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Everything posted by Tiagoht.7549

  1. Yeah, not only the warrior but any melee dps build is officially dead
  2. They don't even try to explain the changes in the patch notes anymore. Why do they want the scrapper and HB to be the only viable option for support? They killed the tempest suport and the warrior suport at the same time
  3. > @"Rakan Buuyon.8576" said: > > @"Tiagoht.7549" said: > > > @"Solanum.6983" said: > > > > @"Tiagoht.7549" said: > > > > A big buff to the big blobs out there. Another nerf based on nothing but the cries of some players. > > > > > > The reason people didn't like it was because it was a huge benefit to blobs, This change makes it a defensive tool so helps out more against blobs than anything. > > > > You can no longer take the banner from a tower to defend your keep. This is too much, they killed it. > > What should be done is to decrease the damage of the DB in uncontrolled areas > > And with that same logic, they can no longer take a banner from their tower to attack your keep. However, you can still put banners in keeps to help defend them. > > This is not a nerf to the little guy. Defenders are the only ones with banners 100% of the time now. There is no snowball effect of attackers gaining access to more and more banners as they capture the map, increasing their attacking power as they capture and hold more. Now you can only use them for defense. This is a massive buff to defending teams. > > Anyways, there's not many times when you would really have access to many banners to defend things anyways. Generally, when a keep is going to be hit, multiple towers go down first. If you have no towers, you have no extra banners. Banners until now have always favored the dominating side, which is why they where busted. They are a force multiplier designed for defense, but instead where being used for offense. The more towers you have, the more access to banners you had. The more banners you had, the less relevant it was when one went down. Sure, you only have one on demand banner now, but the attackers will never have more than 0, no matter how many towers, keeps, or castles they own. What will happen is the DB will only be used in one defense and it will be discarded because no player will want to be trapped inside a tower for 15 min waiting for the next wave. So the first raid may be hard for the attackers, but the second will be ridiculously easier. One thing that could solve this was if it was possible to drop the DB back and it stay on the floor until it expires so you or another player can take it back later if if necessary. But it should be impossible to drop while in combat or otherwise people would drop it when they about to die.
  4. > @"Solanum.6983" said: > > @"Tiagoht.7549" said: > > A big buff to the big blobs out there. Another nerf based on nothing but the cries of some players. > > The reason people didn't like it was because it was a huge benefit to blobs, This change makes it a defensive tool so helps out more against blobs than anything. You can no longer take the banner from a tower to defend your keep. This is too much, they killed it. What should be done is to decrease the damage of the DB in uncontrolled areas
  5. Next change based on the cry of the players: removing the only feature released for wvw in the last 10 years. The warclaw
  6. A big buff to the big blobs out there. Another nerf based on nothing but the cries of some players.
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