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Posts posted by Neural.1824

  1. Maybe I need to clarify on this. Regarding health, it was the flame ram that I had targeted, not the player.

    I have no idea what the players health bar was at. Was just curious as to what the players who was using it might have as a build that kept regenerating health on the flame ram.

  2. The targeting system, though I'm not sure that would qualify as "petty". The commander has killed dragons and other complicated evil enemies, but is still is too blind or dumb to pick the aggressive mob that is mauling their face in a fight, and instead shoots a Moa that is almost out of range and just minding it's own business.


    Wild Boars (but I'm pretty sure that is by design on Anet's part)


    The crafting window not having the option to open the recipe categories in collapsed state.


    Not having a custom slot on the UI to place one item for quick use. Shovels for silverwastes. Gadgets for precursor collections, etc. It's dumb having to run around with your inventory window open (even minimized) instead of having a button on the UI like the one for the mounts (and now for the toys as well).


    Waiting for the dream of a major WvW overhaul happening to come true.



  3. I'm looking for a build I ran across earlier today.

    I was one of a couple people defending with superior arrow carts, and the lone guy at the gate in a superior flame ram was taking next to no damage from the arrow carts.

    Every time the health bar would start to move down as the arrows fell, it would shoot right back to 100% again when the pause in arrows falling came around. I gave up after a minute or so.

    Is this a Healing Power build they are using?

  4. I have played GW2 on and off for nearly a year in the open world, WvW, Fractals with **NO connection problems**. I gave up on the story because after half a day of trying I wasn't going to spend any more time on the problems of story advancement in Istan. I'd get all the way up to the final part of the story line there, and it would simply reset my story all the way back to Amnoon.


    Tonight I am on my THIRD run with Crystalline Memories on a different character. Not only have I been disconnected twice, the 2nd time the Crystal Guardian bugged to where I couldn't break his shield.


    When are we going to get save points within the story instances?

    At what point can we simply have the story unlocked after spending countless hours fighting problems with the story that Arenanet has decided aren't important enough to fix.


    As it stands currently, I can't get the Roller Beetle mount, because I can't even get out of Istan.

  5. > @"Hamfast.8719" said:

    > I had the Dragon Emblem Shirt way back when as part of my "Town Clothes". Then they turned it into a tonic, and forced me to wear it with other clothing pieces that looked ugly. They finally converted clothing tonics into (Thpppt!!) "Outfits", which at least allowed me to dye the ugly parts and wear it full-time. But I would kill to be able to use my shirt with any other clothing pieces I desire.


    > Are you saying that the shirt itself has been re-released as an individual piece of clothing again? Where? How?


    I remember Bubbles and her Twoters outfit.

  6. Thank you for the links.


    @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" If that's the only change, it's likely that Arenanet updated their official business location or something similar to that, which probably changed the requirements for how they state things in the ToS.


    I realize my original statements probably came across a lot more acidic than my intent, but for once I can state that it's not directed at Arenanet directly, but more at corporations in general. Constant changing of langauge in terms of service which require a lawyers assistance to read through with no indication of what has been changed is getting to be too common in an era where companies are constantly trying to find ways to work around current privacy laws, etc.

  7. > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

    > My honest opinion: What possible reason is there for me to care what someone else spends on the game?


    This is why we can't have nice things.


    When the game is based on voluntary cash payments, then the source of that money inevitably influences the product.

  8. My feelings on the current state of the game?

    I don't log in nearly as much as I used to. I haven't finished the story past the part where you're at the Astralarium in Istan. When I look at collections and achievements, I see an ever growing list of things that basically require untold hours of gold farming or purchase of gems to complete. I see weapon skins (usually gemstore) that are on par with 1st generation legendary weapons. I see Anet grabbing for every last hour of gameplay that they can from the player base by dragging out the release of the 2nd generation weapons.

    I see a game that at one point was about casuals, that is now has a large focus on raids and "hard" content. I see a community that is starkly toxic compared to what it was just 4 years ago.

    I don't generally log in now unless I am bored with mining asteroids in Eve Online (which I only do when I'm bored in the first place), even though I'm a few collection items away from finishing Dawn, which is the only piece I have left before crafting Sunrise and Eternity.

    Lastly, I see an economy that is so chaotic, I can only conclude after all this time that it is how Arenanet *wants* it.


    Guild Wars 2 is far from dead, as games go, but ..yeah, it's pretty much dead to me.


  9. Least favorites for core Tyria: Fields of Ruin, Lornar's Pass, and Snowden Drifts

    Favorites for core Tyria: Timberline Falls, Malchor's Leap, Southsun Cove


    Least favorite for HoT/LS/PoF: Lake Doric, Siren's Landing Domain of Vabbi

    Favorites for HoT/LS/PoF: Sandswept Isles, Draconis Mons, Desert Highlands.


    All of those are in their places based on a mix of things though. Some are aesthetics, some are an issue of mechanics.

  10. The laptop my wife uses for GW2 was having some issues, so after the manufacturer replaced some parts under warranty, they also re-installed the OS (windows 10) and drivers. When we got it back, she installed all the programs that she normally uses, including Gw2.

    I don't know if it is a bug, or an option that I cannot find in the Gw2 options menu, but while her mouse cursor on Windows 10 is set up to use the system default (normal size), her mouse pointer in Gw2 is *huge*. Like... if you put the pointer over a characters face at the character select screen, it covers the entire face.

    This appears to be limited to Windowed Fullscreen mode, as other modes don't have this issue. All Windows 10 settings are default for mouse pointers, etc.

    It *may* be a bug, but I wanted to check first to see if it's a known issue, or if it's an option somewhere (I'd love to set my pointer to be large like that. Much easier to see when in combat).

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