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Posts posted by OlrunTheBlade.1486

  1. @"flog.3485" People are bandwagoning onto Firebrand support because it's way too strong against Scourge comps, and any comp that's not running a Scourge is at a disadvantage anyway. A mediocre Firebrand supplies more heals and cleanse than a good Tempest. Tempest can provide things like Shocking Aura, but what does that do against a Scourge? Tempest also provides some offense, but you don't need that extra damage when there's so much damage in the meta.

  2. Shout Tempest is perfectly viable for casual play. Firebrand is, in general, stronger, but Tempest is actually probably stronger versus full power comps (although you don't see many of those because of Scourge). After Firebrand and Scourge get nerfed, which is almost guaranteed come Tuesday, Auramancer will probably be back in the meta even at top tier. It never left the solo queue meta, though.


    DPS Weaver is definitely a little undertuned, but keep in mind that the currently overperforming specs will be nerfed tomorrow. Weaver deserves some small buffs, but the main things it needs are nerfs to Spellbreaker and Firebrand. It's also worth noting that sword buffs for Weaver have already been confirmed, IIRC.


    TL;DR - Why is this an issue now, with a balance patch tomorrow? If this was the case after the meta stabilized post-balance patch, I would understand the concern. As it stands, it's guaranteed to change tomorrow.

  3. Yeah, it's not really something I plan to keep doing. I noticed I had access to it as the tournament started, so I was messing with it. I was even whispering your teammates and talking about it with them. I just didn't feel like responding to your incessant curses and insults in map chat and whispers. Maybe spamming "trashcan fatboy" at me isn't the best way to communicate. Just a thought.

  4. I'd advise your friend to stop harassing other players if she wants privacy. The last time I played against her, she was harassing my teammates and calling people names because we didn't go easy on them in an AT. On top of that, she's still harassing my friend. If she wants privacy, then maybe she should just calm down instead of sending stuff saying how she's crying and puking and stuff like this: https://imgur.com/03mfjow

  5. @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" Rebroadcasting a GW2 match would be much more difficult than a GW1 match because of how much more is involved. Maybe in the future they will do something of the sort, but I doubt it.


    On the topic of ghosting, it is possible. However, the number of partners allowed to use the system is fairly limited. Abuse of the system would be very risky for involved parties. I do hope it doesn't come to that, though.

  6. I don't see anything in your screenshot that could be taken as remotely disruptive. Also, participation in tournaments generally means you're consenting to being streamed. This hasn't been true for the mATs because of technical reasons, but if you ever participated in the Mistpedia Weeklies, AG Weeklies, Go4 Weeklies, ToLs, or Pro League, participants could all be streamed. I understand that in this particular case you may have entered the tournament unaware that you could be spectators, but you should assume as much if you enter future tournaments. It's a major way that ArenaNet markets the game. If you can't handle that, don't play in ATs. As far as I know, your team is the only one that has had issues with spectators, and my screenshot shows pretty well the frame of mind of the player complaining. I could link more, but I don't think anybody wants that. I have no issues linking PMs, though, since I do so with the recipient's permission. I will block out the names, though, to prevent it leading to any sort of harassment.

  7. Despite the issues persisting up until the time of the tournament, it was also not postponed until it was already started and, on NA, halfway finished. Oh, and why was there a patch pushed out in the middle of the registration period? It's one thing for daily ATs, but it shouldn't happen for the monthly.

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