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Posts posted by Martimus.6027

  1. I agree with OP. If a guild _requires_ me to use Discord, I will leave it. I know what it's used for. It works in a raid environment, but you end up not hearing the encounter and the music. I have raided competitively in many MMO's and I've been on Ventrillo, Teamspeak, Mumble, and now DIscord. Over and over, and I don't really like Discord (or any forced voice chatting in a guild). I want to hear game sounds and music, not hear someone breathing heavy, dogs barking, someone's mother complaining to them, their telephone calls, some guy trying to sound funny and joke and get attention when none of it is funny but he thinks he's super super funny and the guild jokester, with people reinforcing it with "ha you're so funny you're so crazy." People telling silly inside jokes that go on and on and on and nobody gets but them and they act like little children giggling. I don't want to hear someone's political opinion with them assuming we all agree and are in the same mental bubble as them. I think Discord has become a way for people to act like they have actual friends without having to leave their house.

  2. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > > Dwarves have been done to death in this genre. We need Tengu and some very clever writers to explain how they were here the entire time.

    > > > >

    > > > > What about humans, then? Humans are in every single MMO. Haven't humans been done to death, too? Though I do agree, Tengu should be a new race.

    > > >

    > > > Not sure if you're aware of this, but humans actually exist. They aren't a fantasy race. Dwarves don't exist, they are a fantasy race. That's a big difference right there.

    > >

    > > Dwarves do exist. Never heard of Warwick Davis?

    > >

    > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarfism

    > >

    > > It's a bit unkind to deny an entire distinct genotype of people "nonexistent."


    > Are you saying he isn't human?


    Nope. I'm saying he is a dwarf and dwarves exist. He's a human dwarf. But this is detracting from the fact that whether a race exists in real life has zero bearing on if it should be in a fantasy MMORPG.

  3. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > > > > Dwarves have been done to death in this genre. We need Tengu and some very clever writers to explain how they were here the entire time.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > What about humans, then? Humans are in every single MMO. Haven't humans been done to death, too? Though I do agree, Tengu should be a new race.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Not sure if you're aware of this, but humans actually exist. They aren't a fantasy race. Dwarves don't exist, they are a fantasy race. That's a big difference right there.

    > > > >

    > > > > Dwarves do exist. Never heard of Warwick Davis?

    > > >

    > > > Warwick Davis is a human. He is a short human with a genetic condition called dwarfism but he is not a member of a fantasy race.

    > >

    > > So my argument was rather ridiculous, eh?

    > >

    > > If people are concerned about realism being represented in a fantasy MMORPG, then they should get rid of magic.


    > I was pointing out that your post about Mr Davis was illogical as he is a human and therefore his existence doesn’t back up your argument about whether or not a race of dwarves should be in game.


    I get that. But I am using what you pointed out to make a point to the previous poster that pointing out that Humans actually exist as to why they deserve to be represented in every fantasy game is ludicrous to me.

  4. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > > > Dwarves have been done to death in this genre. We need Tengu and some very clever writers to explain how they were here the entire time.

    > > > >

    > > > > What about humans, then? Humans are in every single MMO. Haven't humans been done to death, too? Though I do agree, Tengu should be a new race.

    > > >

    > > > Not sure if you're aware of this, but humans actually exist. They aren't a fantasy race. Dwarves don't exist, they are a fantasy race. That's a big difference right there.

    > >

    > > Dwarves do exist. Never heard of Warwick Davis?


    > Warwick Davis is a human. He is a short human with a genetic condition called dwarfism but he is not a member of a fantasy race.


    So my argument was rather ridiculous, eh?


    If people are concerned about realism being represented in a fantasy MMORPG, then they should get rid of magic.

  5. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > > > Dwarves have been done to death in this genre. We need Tengu and some very clever writers to explain how they were here the entire time.

    > >

    > > What about humans, then? Humans are in every single MMO. Haven't humans been done to death, too? Though I do agree, Tengu should be a new race.


    > Not sure if you're aware of this, but humans actually exist. They aren't a fantasy race. Dwarves don't exist, they are a fantasy race. That's a big difference right there.


    Dwarves do exist. Never heard of Warwick Davis?




    It's a bit unkind to deny an entire distinct genotype of people "nonexistent."

  6. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?

    > >

    > > Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.

    > >

    > > Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?

    > >

    > >


    > Its not that people are against the idea...... merely that the arguments in favor of it are superficial at best. Guildwars 2 is, at an almost fundamental level, a Subversion of everything Everquest and WoW solidified as the MMORPG archetype. This includes the Tolkeinesqe tropes on which modern Fantasy is built upon. Everything, no matter how similar to the archetype it is on the surface, has some kind of spin on it to enable a different type of story to be told. Sylvari are both the equal and opposite of High Elves. Where as High Elves are typically among, if not the, oldest race of immortals, who have a society built on aristocraticy traditions that reflect their long lives, and jaded in their racist views of other sentient species, and share an unusual bond with nature and what they deem to be the natural order; the Sylvari are a race of children..... innocent, curious, and highly impressionable. By far the youngest race (the oldest among them not even 30 years of age), they explore their equivalent of "the human condition" as learn and interact with the world around them. Spanning many types of personalities, the only thing all of them have in common is a drive to discover their purpose in their lives, and act upon the notion of what it means. Canoch is bitter toward the world, and sees it filled with corruption and suffering..... but while his actions were seen as criminal, or at least misguided, his motivation is a strong sense of moral justice. The contention between the Nightmare Court and the Pale Tree is a clash of philosophies between Personal Freedom and Duty to Community.


    > In the case of the Dwarves, Guildwars 1 handled them as a "slow burning" elder race... old enough to remember a time before the human civilizations, but not enough memory of it to retain absolute clarity. Their role and lore were not at all fleshed out, and had only only existed to provide a supporting role in the story being told. Their set up and description is pretty bland in terms of Fantasy settings, and trying to fully expand upon what existed would most likely go down the same road many others have tread. Knowing this, Anet made the decision to marginalize them and the elder races, in order to pave way for the younger races to take the spot light for Utopia, the cancelled campaign that many suspected had a story arc based on time travel. Its hard to say when Plans for GW2 and having non-human races as an option was conceived- but it was clear Utopia was meant to lay the lore foundation that was eventually made into Guildwars 2.


    > While much of their fantasy elements are drawn directly from typical tropes, they made a great deal of effort to make each noteworthy in their own right. For the Dwarves, it was taking a battle against an ancient foe that lurked beneath the world, and give them a show down that would end them both in Glorious battle. An idea that plays into everything that defines dwarves as a trope, blended with a Norse-like mythology that is both like and unlike them to various extremes.



    > But this raises the question..... if none of that happened, and Dwarves survived until the time of Dragons, how would they fit into political landscape of modern Tyria? They hold far too much clout, and are too few in number (even in GW1 era), to not play a huge defining role in the formation of the Tyrian Pact, and the 5 Nation armies against the dragons. The core of the GW2 story is getting the young races to solve the problems the Elder races couldn't. ... thus an army of dwarves would have to be in the middle of it, marching themselves and their allies to certain doom. Which if you were paying attention, is what makes up a huge part of Nightfall's plot line. Its already been done within this world's lore.... and was arguably the weakest of the 3 campaigns due to its themes of warring gods, where the only resolution that doesn't end in world shattering destruction, was found in the hands of a group of Mortals. Which makes it double ironic that Path of Fire was written on that same theme, and told the story far better.


    > Anyway, this has become a ramble.... So I leave you with this question. What significance, real, world building significance, would having playable Dwarves offer the game, besides the "flavor" or superficial "choice"? How would they make themselves distinct by what they "ARE" and not solely about what they "were". Even the Asura, who full of themselves as to think of other intelligent species as little more then "sentient pests", had grown substantially as a culture in the wake of their exile to the surface. Would it be even half as interesting if Dwarves had met the same fate? Would they just be "less cranky" with their pride shattered, and utterly demoralized in their failure to defend their home?


    Yeeaaaaaaa, umm. I want a new race, period... I'm not a dwarf cheerleader in any way. I would prefer Tengu or an aquatic race.


  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > If you can go back to the archives, you'll see that literally every single argument these naysayers are using as to why ANet won't add another race has already been stated precisely as to why we couldn't get a new class. And yet, here we are with Revenants.


    > Except when it comes to personal story and all of the armor skins needing to be re-done. Oh yeah, there’s also all of the character dialogue that needs to be done to match the new race.


    > New race != New Class


    The racial tutorials and initial quests can be totally skipped.

  8. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > This game absolutely needs a new playable race. Not to the level of ridiculousness like WoW, but I think two more playable races would help quite a bit. I ONLY like humans and Sylvari. The others are _fugly_. Dwarf would be nice, or a bird race or reptilian one.


    > None of what you wrote is a reason that the game _needs_ a new playable race. Don't make such a bold claim without statements that actually back it up


    It is my opinion. That's how opinions work.

  9. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Dwarves have been done to death in this genre. We need Tengu and some very clever writers to explain how they were here the entire time.


    What about humans, then? Humans are in every single MMO. Haven't humans been done to death, too? Though I do agree, Tengu should be a new race.

  10. > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > And this discussion became what it was the moment _you _ acted like an authority figure and moderator on how I posted and what I said (which you misrepresented). You could have easily left all of that out, including the snark, and this wouldn't have taken the turn it did.

    > >

    > > But yet again, the chastisement continues. I'll let you have the last word. Seems like you want it.


    > Oh come now don't act as though you sponsored a positive environment for this thread. Blame it on me if it helps you though. As for the snark I'll be honest normally I'm not to bad about it, but it does irritate me when I see people act like there aren't logical reasons to disagree with them anf either ignore them or just not read them as what happened here. Had you taken the time to read the polite, knowledgeable, and well thought out replies here before making that post I originally replied to I would've felt no need to respond. Because you didn't however I felt you should be made aware that these posts do exist and that you should really read them. But it seems like this is more like one of those "I want this so don't disagree with me" threads and not a "let's start a discussion on if this should be added."


    > That aside I've said my piece. Seeing as you feel I'm the negative part of this thread apparently I will gladly see myself out with this final reply. Hope you listen to those who posted valuable counter points here, cya~



    Ok, let's both take a step back and be nicer, shall we? I will if you will.


    However, please stop assuming you know/telling me what I have and have not read on this forum topic. I am very well aware of every single reason people have listed for this argument against a new race (because it was also used as to why we couldn't have a new class in the past):


    It's too expensive and time consuming (it would be too hard)

    The lore would need to be totally reworked to include them (it would be too hard)

    Resources would better be used to balance the game (it would be too hard - also this is not nearly as profitable resource-wise as adding a new race)

    It is a waste of resources (totally subjective opinion, also it would be too hard - also keep in mind the sheer cosmetic nonsense added to the gem store on a regular basis that also takes time and resources but somehow is not a waste of resources - perhaps because it generates profit. Huh...*ponder*).


    Now, let's also keep this in mind: every single argument made on here against adding a new race was also repeatedly done ad nauseum in the past as to why a new _class_ would not/could not/should not (with a goat) be added. And yet here we are with a Revenant, somehow. I guess all that wasted resource turned out to be not a waste Huh.. *ponder*. Miraculously, Heart of Thorns sold well and brought in new players and kept current ones. It's like it wasn't a waste of resources because it brought in a profit...and then allowed another expansion to be released.


    Those responses preclude the idea that an added race would not make an enormous profit (It would, and most likely by every single GW2 player, and it would also bring other players in who liked the race enough to start playing GW2 - I personally know friends who will not play the game because they do hate the current races and their aesthetic).



    ...but if you believe I will stop advocating for one simply because of the reasons listed, you are mistaken. I firmly believe, that eventually, we ARE going to get a new race added to this game. The bell has been rung and the sound is resonating.


    DING! Tengu! DING!

  11. > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?

    > > > >

    > > > > Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Man you did not read through all the replies did you. Not even my thread and I had the decency to read through most of em. First off I'll start with my personal opinion. I don't think new races are needed, let alone inevitable. Would I buy a new expansion for that? Yes but only to support the game itself, as I do love the game, however I'd be disappointed in the direction it took. I have 42 characters and I adore lore and fashion wars but I would not want this waste of resources.

    > > >

    > > > Now as for what I've seen in this thread there are some incredibly logical arguments for why a new races should not be added. Is it possible? Technically yes. Would it require rewriting/adding things to every portion of the game, creating new starter maps, voice lines, racial abilities, changing the lore, and making sure all current armors could fit them? Yes. That is a huge load, maybe even more than an expac, all for a very small addition to the game. I would much rather get more skins, new maps, and improvements to our current game modes any day, not because I "hate more fun and flavor" but because I see what a waste of resources it would be.

    > >

    > > No i did not read through literally every single reply. I am not required to do so, and you are not a forum moderator. Now that that is out of the way, unless you work at ANet you can't determine in any way whatsoever what is a 'waste of resources' for them. At all. Everything you stated is all your opinion, and that's fine. But for you to assume authority and sit in an ivory tower and cast down your gavel of judgement on what would constitute a 'waste' is utterly subjective and absolutely not up to you. I guess a choya pinata tonic, kite skins and 'costumes' are all 'not a waste' but adding something as amazing as a new race that quite a few people would like, is a waste. Gotcha.


    > Well, that was certainly aggressive...


    > All I did was stating my opinion, and adding what I thought was the most logical reasons for why Anet did or did not want to do that. After all, this kind of thread comes up just about every single week since launch, most of us have seen the arguments back and forth a few hundred times by now. And ANet has never shown any interesting in changing their stance on this (as in "not right now"). So there isn't much left to do but repeat the same old things, or make it into another "Dram thread, what if I got everything I ever wanted in this game" style.


    > > But for you to assume authority and sit in an ivory tower and cast down your gavel of judgement on what would constitute a 'waste' is utterly subjective and absolutely not up to you.


    > I guess I could throw that one right back at you in this case, are you the one that allows us or not to post logical arguments in a discussion thread?


    > > I guess a choya pinata tonic, kite skins and 'costumes' are all 'not a waste' but adding something as amazing as a new race that quite a few people would like, is a waste. Gotcha.


    > Personally I am much more interested in the WvW world restructuring, balancing of classes to make PVP based combat actually fun again (as it hasn't been since before HOT), and stop all the powercreep since HOT release. Alternatively if we're going into wish mode: I'd like to see other additions first, like re-designing general mobs in the game to make PVE combat more engaging and fun, a hard mode for open world, like vanquish mode from gw1. But under no circumstance do I expect or demand ANet to make those, because I realize they're a waste of resources compared to what they could gain from it (economically).


    > :(


    Ask yourself this question, then please:


    Do you really think adding a new race in a new expansion won't make them a decent respectable profit, versus giving those balance changes you want, for free?

  12. > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?

    > > > >

    > > > > Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Man you did not read through all the replies did you. Not even my thread and I had the decency to read through most of em. First off I'll start with my personal opinion. I don't think new races are needed, let alone inevitable. Would I buy a new expansion for that? Yes but only to support the game itself, as I do love the game, however I'd be disappointed in the direction it took. I have 42 characters and I adore lore and fashion wars but I would not want this waste of resources.

    > > >

    > > > Now as for what I've seen in this thread there are some incredibly logical arguments for why a new races should not be added. Is it possible? Technically yes. Would it require rewriting/adding things to every portion of the game, creating new starter maps, voice lines, racial abilities, changing the lore, and making sure all current armors could fit them? Yes. That is a huge load, maybe even more than an expac, all for a very small addition to the game. I would much rather get more skins, new maps, and improvements to our current game modes any day, not because I "hate more fun and flavor" but because I see what a waste of resources it would be.

    > >

    > > No i did not read through literally every single reply. I am not required to do so, and you are not a forum moderator. Now that that is out of the way, unless you work at ANet you can't determine in any way whatsoever what is a 'waste of resources' for them. At all. Everything you stated is all your opinion, and that's fine. But for you to assume authority and sit in an ivory tower and cast down your gavel of judgement on what would constitute a 'waste' is utterly subjective and absolutely not up to you. I guess a choya pinata tonic, kite skins and 'costumes' are all 'not a waste' but adding something as amazing as a new race that quite a few people would like, is a waste. Gotcha.


    > Alright it's going to be one of those discussions I see lol. First I'm gonna do you the courtesy of ignoring all that ivory tower stuff and other dramatic things as I don't want to waste time on it. Now moving on from there your eyes are correct, I am indeed not a forum moderator. Also correct is that you do not have to read through all the replies that responded to you. However you did say;

    > "So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" "

    > So you said all you were seeing from people is that it would be hard. At this point I highly encourage you to go back and actually read the replies as I can ensure you there was plenty more than that.


    > Now to the next point. Once again good for you you are correct, I do not work for Anet. However I do have the wonderful ability to think so there are some things I can assess. If I see someone drive down the road throwing money out their window I can say that is a waste of money. If I see someone buy food then throw it away without eating I can safely say that was a waste of food. Part of what I said was indeed my opinion, I even said that explicitly, but a good bit were things Anet would have to do. That is not an opinion. And, once again, I invite you to read through the replies to *your* thread and see how people write out well thought out, knowledgeable replies to why they think Anet will never bother with a new race, despite the fact that at least one of these threads pops up every month.


    > You have a good day now, and I truly do hope you take the time to read your own thread.


    No. I said all I am seeing from _people who are arguing against there being another race_ is that it is super hard (it's called paraphrasing - that's what it boils down to and I stand by my assessment). I specifically did not state that that was all that was being said by literally everyone who posted. Please don't put words in my mouth. And this discussion became what it was the moment _you _ acted like an authority figure and moderator on how I posted and what I said (which you misrepresented). You could have easily left all of that out, including the snark, and this wouldn't have taken the turn it did.


    But yet again, the chastisement continues. I'll let you have the last word. Seems like you want it.

  13. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > > > Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?

    > > > >

    > > > > Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.

    > > > >

    > > > > Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Man you did not read through all the replies did you. Not even my thread and I had the decency to read through most of em. First off I'll start with my personal opinion. I don't think new races are needed, let alone inevitable. Would I buy a new expansion for that? Yes but only to support the game itself, as I do love the game, however I'd be disappointed in the direction it took. I have 42 characters and I adore lore and fashion wars but I would not want this waste of resources.

    > > >

    > > > Now as for what I've seen in this thread there are some incredibly logical arguments for why a new races should not be added. Is it possible? Technically yes. Would it require rewriting/adding things to every portion of the game, creating new starter maps, voice lines, racial abilities, changing the lore, and making sure all current armors could fit them? Yes. That is a huge load, maybe even more than an expac, all for a very small addition to the game. I would much rather get more skins, new maps, and improvements to our current game modes any day, not because I "hate more fun and flavor" but because I see what a waste of resources it would be.

    > >

    > > No i did not read through literally every single reply. I am not required to do so, and you are not a forum moderator. Now that that is out of the way, unless you work at ANet you can't determine in any way whatsoever what is a 'waste of resources' for them. At all. Everything you stated is all your opinion, and that's fine. But for you to assume authority and sit in an ivory tower and cast down your gavel of judgement on what would constitute a 'waste' is utterly subjective and absolutely not up to you. I guess a choya pinata tonic, kite skins and 'costumes' are all 'not a waste' but adding something as amazing as a new race that quite a few people would like, is a waste. Gotcha.


    > They specifically stated it was such and that there were other things that they could work on.


    Colin himself stated that he would like to see a new playable race. They never said never, but they said not right now. They certainly didn't say it was a 'waste' of resources.

  14. > @"Moonlit.6421" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?

    > >

    > > Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.

    > >

    > > Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?

    > >


    > Man you did not read through all the replies did you. Not even my thread and I had the decency to read through most of em. First off I'll start with my personal opinion. I don't think new races are needed, let alone inevitable. Would I buy a new expansion for that? Yes but only to support the game itself, as I do love the game, however I'd be disappointed in the direction it took. I have 42 characters and I adore lore and fashion wars but I would not want this waste of resources.


    > Now as for what I've seen in this thread there are some incredibly logical arguments for why a new races should not be added. Is it possible? Technically yes. Would it require rewriting/adding things to every portion of the game, creating new starter maps, voice lines, racial abilities, changing the lore, and making sure all current armors could fit them? Yes. That is a huge load, maybe even more than an expac, all for a very small addition to the game. I would much rather get more skins, new maps, and improvements to our current game modes any day, not because I "hate more fun and flavor" but because I see what a waste of resources it would be.


    No i did not read through literally every single reply. I am not required to do so, and you are not a forum moderator. Now that that is out of the way, unless you work at ANet you can't determine in any way whatsoever what is a 'waste of resources' for them. At all. Everything you stated is all your opinion, and that's fine. But for you to assume authority and sit in an ivory tower and cast down your gavel of judgement on what would constitute a 'waste' is utterly subjective and absolutely not up to you. I guess a choya pinata tonic, kite skins and 'costumes' are all 'not a waste' but adding something as amazing as a new race that quite a few people would like, is a waste. Gotcha.

  15. Cooking is terribly designed. Just terribly designed.


    Real cooking isn't anywhere near that limited or strict. Discovering new recipes is about FREEDOM in real life, not like it is in GW2. You MUST pick the correct things to add. You MUST! Or you can't do anything with it at all. Cooking isn't really like that, is it? If I have eggs, milk, flour, sugar and some fruit, I can make quite a few different things, depending on those ingredients, but if you have those things in GW2, too bad. If you're missing that ONE OTHER thing, you can't even discover anything new to cook.


    Real life cooking is about experimentation. GW2 cooking is about plugging in the exact right item into those boxes to hopefully come up with something you didn't even care about.


    So please, let's not try and compare real cooking to GW2 cooking in some weird effort to try and defend how awful a profession it is.

  16. Do you people not want additional races or what? Are you arguing against more flavor, fun, and game options just to argue against it?


    Come on. So far, all I'm seeing from people for there not being another race added is, "it's like, super haaaaaaard tho" as if you speak for ANet.


    Well, yea. It's hard. We don't do complex and intricate things because they're easy. Yea it would take money and time. So maybe not devote resources to more skins and outfits and all that stuff and shift it to adding a new race in an expansion. I would buy it. Wouldn't you guys?



  17. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > > @"Martimus.6027" said:

    > > Then they should retcon it. They are going to eventually have to add a new race at some point. It's inevitable, from my perspective.


    > It will probably be tengu


    And that would be pretty amazing. Would love to be a birb Firebrand

  18. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > Assuming that there is a “Great Dwarf”.


    > I don’t think that dwarves can be added unless Anet retconned some things. I think pretty much all of them were bashed to pieces or melted when fighting Primordus and the destroyers.


    If only ANet could just....write a story in which a huge underground vault of dwarves was waiting until they got turned back into flesh and emerged again...


    But I guess they don't have total lore control over their own franchise or something....oh wait.

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