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Posts posted by cyanweapon.7290

  1. Anyone remember the years people kept requesting mounts, and kept getting backlash from naysayers declaring it'd break their immersion? Despite the game's artwork including mounts? Despite the fact that we had people riding around on flying broomsticks and magic carpets already?


    Anyone remember the years people kept requesting swimwear, and kept getting backlash from naysayers declaring it'd break their immersion? Despite the game having characters already in them? And characters in Southsun walking around in swimwear that is most assuredly NOT standard undies?


    To be fair, I've not seen a lot of the "but my immersion!" argument on here yet. What I have seen is pretty surprising (and kind of hilarious - the ratings? Seriously?), but just as silly. I could anecdotally say that between all the games I've been on that involve swimsuit options (including Secret World Legends), they haven't been "abused" - though that term seems wildly inappropriate here. But you're welcome to disagree with either of the following statements that I WILL make. They're subjective.


    1.) Swimsuits are fun and provide content.

    2.) Fun and content are what we're here for.


    Here's one that isn't subjective, however:

    There's an interest and market for swimsuits in the community. It's been here for years.


    So bring on the swimsuits, guys. Power to you. And let them be usable wherever, dye-able, and so on. Outfits or armor, either is fine by me. The rule of fun is more important than sparing a prudish authoritarian a case of the vapors.

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