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Posts posted by ZeroSkitzo.5403

  1. > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > So, in conclusion, yes Strength Spellbreaker will probably remain the meta. However, I would keep an eye on Defense as, post-patch, it may provide quite a bit of sustain that may see a return to the old Defense Spellbreaker or even Core warrior. As for more fringe builds like condi and power Berserker, I don't have enough experience with these builds to really say, but I see no reason why they would be any more viable than they are now. But again, so much is changing so who really knows.



    Super detailed and helpful post! Will be interested to get your thoughts once the patch hits :)

  2. > @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

    > > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

    > > Because you like it more than the other meta builds. Boonbeast is a side noder as well so holds its own against spb and mirage


    > Assuming two players of equal skill...is there any possibility that a Soulbeast can beast a Mirage?


    A bow soulbeast, no. An axe boonbeast, I’d say they’re equal. Hard to find people with exact equal skill but most on the forums will probably say mirage ultimately.

  3. Reaper is in a solid enough spot in spvp that it’s enjoyable to me. I started out with spellbreaker, core ranger, soul beast and core guard but have liked the reaper the most so far. The aoe cleave, theme, aesthetics, support (if you run blood magic although going to try a more selfish build next with soul reaping) are all what I enjoy most about it. Sure they lack heavily on defensive side so positioning is key and understanding what your opponents can/can’t do to you.

  4. Are these with identifying or just selling on TP? I only seem to get shitty dyes so seems like a waste but not exactly hurting for gold either with them only like 30S a pop. Just wondering if it’s purely RNG or the more dyes you have, the higher chance to get rare ones?

  5. > @"joeherbert.6431" said:

    > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > > @"EUmad.7645" said:

    > > > it is not better to take EM in mirage line ? it is not better to take sword pistol instead of sword focus ? You can trait pistol easily with dueling

    > >

    > > Generally yes it’s better to take EM for the condi clear on dodge, however, it’s better to get used to using something else because the proposed nerf to EM by getting exhaustion will make the trait useless. They could get rid of the stun break on dodge and replace it with something else or put it on a cd but nah. Nuke it from orbit.

    > >

    > > Again yes it is better to take pistol. Focus has never been great, good yes, great no. The phantasm change on focus makes it trash in anything other than a 1v1 because the damage is split between targets rather than cleaving. Duelist or swordmans would be better options.


    > I seem to do well enough that I don't need the stun break on dodge, personally, and I use focus for the swiftness and mobility. So for me, it's better than pistol. I have a new video series, with my latest updated build and I still run the same weapons - 10 part video series on how I pvp with conditions Mesmer updated with almost 2 total hours of content and tips, hints, and tricks with all new footage and information as of the July 10, 2018 balance patch.





    Glad to see you came out with new videos! I enjoyed watching your old ones.

  6. > @"Faux Play.6104" said:

    > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > > To get rallied, an ally uses the [Resurrect]\(sic) innate skill by pressing F on you, or a revive skill, or an enemy is defeated after you have done enough damage to them to tag them.

    > >

    > > Then there are specifics per mode. Like how PvP doesn't have downed penalty, or how in WvW each enemy defeat only rallies one player.


    > so is it a bug if you do 90+% of the damage to someone and don't get a rally? To me there is something else to it.


    Most likely a bug. Sometimes it happens unfortunately

  7. With the recent changes to shake it off, was curious what utilities are best now. I’ve been using featherfoot, balanced stance and endure pain for the triple stun break but not sure which of these would be best replaced (if even needed). I’m at a toss up between featherfoot and balanced stance. Featherfoot due to condi removal from shake it off not resulting in need for resistance or balanced stance just bc seems weaker than endure pain lol

  8. > @"Sol.4310" said:

    > > @"Lynnie.7213" said:

    > > Think i got some games with you if i am not mistaken. I was the "going Firebrand" guy, because double ranger is just too much. lol


    > I believe I remember, it's rough in SPvP. I'm starting to come to terms not always is Ranger right option, depends on what other side has sometimes SB is the weak link. Shame really but, I've started relearning my Guardian again both burst and support just so I can change if need be, Druid is nice but nothing like FB and I'd rather have hybrid druid build that caps home and pushes far wins 1v1 and escapes 2v1.


    I’m using guardian a lot now as well. Just seems to be useful/strong no matter the enemy comp. do you do the hammer core for your burst build?

  9. Hi all, I really like the theme and gameplay of Mesmer in pvp (not just fotm) but I’m struggling to find my home with a pvp build. I’ve tried various builds (power shatter, scepter condi, sword condi) but haven’t favored one. I like the theme of axe but not sure what the best build, rotation, etc. would be. I imagine it would be similar to sword but figured I’d ask here. Thanks!

  10. @"Shadelang.3012" thanks for the additional info. One of the things that I’m trying to work around is what to do once the initial LB burst is down but they are still alive as you mentioned. I feel like I may need to go full burst but I also enjoy a more brawler playstyle (going F2-1-3 Smokescale beast skills into GS rotation after the LB rotation). Keep us posted on what runeset you may land on. Also, why do you prefer nm over ws? Would one be better than the other in solo queue? Thanks!

  11. > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

    > Got you, I follow him quite a bit ( hell taught me quite a bit back in the day.) This should be his build

    > A few notes, he often switches marader for paliden, and when he goes paliden he takes bear stance and stance share (usually goes this when the enemy team has lots of mesmers)


    > He'll also swap out invograting bond for Ward when he sees a power heavy (aka Holo/warrior comp)


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqA1CitCCO8CctgFPBzZv1pSZPrgAQCL/0uantlMt5A-jpxHQB6Y/BAcBA+2hAwfHBgA+AAuWZAA


    > I'd still argue ws is better than nm due to the free vigor Regen stronger cleanse and access to QR but hey shade does it great again and again. And I'm just a Joe.


    I’ve only seen him stream a few times but didn’t realize he goes so defensive (even soldier runes). Seems crazy to sacrifice so much damage - I’ll have to watch him play more. I also think ws is stronger but he prefers more team oriented/defense of nm

  12. As far as builds, play what you like. One thing bough is condi typically is not as great for open world/pve but more for raids/fractals, especially for warrior. The following link lists all of Metabattles open world lvl 80 builds https://metabattle.com/wiki/Category:Open_World_builds most are up to date and a good baseline. There’s one condi berserker build and a few core and spellbreaker builds.


    Personally, I would go one of the core power (berserker gear (power/precision/ferocity builds)) builds first to farm your elite spec hero points. The double axe arms is my favorite. I also wouldn’t worry about break bar damage too much but I would recommend mace/shield on swap to best handle it (I also hate GS).


    If you have both HOT and POF, I would recommend doing POF first for mounts and easier content (if you’re struggling with core Tyria champs). Gear wise - you’re going to want all exotic (orange) once you hit 80. The easiest way to do this is the trading post and the folllowing link tells you various ways of obtaining it https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:How_to_Gear_a_Character Another reason why I say berserker/power build is the gear is way cheaper than viper/condi. You may also want knight/maurader stats for survivability but full berserker is sufficient (just have to dodge better.


    Hopefully this info helps and the links do to. Let me know if you have more questions as there is a ton of info but ultimately, play what you like and enjoy the game. Just know the HOT content is quite difficult (I haven’t bothered completing the story yet just POF and started sPVP) due to mobs hitting like trucks and the map layout (a lot of vertical gameplay so maps are more difficult to follow/confusing).


    Lastly, I run a similar build to the spellbreaker dagger sun and moon build and it’s quite fun and durable. If you have issues surviving, the best trait line up for it would be disc, defense (over strength) and spellbreaker.

  13. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

    > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > > As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.

    > > >

    > > > I'll start with:

    > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8ZjMdQbHW2BWhApIWCCMkZwPIF8+cjuXXjDQJMAA-jJxQQBc7JAAwyAm6iAAg9HAA

    > > > Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.

    > >

    > > I’ve been looking for a berserker build and this looks fun, although super glassy. Could you provide a little more detail on rotations (I don’t see where the confusion comes from)? Also, is there anyway to stay alive once committed?

    > >


    > Confusion comes from a trait... Every time you disrupt someone, you apply confusion....

    > Works well with the trait to AoE taunt people, Hammer, Stomp and Rampage mode...


    > It is sorta glassy yea but you lock someone down with CC skills and eventually you kill them through brute force or they kill themselves on confusion trying to retaliate, pull out the sword for a Burn burst from to time too


    Ah I see the trait now. Didn’t look there haha. Thanks!

  14. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.


    > I'll start with:

    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8ZjMdQbHW2BWhApIWCCMkZwPIF8+cjuXXjDQJMAA-jJxQQBc7JAAwyAm6iAAg9HAA

    > Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.


    I’ve been looking for a berserker build and this looks fun, although super glassy. Could you provide a little more detail on rotations (I don’t see where the confusion comes from)? Also, is there anyway to stay alive once committed?


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