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Posts posted by Melian.5368

  1. It's been some time since the changes and well, I haven't seen a single chronomancer in ANY WvW zerg for some time now. Congratz ANet, you succesfully killed WvW chrono.


    The issues are stated above. This is a really good thread to keep track of, but basically what killed WvW blobfight chrono are these:

    - Lack of distinct distortion. Continuum split was mainly used as utility to cast double gravity wells. Without distortion, chrono cannot survive in zergfights.

    - Impossible to cast double gravity well because can't use continuum split. Whoever thinks that it is feasible to use clones in a zergfight is delusional. They die instantly.


    So, when are you bringing WvW chrono back?

  2. > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > The grow lamp have steadilly been rising in price all day, definitely not exploding. You had plenty of time from this morning.


    Did you check gw2tp? prices jumped from 9g to 75g in like 1,5 hour. Supply dropped from 360 to 50. It's not that people bought fast that it ran out, no. Somebody monopolized it. This is what happens if you introduce designs like this. And I believe it won't go down for the next 20 days or so, because as of now the supply is 178 and that is not going to accommodate the demand.

  3. Can you also please make it so that when using WvW banners we can mount up? Being able to use elite spec abilities (such as soulbeast abilities or warrior full-counter) while carrying a WvW banner would also be awesome.

  4. I don't think there were that much of an annoyance regarding condi mirages in WvW to justify these nerfs. Axe is completely gone, survivability is greatly reduced by the dodge changes, damaging ability greatly reduced by the ambush changes, even illusionary ambush is nerfed by 15 seconds.


    Mirage is an elite specialization that YOU introduced to the game. Wouldn't it be better to try to incorporate it to this game mode instead of trying to eliminate it alltogether? How are people supposed to play roaming condi mirages anymore?

  5. This is starting to get very annoying and I'm finding it more and more difficult to get out of combat nowadays. Clones summon after combat is over and they even attack neutral targets. I try to shatter them and be on my way but then another one gets summoned and attacks another mob and so on it goes. There must be a way to fix this.

    Sorry for the necropost.

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