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Posts posted by dodgerrule.8739

  1. It’ll remove the botting community and match manipulation would be 99% easier to catch


    Or what about areas where the capture points only occur sometimes and they dissipear after capture


    Eternal colleseum could be adjusted quite easily for this as-well as revenge of the Capricorn.

  2. Ranked should have a mechanic for specific terms at which the game can be played.


    Like one season should be single queue only or due queue.


    The system of having 5 people always in a party shouldn’t exist in pvp if there isn’t enough people active to keep fighting others within the ranked leagues.


    I think as the pvp population gets lower marches should have a handicap of lowering the match population itself to counter that.

  3. If pvp were actually pvp based and not capture the points it could be saved


    When they brought pvp to guild wars 2 they mixed it in with other parts of pvp games and instead of having separate subsections like in guild wars 1 there is just pvp.


    Original guild wars 1 had fights to the death and elimination. These should be in pvp and as part of the core game mode.

  4. I’ve been in gold for past seasons and have made threads about match manipulation and how it is effecting the game.


    Check back on the forums there are match manipulators and they don’t care if you report them or not because they know arena net won’t do anything to stop them.


    It is a combination of this and lack of players which is why pvp is dying.


    When you queue up you don’t get placed with people all from your rank in leagues because of the lack of players. You can be matched up with platinums golds silver and bronze all in the same team.

  5. Match manipulation happens throughout the season. Due to this fact all ranks in pvp are meaningless people who should be in plat are in gold and those who should be in gold are in silver.


    I’ve been watching season fights carefully for 3 seasons so far. The match manipulation only got bad 2 seasons ago. The fact that anet isn’t banning match manipulation is one of the reasons why ranked isn’t really ranked anymore

  6. Arena net please do something about the match manipulation. This season has been by far the worst because of match manipulators.

    I've had enough of this. Each person I find match manipulating I'm going to be recording and adding onto this thread. Apparently not much is being done about them.


    This season has been filled to the brim with match manipulators since day 1. Nothing is apparently being done to prevent them.


    This needs to change for the sake of the integrity of pvp.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/3TJyKMg.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/N2lFKa9.jpg "")



    [https://youtu.be/AehiK97G2N0](https://youtu.be/AehiK97G2N0 "https://youtu.be/AehiK97G2N0")


  7. It’ll be at least another 2 years for an expansion if this next season releases at the same speed. I know they have something in store for us in between the seasons though.


    They’re working on getting the blueprints right to make living world replace expansions when expansions release

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