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Posts posted by vier.1327

  1. > @"Calisanna.8732" said:

    > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > > @"vier.1327" said:

    > > > > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > > > > i mean they forgot it yet for years, before there was even any talk about an expansion.

    > > > >

    > > > > they even forget that links were meant to be a "temporarily solution" only.

    > > > >

    > > > > also someone forgot that alliances has been a nearly full planned concept.

    > > > >

    > > > > maybe also Arenanet just forgot that they have forums, who knows.

    > > >

    > > > Do not worry, mate, the squad is coming, this post will be as alive as his brother.

    > > >

    > > > For the Mist, For Tyria, For WvW Alliances!

    > >

    > > # Alliances when!?


    > When Tyria has horses we can ride!!! Jk. For real though... when was the last time a dev streamed “let’s play WvW” and dodged the questions or gave half answers? I haven’t kept up with the streams.




    The WvW Developer is too busy to play with us.

  2. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > i mean they forgot it yet for years, before there was even any talk about an expansion.


    > they even forget that links were meant to be a "temporarily solution" only.


    > also someone forgot that alliances has been a nearly full planned concept.


    > maybe also Arenanet just forgot that they have forums, who knows.


    Do not worry, mate, the squad is coming, this post will be as alive as his brother.


    For the Mist, For Tyria, For WvW Alliances!

  3. It was a transition;


    First we have the hammer warrior train; two groups that crash each other, and move without to much problems.


    Then, before HoT, the stability was changed, and the pirate ship META stroke hard. The stability disappeared almost completely after the first charge.


    Then... The power HoT came... And the pirate ship META was even greater. The elementalist meteor shower was amazing. And also this time was the prebuff, that was funny.


    During this time, also was famous the epidemic META and condition damage, until it was nerfed. The necromancers were everywhere.


    Then some changes in stability loss and cc changed a bit to a mele META more or less, but not until PoF and firebrand + scourge.


    And that is what I remember, I am sure I have forget something.


    The take home message is; WvW has always being around guardian and necromancers changes.

  4. I have to admit that I am playing Shadowlands more than GW2, and PvP feels completely different.


    WvW is instant figth; waypoint, join the commander and action. Or go to an enemy camp, flip it and keep looking for players. The game mode has no queu or make you wait for more players to start playing.


    I think that is what WvW unique and amazing, the feeling that always, even during late evening, the game is running.


    Arenanet has a great opportunity with this game mode... And I have the feeling that players have seen it but not the developers.

  5. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > @"lare.5129"

    > u see communication? where?


    > yet in the november 2018 update all they said "update? here it is! we update u that we have no further info about when alliances launch but it is on a good way".

    > in the meantime probably they fired the whole team that worked on Wvw and maybe even dropped the plan. irl the year-long state is "no communication" bc says things like "soon" means just nothing, if it takes over half a year.


    > meanwhile pvE people cry about having to wait like 1 month if even for the next part of the living world episode.


    > modern games generate enough money to require updates at least every six months. even if u say Wvw is not big enough to get that much updates, okay, but at least each year an update would be a thing. instead the introduced a pretty bad mount that nobody wanted in Wvw.


    > back then the "linked server system" was introduced as temporary solution. the idea of Alliances came up due to the massing complaints against the "links". this year they still talk about "soon". many of the Wvw players either feel pranked or lost faith. we don't talk about months, how can u compare years, by now over 1000 days to "daily updates"?


    > ____________

    > so long talk, short conclusion


    > i have birthday today, and i'd really appreciate more info about "Alliances when" as present. :P


    Happy birthday ??

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > Agreed. Just drop us a note, maybe a little nod to yay or nay... until then, we will continue to enjoy discussing this topic on this discussion forum!



    > @"vier.1327"


    > There are posters on this forum that consistently try to troll, and perform this function poorly. Don’t get pulled in.....



    Wise words

  7. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    > > 2 years ago now.

    > this is mmo. So it can be soon. After 12 year may be. May be after 5. Soon. Not 100 years. If you play mmo game and think that 2 years is long term and per that term should be some action or respond I can say only "sorry, you don't understand spirit of mmo"




    Answer me, you can trust me, are you The WwW Developer alt account?


    "Soon" is just a meme for Arenanet timing in content development.


    We would like to know what happened with the project, or if it is already cancelled. Actually, part of us is more interested in the communication than the Alliances project.


    We are asking the same as pve players; communication.

  8. After seen 13 new post, for a brief moment, I thought that Alliances were a reality... So sad...


    Subversiontwo.7501 congratulations, amazing arguments. Very clear and without sarcastic ways to say how the linking server system has killed the WvW communities.


    Maybe that is what we part of us want, the return of the server pride gone by this system. And WvW Alliances could have been a solution, now I think it is too late for it.


    Fortunately, Baruch Bay was saved from the server linking system.

  9. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > why we some post whit Alliance?

    > can we ask some public investigate the ip's that messages come? For me it looks suspicion. Is some side haters spam it? Or some another mmo game?

    > As wvw player I am absolutistly not interested in Alliance, opposite, I not like that.


    We are the ones that work in the shadows... Our hand is behind every mayor Arenanet decision... No one is safe from us, we are everywhere, next to queen Jennah and inside the darkest sewer of Lion's Arch.. but you should not fear us... we fight for what is right, for the truth, for keeping alive The Mist.


    Now that you know who we are, join us, join the WvW Alliances Resistance.


    For The Mist, for Tyria, for the WvW Alliances.


  10. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > I wonder if we can hit 300k views prior to 100 pages.


    > If I didn’t expect it to be removed, I would start a poll as to which would happen first: 100 pages, 300k views or alliances....



    Rise the bet


    What is going to be first; end on Covid-19 pandemic or WvW Alliances?

  11. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Lilwil.6529" said:

    > > Do you think there will be away for less talented players to experience the stories of the raids?

    > do raids ONLY whit yours guild. It solve any problems for less talented players.


    > > @"vier.1327" said:

    > > Arenanet does not like it, so no more raids.

    > You have wrong info. I have info that we will get one more wing nearest time.


    > >But the truth is that Arenanet has abandoned raids as much as dungeons.

    > from last 6 weeks I kill one raid boss, and from last 6 weeks I complete aprox 80 dungeons .. Content works, profitable, fun and very good.


    > > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > >All these crazy ? requirements and elitist behaviour doesn't make for a fun system.

    > make you own squad or raid inside guild. Don't look from side. This is not problem.


    > >I cannot see Anet changing it now.. Even strikes became toxic fests.

    > strike toxic if boneskiner included, but if it 3 strikes run (shiver, twins, ..) it is chill and not toxic.

    > So same "if boneskiner included" I prefer do ONLY whit guild.


    Yeah, I have the same info, that the next wing comes at the same time as WvW Alliances.

  12. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

    > dear anet, stop these goddamned pointless balacings and finally give us balance where it's needed.... matchup and player balance. not skill nerfs that u sell the sheeps as balance. :(


    But do not forget to link you account to that web jajajajajaja

  13. We have talked about this a lot. I also would like to have a solo mode with no reward, just for fun and the story.


    But the truth is that Arenanet has abandoned raids as much as dungeons.


    They thought something like this:


    Raids = fun.


    What really happened:


    Gw2 player + raids = Elitism, META addiction and selling runs.


    Arenanet does not like it, so no more raids.


    I have tried raids, and are fun doing it with guild mates. You lose the hope for humanity in a few pug pulls.



  14. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"primatos.5413" said:

    > > What exactly was this thread about again? Dont't want to go back 55 pages and cant't remember ...


    > It's about a feature that isn't going to be released.


    Not yet, but Soon

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