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Posts posted by Arzurag.7506

  1. > @"Svarty.8019" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > I think most WvW mains will be more worried about the gold cost of mats than the time-gated tickets ?


    > Is that because they don't know what they can get with the piles and piles of spirit shards they have?


    Well, I´m sure I have got now clue whatsoever. Converting spiritshards into weapons and selling them for abyssimal profit is not that fun.

  2. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-spring-summer-and-the-future/

    Anet just announced multiple things to get exited about, most notably the mentioning of a third expansion.

    But there´s also the announcement for a legendary ring that´s only earnable in wvw and an amulett that you get through pvp.


    Now, there are some similarities between all legendaries, in terms of what they require to be build, but I´m quite interested here what we will need to craft the ring conflux. Probably some of these legendary spikes that have no further use are needed or maybe another dedicated reward-track needs to be finished, hopefully without unlocking it with gold.


    Anyway, it all sounds very exiting and maybe invigorates the mode more.

  3. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! The game's supposed to be in mantainence mode.


    Heroes of the storm is in some kind of maintenance mode, though they still get updates and new champions from time to time but there´s not a lot going on anymore.

    So, in comparison, GW2 is not there yet and the recent releases have me hoping that anet indeed has an idea of the grand scheme of things.


    But always keep in mind, hope springs eternal and thus the game might as well already be dead.

  4. > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > OP didn’t bother reading or comprehend any of the class changes if he thinks condi mirage is going to be the same after the patch.


    At first I thought that he was right but now after playing a few hours on my trailblazer-mirage, the reduced duration of conditions does hurt a lot.

    I can still win fights but it´s kinda hit or miss. In addition, taking camps and flipping structures has become a pain, the missing damage is quite noticable.

  5. > @"hayabusafmw.9370" said:

    > I like your sarcasm


    I don´t think that´s sarcasm, he´s *gasp* serious.^^


    This patch brought necessary changes and a 200g reward-track, yay.

    FFS what the f was someone thinking when making such decisions. It´s horrible.

  6. An actual 1vs1 is a duel and therefore should take its time, like 3 to 5 minutes. A fun and engaging duel.

    Now if one surprises the other, like when you´re just passing by and try to catch up with a zerg then it should take around 1 to 3 minutes though that can´t be controlled.


    All in all, a few second long fights and situations where you get straight up killed in less than one shouldn´t be thing, ever.

  7. well, I anticipated around 250g costs, considering what they´ve priced the griffon and skyscale in the past.

    Overall very unsatisfying how they implemented such "content" that´s supposed to keep me playing and paying.

    I was kinda hyped before but now I will do neither of these things. No money from me, nor any more of my precious time.

  8. > @"videoboy.4162" said:

    > It seems like a bad time to advertise an awesome gem store mount, when they're finally releasing a new mount skin awarded in-game. Odds are the Gem Store one is going to look far superior to the first earnable one.


    You can bet your money on that the gem-store skin is this one and the earnable one is just a reskin.

  9. > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

    > Well, nothing so far is indicating that it is, so...


    It would be kinda cool if it is, tho.

    Nothing could invigorate wvw faster than putting this mount into a reward-track, no further updates necessary for quite some time.^^

  10. Let´s assume a third game is in the making, all skins that should be taken over are the legendary-ones. Not even the items themselfs and their properties, only the skins without additional stats.


    This should be done as an incentive for other players to replay gw2 and could serve as a thank you for all players who actually went into making one of these horrible time-sinks, me included.

    All in all, it would be quite the reasonable move.

  11. > @"Aspen Tie.5084" said:

    > They didn't bother to post a picture of the Guildrider Skin because, I'm sure it just the Outrider with a guild flag or banner hanging off of it. I hope I am wrong.


    > Edit: Also, depending on the price, a lot of people might end buying gems to currency exchange for the gold to unlock the track. Here's to hoping it's a reasonable price.


    Besides not knowing what the actual price is going to be, I cannot imagine that´s gonna be that high. WvW-players are not the richest players of the game and I think anet´s intention is to drive more ppl into the game-mode, instead of scaring players off.

  12. Reaper is all about shroud and its superior combat-capabilities, scourge just uses life-force to fuel his abilities and base necro is using both shroud and normal abilities.

    Considering that shroud is necro´s remarking feature, in other words, it is his class-mechanic, it appears fine to me that there is an incentive to use shroud.


    Also, slashing foes with an enormous scythe is simply satisfying.

  13. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Bring back condition damage in pvp.

    > Bring back old chaotic offering.

    > Bring back team pvp.


    > Raiding is fine.

    > Fotm is fine.

    > Open world is fine.

    > They just all need content.


    > Pvp is on life support cazy you devs keep hand holding everyone in a gameplay mode where no hand holding is supposed to be ALLOWED COME ON MAN.


    It seems condition-damage becomes better in pvp due to the nerf to everything else.

  14. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > **Forums pre patch:**


    > Nerf Weaver, it does too much damage and has too much sustain and has perma evades. Nerf firebrand it spams boonz and heals and makes people immortal. Nerf Mirage it's too much visual clutte-- Nerf theif why does pistol whip stun and deal damage--Nerf Warrio--Nerf Herald--Nerf--


    > **Forums post patch:**


    > kitten Anet why did you nerf *insert class ability here* You're obviously bad at your job. You could hire a janitor to do the job better.


    > **Me:**


    > *Eating popcorn on the side lines*


    gotta get me some of this popcorn

  15. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > Everyone will be playing by the same rules. The players who can best adapt will be the most successful . . .


    There are obviously individual changes needed, due the fact that not all classes have access to everything to the same extent but it´s a good baseline for now and a damage-reduction across the board was long overdue.

  16. Hopefully, getting reduced to zero in a matter of less than a second is now a thing of the past and maybe we will see an overal increase in time-to-kill which good for everyone who enjoys brawl the most, me included.


    Anyway, for now it´s unclear how most changes will affect the interactions between classes ina pvp-enviroment, a testing-server would be quite helpful.

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