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Posts posted by TyPin.9860

  1. My setups:


    **Power Roaming**




    - Illusionary Ambush => Decoy

    - some defensive gear mixed in



    - Mimic + Blink => powerful disengage

    - Mimic + Ambush => chase + offense / burst setup


    _Strong against (so far)_

    - Power Ranger

    - Necromancer (any variety)


    _Weak to (so far)_

    - Ele, when very mobile

    - Staff daredevil

    - Invisible Deadeye


    **Hybrid Roaming**




    - Illusionary Ambush => Decoy



    - Mimic + Blink => powerful disengage

    - Mimic + Ambush => chase + offense / burst setup


    _Strong against (so far)_

    - Necromancer (any variety)

    - Invisible Deadeye (one good burst can win the fight [depending on deadeye gear])


    _Weak to (so far)_

    - Staff daredevil

    - Guardian

    - Ele

    - Invisible Deadeye (surprised/burst misses/has some defensive gear mixed in)

  2. Before the patch I was running Chaos/Insp/Mirage (GS/Staff) and mostly zerker gear in WvW for roaming. I was heavily relying on IH to apply vuln and do damage. Doesn't work any more.


    I still like this patch for on reason: The rework of Elusive Mind. 2 condies cleansed (on dodge, even with only one dodge available) actually is nice and made me confident that I can move away from Inspiration.


    So now I am running Dom/Duel/Mirage (GS/Sw + Focus, still zerker) for max boon removal and damage... Actually the damage feels about the same as before (on my more defensive trait setup before patch) and my defense feels actually fine, due to the over all reduced damaged. Doesn't feel too bad, tbh. Can't really compare to other classes, because I was only trying out Mesmer... But in my experience (which is not on the high end of competitiveness) Mirage isn't dead in WvW, at least for my casual roaming.


    I also like to go mimic + blink, which is a great disengage option to avoid being overrun by an evil horde of zerglings :D

  3. > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

    > Ive seen a lot of chrono's in WvW lately...most are condi (Theres one person, scepter+shield / Staff that took out 3ish people in 1 encounter on multiple encounters. Lots of stealth, lots of clone generation, heavy condi application (almost as gross as condi mirage). Wish I knew their build so I can analyze it so I can learn to beat it.


    From time to time I am roaming on a power chrono build. And because of IP removal I go completely bunkers on clone generation. It's actually quite fun sometimes. People tend to underestimate you, once they figure you're on a power chrono setup... However, imho after the recent changes build options are severely reduced, if you want to be somewhat competetive... which is a shame, because I find chrono to be a very graceful and thematically sound profession. But time has not been kind to the chronomancer^^

  4. > @"Timelord.8190" said:

    > > @"TyPin.9860" said:

    > > I also like the dessert bl most to roam. Actually the symmetry of the alpine border lands was always a bit off-putting for me. I simply like the immersion of the dessert bl. And as a roamer I am definitely not measuring the quality of a map based upon loot^^

    > I base quality on how many players there are. The number of deaths is also an indication of how many players there are on the borders, but it's not a sure way to estimate the numbers alone ofc. But after playing this game mode alot i tend to see there is ques on every other border exept DBL.


    That is what I see too. And personally I like it, because I know there's always a bl for me to play on. You make still a valid point though from a broader perspective. However, instead of removing those borderlands, I would argue it would be more healthy for the game to add a 3rd borderland, that is more symmetrical and favors more zerg fighting (this is, what I believe, what the majority of players are doing). This would simply serve to give WvW more flavor and, if made well, might also lead to different compositions, builds and tactics based upon the map layout. _(this all comes from the optimist inside me, who, after being slaughtered by the same 2 rangers over and over again today became a bit quite and is just now resurfacing^^)_


    IMHO ideally, and with regards to the upcoming alliance system, a 3 way BL setup might be very good to accommodate a bl favored for roamers, one favored for objective oriented zerg fighting and one favored for open field GvG fights.

  5. > Scholar is great for the added damage, especially if you're in small group fights where raw damage becomes more important than mobility/speed. If I were to solo roam as glass power again, I'd still be using Travelers though. Simply too much cardio in WVW in-between fights for me to give up the movement speed.


    This :)

    Additionally there is boon duration and condi duration on Travelers. Might be useful for at least vuln and might, which are handy in any build I guess.


    I agree that for pure damage other runes might be more useful, but walking with normal speed is just painful... even with the leaps and ports...

  6. ## For WvW

    Once there is a non mirage mobility option akin to "Mirage Thrust" I might roam with something else. Until then I'll stick with Mirage and Traveler Runes. Can't imagine any rune that trumps traveler for me. Sigil wise I stick with Energy and Air. I need those evades and my foes need to feel the pain xD

  7. Guild Pride is better, because the game is called *"**Guild** Wars"* ;)


    *[i bet I am the first one to make this kind of statement]*



    No seriously. Guild Pride makes kind of sense, because you most likely choose a guild with players or an "atmosphere" you prefer. In this sense you can kind of control what group you belong to. But a server is too big a collection of different people. It isn't necessarily themed around a common goal unlike guilds usually are.


    EDIT 2:

    However when the game was still young and world linking wasn't a thing I was kinda proud belonging to FoW, because the non-bandwagoners where sticking with the server. So we had a small collection of loyal players that almost felt like a guild, even though we were a collection of some small guilds doing WvW. But you knew each other, you even knew most of the players of the opposing small servers. I don't know. It was like a little family battling it out week after week or trying to survive against an onslaught of overwhelming numbers... thinking about that, I kinda miss the old days... can I change my answer back?

  8. > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

    > > @"TyPin.9860" said:

    > > Where is the "None is OP" option?


    > How shocking that the person arguing that things are balanced has a mesmer forum icon.

    I wasn't arguing that things are balanced. I do admit that especially certain condi mirrage builds seem over the top. But a poll without a neutral option falls victim to bias. It could theoretically be, although I don't believe this is the case, that more ppl find the classes balanced than they find Mesmer OP.

  9. Thanks for the reply.


    Condition builds aren't usually a problem with both build variants. Condi cleanse on dodge and jaunt seem to be enough and if I pay attention condi bursts shouldn't hit me at all.


    Also, I need a new keyboard. The about face combo doesn't work well with my current keyboard for some reason (the last about face for some reason fails to register reliably)... I tried with a friend's keyboard and it was fine :) But getting away is simple, as long as you have smth targeted behind you, you will face retread forward xD


    But thanks for the tips... I was reluctant dropping sword too, but I was always a friend of staff and even if it is sub optimal, it simply feels better for me... And because of all the condi hate, I don't want to go full out condi on Mirage. Fought a condi mirage on my power reaper today and it wasn't fun at all *snif*


    I am actually from FoW. But we are currently linked with WSR, so I'll get back to you if I feel like dueling :)

  10. # Motivation

    I was wondering lately, why I did so poorly on my power Mirage, especially Spellbreakers regularely have slaughtered me... And then I remembered that in days long past, when specializations weren't a thing, I was really enjoying double ranged power shatter Mesmer. So I thought I ought to try how double ranged feels on power Mirage.


    So I took out that old Staff of mine, equipped the Chaos trait line and I started slaughtering back^^ Well... at least surviving.


    # Pros

    While my short play time (2 days) with a very defensive build and half a day with a more offensive lock down variant, I was very much enjoying myself. Staff certainly feels strange on a power build. You constantly see condition damage on your foes but the numbers are pathetic (duh...). Also the power damage, besides the phantasms, is not really worth mentioning. I cannot really explain why, but it nevertheless works. Chaos storm is always nice and especially the lock down build variant has nice trait synergies.


    The in combat mobility is very nice defensively, and it is quite easy to keep distance to your foes.


    # Cons

    The burst damage potential is lower due to missing offensive traits and lack of torch # 4 added burst. Over all and especially offensive mobility is also reduced without the use of a main hand sword.


    # Builds

    [Double Ranged Evade](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnELDNqhlpBWoBMMjlVDzvAmAjgmxgdQPpcDccCAA-jhCEABPpUwu9HA4QAslSwEV/hJlZSpkoNdBP8EAI4CAQKAzFaB-e "Double Ranged Evade")

    [Double Ranged Lock Down](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQJARWnELD1ohlpBWoBMMjlTDzMHMEuB+NwIYGkMAsACKA-jhCEABAcIAsb/BmUm9wTAYLlgJq+jUKJeSpQb6CI4CAQKAzFaB-e "Double Ranged Lock Down")


    # Video

    Don't expect great game play. The video shall simply serve to show the build in action on an average player :)


    I also fail to burst from stealth quite a lot... I blame my good heart for it <3


  11. I don't see a problem with the change, I actually like it. I didn't play for a month or two so I jumped right back in with power Mirage (didn't use any food|buff). Met a mithril something condi scourge in enemy camp and made her dead (she didn't actually stand a chance, because I could easily keep my distance and still get damage in). Met a platinum something PU condi mesmer in enemy camp. Made her dead once, later she made me dead once^^ then I got bored of GW2 again...


    From what I gathered in this 3 fights (pure 1v1 small scale perspective):

    * more time to get damage in, before cleansing is needed

    * cleansing is now easier, can be better planed

    * slow condi ramp can cause condies to go unnoticed until cleanse attempt actually kills you through confusion stacks^^ (how I lost last fight)


    The last point might be also relevant for torment. Because torment hits less per second it might go unnoticed too and the cursed player keeps happily running around without really perceiving the extra damage ticks.

  12. ##WvW and power PoV


    Here I find mirage superior. The Sword ambush leap alone is amazing for mobility and damage. I feel like a thief on mirage and I am confidently going full zerker. I can get in and out of fights super easily. Only a few thieves so far managed to catch me... when I needed to run. And, most important for me, I don't need to rely on Inspiration to deal with conditions.



    Chrono is better here. Gravity Well, Tides of Time and such are still super strong and nothing Mirage has can compensate for that imho. Mirage has some nice and easy dmg with GS ambush, but it doesn't make up for the chrono's chronomancy when dealing with multiple ppl, who behave like npcs (the common pug zergling) xD

  13. > @Cerby.1069 said:

    > > @TyPin.9860 said:

    > > I don't get the point of this thread? Maybe Mirage is the fastest now... maybe not. What has downstate to do with it? Mirage is too fast, so let us punish other classes that can't get away from a losing fight? O.o


    > Fact: Mirage/Mesmer IS fast, and other classes who can't get away from a losing fight ARE punished.


    > I don't know if you wrote that wrong....or if you are just stating facts and putting a "O.o" at the end assuming its news to anyone....

    > I don't get the point of your comment.


    > The sky is blue. Apples are red sometimes......so what?


    I am referring to this:

    > @Cerby.1069 said:

    > With all this running around and running away.....can we nerf downed state and increase death penalty mbe? Is that your ultimate goal by adding in all these new crazy movement skills? Cause that's an endgame I can get behind, as it is now though its insanity.


    You want downed state to be nerfed and death penalties increased. But this wouldn't hit the mobile classes. It would punish those even more, who can't get away from a losing fight. Simply put your argument is incoherent. The conclusion doesn't fit the argumentation.


  14. Just wanted to give my 5 Cents for mirage.


    I am mainly roaming in WvW (with [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8fnknBVLjlpBGMDMMjlTDjMAsAWOljgnT4wfBGBzgA-jBCEwAIeAAbVCC4IA84iAwU5n99HYp+THdDkCwchWA-e "this")). And I am having a lot of fun. The in combat mobility, the mobility though sword leaps, the target breaking in conjunction with clone spamming makes this build very fun to play. Fought today another mirage with a condi setup and initially I had real trouble dealing with the target breaking. But luckily he shattered a lot, which rarely hit me^^ and didn't spam so many clones. So I could re-target easily. Even Daredevils and Deadeyes frequently try to run from me and fail... I'm squishy and if I am not paying attention I am dead in seconds, but that's what you get with full zerker.


    Would have never thought that going away from chronomancer would be that much fun, but it is. And GS ambush is actually really good to take camps^^ So far I also didn't need inspiration to deal with conditions. If I find the time and feel like it, I'll record some videos :)

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