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Posts posted by Bawi.9541

  1. > @"Ourasa.7306" said:

    > My guess on the **general consensus**: They should reduce energy costs but add cooldowns.


    Absolutely not general consensus. The energy + cd system is fine as is. Stunbreaks for rev, maybe not so much.

  2. **Chanter** from **AION**

    Pretty similar to Alacrigade in GW2 now that i think about it. Support/pDPS hybrid with good CC. What i liked better in AION:

    - Auto-attack weaving in AION was a lot of fun and felt super satisfying; in GW2 it's barely tolerable to me. AION weaving felt simpler, better paced, animation canceling instead of auto attack chain counting, just overall really fun to play. Better/clearer/distinct hit indicator maybe? I cant put my finger on it

    - A few big impact cooldowns besides the passive mantras and the spammy buffs

    - Staff as main weapon; the aesthetics


    From this thread, wow druid, rift talent trees in general, and ragnarok online's sage were fun too^^

  3. Most renegade builds are build around Charged Mists, which needs you to swap <10 energy.

    If you're mid-air, like half the time in Whispers of Jormag strike mission, you can't swap legends.


    That leads to really annoying gameplay, for no good reason. I'm pretty sure legend swap was even available mid-air in earlier patches.

  4. > @"Mordayn.6198" said:

    > So I'm of 2 minds about DPS meters. I personally like the idea of being able to see my DPS compared to others in group so i can improve my game but a segment of the Raid community uses it purely at the end of an engagement to chastise or criticize other players. It's not healthy for the game mode in general to use it that way and honestly shouldn't be allowed. I've seen **particular players**, not naming names, not even playing dps but at the end of an engagement will call out people for DPS that's not even that low at the end of a fight and in some cases even kick based on that. These players don't take into account dps lost doing mechanics, dps lost reviving people etc. They just look at the overall dps readout at the end of the fight and use numbers to chastise other players. It's honestly about as toxic as you can be using an external tool that purely looks at dps output and doesn't show any kind of mechanic competence for the actual fight. It's a growing problem and toxic to the mode that turns a lot of people away from raiding. **Giving constructive criticism is fine.** Help players understand what about their build they can improve but don't be toxic. I've seen people at the end of every pull call out dps numbers nearly every pull and not think about anything other than numbers. I don't think allowing this kind of toxicity is healthy for the game in the long run because it just leads to less people raiding overall.


    What I'm reading is "idiots are idiots, and that's a problem". Not sure how you came to the conclusion that dps meters are a problem; and I couldn't find any conclusive train of thought in your post either :/


    Idiots on both sides are a problem; whether they're harrassing other players with data they themselves don't understand what to do with, or on the other side players failing the most basic mechanics of spamming 1 and F.


    You guys are looking at a symptom, not the root cause.

  5. Glad they are starting to crack down on the more retarded ways to "play" the game, like multi loot. Plus trying to fix more events to a state of being playable.

    Still not a fan of them preying on the idiots who suck at statistics (and at the same time fueling the tp baron game), but eh, if that means diverse events being populated, fuck em, fine with me lol


    Cautiosly optimistic.

  6. Wait, so there was an unannounced scam event and now the people that got scammed are salty, and the people that didn't get online in time to be scammed are salty. lul


    guys pls let's do a kickstarter and pay for some QA dude for anet, no job experience required, just someone to save anet from themselves :/

  7. only read OP tbh.


    1) Guardian GS auto is 19k (or so) too

    2) The guides on some of the sites are... **rough...** The 33k guide is labeled as 33k on small golem; then the run is done on big golem (with scepter 2 ecks dee). The guide has a short looping rotation that always links the procession of blades trap to GS; in the vid he only links it to spear and ANY symbol (which obviously has a tighter fit to when it comes off CD). The guide doesn't mention GS 3 nor 5; the video uses both. One of those guide sites uses F1 spear every 10 seconds rotationally, etc.

    Also, the fact that is lists a rotation at all. **Guardian works on a priority list**, which obviously becomes a loop at some point if you're only doing golems. But as soon as there's any mechanics in a fight, you can either fall back on understanding the priority list, or you're fucked.


    **DH is about stacking all the % multipliers** it has with its big damage skills, and finding a balance between holding skills to sync them with the next 'burst' (the most % damage multipliers possible) or using them quickly to get them to recharge faster (thus more casts per unit of time). And about keeping symbols down, not randomly canceling GS auto chain, using skills like SoJ to replace scepter autos (scepter symbol -> Sword of Justice). About finding a good opener for the fight, which tends to be really similar.



    Besides that, not sure it still works like that, but you could speed up both the after cast delay of Scepter2 and GS4.

  8. Not needed unless for fractals. Try not to let the ocd/anxiety that some vocal players have about ascended gear get to you.


    This often cited "11% more damage" includes upgrading the weapon, which alone makes up half the damage difference (wiki how damage works if you care to know why exactly). Plus iirc it was calculated with Berserker stats, which is a highly synergistic stat spread, where every stat gets more valuable the more you have of the others.


    From a value point of view, upgrading pdps weapons to ascended is the last upgrade that I would argue is worth it. And if you like the content the jewelry is just a relatively short grind away.

  9. tbh i only read the title.


    **My problems with ele**:

    a) **Most of the ele mechanics scale heavily with stats.** Or if you look at it the other way around, they **rely on stats to be useful**.

    For example ele having access to lots of healing skills that do nothing in a offensive gear setup, as opposed to say aegis/evades/etc. And at the same time I feel like ele is balanced around the idea of theoretically having access to those skills - and I don't even disagree with that notion. I disagree with that design choice.

    On the other hand they can't up any of the base stats, without making single purpose builds completely broken in what they do.

    b) **The trait lines are too single purpose.**

    An issue connected to the first one. You can build a really tanky bunker with strong healing and protection uptime etc. Or you can build a super glassy DPS character that has to be fed boons and be babysat by a full group. But it is almost impossible to build a well-rounded ele character rn.

    My problem with it is the fact that if you stack offensive trait lines and gear, that build kinda dictates the cap of how good an ele can perform offensively - it is the obvious build that Anet has to balance around. If you build a tanky healer with traits+gear, then that build kinda dictates how strong a defensive ele build can be allowed to be without breaking the game.


    **If you combine those two issues you end up in a situation where you can't build a well-rounded character that is not starved for both stat points and trait lines.**


    And from a designer perspective it's the same predicament. A broken and meta defining ele is just a number's change away. Plus ele has historical baggage in GW2, zerker staff being pve meta defining for years, cele ele dagger/dagger pvp, ... I don't trust anet to untangle this mess tbh.



    That's what made me quit ele; as soon as they don't get carried by super broken damage and mechanics (wall FGS, line-casting Meteor Shower,...), there is little incentive to play a hard-to-play, squishy, group-reliant character that does only _good _DPS. But maybe I'm just shit at ele :3

  10. I think that's the most practical approach, the way you're doing it right now.

    Going full support is a fun playstyle, and can carry really hard in situations where you need that much healing. But that's just not the reality of 99% of content in GW2.

    And you're losing all solo capabilities for going full heal-bot. The condi quickbrand combines really high damage with good boon support, but skips on the healing bonuses, which is a really good fit for what GW2 actually demands of the player.


    If you're new to the game; support in GW2 is disconnected from stats on gear, and comes down mostly to traits and the skills/weapons you pick. For example all Guardians have really strong defenses against projectiles, and access to Stability (boon) and Aegis (boon).

    Only if you really wanna commit hard to support and heal-bot playstyle stats like Healing on gear become interesting.


    That's my take on it at least ^^

  11. IMO you're trading a good F2 on core for an excellent F1 on DH, so there's that. DH F2... I'm not convinced a 11k HP class should glide through the air for so long, without stability or evade, on a healing skill... F3 active is a joke on both.


    For Firebrand IMO the trade-off is that Core Guardian has so many good trait-lines and no filler trait-lines like some other classes, so losing any one is a trade-off in and of itself. Plus the massively increased cooldowns. Plus most meta (aka synergistic) builds can't really afford to take Renewed Focus to reset them, unlike Core Guardian.



    I think Guardian, especially Firebrand, is a class where the trade-off system already works. Another good example would be the concept of Weaver IMO. You're losing the quick switches for new powerful skills. (Not that the whole class doesn't have a bajillion problems, but I think the trade-off idea - if they wanna roll with that - works on weaver too.)

  12. Things you could look into:

    Minstrel/Harrier Monk Firebrand heal-bot

    Condi Quickbrand (check youtube Nike!)

    I personally like Diviner/Berserker Quickbrand with Fireworks Runes, but you won't find that one on any of the meta sites; and it's more of a burst+boon hybrid with runspeed than a full support


    Mace/Shield + Staff is the full heal-bot setup. You could take axe or sword for their boon if you don't need mace healing.

    Sigils I like boon duration and healing% for full supports.

    Firebrand > Core and DH.


    Depending on what events you're doing, following a commander and spamming 1 might be enough; really depends on the content you wanna do

  13. It takes disproportionately long compared to the rest of the gear achievements. That said, you could join a bridge group (boring af) or **just do a quick round of bridge events after the meta finished and the map has reset**. Easy +3 every time. Which means you'll have your bridges before you have 10/10 meta events.

  14. This map is so fucking beautiful. And it is fun and intuitive to maneuver, at least to me. 10/10

    This map alone was worth checking gw2 out again after a 1year break.


    So far I've done:

    the scale collection: really fun without a guide!

    the diviner gear boxes: it's okay, except for the bridge event count. just your average ingame guide to how the meta works.

    handful of runs of the meta event: i like that most of the rewards are tied to event completion and not to tagging stuff with some lootstick weapon, i like how healing feels impactful, i like the difficulty for pugs, i fucking love how open the maps is

    diviner ascended jewelry: the pace at which you get them feels good; it's not super free but not a mindless grind either

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