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Posts posted by Etria.3642

  1. I am totally one of those players who found an organized group, beat it and never looked back.


    We had two nearly full squads btw. Even then the first part was very hit and miss and we came close to failing.


    I think the rewards were something like the item I needed for a collection and maybe 50 of the things that you need thousands of to get anything worthwhile so I do not bother with them. The little envelope-looking things. Certainly not worth doing again.

  2. Wondering that myself. I took a year to make Astralaria and would be LIVID if it were to be destroyed to make a material sink. I don't care that the skin would be saved. Right now it's very handy as both my warrior and mesmer use it.


    That said they should introduce a couple New trinket slots and up jeweler to 500. Ingredients could be one of those scribe recipe type things. Ten nested items requiring ALL the common things.

  3. I just don't understand why the vast majority of pugs outright REFUSE to get in voice.


    That refusal often leads to frustrated commanders running tagless or actively trying to 'lose' the pugs. Saying in voice to port to garri while linking a different wp in mapchat.


    Then the pugs not in voice get angry and pissed off(most aren't even in the squad!) but IF THEY WOULD JUST JOIN VOICE it would improve their value immensely. The difference between hearing 'fake push to gate then dodge right' and just seeing the zerg surge forward is IMMENSE. Even just LISTENING improves the results.


    Can't tell you how many times an open run becomes 'if you can hear my voice do this action' then those players are invited to a squad, commander tags down, reinvited and the run continues tagless. The fights are better--with fewer people. Until the pugs find them anyway.


    I don't know how alliances will fix this refusal. It isn't anet that kills the experience. Its voice refusal. Insistence on playing a weaker class with inferior gear. Considering food and buffs optional. I don't understand how players can accept all these requirements for raids but not for wvw. For crying out loud. PLAYERS should be considered far more difficult to face than an NPC boss with known mechanics.


    So that all said. I know some guild's are already figuring alliances. Knowing the cap is 500 is really good for this preorganization.



  4. EVERY single time I have completed it AT LEAST three people have not received a key. I have participated in this event several times(farming for FFT) so have seen this repeatedly.


    Who on earth thought this was a good idea. If you are there and hit ANY of the bosses you should get the key. I might add that each time a mesmer did portal but relying on this is ridiculous.

  5. Both myself and the person I'm grouping with cannot progress past the portal loading screen. We tried together several times. After that cannot connect at all for several minutes.


    Rinse repeat. Incidently I had started a movie for the youngster I'm babysitting and it has now finished which means I have too return to watching her. Should have been able to complete at the very least GETTING to the new map in an hour and a half right?



  6. I personally enjoy grouping with my friends and family...which I could not do in a single player game...but I enjoy playing solo most of the rest of the time. Sure I do the odd Tequatl or HOT meta but I do a lot of farming. Those legendary weapons!


    It is somewhat irritating that my skill level on my tempest is subpar that I literally cannot do the later story quests on my own. I have to wait for when my daughter is available to carry me through.


    Yes I could ask for help elsewhere but I /should/ be able to do it myself. So embarrassment. My daughter doesn't mind. Bless her heart.


    But where else could I play ONE game where I could spend four hours in the morning gathering materials then complete an Auric Basin meta (PANIC) followed by daily fractals with friends followed by some exhilarating wvw after dinner?


    Also the first poster asked what is 'wrong' with me that I might not ALWAYS want to be in a group. Nothing, thank you very much.

  7. I have played a lot this week but I am worried a net will take that as a 'this player loves downstate' as opposed to 'this player loves the double rewards'.


    I play both roaming and zerg and while this week has increased my enjoyment of roaming it has done the opposite for zergs. Heck once the com was like. No voice. It doesn't make a difference this week. No cleaving of downs, rallying friends, rezzing friends. Just fight and run back. Fight and fight. Fight and fight. Fight. Fight. Run looking for another group. Run looking for another group. Chase small group of five. Run looking for another group. Run looking. Take a camp to keep up participation. Transfer maps. Are there any groups? Pip down.

  8. The trouble is not MY willingness to repeat the fights until I learn them. The trouble is the willingness of OTHER people. I really didn't believe in the 'toxicity' of the raiding community until I tried it. Wow. Show your achievements or you can't come. This is a learning raid but of we wipe twice I'm outta here for a experienced group. Race through the fight asap. Explain nothing. Voice? Ltp newb. Why don't you just buy a run if you don't know it. Not ready yet? Too bad we can get this fight down without you. Good luck next time.


    It isn't the raid difficulty that needs fixing its the raiders.

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