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ewenness.6482's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Don't worry, the charr aren't hurting those mounts. They are merely giving them weight training. ![](https://imgur.com/e0GHEgD.jpg "") ![](https://imgur.com/Pgi6rzp.jpg "")
  2. If you create a charr but don't choose the bulkiest body and tallest height combined with the longest teeth then are you even living life?
  3. > @"LilSpark.4567" said: > I also saw the Road Map and it sounds promising and will not die in the next 10 years. WildStar had a roadmap too. Tabula Rasa had two years before getting taken behind the shed and shot with its designer unlawfully terminated. City of Heroes was shut down right after a big content patch while it was still very much profitable. Good times. What I'm saying is, you may trust Arenanet but never trust NCSoft. The executives there would pull the plug on their own mother's life support for a sufficient sum of money. Don't think of what may or may not be here tomorrow. Just strap in and enjoy the ride while it lasts.
  4. > @"Braynz.2906" said: > So why not make Gems 20% cheaper for **everyone** in the Gem Store? > @"Trise.2865" said: > > @"Braynz.2906" said: > > So why not make Gems 20% cheaper for **everyone** in the Gem Store? > > Because cross-promotions are funded by the retailer, not the supplier. Take it up with Best Buy. People understand that this promotion is coming from Best Buy but they also remember Arenanet repeatedly disregarding players outside North America in previous promotions. Promotions that they actually had a say in. Players are jaded but to be fair to Arenanet, this modus operandi isn't unique to them. A lot of 'murican companies do business as if they had no customers from outside the country even if they have just as many or even more of those than North American ones. They could e-mail out discount codes for online gem purchases (so no double-dipping in combination with the discounted cards) and it would show good will on their part even if they limited those codes to one per account. It's not a mindblowing discount and for many it's not about the cash saved but the ever-present impression that they are less valuable customers purely due to their geographical location.
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