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Posts posted by Jukhy.2431

  1. > @"Edge.4180" said:

    > > @"Jukhy.2431" said:

    > > Here's a fact based video explaining it very well:

    > >

    > >


    > I agree that video does a great job at reviewing the events.


    > Price's comments were uncalled for and out of line. I don't fault ArenaNet's reaction or decision, and am pretty disappointed with the way segments of the gaming media have misrepresented this story.




    If there's any silver lining in all this mess, it's how this has been an eye-opening experience to those who read the articles but decided to do some fact checking and found out how badly these "journalists" misrepresented it.



    > @"Andraste.7589" said:

    > Hello,


    > I greatly enjoy this game. I can't play it much these days; I'm biding my time, waiting almost desperately for my master's degree to finish up, finally, so that I can get back to my favorite games.


    > However, in light of the manner in which GW2 management has handled the recent controversy involving their two fired writers, I find myself on the verge of launching into several blog posts on all the social media accounts I have; I find myself bringing up as a topic of mob mentality and gender discrimination to my colleagues and business partners; to my parents... I have used this as a springboard into the topic so that I can discuss with my sons just how ugly and wrong the internet behaved. Rabid and out of control. I felt shocked that that crowd, the people who seemed hysterical and illogical, are the ones ARENA NET would cater to.


    > I am disgusted, profoundly disappointed, and well, ashamed that I have any part in this mess at all as a player.


    > . I love their work. I thought I loved the game. And that so-called content "creator" who caused all this? I've never even heard of that piece of work before. Why was that one person and his "follows" so much more important than the company's loyalty and honor? Or ME and the rest of the player-base who disagrees with the behavior of the player base? They don't represent me! I am not in that group, yet you've acted to include me with them. You're essentially punishing us all for the bad behavior of a few very loud subreddit folks when they didn't like what the writer said.** I** want those writers! I like what they've done and contributed! Why should I have to feel ashamed of this company now for the way some reddit people exploded?


    > What a mistake Arena Net has made.


    > Has it really not occurred to them, in 2018, among so much competition, that _they _could behave in this way?

    > The right thing to do would have been to support the writers, and agree in the most professional way possible. I cannot see how that wasn't obvious.


    > Good luck. I wish Arena Net the best, but how can they fix this one?


    Sounds like you read some "unbiased" piece of mainstream games journalism. Here's a fact based video explaining it very well:


  3. > @"lordhelmos.7623" said:

    > > @"Greyraven.4258" said:

    > > _"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."_ George Orwell 1984

    > >

    > > We have lost introspection as a species....we just want our position now and anyone that disagrees is evil and must be destroyed, and that my friends is rational straight from Pol Pot. I hope folks who are raging right now takes a step back to look at the bigger picture.


    >Human beings have not yet learned to prioritize fact-finding, research, and determination of what is closest to the "truth" prior to joining a tribe and taking action. In this case, it became an "us" vs "them" mentality when the issue of gender vs. kitten came into play (which should have never happened and yet was invoked by the very last person that should have invoked it, the dev themselves). If JP would have applied even the smallest bit of logic prior to her response, she would have seen that Deroir was not attacking her at all and was in fact, very cordial. If Mr. Fries were to have logically assessed the situation he would have seen that JP's predicament was of her own making and the proper response was to contact Anet PR and let the HR professionals handle the situation instead of becoming personally involved. Unfortunately humans are not logical creatures.


    > We like to believe that the universe centers around us and the belief system that we created, that we are somehow important to some grand and supreme omnipotent being that somehow craves our attention. No one has taken into account that maybe greater things come out of what is small.


    > TL;DR - If you want to be smarter watch more star trek, be more Vulcan. Live long and prosper.


    After reading these insightful thoughts I'm glad I didn't stop checking out this thread.

    I hope both of you live long and prosper.

  4. > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > Still going on? *sigh*


    > Ok first, to the people who completely critizise the firings. No dev here was fired because of an unpopular opinion. We always discuss points the devs make and some of the points are quite unpopular but we still do it quite civilized. We can accept unpopular opinions. What happened there was that one of the Devs responded to a respectful and kind attempt for a discussion, completely wrong and tried to frame him as a sexist. In the political charged times we live today THIS can be very dangerous. But things could still have been salvaged if that specific dev would have apologized and then tried to answer respectfully or said " sry but right now I'm not in the mood to discuss this any further". But no she doubled down, insulted him further and then threw shade at the community. Also being completely freaking unprofessional and rude ( while also throwing the gender card ) to another Content Creator who also was respectful. All of this while doing it on her twitter account, after talking about her work with Anet in her description.


    > This thing came hard at Anet thanks to them not being able to respond due to this stuff happening on a national holiday. If it would have been on a normal day where people work then Anet would have intervened fast to cull the storm. Another Dev tried to help her coworker but did it quite clumsly and instead of defusing the situation the poured oil into fire. Not only that but that Dev was loved by the community and him doing that made the impression that Anet would tolerate the vitriol and toxicity from JP.


    > Anet reacted, very fast and harsher than the community expected. We didn't want any firings and we aren't celebrating them, it would have been enough for the vast majority of us if both would have been reprimanded and also wrote a public apology. Most of us can understand why both were fired, but we know that no one really won here.


    > And please for the love of God, Odin, Dhuum or the allmighty Pocket Raptor. Don't make this political. This firing has nothing to do with poltics. No JP didn't get the boot for trying to defend herself against sexism and she didn't fell victim to an Alt-Right mob. And to the people who claim Victory in the campaign against kitten's ( the people who are described by 3 letters, not cats ), pls also stop, this here isn't a war of agendas. It was 2 devs fired, one being completely insulting and the other just choosing the wrong time to stand to her side and nothing political from the side of Anet, just business. And there is no victory here. Anet just lost 2 devs with one being obviously very missed by many here. There was no right decision possible here, only the least bad one. It was a bad week for us all, Anet, the devs involved and us the community.

    > If you want to use a community to push your agenda, regardless if far left or far right, please do it somewhere else... or better don't do it at all. I think I can speak for the community when I say that we don't want to be involved with this agenda pushing and certainly not be used for it. We just want to enjoy the game and discuss parts of it, give our opinions and try to make it better with our feedback, without the toxic agenda pushing that happens ecverywhere else.


    > Sry for the last part but I'm really sad to see that this here devolves more and more into a political shitshow with agenda pushing instead of just seeing the facts on what happened and moving on.


    Well said and I fully agree with this. Everything that needs to be said has been said and it's time to close this subject and move on.

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