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Posts posted by zallesz.1650

  1. More customisation options, especially hairstyles. More earnable armor skins, I loved the collection part as well as the recent armors they introduced. More variety would be nice (no more trenchcoats for medium, less skirts for light armor). Maybe a bit more laid-back episode or 2 without world-ending threats.

    Maybe lifting the lvl restrictions on elite specs? I mean, I understand that you learn the skills of the Elonian people once you go there, and adapt to the jungle when you visit HoT, but ingame it's like, okay you ding lvl 80, rush to 15 PoF Skill Challenges and you unlock a spec that you want. What if you could unlock elite specs at lvl 50, and gain its skills and traits as you level up?

    Slowly revamping old regions with the updated graphics, and make it more immersive like the expansion maps?


  2. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > This is only true for T4 and raids. Any other content, you don't need buffs to complete.


    Exactly. Now let's say I have an hour to day I could freely spend on playing GW2, and a longer one maybe on a raid night. I can either do profitable, high end, value-generating content such as raids and T4, where I am forced to stack and play the game in the META mentality, or I could do fun stuff, open world stuff, events, exploration, etc. where I am not required to play "in one single very specific way" and I get to play however I want. One is enjoyable, the other is rewarding. Here lies my problem.

    Obviously not the end of the world, but damn I wish I could do both at the same time.

  3. Hi Guys,

    I was trying to formulate what exactly bugs me about GW2 (of which I have been a long running fan, since beta), and I concluded that I hate the concept that in many game espects (raid, fractals, dungeons, even some open world PVE content, and sometimes wvw), you need to be stacked on top of each other, for reason. The reasons are obvious, you get the boons, you get the heals, and it has been the overall tactic to tackle any obstacle in PVE settings since headstart. But here is my (own and objective) problem with that:


    I play videogames to leave behind the real world for a short time, and to immerse myself in a fantasy world, where I can do cool things. I am not necessarily a roleplayer, but I do like immersing myself into the character that I am playing. Which is hard to do in GW2, because you always have to be stacked on top of each other in most instanced content.. which is like... not immersive? I feel weird, when I want to play a Renegade with a shortbow or an Elementalist with a staff and I am standing in mellee range on top of others, the boss hitting my face from less than a meter away. And i know this is more of a complex issue:


    Ranged specs should not be more powerful than melee specs. You might be saying "Allright, you are allowed to not stack in not high-end pve content", to which I would say "Fine, but if I want to feel like a legendary archer and conquer some difficult foes, I wish to have the ability to do so, or at least feel like it.


    So, my problem is not inherently with the fact that only melee specs are viable in higher end PVE content, but that this aspect of the game, along with many other similar game mechanis virtually make it impossible for you to play as a ranged character. Raids? Forget it, you need to stand close to get the buffs. And I really dislike it.


    I guess one way of "solving" this would be to extend the radius of healing and buffing skills, so that ranged players would also get it.


    Anyway, I really am not sure if I was the only one with ideas, let me know if anyone else feels "wrong" for always (always, always, always...) stacking on top of other players whenever s/he wants to do something other than kill open world pve mobs.

  4. Flying in WoW deleted many of the challenges of open world, pve and pvp. Now there is no danger of "standing at one place" anymore, you just fly up and danger is gone. GW2 also made it easier to bypass content that is happening on the ground, but did not completely eliminate it, and I am grateful for that.

    The game is meant to be played, not flown over. Games should be more about the journey and not the destination. A lot of people seem to forget that.


  5. Hey Everyone!


    Is it possible to see the squad members' health bar and boons and conditions similarly to how you can see it in party-view? (The compact version, without pictures).


    I wish to heal in raid scenarios, but I cannot see the squad boons and conditions, thus I cannot tell when to use certain abilities. Is there an option to turn this on somehow? I went over some of the options but could not find anything related.


    Thanks a lot!!

  6. Hey guys!

    So currently, one of the most popular support type Guardians is Quickness Firebrand which applies boons and also deals damage.

    My questions in short is: is a type of Firebrand available / good, that is able to both heal and apply loads of quickness?

    I want a support build for my guardian, really wished to try healing, but I know that quickness firebrand is very good atm, so I though... why not both?


    Can I do both? I wish to do fractals and probably raids later on, but I'm more of a fractal guy by default. Will people take me in T4?


    Thank you!

  7. > @"Zeek.6743" said:



    > Rev has some boons as well as 100% alacrity and probly the strongest heals but no real unique group buffs



    Well... Ventari has the longer projectile denial in game, and can also straight up delete some mechanics in fractals (molten furnace last boss, chaos lightning evade thingies), can cleanse all condis on very short cd, can push enemies. Renegade has an elite that heals based on damage done (scales with pwoer though) which is super strong and in some cases, dps can completely disregard aoe damage with it. Also has one of the strongest breakbar damage skills in the game. And Alacrity. Oh, and the "allies also make foes bleed when inflicting damage" just for flavour. This is all on top of the 100% alacrity and mega strong heals. Oh yeah, assassin's presence trait. + Ferocity to allies. Yes, bit like druid "Spotter", we have that too.


    Please stop sticking to some age-old concept that Revenants are useless.

  8. Warrior: Chanter - Wields a staff, monk-like martial art stylish melee combat, with boon support "Chant" skills.

    Guardian: Avenger - Offhand sword, evade replaced by "Block", more of a tanky spec, blocking turns your #1 skills into Riposte skills. Lots of defensive skills.

    Necromancer: Bone Warden - Offhand shield, bone themed skills, defensive abilities, death shroud replaced by Bone shield, defensive skills galore.

    Elementalist: Stormborn - Only Air atunement, but can weapon swap, #1 skills redesigned for all weapons + shortbow. Mid range power dps sniper, with lots of cc.

    Thief: Darkblade - Sword offhand, shadow magic. Lots of aoe shadow magic, abilities damage everything inside "shadow field" that he can summon.

    Mesmer: Spellslinger. Pistols. Two of them. With Illusions. I don't think any additional details are needed.

    Ranger: Horizon Walker ( i know, DND plagiarism): Dual daggers, lots of teleport abilities, can stealth (move into another plane).

    Revenant: It could be any legend and can be called anything, but it should have a greatsword and should use magic while fighting with said greatsword. How about "Skald" who uses ice magic while swinging and throwing that good old greatsword around and forming the battlefield into a snowy wasteland? Yes.


    What do you think? It gives some classes some specific niches, while also introducing more "tanky" specs other than chrono, and twists around the original concepts of the professions and turns them into something unexpected, because, after GS necro, anything is possible :)

  9. Hi Guys,


    I seem to have a problem for a very long time now but I decided to ask here as I could not find related info on the net so far.

    I have a very good Internet connection, BUT, when I play gw2, (even though the game runs absolutely smoothly and perfectly) all other things that use internet are slowed down. Example: I am playing gw2 and I need to check a video guide: complete stuttering. I am not talking about light fps drops. It is literally frame by frame, and automatically scales down to lowest resolution and still can see the video in like 2 FPS. When I try use the browser for anything else (check guides on the net, or another website, the wiki, anything) it takes minutes for it to load.


    I do not have this problem with any other games, nor any other MMO-s, I also play Wow and somestimes Eso, but Gw2 is the only game that gives me this problem. I tried running in windowed, in borderless windowed mode (heard somewhere that it might help), but no difference.


    It is driving me crazy, if anyone has any ideas how to fix this please let me know, thank you!

  10. I think that from a storytelling and content point of view, the last Season was almost on par with an expansion. We have been through so much. Okay, we did not get new skills and elites and whatnot, but this has been an amazing journey, full of emotions and characters and things to do and amazing maps. Keep in mind that this content was absolutely free and there are games out there that would charge a full retail price for such a thing.

    Yes, I am also an optimist about the next season, we could see some great storytelling unfold in the upcoming months.

    Keep up the good work, Anet!

  11. > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:

    > I think it would be interesting/fun to go up against a group thats sort of a 'villian' version of Dragon's Watch. As in each member equivalent would have similar personalities and traits to their counterparts, similar bond within the people in that group etc, just with oppoaing intentions. Could give a fun game of cat and mouse with each group similarly matched in tech geniuses and strategists trying to outsmart each other. Even if they weren't the main antagonists I think having a group like that around that we clash with from time to time could result in some fun scenes and dialogue exchanges.


    Like Zaheer's Red Lotus group from Legend of Korra season 3 :)

    A group of talented individuals with good strategy and understandable motives.

    Love it :D

  12. Hi Guys,


    Background: I currently have a full ascended viper set with 150 AR, and doing T4s frequently. Now, I wish to have other sets as well (one power and one support) to try different playstyles.

    The question is: which is easier to make additional ascended sets? Should I craft them regularly, or should I use the "Grandmaster Commendations"? I feel like the Commendations cost less alltogether, but require several fractal relics, so it might take longer to craft them.

    What is your personal opinion? Which is more effective?



  13. Yes, even though once you get used to, the skill is pretty powerful, it is not really user friendly. Also locks you into a position far away from a group, so you do not benefit from most boons. It would be fine if they just made the area deal total damage and condis to everyone in the cone, just lower the stacks or the damage. But right now, the only way to get max condis on an enemy is if you precisely calculate the projectile trajectory and the movement of the enemy. No other skill requires this much effort to function properly.


    Not to mention the "gap" issue.

  14. I do T4 fractals daily with Condition Renegade, maining shortbow. Funny thing is, I actually outdps everyone in the group in full viper gear. Shortbow requires some extra getting used to but once you are confident with it, you can pull some amazing numbers on longer fights.

    Best thing is however, when I see that the healer is struggling or the group is about to die, I pop Kalla Elite and it heals everyone back to full health quickly. It is a lifesaver.

    Renegade is still a bit underrated, but it is a fantastic class that is able to fill so many roles and even support the team in full dps gear when needed.

    Also, the ventari tablet projectile-denial bubble is amazing. It is pretty much the longest-maintainable bubble, with tons of uses in some fractals.

  15. My personal opinion:

    * Player housing is a nice idea but very risky, it can be done right, and can be a disaster. If they do not rush it, and take the time to make sure it's good, I'm up for it.

    * New weapon types are also welcome: Spear, Greataxe, Throwing dagger, Whip, whatever floats their boat.

    * Build templates. We desperately need them.

    * New elite specs, but they are likely to come.

    * Maybe revamp the old maps, so that they are no par visually with the new ones? Create new story that leaves our characters back to old maps again?

    * Underwater combat needs some attention, but I actually enjoy it a lot as it is right now.

    * Map meta-s are important to most people, it gives a lot of incentive to return somewhere.

    * Maybe some spec balance / overhaul to allow for more builds.

    * A very simple new mount that you can gain at lvl 20, which has absolutely zero unique abilities, it just lets you travel the world faster. They can decrease the amount of waypoints at the same time. The world is nice, enjoy it while being there and not just via loadind screens. (The current amount of waypoints in POF maps is perfect).

    * Loot overhaul, make it easier to gain lower level materials, which would also stabilise TP prices for these materials.

    * Get rid of lower combat-speed.

    * New cultural armors.

    * Break outfits into armor pieces and sell them on Gem Store :)

  16. > @"Winiva.7049" said:

    > There is still a problem concerning the "_Awakening the Druid Stone_" collection:

    > **Hero challenge**: Brisban-Wildlands, Hidden Lake

    > **NPC**: "Restless Arboreal Spirit"

    > If the collection is unlocked the NPC should have a dialogue option to receive the "_Element of the Arbor_". However it only offers "_Fight._" or "_Leave._". I tried the same with a new character who didn't have the hero point. It was possible to take the challenge and get the hero point but the collection didn't work either.


    Confirmed, same thing for me, and appearantly many others who were at the NPC at that time.

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