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Posts posted by OlrunTheBlade.1486

  1. Celestial was more powerful because it gave more stat points. They could add it back to the game if they reduced the bonus stat points you gained from it. The Celestial builds weren't even definitively better; they were just easier to play. A Celestial build fills every role, so rotations are easier. Team fights depend less on focusing the correct target or peeling for and supporting each other. Even back when Celestial was meta, you could run comps with limited use of it. It was just harder. And regardless of whether or not it's balanced in competitive play, easier builds are stronger in queues. That's just how it works. So... yeah... they could add a weakened Celestial Amulet back if they wanted.

  2. @"finkle.9513" My comment doesn't only apply to holding points. It just describes relative priorities when deciding between kills and capturing points. It is frequently a better decision to secure a kill than to gain cap or decap progress on a node. As I said, in general, the node is your focus, so I didn't argue with your initial points because they were too general to debate. However, if you're adamant that people should always cap the node first, then you're wrong. It's much more situational than that.

  3. If you think that you have to fight on point the entire match, you're just as mistaken as the players who avoid it. It is very comp dependent. Maybe you're a tankier comp without much pressure, so it will take you a long time to recap a node if you lose it. Then it might be a good idea to fight on point most of the match. But maybe the other team is a full DPS comp with no supports. Then you can give up the node to sustain, since they can't hold it anyway. Or maybe your comp is full on DPS, in which case kills are more important than caps, so you do chase across the map if the target is low. It lets you snowball. I didn't originally respond to this post because your "tips" are so general to be useless. It's all situational. However, you seem to think that fighting on point is always the best move. That is incorrect.

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