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Posts posted by Vallune.8150

  1. I did get hold of these within the last year or two - all three shoulder skins are currently available within the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock / Guaranteed Armor Unlock.

    But yeah, those are rng unlocks and making older skins more available is always a good thing, so I'm all for a way for people to work towards them at Halloween.


    P.S. Bring back the Boxing Gloves for costume brawls while you are at it - not available since 2013 :)


  2. Another point to note - it seems like these weapons were not designed as a whole set, but specifically created for each of the npc's.

    This is similar to what we have seen before with the likes of Marjory's axe & dagger, Braham's mace & shield, Faren's rapier etc. - these were never going to become full sets.


    To be honest, ANet could of easily just put the 5 Steel weapons skins in the gem store like they have done before with the aforementioned skins.

    It's actually a good thing (and maybe a further sign of listening to player feedback) that these have been added as in game rewards, with added re-colourisation options as an extra bonus.

  3. I think it's unlikely, and probably best not to get your hopes up that these weapons will be expanded to a full set.


    One important distinction to note is that the end reward Steel weapons in the sets are named "Steel Warband" (not Legion), as they are themed around the weapons that we see each of the members of the Steel Warband wielding in Forging Steel. The other four "Legion" weapons in each set are then just re-colourisations of that weapon, with a little less draw animation flourish.

    So as the main weapon in each of these sets is currently directly related to a specific character of a Warband which I don't think will be getting any bigger, I think it is unlikely that the weapon sets will be expanded.


    But hey, who knows what is planned, if they do add these it would be a nice surprise!

  4. Ends January 7th from their official release page :


    Beginning December 17

    Bells are ringing, snowballs are flying, and Toymaster Tixx’s fantastic golem-shaped airship hovers over the city of Divinity’s Reach. Celebrate the traditional Tyrian holiday of Wintersday with us through January 7!


    Link: [https://guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/releases/december-17-2019/](https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/releases/december-17-2019/ "https://guildwars2.com/en-gb/the-game/releases/december-17-2019/")

  5. Yup.

    I went from the same state of joy reading the patch notes to utter disappointment when, within the first minute of logging in after the patch, someone started spamming tomes at the bank.


    At least four ways to fix this, this wasn't one of them!


    (1) Remove (or **drastically** reduce) the sound effect

    (2) Make the sound effect only heard by the player using the tomes / items

    (3) Add a "Consume All" option for tomes - so levelling to 80 can be done in one click

    (4 - my favourite) Make it so tomes can only be used inside a designated sealed & soundproofed "Levelling Pod", located in all major cities and Lounge areas. Looks something like the matter transporter from The Fly.


  6. Some additional info - not that it helps you right now, but all of the town clothes skins have been made available before (as account bound skins) via black lion statuettes (20 statuettes per set.)

    I guess that they will return to statuettes again some time in the future, but who knows when that could be. As you state, a more regular source would make sense.


    Snipped from release notes :


    **08/28/2018—August 28 Release Notes**

    _The items available in exchange for Black Lion Statuettes have been updated. Black Lion Statuettes are redeemable by using the statuette itself or by redeeming one at any of the Black Lion Chest Merchants located in every major city.

    A new selection of town clothes outfits have been added._

  7. You do know what atm means, right? ;)

    That sink is 9 months away.

    Plus, as I recall, it was a very inefficient process which involved stupid amounts of clicking. I looked at it briefly, then just decided it was too much effort for too little return and left all the luck stacks on a mule alt in the vague hope of a better option arriving in the future.

  8. Marjory instantly became my favourite character after her film noir style cinematic introduction.

    After a strong start, it frustrates me that she keeps getting sidelined after various tragedies.

    I would love to the see the return of a strong, less downbeat, Marjory in the new season with a more central role. We deserve to see more of her! (And hear more of her amazing voice-over artist Sumalee Montano.)

  9. > @"Despond.2174" said:

    > Aww I thought it was going to be a full trailer with a preview of the new legendary GS. :(


    It is in there, did you miss it?

    The character on the flying "whatever" clearly has a GS on their back.

    Just zoom in and enhance three times to see it in all its glory!

  10. It could actually be a new flying mount.


    The trailer certainly conjures up thoughts of potential airborne fights. The Griffon wouldn't really cut it for fights in the air as it is essentially a gliding mount, not a full flyer, and once you drop below the level at which the fight is occurring the only way to get back up is to find something physical to climb back up to height.


    What you need is a full flying mount that can actually gain height of it's own accord.

    This mount would probably be specific to the new map at release as it has the potential to invalidate a lot of things in existing maps, but later down the line, who knows.

  11. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


    > **• Magic find will no longer affect the results of identifying Unidentified Gear.**


    One thing that I haven't seen questioned or clarified.


    Everyone in this thread (including myself) seems to be assuming that existing Unidentified Gear (affected by magic find) which is already in your inventory / bank will change overnight to become Unidentified Gear (not affected by magic find.)

    Hence I am planning on joining others in the Silverwastes this weekend to clear out stashed reserves.


    It could however be the case that existing Unidentified Gear is left unchanged (i.e a legacy item code), and from the patch on Tuesday Unidentified Gear drops as a completely new item which does not stack with the legacy item. This could leave the legacy item affected by magic find until identified / salvaged even after the patch.


    I'm not expecting an official answer early enough to change my personal rush to the Silverwastes, so I am still assuming the first way of working!

    But it would make some sense that the change follows the second option, especially as they are otherwise likely to be swamped by complaints next week from people who haven't seen this announcement.

    (Hey ANet! I was on holiday for two weeks and I come back to find six bank tabs worth of Unidentified gear has been vastly devalued by removing magic find. You have stolen from me! I demand compensation! I would have gotten at least 20 precursors! etc. etc. ;) )


  12. I've said this before, but the level up "whoosh".


    It's fine played once on its own as part of normal levelling, but every time I go to a bank some inconsiderate Skritt-brain is spamming their way from 1 to 80. It's so obnoxious and offensive to the ears (and eyes.. ) that I just have to leave and go do something else.


    Give us Consume All for tomes!!

  13. Checking Sonder's old list [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sonder_the_Seller "here") against the new Skritt vendors [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Rewards_Vendor "here"), everything seems covered.


    For the Nougat/Skulls/Fangs from Halloween you are way better off just merching the masterwork versions and buying the rare version off the Trading Post if you need them.

  14. You are talking about Sonder the Seller.

    He is still in game, he too moved to Hooligan's Route. You can find him sat down taking a well earned rest, literally on top of his pyramid scheme which several gullible Skritt bought into. They now do all the work, he still reaps the profits.


    As Inculpatus Cedo said above, I browsed through the Skritt and thought everything that Sonder used to sell was still there - what do you think is missing?


    (To answer the When? - Jan 22nd release notes : Out-of-season festival reward vendors have been moved to share a location in Hooligan's Route in Lion's Arch.)

  15. > @"Calvsie.3675" said:

    > The half way point in the under water tunnel where, if you surface, there is the insulting quaggan.

    > Don't remember map (never do), but its lead to me trying to surface anytime I'm in long under water caverns to try and find him again.


    Here you go. Go pay him a visit, he has some overdue insults for you.

    [wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Judging_Quaggan](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Judging_Quaggan "wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Judging_Quaggan")

  16. I agree with you with the Weapon unlock, I imagine there are just a handful of people who have maxed that one out.

    The Armor unlock is (comparatively) a lot easier to max out, so I imagine most of the people with this issue will have with nothing left available on the Armor unlock.

    The "600" items added exactly zero items to my Armor unlock, I think a lot of the skins added must have been commonly unlocked armor exotics from crafting , maybe temple skins etc.


    Granted, it's not a huge issue warranting significant amounts of Dev time, which is why I suggest adding the options to an existing merchant mechanic (Statuette Vendor) which they already regularly update the contents of anyway.

  17. Running in to the same issue as original post.


    My suggestion, add two options to the first tab of the Black Lion Statuette Vendor


    (1) Buy Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock for [1 x Black Lion statuette and 1 x Guaranteed Armor Unlock]

    (2) Buy Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock for [1 x Black Lion statuette and 1 x Guaranteed Weapon Unlock]


    As the Wardrobe unlock sells for 15 statuettes, while both the Armor and Weapon Unlocks sell for 30 I think this is more than fair, and would help resolve edge cases where people have maxed out options on one or the other.

  18. Some kind of water sword. I would say called "The Maelstrom" if that hadn't already been used in game on a rather unimpressive trident skin :/

    Waves crash up and down the weapon while in use, spraying foam. Draw effect is a large water vortex surrounding the player. Footfalls are mini crashing waves.


    Possible lore reason (includes recent Living Story spoiler):

    >! Kralkatorrik survived the recent encounter with the Commander, but was severely wounded. With his energy greatly reduced, he has joined Primordus and Jormag and returned to a dormant state to recover.

    >! A certain Deep Sea Dragon senses the power vacuum left in Tyria, is tired of being called "the other one", and decides it's time to remind everyone what his actual name is. The next Living Story episode ends with the Commander discovering this, leading on to the next Living Story instalment with a new dragon emerging.

  19. Not surprising that unique rare drops like the Iron Beast Greatsword are in the chests for two cycles and then are taken out, agreed, we knew that would happen based on how items have cycled out of chest historically. But that wasn't my point.


    What was surprising was that the second chest cycle finished after only 2 weeks with no prior warning, meaning that the IBG was only for 6 weeks rather than 8 (and Spectral / Pact Fleet weapons were only available for 2 weeks rather than an expected 4.)

    Historically, this has never happened before. Chest refresh is usually 4 weeks, sometimes a little longer, but it has never been slashed in half like this.

  20. I did and I am aware of this, sorry I should of been more explicit.

    I am talking about the "Roaring Dragon Chest" in general, as the name they gave to overall chest contents, not specifically the "Roaring Dragon Glider".


    Things that have left the chest with the update happening 2 weeks earlier than expected include Spectral skins, Pact Fleet Skins, the Iron Beast Greatsword skin.


    Sure, no major dramas, I was expecting 4 weeks to play with this chest and got two, missed some stuff I was interested in, hence the annoyance.

    Just suggesting that a "Hey guys, grab this quick as this chest is only around for two weeks" in the patch notes on Jan 8th would have been appreciated.

  21. The Black Lion Chest was updated to the Roaring Dragon Chest on 8th January. This has now been changed to the Fortune's Favor Chest just two weeks later.

    (Normal cycle for change/update is around 4 weeks, sometimes longer. The contents have never been changed after so little time before.)


    I know a lot of people won't be bothered either way, but as someone who takes an interest in the limited availability of Black Lion skins, this annoys me.

    Maybe a heads up would have been nice?



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