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Posts posted by vier.1327

  1. After the destruction of our beloved worlds because...reasons... what is going to happen with the national servers?


    Are we going to be forced to play with someone in a differente lenguage?


    Are go going to have a [sP] server with a randol rame each season? If this is the case, always call it Baruch Bay and all of us happy again.


    I have no problem playing in english, i have been in many international server, but what about the rest?


    Anet if you want to make us quit playing WvW say it, just say it.


    No spanish people, go back to your paellas, toros and sangria, let WvW to the rest of the world...


    I am very upset with te destroy of Baruch Bay... server pride and all this :\

  2. > @"Feanor.2358" said:

    > > @"vier.1327" said:

    > > I do not know...

    > >

    > > I think it is an exploit, and a great opportunity to farm LIs and selling raids

    > >

    > >

    > > Well done leaving the group and reported by game and the forum inmediatlu. That LI smells really really bad...

    > >

    > > In my opinion you made the rigth thing.


    > Farming 1 LI per week from an already easy encounter. Game-braking.


    Say whatever you want... the event is playing using a hole in the gameplay.


    It is not game-braking, of course not. But it is not fair play. So it could be considered an exploit.


    Do you think the event was developed with that idea in mind? Lets make an event with a free reward... yeah for sure.

  3. I think E is Lady Wi. Has the Order of Whisper's codes, the contacts in the kryta politics, and a spy in the With Mantle; her own daugther.


    When the problems beat Tyria she is there. And has mesmer powers in the personal story of the Order of Whispers.

  4. I think we are going north of Tyria to find Braham and Rox. If this is the case, we would see a different kind of map. No more desert.


    ¿The Lore about this season?


    IMO we are going to empower DSD to restore the balance of the magic. We are going to see the effects of the empower of Krakaltorrik, maeby some natural disasters, and we will find a way to restore it, feeding with magic to the DSD.


    We should rescue Aurenne too... or not.

  5. How Elen knows that there was a party in ammon?


    A bird rold to her...


    E is alive, and has send a letter to Kiel. So he is in Elona while we were figthing Balthazar.

  6. You need a new drama to the next expansion.


    Vlast and Aurenne are the magic key to the balance. If we have both, the problem of the elder dragons ends.


    So, in the future, we will rescue Aurenne and party again in Ammon, but we will still need another creature that be able to be the 6th magic-eater thing.


    So Vlast needed to die for the sake of the future plot.


  7. And what about Demmi, the daugther of Caedecus?

    She is E… well… was E…

    If you think about it, it is great. She is dead, so the E plot would be finish.

    All what she did was against her father.

    She was part of the Order of Wishpers, and she was part of a noble house, what explain the contact that E has in the Krytian army.

    But, why did she chose E as a name? That is the weak point of this argument.


    That is what i wrote in the old forum.

  8. E is Kasmeer brother.


    E is Evon/Ellen.


    Or it is just Mister E, the greatest pick up artist of Tyria.


    At the time E appears in the story, the 70% of the playerbase will not remember who he is...

  9. > @Solori.6025 said:

    > > @vier.1327 said:

    > > So, if you are a mesmer and your friends is a warrior, you can destroy everyone you want.

    > >

    > > How? Easy!

    > >

    > > Use the Bubble elite of warriors and the well of gravity.... see? Everyone is dead!

    > >

    > > Please Anet... ok you can get out with a blinl or a stunbreaker. However this combo is overpowerd.

    > >

    > > Welcome, ladies and gentleman to the Gravity bubble Meta!!!


    > fake news



  10. So, if you are a mesmer and your friends is a warrior, you can destroy everyone you want.


    How? Easy!


    Use the Bubble elite of warriors and the well of gravity.... see? Everyone is dead!


    Please Anet... ok you can get out with a blinl or a stunbreaker. However this combo is overpowerd.


    Welcome, ladies and gentleman to the Gravity bubble Meta!!!

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