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Posts posted by Safandula.8723

  1. as in topic. I bought all slots on rev long ago and i use 4 diffrent equipment slots only for fractals, and would like to use more. I also play wvw and sometimes raids, and i dont want to make another rev which would require another leggendary weapons and armor. Many ppl said it at start, that 6 eq templates is not enough, and i wonder if there are any plans to expand current system?

  2. > @"Shardex.7486" said:

    > @"Ordin.8341" If you are a new player, you should not care much about what's the high level meta. Any spec can run fractals/raids. And specs can get buffs/nerfs at any point. If you bought one of the expansions you get a free lvl 80 boost item anyways. Find a nice guild and youre good to go.


    He doesnt ask for high end meta, but rather for classes that are not bad, there is a diffrence.

    Guard is the safest pick - can play power dps, condi dps, healer power/condi boon hubrid, nevro is good as well - good power dps, decent condi dps. Rev - condi dps, alac heal, alac hybrid dps. All those classes have use in raids and fractals, while mesmer is simply dead in fractals

  3. Also tbf, static MAY be worse than pugs. U can flame/teach/leave pug group, any Time u want, u cant rly do the same in static if they suck, making u stuck playing with bad PPL. For example there is a Group of Old friends and 1 of them is significantly underperforming. Who Will tell him to "git good, or kick" ? Noone, u Will be stuck with him untill Group disbands

  4. So im a thief Main and i can Say, i got no idea how to fight against it sometimes.

    S/p is evade Fiesta, Best weakness i found was static aura, but its hard to punish it at all.

    D/d is a meme, just pew pew it.

    De has 2 counters, it would be reveal and good chasing potential- s/s herald is the Best.

    Vault thief has 1 Main weakness - animation lock at the end of the vault - Best countered by other thief or any insta cc. The Main issue i See here is that vault looks almost exactly as bound, often i got no idea whats happening atm. Also vault could get 1 or 2 s icd.

    D/p thief are kinda fun. Just dont randomly spam ur skills,and predict backstabs - its managable

    Overall none of thief builds are fun to play against becouse thief can ALMOST always reset if Shadow step is up (i was always surprised how broken that skill is), and becouse thief has so many fast/instant attacks, which make it hard to react properly.

    But do i think thief is broken? Nah. Not if u look at what other classes can do.


    PS, if u struggle with thief, just play guard - they eat them. And range, thief struggle with ranged dmg


  5. > @"RaidsAreEasyAF.8652" said:

    > It also doesn't work on darkrazors. Base Breakbar damage for daze is always 100. To exceed that you need a daze longer than 1 second. Even with paralyzation. Darkrazors daze duration would be below 1 second. As such paralyzation. Does t affect it. Staff 5 doesn't get affected.


    > @"Cyninja.2954" @"Safandula.8723"


    U sure? I thought the same, but iv heard it works on dazes few days ago. Will test soon

  6. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > > > > > @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

    > > > > > > After playing around with those numbers some more:

    > > > > > > Bringing an Alacrigade would have to increase the DPS of each party member by about ~24% to break even with just bringing another DPS instead.

    > > > > > > (Again, For a 5 man setting). Which imo just isnt realistic.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It can be if the renegade is the one doing most of the CC so you can actually get the 50% extra dps from breakbar without interrupting rotation or having to bundle non-stop, renegade could be around 12k for Ensolyss, good one around 15k, hard to compare when there's varying personal skill involved and without seeing the actual run/skill breakdown.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No class is mandatory at all, you can solo most if not all fractals, but for more casual groups HB/Ren + 3 dps or 2dps + 1bs is usually the safest bet regarding boons and actually clearing without struggling too much or wiping, it's not only alacrity but also might (which most HB's don't sustain properly), CC, protection, scholar uptime, vuln, personal dps, fury/swift if pack runes (yes i've seen HB's with 0% swiftness and 0% fury uptime), etc.

    > > > >

    > > > > No, you are certainly correct here.

    > > > > As said, I had to make a lot of assumptions for this little number-crunch and it's 1 sample with lots of variables, so it probably doesnt mean much.

    > > > > But: For this particular encounter with this particular group: Everything the rev had to bring to the table (might, vuln, scholar uptime and whatnot) would have had to increase grp dps by 24% in order to warrant the pick over a 3rd DPS. And 24% is a quite a lot....especially considering this is one of the better grps (par the ele maybe) I have pugged CMs with.

    > > >

    > > > The rev in your group made up just about 70%-80% of the entire groups defiance bar break. Honest question, how much cc did you contribute in that group today?

    > > >

    > > > Renegade on staff 5 with sigil of paralyzation and Kalla Darkrazor's Daring is the backbone of any meta composition defiance break. Unless you want all damage dealers to use consumables multiple times, which literally causes dps loss. The renegade alone can put out the around 2k defiance bar break required, so the rest of the group does not have to, but usually just puts out the main part while dps players use 1 consumable.

    > > >

    > > > That is without accounting for NPNG, alacrity or anything else the renegade is providing.

    > > >

    > > > By the way, that arc log suggests everyone but you was doing cc, or they were terrible at their rotations.

    > > >

    > > > EDIT:

    > > > and just because everyone takes everything personal on the forums. No, this is not me berating you for potentially not doing cc. This is simply me asking, have you considered this aspect? It could have very well been the case that your team was weaker, especially the other weaver. It happens all the time that there is difference in skill. The overall performance was good enough to complete the CM and players adapted.

    > >

    > > Does Sigil of paralyzation boost staff 5 as staff 5 is not a stun?


    > Yes it does.


    no it doesnt. only works on darkrazor and consumables


  7. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > Thats cause T4s are a farm that people dont want to be stuck on for a prolonged amount of time.

    > Myself included tbh. If T4s take longer than 30minutes (basically the time my food lasts), I start to become a tad annoyed.

    > Meta-gaming is just a way people make sure to run in a optimal setup to make the run as smooth and fast as possible.


    > Altho, you are very right. Some people take it to the extreme.

    > People certainly overvalue super-optimized setups. Like HFB, Alac-Renegade, BS + 2DPS.


    > Alacrity Renegade and to a similar (but more minor) extend, Banner-Warriors are imo NOT needed for a good T4 group.

    > While it is true that Alacrity smooths out certain DPS-rotations for some classes/specs, I think it is vastly overrated for T4s.

    > From personal experience (and I run T4s almost daily, for years now) Alacrity Renegade pulls so little personal DPS, that the group dps-boost from 5 man Alacrity actually doesnt compensate it. Substituting the Renegade for an ACTUAL DPS usually is the more efficient way, I found.

    > Obviously renegade has other utility qualities that make it a nice addition to the grp (like Kalla elite, very good CC or boonstrip and stab depending on second legend), but for 5 man settings its not very mandatory.


    > Same goes for BannerSlave warriors. Sure, Banners are nice and all....but not really that high-value in a 5man setting.

    > (Banner of Discipline is a great example, since the bonus crit% doesnt really matter a whole lot in fractals since most DPS specs critcap from potions alone anyway).

    > But since a Banner Warrior also brings nutty personal DPS, this is certainly not something I mind having in my grps.


    > Ultimately, at least for me, a good T4 grp has to bring these things:

    > -Perma Quickness

    > -Perma Fury

    > -Perma 25 Might

    > -1 Healer (since it trivializes most encounters)


    > Thats it. No need for Banners or Alacrity or Spirits....Which basically means 1 HFB and 4 DPS.

    > Id rather spend less time in the lfg and finish the Fractals in ~30 minute, than w8 15 minutes for the perfect grp comp and clearing the Fractals in ~25minutes.



    My brain hurts

  8. With Firebrand u could support ur Group with quickness so, that would be surely beneficial. Although ur right, heal Firebrand (all healers tbf) make u face roll thru the content, without realising what ur actually doing wrong.

    If u want to complet dailies easy just go heal fb.

    If u want to improve, u can play without healer for most of the Time. Fractals are mainly about positioning urself properly, and doing good cc on trash mobs or boss and bursting . For example darkrazor from renegade is 6 sec pulsing daze. In this Time u can easilly kill all mobs, making dedicated healer unnecessery. Its just one example. Renegade elite skill is one of Best healing skill in the game it just requires ur party to attack.

    But if ull struggle, and ull die and ull get frustrated, just go with healer, remember u play this game for fun

  9. V shaped attack dont have indicators, and is often hidden under other ICE shards aoes, and/or melting with ground texture. Also hitbox is bigger than actuall animation, so its ez for New players to get hit by it.

    ICE shards indicators are actually smaller than Real hitbox- if ull stand right next to it, ull get hit, and indicators stay on ground for a moment after hit which should be fixed as well.

    Basicly if u dont want to get hit, u need to keep more distamce from indicators, than in case of other aoes in the game

  10. So ICE boss at the end of UF fractal is hard meme if ur Talking about attacks indicators. In case of this boss their range and timing is completly desynchronised with Real attacks, and as more experience players already learned it, PPL below that line, will wonder what did actually happen when they lost their mistlock/went down state.

    Plz remake indicators so they are in pair with attacks, or just remake boss.

    Its not just "OMG to hard, plz nerf" thread, but rather ask for change that should happen long Time ago.


  11. Simple. With proper boons ur dps will go significantly higher so u can clear much faster and smoother. Also with healer, chance of wiping and losing Time May decrease as well. But as cyninja said, many PPL just hope, healer Will cover all their mistakes, so they dont care for whats actually happening around, and they usually do rly random stuff, so playing without healer May be beneficial for u

  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"lothefallen.7081" said:

    > > -Cantha expansion

    > No, thank you.

    > > -Playable Tengu race

    > No, thank you.

    > > -New elite specs

    > Ok, if balance can be achieved

    > > -Demonetize build templates

    > >No, thank you.

    > > -Overhaul core dungeon explorable paths with strike mission mechanics and add incentives for vets to help new players learn how to play properly with achievements and rewards

    > How will overhauling these things incentivize any of the results given here?

    > > Dungeons are the first group content that the game encourages players to check out. Right now, the dungeon system in this game is a liability. It scares more people away from the game with a dead LFG when these instances could be used to teach new players how to play correctly and create a pipeline to fractals and raids. When you get a mail as you're leveling to check out these dungeons, make an automatic group finder for them. Get these new players learning break bars, cc, and dodging instead of roaming an empty overworld for 80 levels. New players won't stay for the current experience. You need to think about how your game should be designed to bring players into the fold, not alienate them because the first group content they touch is atrocious and no longer supported development. You need to fix this system. It's absolutely dire.

    > Better tutorial, sure.

    > > -Allow LWS1 to be playable so new players can actually orient themselves in the world and feel attached to the story instead of just watching a cinematic with 0 information.

    > No, thank you.


    > No, thank you.

    > > -Refocus on guild content and guild cohesion. We need more types of guild missions, more rewards, GvG, bonuses for clearing daily fractals or raids with guilds, come on.

    > Need to focus on guild content before they can re-focus on it.

    > > -Stop putting all the flashiest rewards in the gemstore. Monetize your expansion. Reward players for playing the game first, then try to milk them on cosmetics and QoL second.

    > No, thank you. Game needs to make money somehow and items in gemstore can easily be purchased with gold -> gem conversion.

    > >


    > > -GW player since 2005

    > Is this supposed to provide some legitimacy?



    What would u actually want from this game, as it seems u like current state of it?

  13. > @"Xca.9721" said:

    > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > I think op dont like the fact, he wont be Able to 1 shot PPL while doing cc with a single skill. Sotm is broken atm- shiton of dmg, evade, knockback. Not gonna mention its also good for 'stripping' stab as it hit multiple Times in almost no Time.

    > > Yes i play rev and i think this change is good, Sotm, will still be strong


    > are you living in 2016? the times where you could 1shot ppl with sotm are long gone


    talking about wvw. its quite easy there

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