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Posts posted by cyanweapon.7290

  1. > @"Deimos.4263" said:

    > Yes this one drives me nuts. You almost never want to retreat when you use the skill and yell "Retreat!". It should be renamed Charge but I doubt they'll do so.




    I hadn't even considered it, but Charge has just as much a right to be the shout as Retreat. It was on the original Guild Wars as well. Someone else pointed that out above.

  2. > @"Pifil.5193" said:

    > > @"cyanweapon.7290" said:

    > > All I know is "Retreat!" feels so antithetical to the guardian style. It makes me cringe, like I'd expect my allies to shout, "Quit being such a weenie!"


    > If it makes you feel better imagine that your guardian is shouting for your allies to retreat while they advance on the enemy.


    I dunno, man. I might expect to get five across the eyes from the group warrior for suggesting they're weak. c_c


    That fine line between valiance and ego.

  3. Can we change Retreat to Charge? Or Advance? Here I am in the middle of battle, doling out speed and protection... by valiantly urging my comrades to turn tail and flee.


    Am I crazy? Does this bother anyone else? Am I alone here? Shouting "Charge!" or "Advance!" seems more fit to the heroic style of a guardian, and I even think 'Advance!' might suggest a more tactical approach (thus, aegis). Shouting "Retreat!" every thirty seconds makes me feel like a complete coward in the face of danger.

  4. > @"Brother.1504" said:

    > Why do people want swim wear?


    Because fashion.


    That's really all there is to it. Swimsuits have been a canonical, thematic thing for the in-game universe for a few years now. People want it as an option to dress their characters in.

  5. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > I can but my daughter can't. She's five and extremely upset.... wish mine was out instead of hers. My account is since beta and hers is a month old both NA.


    I was going to gently troll here. I was going to say, "Your five-year-old plays GW2? Darn casuals!" I'm an awful person, I know! But I think if I'm being honest, I'm actually impressed. And it's cool that you game with your kiddo.


    Back on topic! Yeah, I've noticed some wonky super-lag lately, too. Doesn't seem to be on my end, though. Everything else is running smoothly.

  6. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"cyanweapon.7290" said:

    > > I didn't buy GW2 to rent a character.


    > Except you did. There will be a day that the servers will shut down and then the lease will end. You cannot play this game without their servers running. So considering it a long-term lease, circumstances willing, but any game that is played on online servers is a rental and they decide how long it will last. At least you can see that GW1 is still around so that's a positive but that's only because of its link with GW2 I'd say. If they'd made a completely different game than GW2 then the GW1 servers might have been closed by now. It's a positive they're willing to do this but once they pull the plug on servers you are left with nothing. So it's very much a rental and not a game you own that you can play offline.


    Except I didn't. Conflating "renting" with "servers closing someday down the road despite GW1 being launched more than 13 years ago, still running, and without subscriptions" is extremely disingenuous. How can you even look at these things, as well as GW2's production, and hint that subscriptions are necessary?


    When you rent something, that something doesn't stop existing simply because the rent is up. It means you don't have access to it. When servers shut down, that's it. Bam. Gone. You can't pay a fee and suddenly get it back. You may not consider that a big difference, but it really is. And your suggestion that GW1 is still around simply because of GW2 is, as you alluded, your own speculation. Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. The irrefutable fact is that it's still up and running, alongside GW2, without subscriptions. So let's stick to facts and not try to frighten folks into paying unnecessary fees.


    I've always loved Guild Wars because it's basically the bogeyman to Pay-2-Play apologists.

  7. There seems to be some arguments forming on here based solely for the sake of nitpicky one-upmanship. A disingenuous premise does nothing but damage your own premise. I mean, seriously - when it gets to a point where you're asking someone to define "jerk," it's time for involved parties to move on.


    Back on topic, this does seem to've become a sort of 'dog chasing its own tail'. Over the span of 73 pages, I've seen the same arguments and refutes made. It follows a pretty straight sequence.

    1.) Firings were unjust.

    2.) Firings were just.

    3a.) PF shouldn't have been fired.

    3b.) PF should have been fired.

    4.) No firings should have happened because private twitter.

    5.) Twitter is not private and they were representing the company.

    6.) Start chain from Part 1.


    I'm not calling for the thread to be closed, but does anyone else notice this pattern? I'm thinking of making like a boardgame out of it.

  8. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > People keep citing JP's lack of professionalism in her replies, without realising that ruining someone's career is just as unprofessional. You can't teach people lessons by condemning them, it just boxes them into their bad behavior even further.


    Anet's reaction was very professional. It maintained a professional standard with its community - taking a stance in direct opposition to representatives belittling and demeaning its customers. Without customers, you don't have a job. Maintaining a positive relationship and staying loyal to customers is.. like... Business 101. Or not even. It's like Business 050; absolute remedial. If it's a lesson you don't get, don't worry. Capitalism will work as intended with or without you.


    Anet didn't ruin her career. She already had a career. Her actions ruined it. It isn't Anet's job to be her parent, nor shoulder the burden of her poor choices. It doesn't owe her that. All it owes her is a paycheck in compensation for the work she provides. That is a professional relationship. Keeping her on would have damaged the company's position with its consumer - remember that being a thing? The company could afford to lose her. There's no shortage of people who'd absolutely love to have her position.


    Actions have consequences. No one owes her anything. She got paid to do a job for the duration that she was a benefit to the team. She stopped being a benefit. This couldn't be more basic business. It's the definition of a professional environment.


    *Edited to be a little less harsh.*

  9. > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > @"morrolan.9608" said:

    > > Yeah the shining beacon of light that has emboldened trolls to ratchet up the harassment of women game devs further.


    > Literally fake news. The only time this “harassment” occurs is in the mind of people like the dev in question in order to play the victim card in order to deflect criticism when they are acting a-fool.


    > She is not getting the attention of “trolls” because she is a woman but because she is a vile person. Let’s not forget this is the same person who celebrated the death of John Bain with a snarky tweet on the day of his passing.


    > Everything she’s getting now is just karma.




    Don't feed trolls, bro. Dude's trying to divert the thread into a mirror of the other one. I'm very positive that's not the purpose of this thread.


    As a sign of support for MO and Anet's dedication to its community, I'm gonna be encouraging some friends to join GW2.

  10. There are some really great posts on here. Hahah.


    Honestly though, I think it'd probably have to be Jora, or some other Norn. So far, we have a Charr, Dwarf, Human, Dragon, frigging Mallyx, and a Centaur. I feel like going straight to a longbow would feel too samey to the one we just got with Renegade. I'd have to assume greatsword's the next weapon. I'd totally welcome it.

  11. > @"Nury.3062" said:

    > I've been playing GW2 for more than 5 years, been a guild leader for more than 4.Lately I stopped playing the game because I wanted to take a break from mmos. (That's to give a bit of info about me).I was here when my ranger (the class ) was as useless as a selfless skritt (bad joke,i know) and the content took months to arrive, even if now I am on a break I still check the news. I was baffled when I heard about the twitter thing.

    > I am an EUROPEAN,i think it's important to say that because in Europe we don't have(in most places if not all) the social issues US has and we see things differently ( generalized claim,ofc there are exceptions) . The social issues in US derive mostly from political views which are mixed in social perceptions. With everything having political roots, the problem is,all the sides push their agendas for their own benefit leaving rationality and honest practices aside and there are so many gullible people to be taken advantage of and push their agenda thinking they do a good job. But I am not here to talk about politics,i am here to thank you Mr. Mike O'Brien and everyone who acted rationally in this issue. With a bit of common sense and an open mind not tainted by any political/social side it's a no brainer to understand what Price (not using pronouns because I don't know what pronouns to use anymore....ha ha), does and how malicious she is by using this opportunity to push agendas that had nothing to do with the issue at all.

    > After checking the "journalists" and their twitter, who wrote those articles in those publications,not worth mentioning,you will understand why they are so biased and go against Anet. But the whole/all the youtube /ers are with you Anet ,GW2 community is with you and any rational person. Not only that you get free publicity from this because the ones who go against Anet and the people who follow them wouldn't even play GW2 anyways(my assumption not backed by facts) and the ones who are with Anet /or agree with the decision are more inclined to check the game out.

    > Thank you Anet,thank you Mr. Mike O'Brien for all the wonderful moments I had and I will have in this amazing game and thank you for being a beacon of light in an industry and a world who goes against rationality more and more. Maybe this will be a precedent for a better and more rational future. Stay strong ,we are with you!


    > Long post,i know...


    Yes. Just, yes. I noticed some people are already trying to put this down, but this feels like a thread of simple and straight-out appreciation for making a sane business move in a world that glorifies special treatment and immunities. I couldn't be more pleased to see a company decision made in the best interests of the company and the community, rather than sell them out.


    Yes. The community is behind you guys, MO. This is why I respect this company. Keep the helm steady, and you'll have me onboard for a long, long time to come.

  12. Hold on, wait. I think there may be conflation afoot.


    Is Blish a cyborg (as in, blend of meaty parts and robo-parts) or a sentient consciousness shelled in a robot? We should try to be clear on what the icky-factor the OP is experiencing is coming from before making any refutes. There's an argument to be made for why those two things are very different.


    ...I won't be making that argument though, because I don't care that much. Neeners!

  13. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > @"hashmonkey.2501" said:

    > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > Its good to hear that in public cases Anet won't defend employees making bad decisions just because they're a women. The real problems are what happens in cases that get successfully suppressed because it doesn't happen to a player that's not part of the partner program.

    > >

    > > you do realise a man was fired as well? can you just please stop bringing gender in the equasion it's getting old af.


    > You're really dense if you think that was my point. Besides, this is the whole point of the issue of why they got fired. Sexism. Its getting old af that people are downplaying that.


    You are correct. Sexism. She got fired because of her sexism.

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