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Posts posted by Ragnarox.9601

  1. > @"AriaLacy.2743" said:

    > Hello to all ArenaNet developers.


    > This current episode is amazing and quite uplifting. I am very glad to see our protagonists have a lot of hope restored. General happiness ensues upon the completion of this episode. The daily grind in Dragonfall does not even bother me.


    > However (yes, it a HUGE however), the Skyscale Saddle collection has broken my spirit. It is simply TOO MUCH. I no longer feel ANY desire to even log in and play with friends, much less play solo. This is worse than the griffon mount collections.


    > I am a professional graphic designer and artist. I have multiple customers and artwork to produce in during normal business hours, and even work at night and on weekends just to keep up. I do not have enough hours in a day/week/month to devote to collecting the items needed for this collection.

    > Time is not a resource I can afford to give to ArenaNet. Gems and/or gold would be a decent option with which to purchase collection items. Or reduce the amount of materials required for the Skyscale Saddle.

    > 250 of each of six materials is a lot for likely any player.


    > I am very disappointed in the Skyscale Saddle collection now equally disappointed in GW2 itself.


    > Now, a bit of background: I began playing GW2 in October 2018, my sister kept urging me to try it. And I did. I found it so enjoyable, I left World Of Warcraft in favour of GW2.

    > Now, I find myself on the edge of leaving GW2 for similar reasons.


    > I must get back to work now.

    > I wish all a fine rest-of-the-day/night.


    > ~Lacy


    I am at similar state right now, you can buy 5 map currency, thats 50 days if you buy it with volatile magic. 10 days if you farm each 5 hearts in those areas (you need 2,3 hours per a map). its just too much grind for mount that you will sell 30euro skins soon. This is worse than legendary weapon/armor grind.


    250 map currency is just too much, 100 would be appropriate. If you think that you will populate ls4 maps again, you are doing something very wrong. I will never touch those maps again after this.


    I just cant farm anymore I am exhausted. If I ever finish this i will never do anything in your game again...

  2. problem with this mount is that you actually need mountain to climb higher cause if you dont have it you will glide really fast to ground zero height. Griffin is much better cause he can go higher without climbing and sticking to a wall. Pretty much I screwed up, i should go for the griffin cause dragon sucks. Griffin is faster, he can fly forever compared to dragon which does not fly forever nor glide forever without sticking to a wall (dragon cant fly in gw 2 - such an irony). They need to change hes flying bar to have more stamina or 3 bars, and climbing to use less power but climb faster (its a helicopter for gods sake).

  3. I got sick with timescale skygating mount, so if i want griffon do i need to do all mount masteries cause i have only raptor and wvw mount, do i need to do stories or i can abuse rented scyscale to complete achievements for griffon (cause you will need bunny for most of them i think)?


    dont care about gold I already bought Bolt for 150€ converting gems to gold. so this 250 gold for griffon is nothing to me. I hate timegating.

  4. > @"Zushada.6108" said:

    > Do you go to work for free? Do you go to a restaurant and demand free food? No. The game is giving you the OPTION of obtaining a FREE mount under their terms. With Griffon it was 250 Gold and Collections. This one is free and you have to put in a bit more work at a predetermined pace. These collections are not arduous; they are really easy and they encourage you go to different maps, complete events and work towards something fun yet OPTIONAL.


    > I really wish everyone would stop complaining about this and move on and enjoy the game. In LW3 we got Aurene and it required full story achieves to complete plus a bunch of wasted Xunlei Ingots. I literally just finished that collection bc I could not get the 2 achieves from the story in Bitterfrost (stay unfrosty and under 5 mins) so I put it aside for a while and did something else until I had everything I needed to craft it and the achieves done. Those who did not bother with LW3 map and story achievements had to do a lot more work on maps with low population at times; plus they had to complete the second collection and get the required T6 mats.


    > Understanding that LW3 was a Leg Trinket, this is really no different in principle. For those who use the argument "I only play an hour a night" the good news is that we do not need to get it all done in one night so the argument is irrelevant in this case. Right now, we have 7 mounts in this game and we really did not need another one and if ppl think they cannot get on in this game without the Skyscale, then they really need to reconsider if this is the right game for them. Everyone please, stop complaining about the timegate and realise that you are upset over a couple of collections that apply to an optional part of the game -- and it is just a game.


    Dude comparing work and this is just wrong, and its not free you need items worth 200-300g to get it, so its not free. (plus we dont know 4 and 5th day timegated grind)

  5. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Sorem.9157" said:

    > > > > So to sum up your arguments @"Ezrael.6859" and @"Obtena.7952" is that conformity of the traits along the specializations is more important than game balance as a whole?

    > > > >

    > > > > Btw, DH never used Radiance for PvP. The access to reliation it has does not justify giving up valor for it. I know this doesn't negate your point, i just think it is worth pointing out, since i have already commented on Core Guardian and on Harrierbrand on this thread and said nothing about PvP Radiance DH.

    > > >

    > > > I don't see any evidence that this change affects game balance in any negative way ... at least not in the negative way you are trying to show ... especially considering that it's arguable that Anet primarily balances according to performance to begin with or the fact that it's not even in the game to see it yet.

    > > >

    > > > I do see people struggling to present conjecture as proof in a vain effort to do ... something.

    > >

    > > Can you tell us senpai whats your rating in pvp? did you ever played in platinum? Did you played anything than support guardian in wvw? Or you are here just to mock your fellow guardian players? If you are playing deadly casual and have no worries if something is nerfed or not why are you here, you clearly dont help to improve guardians just saying in every nerf "its justified, white-black, good-bad, tomejto-tomato".

    > > Guardians (especially FB) got hit like truck last patch with 50% tome nerf, this patch core guard (and every guard spec) was hit like a truck with again 50% nerf, next patch its probably DH time to nerf traps by 50%. So you are saying this is all justified while I dont see many guardians in high level pvp.


    > IF any of that mattered at .... My rating in PVP has something to do with understanding why Anet is changing RI? Interesting connection ...


    > ... you still think Anet is balancing primarily to performance or do you need another 6 years to be convinced how this works?


    It does have, cause this nerf doesent hit you that hard cause you dont have any skill for high rating pvp or wvw. From my point of view a plain casual like you have no right to talk about nerf or buffs cause you dont even play this class properly at high level pvp or wvw...As someone previously mentioned you have no clue and live in your own reality I am stopping this discussion with someone whos max rating in pvp was gold 1 probably and under 300 lvl wvw.

  6. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Sorem.9157" said:

    > > So to sum up your arguments @"Ezrael.6859" and @"Obtena.7952" is that conformity of the traits along the specializations is more important than game balance as a whole?

    > >

    > > Btw, DH never used Radiance for PvP. The access to reliation it has does not justify giving up valor for it. I know this doesn't negate your point, i just think it is worth pointing out, since i have already commented on Core Guardian and on Harrierbrand on this thread and said nothing about PvP Radiance DH.


    > I don't see any evidence that this change affects game balance in any negative way ... at least not in the negative way you are trying to show ... especially considering that it's arguable that Anet primarily balances according to performance to begin with or the fact that it's not even in the game to see it yet.


    > I do see people struggling to present conjecture as proof in a vain effort to do ... something.


    Can you tell us senpai whats your rating in pvp? did you ever played in platinum? Did you played anything than support guardian in wvw? Or you are here just to mock your fellow guardian players? If you are playing deadly casual and have no worries if something is nerfed or not why are you here, you clearly dont help to improve guardians just saying in every nerf "its justified, white-black, good-bad, tomejto-tomato".

    Guardians (especially FB) got hit like truck last patch with 50% tome nerf, this patch core guard (and every guard spec) was hit like a truck with again 50% nerf, next patch its probably DH time to nerf traps by 50%. So you are saying this is all justified while I dont see many guardians in high level pvp.

  7. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > Yay they broke guardian.

    > > I'm so done with this game.


    > Yeah, they broke it when they made RI give 50% crit rate on retal a long time ago ... but you didn't have a problem with it then did you?


    So if it was broken why did you use it then, and not mention in every post how is broken? and now when this was nerfed into oblivion you say it is broken? Man I am reading every post you make, its non constructive, with every nerf that comes there is you saying it was broken, so why are you playing this broken class then, abusing its powers for 2 years or you are just here to flame or troll?

    This nerf destroyed good builds that were not brokenly OP like some classes like thieves and mesmers are.

  8. "• Righteous Instincts: This trait's critical-chance bonus has been reduced from 50% to 25%."


    hahahahahahahahahahah so do we have any dps builds now or they want guardian(DH, FB) to be full tank with 0 dps?

    Glad I stopped playing when they nerfed tomes.

  9. > @"Coinhead.7591" said:

    > > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

    > > lol try this build in wvw or pvp, I can oneshot you with autoattack.


    > It is a PvE build and should not be used in wvw as such. I thought this was pretty obvious, but I guess there are always few slow ones...


    > Longbow itself is pretty good in wvw roaming though. The builds usually take way more vitality and often meditations as skills. In PvP the longbow is sadly a bit weaker because longbow skill #2 has 2s longer cooldown and ~10% less damage than in wvw.


    > But sure if we meet in wvw, ill gladly violate you with a well placed Spear of Justice.


    What? Spear of justice? lol i just negate it with elite mantra dodge your traps put spam f1 tome and you probably are gone by now.

    Never lost to DH in wvw, only Mesmers(Mirages) and Condi scourges giving me trouble. DH is free kill.

  10. > @"Coinhead.7591" said:

    > Is it really so horribly bad? I often wield longbow when doing living story for example and to me longbow is often better ranged weapon than scepter because it can kill most enemies faster, even though it has lower sustained DPS. Longbow allows pretty easy and clean kills and shines in HoT maps where most enemies are glass cannon and die to Spear of Justice -> True Shot "combo".


    > In raids the longbow sustained DPS makes it a clearly weaker than alternatives and in fractals the benefit of being ranged is usually worthless so I never use it in either of those game modes, but when playing solo on open world content id say that the longbow is pretty nice.


    > I recorded 2+min of gameplay killing normal enemies in open world with a longbow:


    > Does the weapon really feel like unusable trash tier to you guys?


    lol try this build in wvw or pvp, I can oneshot you with autoattack.

  11. > @"Kam.4092" said:

    > > @"Ragnarox.9601" said:

    > > > @"Kam.4092" said:

    > > > Those two tomes were OP. Don’t overreact. Guardian got good buffs overall.

    > >

    > > LoL OP? While mesmers/mirages still oneshotting ppl. Yea good nerf, as I said, time for wow, my class is getting buffed there. While here every patch is constant nerfing and buffing something that will never be used, next balance patch will be buffing signets and spirit weapons again cause anet does have no clue nor anybody plays guardian in their balance kitten team. enjoy.


    > Hammer was played in PvP, and we got PvE buffs. Guardian has always been in a good spot game wise, don’t cry over some CD increases.




    25sec is "some" CD lol. You are no guardian main, thus me no longer talking with you. Enjoy next balance patch spirit weapon and sigil buffs and praise anet to the heavens cause of it. Cause of casuals like you guardian will always be bot friendly and not used on high skill level content.

  12. > @"Kam.4092" said:

    > Those two tomes were OP. Don’t overreact. Guardian got good buffs overall.


    LoL OP? While mesmers/mirages still oneshotting ppl. Yea good nerf, as I said, time for wow, my class is getting buffed there. While here every patch is constant nerfing and buffing something that will never be used, next balance patch will be buffing signets and spirit weapons again cause anet does have no clue nor anybody plays guardian in their balance shitty team. enjoy.

  13. I dont get it, its fucked up in wvw now also....30%-50% cd increased...what the hell, while mesmer stay still op as fuck in wvw. . Anet you have no clue, back to world of warcraft it seems. No more money for you from me.

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