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  1. Im hoping for Torch in EOD or some other condi heavy off weapon to make him finally PvE condi viable. At the same time im hoping we are not getting another 2H weapon just because developers are too lazy to work around dual wield attacks.
  2. > @"Ovark.2514" said: > 1) because population is so incredibly low that queue times would be unbearable. Though, I have no problem with them both existing simultaneously. > 2) AFAIK there was no dev that stated that sPvP balance was built around conquest mode. It's just that that's been the main mode for forever. > 3) The concept of mini-seasons was a good idea but they only really make sense when there is balance in-between regular seasons. I know but ranked queue had atleast somewhat normal matchmaking even off season while unranked is all over the place and ofcourse the balance is built around conquest in sPvP what else could it be?
  3. > @"Styros.8931" said: > God Styros ez kill any trash tier thiefs 1x1 . God Styros just don't like when every single disabled player on thief playing with meta trash weapon set , where even 0iq players can spam black powder You are playing core burning guardian yet u talk about others playing 0 IQ builds.
  4. I also returned to GW2 like a month ago for some pvp. I must say i always enjoyed gw2 pvp, but i have never seen it to be in such a bad state as it is right now ( and i played for years ). Matchmaking is just horrendous, balance is also not quite there, hackers, bots, wintraders, it really is a full package. 90% of the matches are completely one sided and it really doesnt matter how good you play. I also find the pvp population to be quite reduced, so if you get a match that goes 500-50, the chances you get that same team vs the same team are really high ( actually happened 5 times in a row for me ). To the warrior question - still find them on the worse half of the spectrum.
  5. > @"stobes.9254" said: > Getting a little bit fed up having to play against the top players as a gold league. Im willing to wait the extra time for a propper matchup, but instead i lose 15 points to double premades consisting of players in top 20. Thanks anet, now fix your matchmaking please. Having exactly the same problem. Playing vs top 50 double premades, games go 500-20 and i lose 15. When a game is 450-500 i win 6. It feels like the opposite of how a balanced system should work. Absolute stomp, u win / lose tripple the amount of a close game.
  6. > @"Bazsi.2734" said: > You sure it's a bug? Projectiles can be blocked and destroyed. In that case the teleport simply won't happen. Pretty sure its not a projectile block. The projectile will land, ini wasted, even the animation of the teleport happens but the teleport itself wont happen at all. Also happens quite often on the wooden edge around clocktower in Kyhlo.
  7. > @"Cynz.9437" said: > They don't care. They also can't fix it. They probably would need to change game engine for it which won't happen. What they should have done is maybe to look at DrD and DE but instead they slapped lazy nerf that also affected core builds the most (same goes for engi) and called it a day. This is nothing new, this has been like this for years. I guess rewriting 6 to 8 in a code is easier than fixing a bug, or come up with something smart that actually makes sense. Instead of trying extra hard because of the Shadowlands expansion stealing GW2 playerbase, they just give up and dont even communicate. They better have a miracle prepared for EOD exp...
  8. > @"MatyrGustav.6210" said: > I think it would be awesome to have shields as a Necro. Also would be amazing to summon Stationary Bone Walls to hide behind. just some thoughts. > I also would hope more weapons are being added to the classes outside the elite specs. For Necro I think The Main hand sword as a base weapon would be amazing as well. The last thing a necro with 30K hp and 20k hp shroud needs, is a sustain build through shield.
  9. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > Who the hell spams #5 anyway? Still going to use it because porting up onto ledges are life saving moments. > > Sb is a very expensive weapon but still 1 of the best utility weapon out there. Try to play vs power revenant that is on enemy team now. U will shortbow 5 somewhere and rev will just shiro follow you because it literally costs nothing. You will be depleted of initiative and try to stealth, rev will just reveal you and finish you. No chance to even fight back
  10. Pff.. bots are soooo outdated ... but some quality teleporting fly hacks, that will get you into top 50 in no time. God forbid, if you accidently lose your internet connection during a game - dishonor for hours.
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