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Posts posted by Tanek.5983

  1. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > Hello, all. I logged in yesterday to get the update and unlock the new episode, but probably won't have lots of time to play until the weekend. (Also, I am a couple of episodes behind at this point and need to catch up.) When logged on, I saw there is a 6-day timer on an event to assist the factions.

    > >

    > > In general I lag behind the crowd when getting the story completed, but the game has been very good about not time-gating content (with the obvious exception of LW season 1 and events around that time. I am hoping that is the case here, too.

    > >

    > > Without getting into spoilery bits, if I don't get to the content covered by the event in the 6 days, what, if anything, am I missing out on? If I _am_ missing something, is it worth me jumping ahead and trying to rush through for it?

    > >

    > > Thanks!


    > No, just rewards maybe from t1 which aren't even much. You can basically trade mats for 5 crystals in eotn vender and if you spend 5 you are eligible for tiered rewards. I did that on my alts


    Thanks. I'll have to check out what these rewards are. Anything like armor, weapons, cosmetics, account unlocks, etc?

  2. Hello, all. I logged in yesterday to get the update and unlock the new episode, but probably won't have lots of time to play until the weekend. (Also, I am a couple of episodes behind at this point and need to catch up.) When logged on, I saw there is a 6-day timer on an event to assist the factions.


    In general I lag behind the crowd when getting the story completed, but the game has been very good about not time-gating content (with the obvious exception of LW season 1 and events around that time). I am hoping that is the case here, too.


    Without getting into spoilery bits, if I don't get to the content covered by the event in the 6 days, what, if anything, am I missing out on? If I _am_ missing something, is it worth me jumping ahead and trying to rush through for it?



  3. > @"Carnius Magius.8091" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > Maybe something can still be done to make the puzzle just as hard, but not as punishing. How about a free rez back at the start when you fall and die? There is precedent for this with Griffonrook Run. I'm sure it would not matter much for someone who makes lots of gold in game, but that someone is not me, so even this small thing would be a great reduction in frustration.

    > >

    > > And, you know, some compensation for stealing those traits. ;)


    > Have you tried using the Prototype Position Rewinder? If you are fast enough, you can break a fall by rewinding. Use Mark location often and you may never have to start the puzzle from the beginning again.


    I have not tried that, but I will check it out. Thanks!

  4. > @"Fuchslein.8639" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > To be clear, I am not asking for anything in the jumping puzzle itself to change. It is hard, it was designed to be hard, that is fine.

    > >

    > > But. Something _has_ changed that affects how punishing the puzzle can be. It has been years since I ran it with any regularity. Back then, I would always use the trait for reduced falling damage which, while some falls were still way too far for it to help, could be the difference between starting over a little way down, and needing to pay for a wayshrine outside. The fall damage reduction traits were removed. That still stings a bit and was not the best holiday gift, but ok, done is done. Moving on. :'(

    > >

    > > Maybe something can still be done to make the puzzle just as hard, but not as punishing. How about a free rez back at the start when you fall and die? There is precedent for this with Griffonrook Run. I'm sure it would not matter much for someone who makes lots of gold in game, but that someone is not me, so even this small thing would be a great reduction in frustration.

    > >

    > > And, you know, some compensation for stealing those traits. ;)


    > Wait. They have removed the reduction of fall damage from traits? Why?

    > I can remember where years ago I did this jump-puzzle with friends and I and a friend used to port friends and strangers to the goggles and vice versa. How do you do that nowadays without these traits? One wrong jump and you can do it all over again ... to help others.


    > There is this other thread here that denounces waypoints and other stuff put's social actions down, but isn't it exactly this kind of decisions by Anet that make people think about helping or not helping?

    > Together with this Pad-Bug that already existed where I started at HOT GW2, I wish all newcomers good luck getting their achievements there. I hope there will be jumpers in the future who wast- ... want to spend their time to help others, no matter how many stones anet puts in their way.


    Yeah, the fall damage traits were all changed last year. Here is the post announcing it. I was not a fan of the change since I used the trait on my mesmer all the time, but at this point done is done.



    Given that I have seen people trying to help out in the jumping puzzle all the time and the players who were there this morning actually told me how to get around the bug (or mechanics change, depending on how generous you want to be with phrasing), I think we can count on some members of the community to help fill in the gaps where the game comes up short. :) (Not that this should be necessary, but it is nice to know players care about others in the game.)


  5. > @"lokh.2695" said:

    > ANet has moved on, sorry, can't go back and fix things when there are 3693372165 new things to put into the game.


    Even if true, I find it unhelpful to think that way. I'd rather put the suggestion for improvement out there just in case. :)


    Also, speaking of helpfulness, I had a couple people in game help me figure out the gears to get over to the diving goggles. It really does seem like the operation of the gears changed at some point. All the videos I've found show the player stepping onto the 1st gear, getting shot over to the 2nd, having a brief moment to reorient, then continuing on to the platform. If you try that now?...death.


    They told me to _jump_ onto the 1st gear just as it starts spinning. Don't just walk onto it. Apparently, this shortens the distance you travel, allowing for a landing just short of the 2nd gear, so you don't automatically go shooting off. Worked perfectly.


    I still don't think you should have to waypoint when you die, though.

  6. > @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > They might also go and fix the gear shooter pads. Although there's no hurry, they have only been bugged for years now.

    > >

    > > Are they? That might explain why I can't get to the diving goggles. I thought my asura just didn't weigh enough. :)


    > on the double shooter try aiming at the engine on the right side to avoid the double dash. there's a chance you get bumped too far and fall over but most times it works.


    > for all other shooters i didn't encounter problems.


    That is what I have been doing, but no matter where I aim it rockets me right past the 2nd shooter and I fall. When I'm lucky and aiming to the right side, I sometimes catch the very edge of the airship on the way down and can try again from there. Otherwise...SPLAT.

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > They might also go and fix the gear shooter pads. Although there's no hurry, they have only been bugged for years now.

    > >

    > > Are they? That might explain why I can't get to the diving goggles. I thought my asura just didn't weigh enough. :)

    > Yes. They work inconsistently now - among other reasons it is because they are now affected by any speed bonuses you might have (which, for example, makes attempting this JP on any build with passive speed bonus - so, for example, any chronomancer - way, way harder than it's supposed to be). They also seem to have some other quirks, but i am not quite sure where they come from.



    If that is the case, my overshooting might be from switching to air attunement? I had been doing that on the section just before because it seemed to help with the awful jump up the rocks to that gear. Hmm. Will check that next time. thanks.

  8. To be clear, I am not asking for anything in the jumping puzzle itself to change. It is hard, it was designed to be hard, that is fine.


    But. Something _has_ changed that affects how punishing the puzzle can be. It has been years since I ran it with any regularity. Back then, I would always use the trait for reduced falling damage which, while some falls were still way too far for it to help, could be the difference between starting over a little way down, and needing to pay for a wayshrine outside. The fall damage reduction traits were removed. That still stings a bit and was not the best holiday gift, but ok, done is done. Moving on. :'(


    Maybe something can still be done to make the puzzle just as hard, but not as punishing. How about a free rez back at the start when you fall and die? There is precedent for this with Griffonrook Run. I'm sure it would not matter much for someone who makes lots of gold in game, but that someone is not me, so even this small thing would be a great reduction in frustration.


    And, you know, some compensation for stealing those traits. ;)

  9. > @"Kondor.2904" said:

    > > @"Tanek.5983" said:

    > > Raise your hand if you _ever_ used Descent into Madness in a build just because it cast chaos storm when you used a heal. I know I never did. But I _did_ use the trait quite a bit in areas (especially HoT zones) when gliding over a group of enemies and dropping into their midst. So even aside from the damage its removal does to jumping puzzle areas, it actually had PvE uses for my gameplay. I try that move now, not only do I end up with 100% more damage than before, I don't get the chaos storm to start off a fight.

    > >

    > > Was doing that somehow a problem? I am really waiting for a complete explanation from ANet of this across-the-board removal and why we are better off now that it is gone.


    > I personally have never used the trait because of its fall dmg reduction in any game mode. If anything, it was extremely annoying when the trait triggered the chaos storm every time I accidently got fall damaged. Now it's even buffed, because it interacts with the staff cd reducing trait (even though it was supposed to work like that from the start).


    I'll take the occasional accidental trigger for the benefit of stunning enemies I land on and taking less damage to boot.

    And not sure about the staff cd trait, but if it was meant to work before and didn't, it is a fix rather than a buff. So overall, still a nerf with nothing in return for what I lose.

  10. Raise your hand if you _ever_ used Descent into Madness in a build just because it cast chaos storm when you used a heal. I know I never did. But I _did_ use the trait quite a bit in areas (especially HoT zones) when gliding over a group of enemies and dropping into their midst. So even aside from the damage its removal does to jumping puzzle areas, it actually had PvE uses for my gameplay. I try that move now, not only do I end up with 100% more damage than before, I don't get the chaos storm to start off a fight.


    Was doing that somehow a problem? I am really waiting for a complete explanation from ANet of this across-the-board removal and why we are better off now that it is gone.

  11. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"khani.4786" said:

    > > Mark me and the husband and all of our accounts having the same issue.

    > >

    > > For those who no longer have access to the email address they're logging in with why haven't you changed your email with anet? (just curious)


    > Is that even possible?.. I remember someone saying that wasn't possible a long time ago.. could be mistaken.


    It is possible, but you have to have Support do it for you. I eventually just made a new email specifically for the game because it could end up being too much of a pain otherwise.

  12. GW2 is one of the only games where I actually use a trading post/auction house. Not only can I list an item from anywhere, I can instantly see buyer and seller prices to get an idea on value, which is always the problem for me in other games. I never have a clue what something is worth in the game's economy.


    If I could not mail things to friends and an auction house was the **only** way to get items to them, I might have an issue with it, But what game woulD dO something like that? :P

  13. > @"Corax.7692" said:

    > * Desert Highlands: Springer—can jump up high. You need to train the raptor far-leaping mastery to be able to get to where the springers are (north-center on the map), or use a teleport to a friend. Easy to acquire by doing a renown heart.


    Quick note on this in case anyone goes to try it. The renown heart that you need to get the springer will not be available until you get the 3rd raptor mastery.

    We thought the same thing about the teleport, but apparently Anet does not want us using that particular loophole. ;)

  14. > @"GM Magister.8736" said:

    > First, the password reset: Our system automatically forces a password reset when the email is changed, as a security feature. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot we can do to help you out here - just take the opportunity to make sure your account is extra safe from anyone who might want to break in.


    Can you explain the thinking behind this as a security feature?

    Let's say someone else manages to change the email on my account. If you then force a password reset, the likely person doing the reset would be the person with the new email, so now not only has the email/username been changed to something I don't know, so has the password.

    I'm not sure how this makes the account extra safe and, depending on the situation, it could even put the account more at risk. (If I am the one changing the address, but am traveling at the time, having to create a new password means typing it in, potentially providing an opportunity for it to be seen/captured.)

  15. I don't know how Arenanet feels about it, but for me, if removing the bots actually _does_ cause a problem in the GW1 economy, I'd rather see suggestions on how to solve that problem (with the understanding that work is not really being done on the game) than see the bots left alone. The devs and the players are both fairly intelligent groups, so I would bet someone could come up with something that might help.

  16. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > I noted that two people suggested that players write Customer Support to ask them to make an item available outside of its sales rotation. I'm not a CS agent, but I strongly believe that CS cannot make things available to individual players. The rotation is set by a different team, and CS doesn't have the ability to conduct transactions like Gem Store sales. I mean, think about it -- would you mail an agent gold to buy something? You can't transfer gems, so... it just doesn't seem it would work at all. (I'll verify, but feel certain the above is true.)


    > To the OP (and any others who missed items on sale: I'm really sorry if you missed something you wanted. I did too! :( However, items are on a rotation, and using the links the IWN suggested above, you should be able to set yourself up for success with the next go-'round.


    And if it happens to be a day you are not able to log in, you miss out anyway.


    I like the idea of sales and I even like having things in and out of rotation in the store. But I'd probably side with people here saying one day is a bit too short. Not as bad as sites that put up sales for a few hours, but still. It can turn what should be a good month of opportunities into a disappointment that stays with you when you miss the one item you really want just because you were away from the game for one day.

  17. > @"Bofouci.1320" said:

    > Solution is even more simple. Individual gameplay balance patches.


    At launch, their stated goal was to keep skills the same across PvE, PvP, and WvW rather than have skills split between the game modes like in GW1. If they had kept to that, I may not like it, but I could understand where the PvP changes sometimes have detrimental PvE consequences.

    Now that some skills _are_ effectively split, though, I don't understand the logic in having one mode negatively impact the other.

  18. > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > @"Conncept.7638" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

    > > > > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

    > > > > > Please retain the whole message when copy/pasta-ing:

    > > > > > Moving Confusion to have condition damage contribution ticks made it a damage-over-time condition in addition to its 'hex' style punishment of using skills. We needed to make a choice as to whether or not the condition was going to be used as spammable DOT, or rarer/shorter, with more potency. We've decided to push Confusion to be burstier and once again focus on punishing skill activation. The reason for keeping any dot component is to message that you're under the effects of the condition, so you can be informed of it without looking at your buff bar.

    > > > > > With that said, we'll be moving weapons like Mirage's Axe toward Torment, rather than Confusion, as soon as the process allows.

    > > > >

    > > > > I'm glad that you intend on making changes eventually, but it's not a huge consolation for the numerous mesmers that no longer have viable builds for potentially the next 2 quarters.

    > > >

    > > > While I find confusion change to be... not smart, what you say here is a lie. There are already benchmarks for new mesmer builds higher than previous.

    > >

    > > You part of the dev team? Because just like them you seem to have forgotten there is PvE in this game outside raids, and a confusion mesmer is now unusable in all of it.


    > You can player power build. It's even much more reasonable to play power builds in open world.


    When a change limits build options (or even narrows them down to one) in a gameplay mode, that should signal a problem, no? And the devs seem to think it is a bit of an issue, too, if there are fixes for it planned later. Which is its own problem. I'm never a fan of the "break it now, fix it later" style, especially when it is known that there will be need of a further fix even before the change is implemented.

    Things may end up in a good place later, but don't play down that people will be having problems with their builds, at least for now.

  19. I have noticed crashes recently (the past 4 days or so? maybe a week? sorry, can't say exactly when they started, but it has not been long). Last crash before that was waaaay back. Maybe over a year.

    I don't have any 3rd party programs for GW2. Only other things normally running while I play are Chrome, Skype, and Mumble.

    Don't think I can trigger a crash on purpose, but if it happens again, I'll put in as much info as I can on what I have running, if that helps at all.

  20. > @crashburntoo.7431 said:

    > Just a quick note... if you have Tomes of Mentorship ([Wiki Page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Mentorship "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Mentorship")), I'm pretty sure they don't award spirit shards at lvl 80. They're only valuable as a level up consumable. Obviously, you should use those up as part of the leveling journey, and you can save some or all of your Tomes of Knowledge for spirit shards, as desired.


    Good point. I have only finished the story on one character, so I did not get too many of those. And speaking of items you can't use past a certain level, I wish I could do something with those level 20/30 boost scrolls other than hoard them in anticipation of having more characters one day.

  21. > @Zephyra.4709 said:

    > Personal preference. I'm at the stage where I automatically boost any new characters to 80 via scrolls + tomes as I know the class thoroughly enough and what to expect from mobs/enemy players. I also dislike the levelling process in any game if I've already done it more than twice.


    > If you are unsure of class mechanics I highly suggest levelling the normal way to get that experience of how your class functions while exploring the maps. Impo you shouldn't worry too much about the XP going towards levelling up considering the sheer amount of events (post 80 in meta maps etc) that reward chunks of XP for simply tagging a few things and the upcoming XP/ToT bag farm labyrinth for Halloween. If you intend to gain central tyria mastery XP post level 80 I think there are people that still run CoF path XP farms? They should advertise that along with the Halloween stuff in the LFG panel.


    > I'd wager if you're short on spirit shards too, to save those tomes and level normally. Never know when you might need spirit shards. Here's another tip - each time you leve up your WvW rank you get a chest with a tome in it! So if you like playing that game mode you'll be swimming in them in no time.


    > Hope that helps.


    Thanks. At this point I am not sure what a reasonable number of spirit shards would be. Saving the tomes just in case was part of what I considered. Plus, I just saw that the tomes are used in some guild recipes. Don't know if I would ever need them for that, but it is another potential reason to keep them around.


    I think I'll try leveling the old fashioned way for a little while and see how quickly it goes. I had not been much for WvW in the past before all the changes, so maybe that is something I should check out again, too.

  22. > @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

    > Before your character is level 80, your XP goes towards leveling. After level 80 your experience in core game goes towards Central Tyria mastery XP, Heart of Thorns XP goes towards Maguuma masteries, and Path of Fire XP goes towards mount masteries. Tyria XP/mastery points ONLY apply to the Central Tyria mastery lines, XP gained in HoT only applies towards HoT masteries, and PoF XP only applies towards PoF masteries.


    Thanks. I do know how the system works with the different masteries, but in this case I was focused on the Central Tyria area. By the time I get to Heart of Thorns, I'll be level 80 either way, so the question is whether I want the xp I gain in the core game on a new character to go to leveling or use the tomes instead and direct it to those Central Tyria masteries right off the bat.

  23. If you purchased Heart of Thorns, it is my understanding that you would no longer have the limitations of a free account (which I am guessing is what you had before).


    You can look at the following comparison to see if what you want is on there:



    Maybe it is just a matter of taking a little time for the account changes to go through?

    From the page above:


    >After you upgrade a free account, you’ll need to exit the game and log back in to see your permissions change. There’s also a longer delay (up to five days) before mail attachments, the Black Lion Trading Company, and guild banks are unlocked. You should see a message in-game displaying the time remaining before you have full access to these features.


    Good luck finding out what you need!

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