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Posts posted by cyberzombie.7348

  1. The combination of real-time, large-scale battles, freedom of stat combinations, and the ability to use siege engines. It's like I'm playing a rts but on a more personal level with most encounters (when evenly numbered) and objectives feeling precarious yet rewarding to accomplish.

  2. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

    > > "No new map in WvW... seriously, why no new siege machines and environment"

    > >

    > > Tbf, they have tested the waters by creating the Desert Borderlands along with special events (ex: golem rush, no downstate, and core swap) and things like deployable cannons and repair hammers which the feedback from it was, more or less ill-received.


    > They were ill-received because these were gimmicky events that no one asked for instead of putting that effort into changes people actually want and have asked for.


    True that.

  3. Deadeye is designed for precise elimination so yeah, to just be roaming and capping is counter-productive and from a wvw perspective I always found the mobility excuse mostly bs. Even when running shortbow+shadowstep, I had to chase nike warriors, rangers, engineers, weavers, and heralds for about 4k units before they tab out which is sufficient amount of distance to rush from home to far on most maps. Problem is some won't look beyond the surface and treat the tactic of "thieves capping points while avoiding most of the combat" as a foolproof plan, regardless whether they're kitted for it.

  4. Holosmiths primarily, whether I play power or condi as a Thief player they're my bane especially if the have Lock-On traited. Scrappers are more manageable since they're mostly support or brusiers and the attacks are easier to read. I don't mind core Engineers but at the same time they are underpowered for the amount of finesse needed just to play it competently.

  5. > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > **Gliders:**

    > 1. Heavily restricted use, only for your own territory. May glide into enemy territory a bit, but can't open glider once closed and will eventually be forced out of it.

    > 2. No second health bar.

    > 3. No dodges or other skills, player is defenseless.

    > 4. Can't stay in the air forever.


    Just to add, on you can also be cc'd or ballista'd out of gliding which can result in death upon landing.



  6. Just a crack at the things that's relatively underperforming


    1. Buff Malice Signet to Restoration Signet's level

    2. Give Distracting Daggers bit more utility like making it a projectile finisher or remove boons on interrupt

    3. Either give Devourer and Ice Drake venoms more stacks or longer durations

    4. Give caltrops ground targeting like Shadow Refuge and torment

  7. 1. Firebrands: For essentially having a monopoly in healing/support roles.

    2. Holosmiths: When setup right they can be a nigh invincible bruiser due to their high access to boons, traited damage mitigation, and recovery out of the holoforge.

    3. Mirage: The combination of main-hand axe and Infinite Horizon more specifically. The axe skills are relatively bloated in effects for their cd and when coupled with Infinite Horizion makes clearing out the clones when needed more of a gamble.

  8. Well one pipe dream I had through out the years was to keep range from rifled barrels and have the choice between automation and manuall control, with the manual option working like the old mortar giving addition of 3 new skills and damage/range bonus with the expense of being rooted. So it functions like miniature siege.


    PS: Coming from tf2, I always wondered what was so op about the turrets here, it only made up at most 10% of the total damage :/


  9. Thief and Engineer are my top picks for both their theme and it just feels the most analog to play. Having to constantly chain skills both offensively and defensively. My least favorite is Revenant. Despite it being a decent class it just feels rushed, unfinished, and while it intended to be the heavy armored jack-of-all-traits class it doesn't share the same synergy and finesse like Engineer and Elementalist. Plus it's the only class in the game where you don't have access to racial skills.

  10. -Overall I'm just bored and sick of conquest. Over the first year of playing ranked I realised it just boils down to from my perspective; 1: bring your most busted build, 2: outnumber your opponent. Tried ranked again few years later and my perspective hasn't changed.


    -While being so focused on conquest to prosper for over 5 years, the other two (deathmatch and stronghold) has very little to nothing invested and left to rot. At one point playing stronghold for nearly 2 years felt more like a breath of fresh air.


    -Watered down maps


    -The trend of having achievements baked into beta maps. It always lead into people solely choosing the same map, which gets old.


    -Having most of my builds I created throughout the years rendered either defunct or obsolete.


    -Almost everything appears so spam-friendly to the point I hardly bother counting/timing cds and dodges of enemies in most fights.

  11. It's a tough decision between Head of the Snake - Confessor's End or Victory or Death - Air Drop but I'll go with Air Drop. First time playing, it was pretty mind-blowing how the prototype glolem could decimate hoards of risen which still to this day makes me wonder why such a golem was never reused, updated or even mentioned throughout the later stories.

  12. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > > @"cyberzombie.7348" said:

    > > After 6+ years with all of the updates Ankle Shots, Ice Drake/Spider venom, and Clatrops are still the most useless things to equip


    > Ankle shots is fine in any build with a pistol in it. Any build with a pistol in it (such as sword/pistol) has reason to take over practiced tolerance and especially if you can maintain cripple. Sundering shade could use some love .




    My gripe for ankle shots is the damage modifier, it's only worth using over practiced tolerance if your gear has a total precision of 530 or lower. For the cripple, I can see how it can help maintain an ideal range against a melee opponent but from what I experienced, most people will just bypass the cripple using their teleports and movement skills (like: rush, vault, or swoop) to close the gap or kite away.

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