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Posts posted by NotoriousNaru.1705

  1. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

    > > > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > > > @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

    > > > > I do agree that shades SHOULD be LOS dependant. That actually made for more skillful play and allowed people to actually have a chance against the class from range. AS for Sand Savant, I just faceroll the class to win, so I'm not as experienced with that, but I can say that they were pretty strong before, and the LOS "fix" alone is a hell of a buff.

    > > >

    > > > It's a buff, sure, but I think people are overreacting as to how much of one it was. Before it got fixed (and there was a specific patch it was broken in, so this is a legitimate bug fix), it was similar to dropping a lava font, running behind cover, and the lava font stopped dealing damage. This is clearly stupid and inconsistent behavior compared to every other AoE in the game.

    > > >

    > > > You can still LoS a Scourge more than most other pulsing AoE's, since they do still have to maintain line of sight to the shade itself. They can't duck entirely behind a wall and still hit you. The main thing this did was let them put shades on top of walls in WvW and hit defenders.

    > >

    > > Nope. This is a massive PvP buff. Anyone that plays scourge knows how huge it is being able to hit around your 300 shade radius(bigger than the average node) all the time as long as you have LoS to your shade. Prior to this change there were spots in every map and almost every node to LoS you, some better than others and this changes that. So no, this isn't just a minor wvw change.


    > I do play Scourge. I also know that said shade is usually placed on the center of the node. It's more difficult to LoS the Scourge now than it was before, but if they're hiding behind a pillar to avoid you, they probably can't hit you even after the change (because people do gravitate toward the center of the point if there's not a reason not to).


    > You can't place a shade to cover the point and then hide yourself behind a wall and have it do anything.


    Wrong again, sorry. I really don't think you know how shades work let alone their relation to terrain prior to this change and now. Like I said, its a big buff in almost every node in every map.

  2. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > > @"thatdarnkatz.7168" said:

    > > I do agree that shades SHOULD be LOS dependant. That actually made for more skillful play and allowed people to actually have a chance against the class from range. AS for Sand Savant, I just faceroll the class to win, so I'm not as experienced with that, but I can say that they were pretty strong before, and the LOS "fix" alone is a hell of a buff.


    > It's a buff, sure, but I think people are overreacting as to how much of one it was. Before it got fixed (and there was a specific patch it was broken in, so this is a legitimate bug fix), it was similar to dropping a lava font, running behind cover, and the lava font stopped dealing damage. This is clearly stupid and inconsistent behavior compared to every other AoE in the game.


    > You can still LoS a Scourge more than most other pulsing AoE's, since they do still have to maintain line of sight to the shade itself. They can't duck entirely behind a wall and still hit you. The main thing this did was let them put shades on top of walls in WvW and hit defenders.


    Nope. This is a massive PvP buff. Anyone that plays scourge knows how huge it is being able to hit around your 300 shade radius(bigger than the average node) all the time as long as you have LoS to your shade. Prior to this change there were spots in every map and almost every node to LoS you, some better than others and this changes that. So no, this isn't just a minor wvw change.

  3. The champions storm is pretty cool but the item itself is so hard to see and is very transparent. The colors are not as defined as they can be and was hoping for a remodel :).



    Also alot of the new monthly items feel like no work is being put to them compared to the older models. The dragon looking like a paper drawing(inside a really cool aura tho but the dragon itself ruins it). https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281150867099484161/427257264403906560/dragon.png

    I wish the same quality was kept for the newer monthly items as the older ones such as every crown, the moon, the sun, and the laurel(those specifically having 3D models along with a cool aura). https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281150867099484161/427257534819205120/gw773.jpg

    Would be really cool if the dragon and some of the other newer ones had the same texture and 3D look tht the laurel has.

  4. Scourge dmg and boon rip has long been nerfed. They have massive tells on everything they do and they don't have the dmg to 100-0 anyone unlike other specs in the meta right now. This thread is ignorant and only appeals to those either new to the game or to pvp. If you're complaining about multiple scourges in a game of ranked or unranked, then thats another issue. On top of that, the next balance update includes several CD nerfs to scourge to further help people like OP to counter play something already so easily counterplayable.

  5. I disagree with ranked becoming 5q but I do think this current "solo over 1600" system needs to change. Ever since seasons became solo ranked has been absolutely atrocious, and the worst part is you can't even share the terrible experience with a friend to maybe alleviate the aids you get from solo qing and having to deal with 4 complete randoms. Anet seriously needs to bring atleast duo back because it was miles better than solo. Just the fact that you can coordinate and be in comms with someone else and figure out tactics to carry a ranked game depending on the comp/classes the 3 randoms you got is a skill in itself. I'm sure Anet can see a decline in people qing ranked because no one wants to play a game mode thats competitive and quite frustrating at times BY THEMSELVES, thats just a terrible idea.


    My reasoning for not wanting 5q is simple: The population is too low for 5q and matchmaking would have to create absolute blowout games all the time. (if i q'd 5 ranked with my friends we would literally go an entire season with 0 losses). ATs are currently 5man and we have to go through 500-0ing 3-4 teams before we even get to finals where people manage to score 50-100 points, it just won't be fair for the majority of the players to have to deal with that in ranked aswell. The consistency of blowout games because of full premades will make people rage quit and/or start q dodging which will then also result in longer qs. To me duo is that perfect balance of coordination and balanced games(from a matchmakers point of view). 5 ranked should be strictly ATs.


  6. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > We actually have some treb changes going into the next release.


    > We changed the control scheme to be ground targeted and we now pull the camera WAY up when you're using it. We want to see how changing the usability of the treb works before deciding on if the mechanic needs additional work.


    I think you guys should consider making the treb a channeled capture like stillness or tranq and after you successfully do it automatically shoots around the map.I don't really forsee someone dedicating themselves to the treb and shooting would be beneficial at all in this meta. I could be wrong though the changes might make it not a throw everytime someone hops on it.

  7. Thief needs a lot more nerfs than they're getting this first draft. Just reading through these notes I can tell thief will be the most busted thing. First, the removal of surging rune, a huge defense for most classes against thief that generally have a hard time with them(rev/war for example). Second, the removal of magi amulet making FB and any support really more prone to get insta bursted by thief. As it stands right now s/d thief with double steal is one of TWO things that can kill a FB 1v1 and in a teamfight s/d plus can end the fight pretty quick by double stealing a firebrand. Third, the removal of passives from several bruisers that made them sustain the thief +1 such as defy pain/auto balanced stance/auto S/Signet of stone. You can't just gut every bruiser's sustain and ability to hold 1vx and sustain the thief + for a little bit(doesnt take good thieves long to get the kill or + till full cap), then nerf firebrand(mostly just magi amulet gone), then remove surging runes, and on top of that keep s/d thief almost EXACTLY as is. There's a reason S/D thief is meta even with un-nerfed FB/scourge/bruisers.


    As for my 2nd point, mirage definitely needs more nerfs. I know the devs spoke on adding more nerfs to it somewhere but I can not stress this enough. Classes like druid/warrior/holo rely on their passives to hold 1vx, mirage doesn't. In the current meta, mirage is already the strongest 1v1 bruiser, most mobile, and has access to portal and infinite stun breaks. Devs please look seriously into giving mesmer a more defined role instead of having them do EVERYTHING in this current meta(and several metas before with condi chrono). As of right now, Mirage just does way too much and it being nerfed the least, while all the other bruisers getting almost gutted makes no sense.


    Edit: I'm only speaking from a 'real' competitive comp's standpoint and PvP only. I'm aware that 90% of mesmers in ranked run 1 shot mantra GS memes.

  8. Revenant is pretty close to being an S tier meta spec I'm honestly surprised the balance team didn't go that extra bit last balance patch to make it happen. A couple sustain changes here and there and revenant would have been a very healthy replacement for the old explosives dodge roll holo spec especially since that spec got nerfed and replaced with a more side node oriented role. If they did give them the necessary sustain only thing I'd like to see changed is sword 4 off hand dmg reduction OR a more obvious tell.

  9. Why don't you go cry in the WvW forums about them getting more rewards instead of coming here asking for the gold rewards to be removed. Seriously some people's lack of intellect blows my mind. WvW is a casual open field pve like game mode. You can also get maxed participation and afk and do one thing every 10mins, OR get a commander to give you shared participation and literally not even leave spawn and get max wvw rewards. Everything in pvp you have to do yourself, and the more you win the more you gain. WvW isn't like that its just a casual gamemode where everyone gets equal rewards because its open field pve. WvW is like a children's competition, everyone gets a shiny medal for participating and everyones a winner yay!!! ^-^

  10. > @"Loop.8106" said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > We know. It's already fixed internally. Not exactly sure when the fix will make it to live though.


    > Listen Ben, you're a great guy and I appreciate all that you do for the PvP community. It took you less than a day to respond to this complaint (which in fact has nothing to do with PvP). Meanwhile, there are countless threads with people providing clear proof of match manipulation in the high-end of both the european aswell as the North American ladder, and not a word. Are you working on this? Will they get punished? Are we all safe to match manipulate next season?


    This post has everything to do with pvp because the weapons are earned from the monthly at.

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