was the go-to for healers). I've looked on Snow Crows and on MetaBattle for help but all it lists are builds without giving suggestions or advice on what the class is better at doing. Essentially I'm looking to level my Revenant up now and although I've been told that while leveling you should do mace/axe with hammer for weapons & go full power while leveling up, there's been no advice on what would be helpful once I hit 80 and start running harder stuff than world quests & solo stuff. So I turn to you guys here for help. Is there anywhere I can go to find out what each class excels at (healer/mdps/rdps/tank) and which of the builds (power/condi/etc) are best for those things? While I'm asking here predominately for the revenant, I have other classes I'd like to level up and read up about too.

  4. Wait so you're wanting people to not be able to block you if that person sent you mail or a message? As in YOU have THEM blocked and they send you mail or a message that still goes through? Or are you talking about someone sent you a private message where they basically told you off or told you something you didn't like so you want to reply to them but after they sent you the message or mail they blocked you so YOU couldn't contact THEM?

  5. Not sure what else to say but I'm looking for a LGBT or LGBT-friendly guild to experience the game with. I'm not too big on PvP but I'm not against it either. I have many years playing various MMOs dating back to 2005 with EQ1 and WoW. I mostly play later in the night & on weekends since I am attending school and that's when I'm free to play more often than not. I'm looking for a guild to run stuff with. This could be fractals, dungeons, or even just going around getting hero points from the two expansion zones (or any of the other zones). I have both PoF and HoT. I have a healing ranger and dps ranger both at 80 and several others under 35. Either shoot me an invite or message in game if you want to discuss things or reply here too. Thanks!

  6. > @"Vivi.2805" said:

    > None of the Shield skills "feel" like you're actually using the shield the way it should be in melee combat.


    > You never get to actually bash or full-on charge with it, which is a pity really.


    Wouldn't blocking attacks also be considered "feeling" the use of a shield?

  7. Hi all. My boyfriend and I are looking for a guild to run stuff with. We've been 80 for a few weeks now. We're full exotic geared healing elementalist (he hasn't unlocked Tempest yet) and ranger (I haven't unlocked Soulbeast yet). We mostly play later in the night & on weekends since I am attending school and that's when I'm free to play more often than not. We're looking for a guild to run stuff with. This could be fractals, dungeons, or even just going around getting hero points from the two expansion zones so we can learn Tempest & Soulbeast. Obviously we're gay so the guild must be ok having us there. We understand the basic mechanics of the game but have never done any grouping up other than with each other and various zone events we've came across. We would love to see our first dungeon or even fractal. Not so worried about raiding right now but that is an eventual goal of ours is to raid as well. The reason we're not so worried about raiding right now is because we know we have't unlocked the two raiding elite specs yet.


    Either shoot me an invite or message in game if you want to discuss things or reply here too. Thanks!

  8. > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > @"gaymer.1648" said:

    > > So after reading that the amount of coin you can mail between paid accounts is tiered, what exactly is this time frame & amount at each time? My boyfriend and I bought the game on the 2nd of this month and we can't even mail 1 gold to each other yet. ONE GOLD! This is just ridiculous.


    > Here you can find info about mailbox


    > https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230430967-Wealth-Transfer-Restrictions-Mail-Guild-Bank-


    > It was done to prevent goldselling, but they forget that there's no limit to items which are worth way more than the gold limit per week ( 500g ), so yeah it's definitely useless ( I don't know why they didn't think about this possibility during GW2 development ).


    > To make an example


    > * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spiritwood_Plank x250 = 1250g value


    > And also let's not forget about almost unique items used for goldselling through TP, which ANET still don't remove from the game because... I don't really know what to think about ( maybe they prefer to monitorate them in order to see who purchases them and then ban those accounts? ).


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/sQVaPFI.jpg "")




    See that's just the thing. On my boyfriend's account, he couldn't mail me more than 1g at a time after our account was fully unlocked after purchasing it (still can't send more than 1g at a time either). Nobody else has sent me gold & I haven't sent anyone gold either so I'm well under the 500g limit for the week. THAT is what I don't understand.

  9. See the ranger I boosted I had played naturally to 45 and understood the class fairly well. Since then I've ran various hearts with my boyfriend on that ranger or other characters and I've been catching up on my personal story before I venture off into the Season 1 recap & then 2, 3, etc.

  10. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"gaymer.1648" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > Why do you need to mail gold in the first place just buy the thing of the tp and mail the item?

    > >

    > > Salvage kits and various things like waypoints.


    > new account needs money for those things.. why as soon as you step onto new map and kill a few mobs you have enough copper to buy your salvage kit.... except you cant even use tools until a few lvls up so something is not adding up with this thread imo.

    > Plus if your mailing to your own toons.. why cos coin is account wide. Mailing gold to others.. now things might start to unravel I think.


    We bought the expansions back on the 2nd of this month and although I've been leveling up other characters, I did use my boost on 2 characters. I've bought gems & converted some to gold on both my account and my boyfriend's account so we could have some gold. I've bought crafting materials for me to craft gear for both of us so MY account is kinda drained on coin at the moment while he has like 75g on him. Because I do all the crafting, I'm the one that needs the salvage kits to salvage the items I make that aren't needed. If salvage kits weren't account bound, I'd just buy them on his account & mail them to me. I'm not trying to mail my own characters gold because I know gold is shared between all characters on your account. As far as the waypoints go, at 80 it costs like 2s per waypoint travel and when you've got less than 50s on you, you can't travel that often.

  11. So after reading that the amount of coin you can mail between paid accounts is tiered, what exactly is this time frame & amount at each time? My boyfriend and I bought the game on the 2nd of this month and we can't even mail 1 gold to each other yet. ONE GOLD! This is just ridiculous.

  12. > New Forum Avatars


    > ArenaNet Creative Partners have fashioned new forum avatars. Click “Change Picture” on your forum profile to check them out and make a change!


    I keep getting this message when I come to the forums but I literally don't know where to go to update or change my forum avatar picture. Where?

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