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Posts posted by Kahrgan.7401

  1. Raids attract very little because the game isnt rewarding. You beat on a pillar and rely on rotating a reflect or an immune to declare skill. There is no trinity in this game, so raiding will always attract the lowest number in the game, not keep players attention, and be BORING to watch or even care about.


    WoW did raiding right. GW2 did not due to its class design and PVE mechanics.


    While some may like it, they are a minority in the gaming community, and you shouldnt aim to make those vocal few happy, but look forwards to making your game successful.


    Also no mentions of elite specs.


  2. Everyone complains about condi thief... I have no issues fighting them on any of my classes.. except necro.


    Mirages on the other hand, are just plain stupid. CC, immunities, dodges, and the visual spam + target clearing.. You cant have your cake, your neighbors cake, and your kids cake, and eat it too.


    Warriors numbers are bloated, everything is just too good. Rampage especially, 50% dmg reduction?? That's a mad-mans number. It should take increased dmg... not decreased.


    Scourge is too skilless, and you can just spam all your crap in a row. Low effort.


    Holo is even less skilless. just spam your buttons 2 3 5 4 1 2 dodge dodge repeat and if you get into trouble, just use your plethora of skills to get out of jail free.


    Weaver utilities pass out passive condis... free dmg should not be passive, ever, imo. Survivability should not be passive. You should have to THINK about your actions and how to turn the tide of a fight.


    Traps are lame, on every class. Traps shouldn't apply enough condi to fully kill someone from 100 to downed. They should be tertiary damage, or no dmg at all (in pvp at least)


    Rev is the only class where I think the state is okay, not too much dmg (if you die from a rev and come here to complain, thats a YOU problem) and not too much survivability.



  3. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > I literally laughed out loud when I saw the comparison. That is flat out awful and I would demand my money back if changes were not made. That is ridiculous.


    They have still not fixed the geo glider for charrs, so fat chance. Anet doesnt care about the people that give them money. This is a proven fact.

  4. The feel of being rewarded. I have been playing MMOs since 1998, and while I love GW2, I absolutely HATE the loot system.


    Almost everything is random, and you get your bags filled with junk constantly. Bag Wars 2 its been called and its not so far from the truth.


    They had an amazing currency karma, which could have been used as a base currency to get the things you wanted, and to combo them with new maps so people couldnt just stock pile and burn it on new maps, but it was squandered, then changed, then new systems were put into place that were the same in use.... but change for the sake of change.


    I really think this game could benefit from a refresh of the loot system. Add new interesting things we could farm for, grind for, and PLAY for, instead of do your "daily dose of disappointment"s, in-game loot boxes.


    I'm SO bored of the loot in gw2 that nothing about killing a boss, doing a fractal, opening up a chest, finishing a JP, is exciting... The loot system is not exciting.


  5. > @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

    > I'm pretty sure there has never in this game been another stunbreak that was ever even close to 1.25 sec cast time unless the cast was protected by a block or evade. This is pretty much the only reason jalis isn't worth using in pvp as it is too susceptible to cc and focus fire. At least cut the cast in half while also giving aegis at the start of the cast, or just make the cast a channeled block like shelter, it is already expensive enough it can't be spammed.



    Jalis line in general is pretty MEH. Road is boring, Spinning hammers is boring, taunt is decent now, but really hard to get more than 1 taunted anyway.


    I feel that Jalis road should be removed and give us something else.


    Vengeful hammers should at the least give retal for its duration. But I would like to see it removed as a toggle, and added as a CD of 12 seconds, 20 energy, gives you its current effect for 10 seconds.

  6. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Jesse.5029" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > @"Bandido.8719" said:

    > > > > > Do you really need everything to enjoy the game?

    > > > >

    > > > > Do you enjoy with impossible achievements?

    > > >

    > > > It's not impossible. It's just put of most people's reach. Which is what most achievements SHOULD be.

    > >

    > > Aside from that being the worst logic I can think of, if you add something that practically no player will get, at least don't make it something like cultural armor which people have been begging for for years.


    > Back on release the 120g needed to complete a full set of T3 Cultural Armor was considered insane. This is back in an era where converting gems into gold would get you about 10 gold for 800 ($10) in gems.


    > This new helm is literally "Helm of the Supreme Leader of the Charr". It SHOULD be really rare.


    It's not a legendary, its a helm skin for a race that gets hardly any that fit right to begin with. It shouldn't be more expensive than a lege due to design and low drop rates. and RNG feels like crap, unless youre one of the lucky few that get everything you want. I never do. I have terrible luck, so for players like me, it just makes me feel like Anet is screwing me directly. Let me grind or put in actual effort to get my rewards. NOT PLAY THE LOTTERY TO GET THEM.


    This kinda feels like another ploy to get people to gems>gold.

  7. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > I think idea is to get you to actually you know *play* the game. I could be wrong of course as no one seems to want to play.


    RNG has what I call an "interest curve" Its only interesting until you get pissed off about spending your time trying to get something and not getting it in a decent amount of time or at all


    Your logic is flawed.


    A grind would guarantee people play the game. RNG doesnt encourage me to play the game, in fact i've played less since the only reward I want is locked behind a lottery. I also stopped buying gems because why in the hell would I want to financially support a company that does this?


    Fuck them.

  8. > @"hash.8462" said:

    > > @"Kameko.8314" said:

    > > I put solutions in my rng post but the one I wouldnlike to see is get a special token you can trade for each of the 4 tokens . And then once you get 30 or something you can buy the visage . Heck even 50-60 since you can buy on tp fairly low (but prices would probably rise a bit) cost. And then get it obtained that way as well. I dunno. Sometimes I question the decision making process . Or what the logic is . I'm no expert in the field but would like it explained .


    > I'm also for tokens...

    > When you open the chest you get a token, 100 for each helm would be better than now.


    Yes, this, anything but RNG bullshit.

  9. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > O man....I hope the charr don't align them self's with dark powers like the searing days and slaughter the humans again.


    > If they do maybe the Norn will help us this time instead if being traitors and allowing charr free rain to walk there territory.


    > The charr need to leave the lands they invaded/stole and return them to human control. They need to stop slaughtering the ansestral ghost of the ascalonian people and further destroying the once beautiful lands they ruined. There can be NO PEACE otherwise.



    be proud, charr forever.


    Die mouse! (Not irl, just your character)

  10. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

    > > > You can buy those from tp. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Visage_of_the_Khan-Ur dont call it rng If its not rng only.

    > >

    > > You get the box via RNG... You can buy it from the TP, but they got the box via RNG. Meaning you cant work towards it via map currencies, which is actually playing the game and not the TP, or buying gems.


    > The TP is part of the game.


    I fail to see who you're even arguing for?


    Make this guy's favorite skin cost 3600g or more, and see if he changes his mind.

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