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Posts posted by Kahrgan.7401

  1. > @"Boulder.3589" said:

    > Sometimes you want to heartseeker twice, sometimes not. Just gotta learn to press once when you want to HS once. You can also disable auto cast on your wapon skill 1 if you want finer control over that.


    I think the bigger point here is that being able to multihit a button during an animation to make sure the ability goes off the second its available, and once that animation is "playing" if we stop hitting the button the ability should not queue up for the next cast.


    If we stop pressing the button during the animation, no ability should go off next. The queue system is.... not good, at the very least give us the option of turning it off.

  2. Luckily my login is saved at my old IP so I can still login to my account. I put in a ticket a day ago so i can have access with a new phone number however I would of thought that these kind of tickets should have priority?


    I know, some people may think that a day is not a long time, but we dont know how long the ticket will go unanswered, as there are many people that post 5+ day wait times on tickets.


    Think if there are people who are in my situation but don't have a trusted network they can vpn into to login, they wouldnt have access to their account for days.


    Just something to think about.

  3. > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > My stun break costs energy. (unless traited, then you are forced to swap legends)

    > Activating unrelenting assault and getting CCed means I cant deactivate it to stun break or save the energy to stun break.

    > I lack condi cleanse.

    > I lack a damage immunity (glint heal is a close second, but avoiding dmg >>>>>>>> healing back from it if no one is hitting you, then you gain nothing from glint heal.)

    > I lack a passive immunity (like so many other classes have)


    > Designing a class that requires energy, when no other class requires energy (thieves are somewhat similar i suppose, however they have ways to get their initiative back via traits and utlilites (THAT DON'T COST INITIATIVE) is fundamentally broken.


    > #why



  4. My stun break costs energy. (unless traited, then you are forced to swap legends)

    Activating unrelenting assault and getting CCed means I cant deactivate it to stun break or save the energy to stun break.

    I lack condi cleanse.

    I lack a damage immunity (glint heal is a close second, but avoiding dmg >>>>>>>> healing back from it if no one is hitting you, then you gain nothing from glint heal.)

    I lack a passive immunity (like so many other classes have)


    Designing a class that requires energy, when no other class requires energy (thieves are somewhat similar i suppose, however they have ways to get their initiative back via traits and utlilites (THAT DON'T COST INITIATIVE)



  5. > @"Cal Cohen.3527" said:

    > > @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

    > > https://imgur.com/a/oW6eq


    > I took a look at this match and interestingly enough the team with no duos won 503-498, which sounds like a great match. There are going to be some combinations of ratings where it makes sense for multiple duos/trios to be on the same team. For example, if the 3 highest rated players queue together and 2 lowest players queue together (with the other 5 all solo players), it probably makes sense for those 5 players to be on the same team. We could choose to always separate multi-man rosters when possible, but it would only result in worse matches.


    I cropped out the score on this one because I knew you would use this ONE example to justify the imbalance. "SEE GUYS ITS WORKING *points at one picture out of a sea of examples*"


    The point is, if you are duoed you are typically working together, discord/ts or other means, which means... typically.... better team work. 2 duos should not be on one team, and none on the other. If you equate everything to rating (which is inflated by poor class balance (or deflated if you aren't playing the faceroll button mashing win build of the 6 month period) then you are setting games up to be un-fun. I dont know about you, but I play the game to have fun, not facepalm at the end of matches.

  6. > @"Les.4872" said:

    > Was expecting a necro or mirage stack. I don't get your post. Just because you don't have friends to play with other people shouldn't be prevented from queuing with friends. Maybe blame your loss on poor play and bad coordination. You're not even playing ranking in during an active season so why are you even mad?


    2 duos on one team, none on the other. Put 1 duo on each team.


    You should have tagged your reply with #ELI5 :)

  7. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > > > @Rufo.3716 said:

    > > > Funny how the only people I see complaining about Scourge are bad players. Maybe it's because the good players know their weakness and know how to kill them. Everybody complains about Scourge when you have CC rendering your character useless while you melt without being able to fight back. Just goes to show what level these complainers about Scourge are on. Nobody is good enough to use CC in their games or they would be complaining non stop about that.

    > >

    > > Funny how the only players saying scourge is bad have green forum avatars :trollface:


    > tbh as a necro main, I would not mourn if Scourge was taken out and shot. It's a polarized build that's only use is a cheesy damage gimmick. Scourge has no interesting tools, or combos to play with, it's just spam deeps until things are dead.


    > I can never understand how the same dev crew that came up with the beautifully designed Holosmith and Weaver, also are the same ones that made the uninspiring gimmicks of Scourge and Deadeye.


    It's because the developer that designed it is bad at his job. Lets look at the history here, and the entire demise of any semblance of balance. Reaper buffs were a step in the right direction, but there are so many things that need reworking, why waste our breath or time anymore. Hopefully the declining gem sales, and declining expansion sales (from less population) will make them wake up, restructure, and get rid of, or shift the dead weight.

  8. > @Jaskar.3071 said:

    > > @Kahrgan.7401 said:

    > > In summary: "Please continue to shovel money our way, I'm sorry you feel that we were in the wrong"

    > >

    > > Story time: My roommate's boyfriend, whos never played guild wars 1 or 2, was asking me about the "mount loot box" as he saw the huge upset it created, and after talking with him he said that he was thinking about picking up the game but will not now due to this.

    > >

    > > You push more people away with bad decisions like this. The bad press from mount loot boxes cost you more than you gained short term.

    > >

    > > Short sighted as always.


    > if that roommate's boyfriend doesn't start this game because of some OPTIONAL skin-set (that admitedly is rng and bad) he is missing out all the rest of the game that is very awesome indeed and well done and so far without even a glimps of "pay to win"


    > i personally am satisfied that there will no further skins be on the rng-table and i m looking forward to the skins that can be purchased directly


    it's about loot boxes in general ruining online gaming.

  9. In summary: "Please continue to shovel money our way, I'm sorry you feel that we were in the wrong"


    Story time: My roommate's boyfriend, whos never played guild wars 1 or 2, was asking me about the "mount loot box" as he saw the huge upset it created, and after talking with him he said that he was thinking about picking up the game but will not now due to this.


    You push more people away with bad decisions like this. The bad press from mount loot boxes cost you more than you gained short term.


    Short sighted as always.

  10. > @Zedek.8932 said:

    > Your statement is mostly PvP-related, right? Because balance in PvE environment is, so far, apparently not bad, because I don't read mass postings of content not being able to be done by a certain profession. And PvP, well, who cares? I mean, who _really_ cares? You might post this in the subforums there, it's full with whine anyways. The whole threads being Class Y is OP, No Class Z is, and we all agree class B is UP and useless. 24/7, month for month.


    > And why would people be away from the game (and out of PvP, as if people would consider GW2, a 35 GByte monster of a fully-fledged MMORPG, solely for PvP? Again, because of PvE imbalances? What?) when they can not even know about PvE balance yet - which is, is said, fine.


    > Class design is such a vital part of deciding for or against a particular game, so you might consider changing if you think the grass is greener on the other side. I actually like the class design, Engineer brought me here and Deadeye ignited my love for GW2 like gasoline in an open fire.


    > I work in a company that makes billions of revenue but still people complain and just go like: "U company is sucks. I nevar come back and others are soo much gooder." And then he is there again next day. As long as the business/game works for the vast majority of its target audience, and that's the effort of a good developer team, complaints about things that can't be satisfied ever SHOULD be left out anyways. You can't reach 100%, nowhere, never. When it's 85%, or 88%, you reached your goal. Those 12% are PvP players and other guys that think like Grimheart has displayed above.


    > Go to the next bakery and make a survey.

    > 88% will say they buy from there because it's okay.

    > 6% will say "The pretzels are too bright and should be baked for a longer amount of time"

    > 6% will say "The pretzels are too dark and should be baked for a shorter amount of time"

    > The bakery won't sacrifice the quality of the 88% happy customers just to fix a problem for the 12%.

    > Not because the bakery is evil and hates you, but e.g. buying two ovens to bake with different temperatures cost too much for a minority.

    > If aNet really wants to fix their PvP balance, they need really a whole team of several people - who pays that? It's not worth it. So you have a small team that does mistakes here and there as well as one oven in the bakery making default pretzels.


    > Excelsior.


    It's not just PVP, its all game modes have similar complaints. You should really get out more.

  11. > @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

    > You do realise that you complained without giving any actual examples of whats bad, broken, unfun or similar?

    > Which complaints have been seen since launch? What would be a good change?

    > Why dyo you think pve/pvp is in a poor state? The meta that others impose on you? That some builds are better than others on certain things?


    > Come on, if youre gonna complain you should at least put some effort into suggesting a possible solution - else it just seems like subjective whining.


    Your response is one of a shill.


    There are plenty of examples of what is broken, and they are aware of what is broken. This thread is about rethinking how they manager their dev team.

  12. I give huge props to the artists, and designers of the world in this game, they are absolutely phenomenal.


    However, ArenaNet needs to re-think about how they are managing their class developers. Changes are made with big swings, overly zealous or lackluster changes. Bugs running rampant for months (if not years). Developers trying to keep to a THEME instead of balance. You can keep theme, fun, and direction with balance, it's a game of mechanics and numbers when it comes down to it.


    So far we have seen the same complaints since the launch of the game, and Arenanet has done nothing to try and change it up. We have mostly the same developers making the same mistakes over and over. Class balance being poor keeps a lot of people out of pvp, and even away from the game. The more people you have not playing the game, the less money you will make in the long run.


    **It's time for a change.** I certainly like this game a lot but everytime i've took a break (which means im not buying gems to support the game) its because of class balance, and the poor state of pvp/pve.

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