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Posts posted by Dragonzhunter.8506

  1. > @"Kilrik.6320" said:

    > "I know you are a PVE boy, so somehow I understand why you are so pleased with the new changes because you want Sword to be buffed more than fixing GS. I am sure in PVE that 200% increased damage and other things will help a lot the Ranger, but in PVP, the only spot I see for sword is again Bunker build or Boonbeast. And again ppl will complain, and they will ask for nerf, but guess what, they will not fix the sword , they will nerf again the traits, utilities, in other words, they will nerf core ranger again!"


    > @"Dragonzhunter.8506"

    > I'm not arguing with you for I find the patch horribly displeasing, but the way your text read is somewhat confusing. You are not saying the sword got a 200% damage increase are you? It was dagger's **Stalker's Strike** that received the buff by 200% plus the potential for more based on circumstances. The sword's damage was left untouched for all 3 skills. Also, I can't speak for other sword users, but I feel and suspect the majority of wvw sword rangers see this patch as a huge nerf. I use sword not for for it's damage, but it's utility and that is negatively affected for the way I play.



    Sorry, my bad, you are right. The idea is both Sword and Dagger changes are mainly for PVE area, and not for sPVP or WvW. At least this is my opinion.

  2. > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > 5. This is NOT an exploit!


    > An exploit is use of any game mechanic against the intended design. As you didn't design that attackchain you are not in the position to define that matter. The time something exists in the game also doesn't matter.

    > We don't know if it was an exploit but you are not the one who decides that.



    But you are the one who decides it is? Boy, please measure your words.


    > > 7. If they will change/fix this extra evades, then they must change all extra bonuses from every class/weapon who are using cancelling for those bonuses!

    > Thats exactly the point. There is no other class that could use a channeled skill for something like this. All other skills just go on cooldown.



    You are wrong again, boy! Many classes can do this. Even I don't agree with @"Tayga.3192" , he posted this: https://imgur.com/a/PIxBVj4 . And are many other classes who still can do this kind of things.


    > > 8. I am sure, the old rangers will found a way to play with new changes too ... but Anet will lose the new players, no one will give a try to ranger anymore.

    > What? How do new players stop playing rangers when they will never know that thing existed and many don't even knew you could do that? Outside of hearing stories from sobbing veterans that complain that the gras was greener a long time ago...



    Simple, because when you nerf a main weapon of a class, that class will become weaker. And for your information I didn't say that that channelling thing should remain, I said it should be fixed if Anet considers this, but keep the GS skills as they are now.


    > > 9. In the same time, I know why ANET is doing this, and they are doing this regularly because they want ppl to make new Legendary weapons. Why? Well, usual players are making 2-3 Legendary Weapons, the ones they are using often. At least this is my case, now, if they will nerf GS and they will buff the Sword (I am not 100% that it will be a buff the way they chose to change it) I am considering to make a Legendary Sword. Sorry, this was a lie, I'll not make any Legendary Sword, just because Anet wants this:).


    > GS will remain as the best PvP melee weapon for rangers. It has everything you ever want from a melee weapon in PvP. It is time we get a bit more diversity here.


    Do you have any idea how to play Ranger? Do you have experience in sPVP and WvW? I am asking you this, because in case you didn't notice, this thread was made from PVP (sPVP and WvW) POV.


    I know you are a PVE boy, so somehow I understand why you are so pleased with the new changes because you want Sword to be buffed more than fixing GS. I am sure in PVE that 200% increased damage and other things will help a lot the Ranger, but in PVP, the only spot I see for sword is again Bunker build or Boonbeast. And again ppl will complain, and they will ask for nerf, but guess what, they will not fix the sword , they will nerf again the traits, utilities, in other words, they will nerf core ranger again!

  3. > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

    > Endurance REGEN doesn’t stack, but gainin 15 endurance on hit WILL stack with vigor or our WS endurance regen. So it is going to be very strong still when stacked with either of those things.


    > That being said I think getting endurance gain in exchange for the evade will be fine if the auto got a shorter cast or more damage on the hit. Unless what a few other people have said ends up true where it’s 15 endurance PER HIT on the auto, the. It’ll be absolutely amazing as is and shouldn’t be changed. But I’m not expecting it to be that good.


    "You need 50 endurance for an evade, so with 15 endurance/hit we need 3.3 hits to get an evade. This means 4 times auto skill no.1. Or now we get an evade every auto skill no.1."

    I don't think the third form of skil no.1 will be every 1 sec ... so it is no possible way that that skill will be better than Power Stab.

    Technical talking, even the third form it will be every 1 sec still need 4 sec to gain 50 endurance, so you'll get 1 dodge. If you already used 1 of your 2 dodge, this will be useful, but if you didn't use any of your 2 dodge, those15x4 times endurance will be waste.

    With the actual form of GS, you evade every 1 sec, but you still have 2 dodges to spare.

    I don't see how 15 endurance /hit could be better than 1 evade/s.


    Conclusion, this is a BIG NERF to GS!

  4. > @"Durzlla.6295" said:

    > > @"Ferus.3165" said:

    > > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > > They should definitely go ahead with the greatsword change.

    > > >

    > > > For one, almost no rangers really utilize the auto attack for an actual, purposeful evade. I'm sure Eurantien and other hardcore PvPers do to some extent, but for 99% of the population, actually evading something with greatsword AA is a pure RNG experience. Making the AA provide endurance for a purposeful dodge is a much better experience.

    > > >

    > >

    > > how would you know that 99% of ranger players don't actively use the evade or play like it does not exist? i think you just pulled that out of your kitten lol


    > Because if you’ve played PvP against most ranger players they don’t save the evade for anything and never do a whiff to get another evade out of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if most rangers (let alone most players) didn’t know there was an evade in the first place.


    It's not about saving or not, it is about have it! In melee fight, that auto gives you 1 evade which is way better than 15 endurance. We have plenty of skills/traits who give us 50% endurance regeneration. Endurance regenerates over time, at a base rate of 5% per second and a max rate 10% per second. You need 50 endurance for an evade, so with 15 endurance/hit we need 3.3 hits to get an evade. This means 4 times auto skill no.1. Or now we get an evade every auto skill no.1.

    In the same time, I don't think endurance regeneration is stackable. Otherwise 15 endurance /hit+50% endurance regeneration+25 Endurance+6 sec 100% Endurance regeneration will be perma endurance/ perma evade :) .

    As I said to the other thread if they want to do something they should fix that cancelling, but don't replace the 1s evade with 15 endurance/hit every 2s !!!

  5. I don't know what some guys are smoking, but the truth is only ONE and the facts are:

    1. As @"Eurantien.4632" said, this 2 times more evade after you cancelling the skill, wasn't a complaint UNTIL NOW! Why?! Because in a real fight, these 3 evades it will be very rare.

    2. I never met a Ranger who did all these 3 evades in a row when he fought vs me.

    3. I never saw rangers who abuse of this evades in any videoclips. The only one video where you properly can see this 3 evades is @"Eurantien.4632" GS guide. And even him (who is one of the best PVP Ranger in the game) didn't do it easily or all 3 times all the time. He explained that not every time you get it, it's need training, experience and ofc depend on what the enemy is doing.

    4. Even you are trying to abuse this, you will die in 3-4 seconds because these evades are not like perma evades, and between them, you will get CC, be hit, and you will still be in melee range.

    5. This is NOT an exploit!

    6. I agree that, IF Anet considering this skill shouldn't be offering 2 extra evades, then they should fix it in that way that when you cancel the skill, the next auto should start with Slash. I don't think it is so hard to fix this instead to take out Power Stab. GS is ranger best melee weapon, if not the best one in general. They will nerf LB, we already know this, if they want to nerf GS, then this class will not be played anymore.

    7. If they will change/fix this extra evades, then they must change all extra bonuses from every class/weapon who are using cancelling for those bonuses!

    8. I am sure, the old rangers will found a way to play with new changes too ... but Anet will lose the new players, no one will give a try to ranger anymore.

    9. In the same time, I know why ANET is doing this, and they are doing this regularly because they want ppl to make new Legendary weapons. Why? Well, usual players are making 2-3 Legendary Weapons, the ones they are using often. At least this is my case, now, if they will nerf GS and they will buff the Sword (I am not 100% that it will be a buff the way they chose to change it) I am considering to make a Legendary Sword. Sorry, this was a lie, I'll not make any Legendary Sword, just because Anet wants this:).

    10. Do not try to argue with me, you already know that I am right and you are wrong :P .... because most rangers are saying what I am saying!

  6. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > I'm playing multiple classes, so once again you're simply wrong. Maybe you should start doing it too, because you're clearly missing some perspective here.


    I have all classes and all are lvl 80, 4 of them are full ascended and 1 full legendary. I have 3 Rangers, different races. I played warrior and elementalist with my guild when these classes needed in WvW and PVP. So even I know what all classes can do, my main is a Ranger. I play ranger since Beta.

    I am sure 100% that you have your main and this is nor ranger, and I am also 100% that you hate rangers because you were beaten by them many times.

    Anyway a player who doesn't focus on 1 or 2 classes, but he is playing multiple classes all the time, is not good with any of those classes.

    In my country, we have a saying "a worker who knows 99 jobs doesn't actually know any".


    PS: "theory is easy, practice kills us" ... go and play ranger in sPVP, and WvW, duel, roaming, zerg etc. After that, I am sure you will learn more about this class, his weakness and his stronger.


    I forgot ... I have an account on NA too, where I have only 1 class, Ranger and I am playing only sPVP there. On EU server where is my main and where I play GW2 since beta I have 200 ping. On NA I have only 100 pin, and this is rly important in sPVP.



  7. > @"Sobx.1758" said:


    I am asking you just one more question and I am stopping here to argue with a warrior/thief player. I don't have any reason to say something from Ranger POV when the opponent is playing other class. It is obvious you will defend only your class, and I am still wondering what are you doing on this section of the forum.

    What is the purpose of a forum? (keep in mind that you said "it is how was intended to be")


  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > > > * Make Hunter's Shot unblockable (at least in WvW).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why?

    > > > > > Ranger is already a pretty safe and easy class to play, making a hunter's shot unblockable is one of the last things it needs.

    > > > >

    > > > > Because:

    > > > > Hunter's Shot is the only skill in the game who give enemy stealth instead of the shooter when this skill is reflected.

    > > > > Any other class who uses his invisibility skills doesn't give to the enemy invisibility instead, even the enemy is blocking, reflected or something else.

    > > > > I don't know if unblockable is the solution, because that damage should be blockable, but the stealth effect for the shooter it must happen, regardless of the situation.

    > > > > In the same time, Hunter's Shot is not a damage skill due to his low damage, it is used mainly for stealth and swiftness.

    > > > >

    > > > > PS: I didn't check if Hunter's Shot (with Lead the Wind trait) is hitting 5 enemies (let's say they are in line) and all 5 enemies are using reflected skills if all 5 of them get invisibility, or only the first one. This would be hilarious.

    > > >

    > > > That's a good point (about it giving the stealth to the enemy on reflect), but I disagree that "the stealth needs to happen regardless of the situation". If it was intended to be a "get stealth no matter what happens" skill, it would just be a self-buff instead of a projectile aimed at the enemy. It also doesn't have a cast time, so it means that either the enemy lucks out on a reflect timing (at which point, oh well...) or you misplayed.

    > >

    > > When no other class has this disadvantage, I don't see how this could be OK or right for Ranger. And this is not about how smart you play, but pure luck because when you need it in the same time the enemy could use his reflect skills, and your skill becomes useless for you and a buff for the enemy. And we don't talk here about any damage skills, but the only one stealth skill for Ranger. Wasn't enough that you must hit someone to become invisible and the range should be 1500, in your line of sight, but you need to be very careful that your target doesn't dodge or use reflect skills on him. Can you tell me why Ranger should take care of so many things to become invisible, when other classes are using their invisibility whenever they want ? Also our invisiblity it is only 3 sec. So you can't say that Ranger should take care of so many things to become invisible because this skills offer him more advantage than other invisibility skills.



    > Of so many things? You're just watching out for reflect and that's all. If your opponent lucks out on reflect, then it literally can be used as a pseudo-argument regarding any other skill and ability "but what if he just happened to use THIS when I use THAT, then it's useless! :O ".

    > I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "this disadvantage", do you mean that the shot needs to actually hit to get stealth? That seems pretty normal to me. Also if you want to be "another class", then play another class. You don't need to hit anything to gain stealth, you can use smokescale and stealth off its skill. Somehow you choose not to.



    The thread was about Hunter's Shot and you asked: "why?" I answered to you why ... But seem you are too ignorant or too blind I don't know which one. Hunter's Shot was given to Ranger for going in stealth, as other stealth skills/utilities who were given to other class. This was a comparison between our stealth skill and other class skill.



    > Seriously, when I read something like "Wasn't enough that you must hit someone" as a complaint about a weapon skill, I'm not even sure if you're serious here anymore. God forbid you ACTUALLY have to hit your skill in order for it to work, wtkitten :D Not to mention that part of your complaint is that the skill is... ranged? :D



    being sarcastic doesn't make you smarter but contrary


    > > And we don't talk about an utility who can be changed with something else, but about a weapon skill, who becomes useless many times.


    > Almost any weapon skill that's dodged is useless, I'm not sure how's that part of an argument.


    My argument was that other classes can use their stealth even the enemy are dodging, blocking, reflect or anything else. Once again Hunter's Shot main job is stealth not damaging or cc etc.





  9. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > * Make Hunter's Shot unblockable (at least in WvW).

    > > >

    > > > Why?

    > > > Ranger is already a pretty safe and easy class to play, making a hunter's shot unblockable is one of the last things it needs.

    > >

    > > Because:

    > > Hunter's Shot is the only skill in the game who give enemy stealth instead of the shooter when this skill is reflected.

    > > Any other class who uses his invisibility skills doesn't give to the enemy invisibility instead, even the enemy is blocking, reflected or something else.

    > > I don't know if unblockable is the solution, because that damage should be blockable, but the stealth effect for the shooter it must happen, regardless of the situation.

    > > In the same time, Hunter's Shot is not a damage skill due to his low damage, it is used mainly for stealth and swiftness.

    > >

    > > PS: I didn't check if Hunter's Shot (with Lead the Wind trait) is hitting 5 enemies (let's say they are in line) and all 5 enemies are using reflected skills if all 5 of them get invisibility, or only the first one. This would be hilarious.


    > That's a good point (about it giving the stealth to the enemy on reflect), but I disagree that "the stealth needs to happen regardless of the situation". If it was intended to be a "get stealth no matter what happens" skill, it would just be a self-buff instead of a projectile aimed at the enemy. It also doesn't have a cast time, so it means that either the enemy lucks out on a reflect timing (at which point, oh well...) or you misplayed.


    When no other class has this disadvantage, I don't see how this could be OK or right for Ranger. And this is not about how smart you play, but pure luck because when you need it in the same time the enemy could use his reflect skills, and your skill becomes useless for you and a buff for the enemy. And we don't talk here about any damage skills, but the only one stealth skill for Ranger. Wasn't enough that you must hit someone to become invisible and the range should be 1500, in your line of sight, but you need to be very careful that your target doesn't dodge or use reflect skills on him. Can you tell me why Ranger should take care of so many things to become invisible, when other classes are using their invisibility whenever they want ? Also our invisiblity it is only 3 sec. So you can't say that Ranger should take care of so many things to become invisible because this skills offer him more advantage than other invisibility skills.


    And we don't talk about an utility who can be changed with something else, but about a weapon skill, who becomes useless many times.

  10. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > * Make Hunter's Shot unblockable (at least in WvW).


    > Why?

    > Ranger is already a pretty safe and easy class to play, making a hunter's shot unblockable is one of the last things it needs.



    Hunter's Shot is the only skill in the game who give enemy stealth instead of the shooter when this skill is reflected.

    Any other class who uses his invisibility skills doesn't give to the enemy invisibility instead, even the enemy is blocking, reflected or something else.

    I don't know if unblockable is the solution, because that damage should be blockable, but the stealth effect for the shooter it must happen, regardless of the situation.

    In the same time, Hunter's Shot is not a damage skill due to his low damage, it is used mainly for stealth and swiftness.


    PS: I didn't check if Hunter's Shot (with Lead the Wind trait) is hitting 5 enemies (let's say they are in line) and all 5 enemies are using reflected skills if all 5 of them get invisibility, or only the first one. This would be hilarious.


  11. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > > > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > >

    > > > > But you completely ignored my posts, eh. Changed your avatar picture to the soulbeast icon to better blend in too, no? You're an engie main, and your profession is busted.

    > > >

    > > > Engi is busted, but this isn't the forum to talk about that on.

    > >

    > > No, it's not.

    > >

    > > But I don't come busting in on other class forums every single week to declare something as broken, op or busted.

    > >

    > > People do it here all the time though, and, ESPECIALLY when it comes to a class that lack good builds for one of the main areas of a game mode, I find it particularly unconstructive when said people can't even conjure up some suggestions to make the class perform better in that area. This is about WvW. Ranger lacks a zerg build. There is no focus on that fact, only on nerfing the class further for the same reason it got nerfed last patch.

    > >

    > > And that's the difference between ranger and engineer right now. One has strong builds for **both** roaming and organized zerg play, the other doesn't.

    > >

    > My suggestion for getting ranger into zerging is to nerf the classes that are currently dominating it to make room for other classes to be desirable. I don't really think making any class stronger to fit into the zerg meta is a good way to go. Either way, just because a class doesn't have a strong zerging build shouldn't make them immune to nerfs.


    > And since you keep bringing up engi for some reason, I do hope holosmith specifically gets nerfed. It is way too overtuned. Either way, that still has nothing to do with this thread.


    Please, just go on Engi forum and start there a thread about holo nerf or whatever you want. Trying now to be "neutral" or partial doesn't change the fact you hate Ranger. You proove it in the first place.

  12. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > I rather they nerf Maul than ranged autos.

    > >

    > > Ranged autos do stupid damage, yes, but they are also screwed by terrain and anyone who doesn't use terrain in wvw dueling is an idiot.

    > >

    > > On the other hand I am extremely unhappy with the fact that Rangers have more 1 shot potential than any profession in the game right now.

    > >

    > > Maul still bursts really hard.

    > >

    > > Winter's Bite still bursts really hard.

    > >

    > > Wordly Impact still bursts really hard.

    > >

    > > If yu are playing any profession without some form of Protection uptime, any of these skills landing will force a heal and allow them to whittle yur health down with ranged autos.


    > This. None of these skills really requires setting up, yet hit as hard as a full-on trap combo by DH. That's just silly design.


    What class are you playing?

  13. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > How about the fix the existing pet before adding more?

    > Nerf the PoF and HoT ones a bit, then buff the core pets.



    Can you give me one reason why Anet would nerf PoF and HoT (when they want to sell more PoF copies) and why Anet would buff the core pets?


  14. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"DuckDuckBOOM.4097" said:


    > > [Hammer Bolt](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hammer_Bolt "Hammer Bolt"): This autoattack has a coeficient of 0.95 at any range. Pierces 2 targets and has a range of 1200. Also has passive access to unblockable when blocked,

    > ...

    > I just want to be clear I'm not saying that Long Range Shot should or should not get nerfed. **What I am saying is that your comparison between these two skills doesn't factor in all of the details and is therefore flawed in an attempt to make Ranger's Long Range Shot look worse than Hammer Bolt.**



    In matter of fact, his comparison could be ok, if we talk about the skills without any buffs or bonuses from other weapon/utility etc. If you compare these 2 skills, you can say that are aprox the same regarding of damage.


    Hammer Bolt:

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hammer_Bolt : Damage **383 (coef 0.95)** , **5 targets**, Combo Finisher : Physical Projectile (**100%**) , range 1200 , attack speed : 1.25s/attack


    Long Range Shot:

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Long_Range_Shot : Damage 347 (coef 0.90) - 270 , 1 target, Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance), **range 1500**, **attack speed: 1./attack**


    So, Hammer Bolt has constant damage even it is melee combat or range combat, but only 1200 range, Long Range Shot has different damage (due to the distance of the target), random Physical Projectile, but 1500 range.

    In a real fight, lets say Revenant vs Ranger, that distance of 1500 it will be only for 1 sec if the Ranger will attack first, the next seconds almost 80% of the fight it will be melee range.

    Anyway, the idea of @"anduriell.6280", if I am not wrong, was that are other Autoattack skills of other class/weapons who can be compared with Long Bow autoattak.

    Nerfing only the Longbow, wouldn't bring any balance in WvW, but again, Ranger will loose again, even as I said, Ranger has only 1 spec which can be played, and only in Roaming.



  15. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:


    > > This is exactly why you are totally disrespectful and what you just said is exactly the meaning of this "It is disrespectful to go on other classes forums and say there that "Yes, your class must be nerfed till the ground, till the roots, so you can't play anymore this class ... in any area"."


    > What is this "other classes forums" thing you keep throwing at me. I play ranger, I play every class in fact. Every classes forum is mine just as much as it is anyone else's. You should learn not to gatekeep and maybe to try and not get so bent out of shape when someone has an opinion that you don't like. Either way, I'm done replying to you, and I still stand by my opinion.


    https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62055/holosmith-is-overpowered#latest ... this is enough proof. The fact you are playing also Ranger doesn't mean anything.

    I have all the classes, and I played for a lot period of time Warrior and Elementalist. But my main is Ranger. Usually when you are complaining about a class it is from POV of another class (usually the one you are playing). That's why if I have to say something about another class, it will be from Ranger POV, right? Because I can't say Mesmer has too much teleport or invisibility from Thief POV. It will be hilarious. Usually or most of the time, ppl are saying their opinion/suggestions after some experiences, in our situation mostly after they lost fights vs other classes, right? Because from your POV the other class who beat you has some skills, weapons, utilities etc too powerful comparable with your class. Always when you are making a suggestion/opinion for something it is relating to something else. It is that thing "because ... " or "compare to ..." otherwise your suggestion/opinion is nothing else than bullshit. You can't say only the damage of LB of Ranger should be nerfed with 0.25% just because you want this without a reason.

    So, in my opinion, you are that player who got beaten by rangers, even when you played Engineer, one of the class most buffed these days.

    As I said, I don't like ppl, who play other classes or who were beaten by Ranger when they played other classes, who come on Ranger forums and they are complaining about that.

    A class forum should be to help the ppl who are playing that class, to improve that class, not to nerf it in that way that most of the ppl wouldn't play it anymore.

    So, my advice, if you think the Ranger is too OP, or his Longbow is too OP and for this the Autoattack should be nerfed, please go on forums of the classes you get beaten by rangers, and complain there, or ask for help, maybe there are players who can explain to you how to counter Rangers. Make on those forums a thread of how and why Ranger should be nerfed.

    Please let us, ppl who love Ranger, to talk on Ranger forum, about how we can improve this class, how to fix Ranger class problems, because we have many, starting with pets.


    Thank you in advance!

  16. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Lazze.9870" said:


    > > But you completely ignored my posts, eh. Changed your avatar picture to the soulbeast icon to better blend in too, no? You're an engie main, and your profession is busted.


    > Engi is busted, but this isn't the forum to talk about that on.

    Exactly! Engi is busted, why don't you go on Engi forum and yell there to nerf Engi because now it is busted?


    > I'm here to talk about the way that soulbeast is busted.

    Ranger got nerf every patch in the last 2 month.


    > Sic Em is overpowered.

    Sic'Em it is almost useless these days because it was nerfed from 40% damage to 25%.

    Even the "reveal" is one of the most worthless because it can be used only before the enemy is going to stealth, so many times you will spend it for nothing.

    Basically is not a reveal, but a skill who prevent stealth for 10sec. The thief can get reed of this instantly, and make this skill totally useless.

    The CD of this skill without a trait line bonus is the highest one, 35s. All other classes have a CD of 30s or warrior 5s.

    Please don't talk nonsense about a skill which is not anymore used/useful.


    > The damage boost from maul on a 4 second cooldown is busted.

    Maul is one of the skills with the longest animation, so a good player could dodge easily his hit.


    > The extreme range + mobility combination is busted.

    I don't know what did you want to say here ... (when we have Engi, Revenant, Thief, Mesmer, DH etc with the same range and same mobility)


    > Just because the class is weak in one area doesn't mean it can't be overtuned in another.

    Please read above, what everybody said about the Ranger spot in WvW.

    Also please remember that Soulbeast it is the only one who can be played well in sPVP and WvW. Core Ranger and Druid are forgotten and useless in Roaming, GvG, zerg squad in WvW. The same thing for sPVP, too.


    > **Just because the class is weak in one area doesn't mean it can't be overtuned in another.**

    This is exactly why you are totally disrespectful and what you just said is exactly the meaning of this "It is disrespectful to go on other classes forums and say there that "Yes, your class must be nerfed till the ground, till the roots, so you can't play anymore this class ... in any area"."

  17. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:


    > > It is disrespectful to go on other classes forums and say there that "Yes, your class must be nerfed till the ground, till the roots, so you can't play anymore this class".


    > Well I definitely didn't say anything like that. I suggested nerfing a couple of overtuned skills.


    > Also, if you think that it is disrespectful to suggest nerfing something that is overtuned, I don't really know what to say. Either way, from the exchanges we had, I think that you have been pretty disrespectful. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.


    Suggesting something who it makes a class unplayable it is disrespectful. Ranger already got few nerfs in last patches. Now we can't play Druid in WvW or sPVP anymore. Core ranger isn't in a good spot either. So now we are the only class who can play only the last specialization in WvW or sPVP. Other classes can play at least 2 specialization or 1 core and 1 specialization. Remember that even with Soulbeast we are good or taken only for roaming, in GvG or zerg squad we are almost useless, at least from commanders POV.

    So, please, please don't tell me that asking to nerf more a class who already lost core and HoT spec , is not a disrespectful thing.

    Have a great day!

  18. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > All these ppl who don't have ranger as main character, and coming here to toxic every single thread of ranger's forum, are nothing but pathetic.


    > That's the same for most classes though.

    > Mesmer mains complain about people hating Mirage.

    > Necro mains complain mains complain about people hating Scourge

    > Guardian mains complain about people hating Firebrand

    > Holosmith mains complain about people hating Holosmith.

    > Revenant mains complain about people hating Hammer and Shiro.

    > Thief mains complain about people hating Stealth and constant disengaging and all the other cheap things Thieves do.


    > I can't remember seeing many people complain about Warrior (past the 5 signet META 6 years ago) and Elementalist being too strong though.



    I don't know how many main rangers are going to other classes forums to complain about those classes, but definitely I didn't complain never on other forums than Ranger's one.

    If I have to say something about how hard is for me as a ranger to beat X class, or that Y class is too OP etc, I'll do it only on Ranger forum, because I'm trying to get help and discuss with other rangers about what kind of build can counter that class. It is disrespectful to go on other classes forums and say there that "Yes, your class must be nerfed till the ground, till the roots, so you can't play anymore this class".

  19. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > Nice little nerf but not really going to fix what's really annoying about soulbeasts, IMO.


    > I would rather the the range lowered and the damage modifiers reworked a bit.


    > I would say raise the CD on sic em, and make the maul damage modifier require you to hit a target.


    What a joke! Have you ever played ranger? Or have you played since the last patch? May I know what class are you playing?

    All ranger's haters are coming on this section forum, to complain and cry about ranger, instead to learn their own class, or instead to give ideas how to improve their classes.

    All these ppl who don't have ranger as main character, and coming here to toxic every single thread of ranger's forum, are nothing but pathetic.

  20. > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > I'm Happy if they nerf 1hit ranger. Ever since anet nerfed sicem and no unblockable, roaming has been much better. All the noob rangers went away. And that means anet isn't paying attention to my insanely overpowered build with no weakness except mobility ( not enough to escape people chasing me ). So I'm happy.



    You are joking, right?

    "insanely overpowered build with" ? lol ... sometimes, some of you just make me laugh ...

  21. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > Your post is irrelevant itself if you don't keep up with the conversation, just saying. You're late to the topic.


    Well, players above my comment already answer you to this.

    But, I want to mention another 3 things, which you can link it with the answers to your question "why does ranger gets to have expansion pets outside of the elites?"

    1. Ranger is the only class in this game, who should do some Meta events, going in some hidden spots, to fulfill his class/elite. One of the best pet, Smokescale can be tamed only after the :"The Juvenile Smokescale will only spawn if Teku Nuhoch has reached max strength (all meta events at outpost complete)" or "A Juvenile Smokescale will only spawn after SCAR Field Operations reach max strength. " So if you are not lucky to find a group/raid who can do this meta events, you are not able to tamed this pet, not even you are the best player in the game.

    2. Even after 7 years, pets are not fully fixed, none of them! They are still running too far in front or behind you, and some times takes few secs till they engage the enemy, if you jumped from a cliff and attacked an enemy, your pet will go around on a reachable path to the enemy, or sometimes will teleport near you, after you already are engaged in the fight with the enemy. All these seconds sometimes could make the difference between life and death, in a PVP fight.

    3. They allow the ranger to get expansion pets outside of the elite, to make the rangers, druids, to have a purpose in the new expansion, even they don't want to play new elite. Like I already said, to have a new pet from the new expansion, you need to discover/run/fight on the new maps, and sometimes it is pretty hard, even for an experienced ranger. Could you tell me please any other class who must do something more than use heroes points to fullfil his elite?

  22. When you fight vs a mesmer, one of the best things to do is going in stealth every time you can (smoke cloud+blast (Swoop, Clarion Bond, Hunter's shot) and let pet to do the damage. Use Target every time you can so you can know which one is the real one. A fight vs a mesmer must be a patient fight, don't rush with Rapid Fire till you are sure he used his reflect/block skills. Dodge all the time you see the clones are coming to you. Kite and try to be most of the time in LoS (again let the pet to do most of the damage). Smokescale seems to be the best pet against them, good for his smoke assault so you can chase him when he is running around his clones, or he is trying to get in LoS.

    Anyway, everything Eurantien said too.

  23. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > Moment of clarity used to be a skirmishing grandmaster trait. I used it for a power ranger build in the world tournament series with skirmishing and marksmanship. The move to marksmanship has actually been a big boon for us. As it stands, moment of clarity synergizes wonderfully with two handed training in beast mastery and remorseless on marksmanship, allowing for some huge dps following interrupts. Moving that to skirmishing would be be a step backwards in a way.


    > Honestly, without moment of clarity in marksmanship, not sure id run Marksmanship, even though I think clarion bond is one of the best reasons to run it for PvP.


    Totally agree with you.

  24. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > > @"Mayberry.2169" said:

    > > > > This is such a terrible idea to nerf a profession that you personally have a hard time dealing with. I genuinely think this is just a troll post. Ask any plat player or legend, holo is preferred as a team mate 9/10.

    > > >

    > > > Welcome to Mesmer Life!

    > >

    > > I don't understand what do you mean by "Mesmer Life!" Are you complaining about something? Don't dare to say that Mesmer's life is hard ...


    > Mesmer life is hard. Poor mesmer.


    I played 2 big mmo, World of Warcraft for 8 and a half years and GW2 since beta. I know 2 classes who weren't properly nerfed since the beginning till the end ... the mage in WoW and the mesmer in GW2. Why? I think because these 2 classes were favourites of some of the developers.

  25. > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > @"Mayberry.2169" said:

    > > This is such a terrible idea to nerf a profession that you personally have a hard time dealing with. I genuinely think this is just a troll post. Ask any plat player or legend, holo is preferred as a team mate 9/10.


    > Welcome to Mesmer Life!


    I don't understand what do you mean by "Mesmer Life!" Are you complaining about something? Don't dare to say that Mesmer's life is hard ...

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