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Posts posted by Vallune.8150

  1. > @"jbrother.1340" said:

    > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

    > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > > Europe must be shrinking, then? Lost UK....

    > > >

    > > > we're getting there ;)

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > The UK can’t opt out of the continent.


    > It is not even attached to the continent :)


    It most definitely is .. the connection just happens to be underwater ;)


    I am quite impressed though that they are willing to ship the car to Europe as part of the prize. (Although I'm guessing import taxes and other stuff may make the cash alternative a better option) :

    * Grand Prize vehicle will be delivered to winner at address provided by winner during notification process, within three months of winner confirmation (unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Sponsor) – delivery outside the continental United States of America will increase delivery timeframe.

  2. When dealing with inventory management at the bank & trading post (it doesn't seem to matter which one, these people always find me) and there is a huge flash encompassing the whole screen and a very loud, annoying "PHHWWWOOMMMPHH" sound.

    There is usually then a brief pause, during which time I am usually thinking something along the lines of "surely they are not going to do that right here.. again.. ", and then of course it happens.



    Seriously, there is a special circle of hell reserved for all the people who level characters using tomes right next to the bank.

  3. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


    > > @"Vallune.8150" said:

    > > I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

    > > If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.


    > You are incorrect, here take a look at the cost of Twilight on the TP as far back as 2013: https://www.gw2tp.com/item/30704-twilight?full=1

    > Check any T1 legendary you want, they are all similar on this timeline.


    > The cost for legendarys has remained very stable and what was missing cost wise to craft on mystic coins was covered by T6 materials and ectoplasm in the past and which are dirt cheap currently.


    > So to assume legendarys used to be cheaper because Mystic Coins were cheaper is plain incorrect.


    > **TL;DR: the Mystic Coin price is desired by Arenanet where it is at right now. They will not change this.**


    I didn't actually mention Legendary weapons, I was talking specifically about the exotic weapons listed in the link I included.

    I used the link that you provided to look at Mystic Battleaxe as an example., this was sitting around the 6-10g mark for 2-3 years until mystic coins starting rocketing in price, it is now sitting in the 55-60g range.

    This is what I mean when I say that this has pushed some recipes to higher values than they need to be for a pretty basic skin.


    Reducing the amount of coins required for some of these Exotic weapon recipes, for example, would not have a major impact on Mystic Coin prices, as the main consumption of coins lies elsewhere.

    In fact it may be the case that more people would bother to craft them if the material cost was less, so the amount of coins used may even balance out.

  4. I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

    If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.

  5. > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

    > Putting the beetle in mount packs might get awkward since you'd then have an item that does absolutely nothing unless you have a specific chapter of living world. For other mounts like the griffon, you might not have them yet, but they're always available to you if you have PoF. The beetle needs an extra purchase to even be an option.


    They already started adding new beetle skins with the last gem store [Mount Adoption License](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Racer_Mount_Adoption_License "Mount Adoption License")


    In fact it was weighted more towards getting Beetle skins (4 Beetle, 3 Griffon, just 2 of each of the rest), a trend I expect will continue until the numbers of each mount skin type available are more balanced between the different types.

  6. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > And just how are they supposed to make a beetle for the Spooky Mount skins theme?


    > It's a bug. It has no bones, just the outer shell. You can't paint the skeleton on it, it doesn't have one. If you tried, it would wind up all one color.


    They managed just fine with the Skimmer, which probably doesn't have bones either as it has a design based on a manta ray. If you look at the Spooky Skimmer it's more of a pattern following the general theme than a defined mapping out of any bone structure.

    Or if you really want your bone pattern, they could base the Spooky skin on the Tremor Armadillo skin for roller beetle - that would definitely have bones. :)


    I'm hopeful that the sets will get filled out someway or another. Maybe they will just gradually add the missing skins to future mount adoption licenses, so we can fill out the sets over time in a similar way that the Primeval and Star sets haven't all been released together.

  7. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

    > I wonder if maybe there's some NPCs or mobs that we're supposed to interact with while transformed? I've started looking around but haven't found any yet.


    I thought this too. I tried with the Choya transformation, speaking to the kid that says he likes Choya, there was no change in dialogue. Tried dancing around him as a Choya and by the nearby fire too. Nada so far.

  8. Given the time of year, my money is on it being a new Halloween mini that sneaked into the code a bit early.

    It fits the pattern of many previous Halloween minis which were given actual names which didn't seem to relate to anything else in game, i.e Ghost Carlotta, Zuzu Cat of Darkness, Gwynefyrdd, Charles the Hellfire Skeleton, Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven, Thailog the Gargoyle, Bradford the Skeleton Ghost, Gustav the Caramel Corn Elemental.


    Granted, it doesn't look particularly scary, unless you have leporiphobia (yes I googled that ;) )

    Maybe it turns into the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog if you look at it funny.

  9. > @"Axiom.9742" said:

    > Guildies have submitted countless tickets and reports over the years, with replies of confusion by support saying it was never removed and should be on the guild armorer, only to learn, yup, indeed removed from the game. Seems to have been an oversight, with original intent to add a tab to the guild armorer when HOT launched.




    I agree that it was probably an oversight, it never made any sense that the Kite Maker was removed from the game.


    What I think happened:

    * Team (A) working on cleaning up old maps in the game ready for HoT release : "Hey, we've got this Kite Maker guy here who sells kites showing the guild emblem. We're introducing Guild Halls , right? He should definitely be moved there instead."

    * A memo was sent to Team (B) who were creating all the stuff for the new Guild Halls, asking them to add the Kite Maker.

    * The intern who was running the memo to Team (B) paused on route to pet "those cute little pocket raptors."

  10. There have been requests before to make the [Guild Kite](http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Kite "Guild Kite") obtainable once more within the game.

    (The "Kite Maker" NPC selling them disappeared from the game around the time of the Heart of Thorns release.)


    With the inclusion of the Guild Kite as one of the items added to the Novelty wardrobe tab, this will once again become a common request.




    Add the Kite Maker NPC to Guild Halls - this could be either unlocked retroactively along with Guild Armorer to mimic the original requirements, or it could be added as a new unlock.


    Keep the original Items Offered Tab allowing purchase of a Guild Kite by trading in a Sun, Wind or Lightning Kite plus some gold.


    Add the facility to purchase an identical Guild Kite using Guild Commendations instead of the Sun, Wind or Lightning Kite.


    Add new types of Guild Kites - Shimmering Guild Kite, Tenebrous Guild Kite and Obsidian Guild Kite immediately spring to mind, using amounts of the Guild Hall Ore Synthesizer bonus materials.


    Bonus pie in the sky idea:

    Have the NPC sell a Back Item which acts as a kite mount. Activating a Kite (or Balloon) whilst wearing this item would place the item on your back instead of in your hand. This would allow you to use the kite or balloon and still display weapons and enter combat.

  11. > @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

    > why RNG?


    > i really want the skin and bought 25 keys.


    You kind of answered your own question. You bought the keys to get it. (And that's not meant as a jibe, I will be doing the same!)

    The Gem Store is there to bring money into the company, someone crunched some numbers and figured the income per item by making it available this way is more than selling it directly.

  12. I kind of understand why this was "fixed" _**BUT**_ a much better solution would have been to increase the amount required for the Daily Berry Acquisition from 5 to, say, 8. That way the node would work the same as the Fire Orchids. Your home instance node would still contribute towards completion, but you would still need to visit Bitterfrost Frontier to actually complete the daily.

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