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Posts posted by Melian.5368

  1. I use that 1 shot build for lolz sometimes. It requires all your utility skills to be used in this order: moa stance, zephys speed, sickem, one wolf pack, rapid fire. This is a hit or miss kind of thing. Use lightning reflexes as soon as you get dismounted and dodge once or twice to avoid the next few shots, and then smoke assault into him to kill him.

  2. Now that the warclaw stomp is gone (only doing damage to 1 target and not finishing is pretty underwhelming), will ANet finally fix the utterly broken downstate mechanic next? How does it make sense that a dying person trying to cling to life on the ground has more life than when he was up and well? The maximum sustain guild groups are impossible to pick off 1 by 1 now, they get insta-rezzed and pugs can't mount finish them anymore. I say reduce the health of downstate by 50% and reduce the cooldown of downstate skills by an appropriate amount too, or maybe completely remove the countdown of the "strong" downstate skill on all classes (except warrior maybe). Well, do something. The way it is, is just ridiculous.

  3. So we're in the era of dyeable back pieces in GW2, but I think it is a shame that the legendary backpieces Warbringer, Ad Infinitum and The Ascension are not dyeable. I understand they do not provide backward compatibility with the dyeable backpiece concept, but in these Legendary cases I think they should just go back and provide dye channels for these items. What do you think?

  4. Like the title says. If the patch goes through as announced, every WvW player should only play with Necros as a sign of protest, until the changes are reverted. I believe if the user base is not organized to protest as such, we will keep getting ignored. If they want Necro dominance, they can have it.

  5. Chaos Vortex: Increased the number of targets from 5 to 10.


    What a joke. You think this is going to make Mirage viable in WvW? I really wanna know the reasoning behind some of these changes. I mean, what is this supposed to accomplish? This projectile never hits enemies anyway, it just gets reflected. Now it's going to hit 10 friendlies? lol.

  6. Shout warrior with cleric gear + trooper runes has insane cleanse, good boonstrips (with sigil of nullification), prevents application of boons to enemy during bubble, and insane amount of cc with hammer. 2 good spellbreakers can change the tide of battle, not to mention 5 times 4k healing via shouts, 4k barrier to 10 people and 10% damage buff to 10 players via warhorn 4. What else should it be?

  7. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > So I'd rather see that maniacally laughing contesting spellbreaker instead sit on a catapult for a minute and maniacally laugh while actually being useful. That may eventually lead to action inside the keep. Unlike just poking it.


    I do it to annoy the enemy and make them run a long way each time they die so that they will get annoyed and change maps or quit, allowing us to cap their stuff easier. Works like a charm.

  8. > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > Warrior, guardian and revenant also seem like they're preferred by hackers in my experience. For warriors and guardians they usually slap on some -10% damage food as if to pretend they're a tanky build, but are actually resetting their health whenever taking damage. The revenant ones are even more subtle, they allow moderate amounts of damage but always have Infuse Light off cooldown to save them somehow.


    Yeah I recently encountered a rev who somehow always stopped losing health when he reached ~10% hp, and we were a ranger, holo and warrior constantly on top of him. We keep reporting these but we never know if any action is ever being taken.

  9. A great addition to options that would benefit both RPers and streamers is "Don't display players outside of squad when I'm in a squad". Works only on PvE, blocks all chat and emotes from players who are not in squad, turns their nameplates into little triangles like in WvW and makes their character model disappear. The reason for little triangles is because of players who has this option turned on during boss events etc. There is absolutely no reason this couldn't be implemented and it's not even that hard to do either.

  10. I agree with most comments about warrior being awful right now, but I have to also admit that 2 good healing/support shout spellbreakers can easily be the decision of win or lose in WvW zergfights.


    How ANet managed to make this class so broken that it is either completely useless or completely essential is beyond me.

  11. Due to the lack of skill lag in PvE, I have come to the conclusion that it's not the number of players & skills going off in the instance, it is the 2 way nature of calculations done in WvW which causes bottlenecks to become overwhelmed that causes the lag. Games like eve online solve this through something called "time dilation" where they slow down the game so the servers can catch up, but it can also be done by smartly designing the code to avoid bottlenecks.


    I imagine the bottleneck in WvW battle calculation would be the damage done to player hp per tick, as this has more things that leads up to it and affecting it than anything else, like the calculation of condition durations or cordinate movement calculations etc. If this is the case, reducing the load (for example getting rid of "protection" or "vulnerability" buffs) or distributing that load would solve this issue, i.e. calculating the effects of your gear stats on map load or gear change instead of when damage occurs, thus increasing load times but reducing the necessary calculations at peak times.


    Regardless, this investigation requires man hours and is a matter of if ANet decides to invest or not, which can be decided via the pushback they receive. So we should keep reporting as these lag spikes occur, and keep the issue visible.

  12. I think it is absolutely necessary to remove stow weapon in combat. Take Reaper's "Chill to the Bone" for example. People use it as a dodge bait in PvP and WvW. It has a very distinct animation that ends with a stun which most likely means you are dead or waste a stunbreak. You know what players do? The use macros for this purpose. They assign a macro which will cancel the animation with stow weapon just 10ms before it actualizes and baits a dodge. ANet or nobody has a way to detect these macros, so this gives the player using the macro an advantage. If you cannot detect these players who are using such petty tactics, you must make it so that this kind of cheese cannot be used. It's not meant as a gameplay functionality anyway.

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