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Posts posted by wmtyrance.3571

  1. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > > > > > @"AdamWarlord.6782" said:

    > > > > > > > Edit: This post is to voice a percentage of player base's opinion(may it be a minority, majority, or even just me) on HoT including mine. **I have nothing less than love for the game Devs and the community**. I have been playing for 2-3 years atleast, and have played some GW1 back in the day. Im not just throwing shade on the HoT content. ** I am trying to voice my opinion and my experience in a straightforward manner. **

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Alright, so i just finished up my online classes and studies for my upcoming third year exams and I sit to do my daily completion of a legendary, going on for weeks now. As you can understand, i don't have more than maybe 2-3 hours to play at best. Completion of Eternity and other core legendary weapons took time, but atleast it was doable without frustration and having "fun". When it comes to HoT, I don't know what i am even doing. I am trying to go around the map 90% of the time trying not to die because the floor minion mobs are so OVERPOWERED. I have been playing the game for 2 years, and i have avoided HoT every chance i got because of the same exact reasons i am about to mention.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > 1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.

    > > > > > > > 2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.

    > > > > > > > 3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.

    > > > > > > > 4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.

    > > > > > > > 5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.

    > > > > > > > 6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.


    > > > > > > > 8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.

    > > > > > > > 9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I also get why they would be reluctant to nerf the mobs more and bring some player driven balance , but atleast 50% if not more gamers are casual on gw2 and want to play not to rage but to have a good time, i don't mind taking months to get my legendary, BUT ATLEAST let the process be fun. I don't want to get grabbed by a rip off stegosaurus while i'm on my raptor and get 2 shot with 22k health. Any balance, related to player level, or player-online time based balance on mobs, a bit more lighting in HoT maps, a bit more of anything. I get HoT is a very old expansion and that Cantha is coming. But atleast respect your players who are trying their hardest to stick to the game and trying to voice their opinions for a change. And of-course please try providing it. Alright! Back to returning to a checkpoint which takes me halfway across the map from the hero point i just died on, and try to re attempt it with broken armor, because there is no repair station nearby, and i don't have a million repair canisters because i'm a casual.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Edit: I realized they have nerfed the difficulty once, i can't imagine what the mobs were like.

    > > > > > > > Edit: I get where most of you all are coming from, But as i said, its my opinion and many other casual gamers opinion on the content. Leading to a player driven balance, not a balance for everyone.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This post hit the nail on the head. And of course, he is going to be told that it's him that sucks playing even though for 80 levels of the base game he was playing fine.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Like it was already said many times: it's because the major part of the core game is simply too easy.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > >The expansions have not been made for those players that loved the base game.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Nope, it's for people that loved the base game, understood the core mechanics and wanted something new instead of repetitive simplified tutorial-like content they can play at any given moment, because nobody took that core part from them.

    > > > > > The best thing to show the attitude of people like you or OP is probably to look for posts of people that tried to help someone complaining about one of PoF storyline bosses. They've included videos, offered multiple ways to EASLY complete the encounter, doing it with undergeared (as in below exotic) characters. From what I remember, the main answer they received boiled down to: "I don't want you to help me, I want it to be easier". And this is what this complaint is: the content isn't exactly too hard, you just don't understand the mechanics of the game. Catering to players like this is the death of the game, which inevitably will still bleed players due to stagnancy like any other mmorpg.

    > > > > > You want core content? Then play core content.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > >(...)listening to the armchair know it alls in this community who claim to speak for everyone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > >But the devs here are more worried about pissing off the armchair forum posters that think they know everything that players want.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > ...and somehow, in your mind, you managed to convince yourself you don't fit that desciption, right? :D

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't because my post count is lower than yours.

    > > >

    > > > It's hilarious that you think it's in any way relevant.

    > > >

    > > > And the actual emphasys here was on "who claim to speak for everyone" and "that think they know everything that players want".

    > >

    > > Yeah, I do because my account was created at the launch of the game.


    > So was mine, not sure what point do you think you have here.


    > >And most of my posts are agreeing with posters that feel like I do only. I never tell devs to change the game to fit what I want. I just say how I feel.


    > In this very thread OP (and you) disagrees with the direction devs went with the game in expansions and tell them to change the game "because it's too hard" (maybe it's time to learn the game's mechanics), how can you pretend you "only agree with others and don't tell devs to change the game to fit what you want"? This is exactly what you're trying to do here.

    > You automatically think your opinion is the one and only correct of actual majority of gw2 playerbase, meanwhile anyone holding a different opinion is just "vocal minority" and "armchair know it all who claim to speak for everyone" -both of which are baseless statements. Somehow you don't see anything ironic in the position you've decided to hold here?


    No, I said the content difficulty of the expansions does not match the base games 80 levels of gameplay and turns some people off. You can try and twist my words into whatever you want. But what I said is still true. They also I think know they have a problem because they are only doing new accounts with the steam launch. Not once did I say they should change it. I just mentioned what everyone knows is true.

  2. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > > > @"AdamWarlord.6782" said:

    > > > > > Edit: This post is to voice a percentage of player base's opinion(may it be a minority, majority, or even just me) on HoT including mine. **I have nothing less than love for the game Devs and the community**. I have been playing for 2-3 years atleast, and have played some GW1 back in the day. Im not just throwing shade on the HoT content. ** I am trying to voice my opinion and my experience in a straightforward manner. **

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Alright, so i just finished up my online classes and studies for my upcoming third year exams and I sit to do my daily completion of a legendary, going on for weeks now. As you can understand, i don't have more than maybe 2-3 hours to play at best. Completion of Eternity and other core legendary weapons took time, but atleast it was doable without frustration and having "fun". When it comes to HoT, I don't know what i am even doing. I am trying to go around the map 90% of the time trying not to die because the floor minion mobs are so OVERPOWERED. I have been playing the game for 2 years, and i have avoided HoT every chance i got because of the same exact reasons i am about to mention.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > 1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.

    > > > > > 2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.

    > > > > > 3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.

    > > > > > 4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.

    > > > > > 5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.

    > > > > > 6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.


    > > > > > 8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.

    > > > > > 9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I also get why they would be reluctant to nerf the mobs more and bring some player driven balance , but atleast 50% if not more gamers are casual on gw2 and want to play not to rage but to have a good time, i don't mind taking months to get my legendary, BUT ATLEAST let the process be fun. I don't want to get grabbed by a rip off stegosaurus while i'm on my raptor and get 2 shot with 22k health. Any balance, related to player level, or player-online time based balance on mobs, a bit more lighting in HoT maps, a bit more of anything. I get HoT is a very old expansion and that Cantha is coming. But atleast respect your players who are trying their hardest to stick to the game and trying to voice their opinions for a change. And of-course please try providing it. Alright! Back to returning to a checkpoint which takes me halfway across the map from the hero point i just died on, and try to re attempt it with broken armor, because there is no repair station nearby, and i don't have a million repair canisters because i'm a casual.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Edit: I realized they have nerfed the difficulty once, i can't imagine what the mobs were like.

    > > > > > Edit: I get where most of you all are coming from, But as i said, its my opinion and many other casual gamers opinion on the content. Leading to a player driven balance, not a balance for everyone.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > This post hit the nail on the head. And of course, he is going to be told that it's him that sucks playing even though for 80 levels of the base game he was playing fine.

    > > >

    > > > Like it was already said many times: it's because the major part of the core game is simply too easy.

    > > >

    > > > >The expansions have not been made for those players that loved the base game.

    > > >

    > > > Nope, it's for people that loved the base game, understood the core mechanics and wanted something new instead of repetitive simplified tutorial-like content they can play at any given moment, because nobody took that core part from them.

    > > > The best thing to show the attitude of people like you or OP is probably to look for posts of people that tried to help someone complaining about one of PoF storyline bosses. They've included videos, offered multiple ways to EASLY complete the encounter, doing it with undergeared (as in below exotic) characters. From what I remember, the main answer they received boiled down to: "I don't want you to help me, I want it to be easier". And this is what this complaint is: the content isn't exactly too hard, you just don't understand the mechanics of the game. Catering to players like this is the death of the game, which inevitably will still bleed players due to stagnancy like any other mmorpg.

    > > > You want core content? Then play core content.

    > > >

    > > > >(...)listening to the armchair know it alls in this community who claim to speak for everyone.

    > > >

    > > > >But the devs here are more worried about pissing off the armchair forum posters that think they know everything that players want.

    > > >

    > > > ...and somehow, in your mind, you managed to convince yourself you don't fit that desciption, right? :D

    > >

    > > I don't because my post count is lower than yours.


    > It's hilarious that you think it's in any way relevant.


    > And the actual emphasys here was on "who claim to speak for everyone" and "that think they know everything that players want".


    Yeah, I do because my account was created at the launch of the game. And most of my posts are agreeing with posters that feel like I do only. I never tell devs to change the game to fit what I want. I just say how I feel.

  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"wmtyrance.3571" said:

    > > > @"AdamWarlord.6782" said:

    > > > Edit: This post is to voice a percentage of player base's opinion(may it be a minority, majority, or even just me) on HoT including mine. **I have nothing less than love for the game Devs and the community**. I have been playing for 2-3 years atleast, and have played some GW1 back in the day. Im not just throwing shade on the HoT content. ** I am trying to voice my opinion and my experience in a straightforward manner. **

    > > >

    > > > Alright, so i just finished up my online classes and studies for my upcoming third year exams and I sit to do my daily completion of a legendary, going on for weeks now. As you can understand, i don't have more than maybe 2-3 hours to play at best. Completion of Eternity and other core legendary weapons took time, but atleast it was doable without frustration and having "fun". When it comes to HoT, I don't know what i am even doing. I am trying to go around the map 90% of the time trying not to die because the floor minion mobs are so OVERPOWERED. I have been playing the game for 2 years, and i have avoided HoT every chance i got because of the same exact reasons i am about to mention.

    > > >

    > > > 1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.

    > > > 2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.

    > > > 3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.

    > > > 4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.

    > > > 5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.

    > > > 6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.


    > > > 8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.

    > > > 9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.

    > > >

    > > > I also get why they would be reluctant to nerf the mobs more and bring some player driven balance , but atleast 50% if not more gamers are casual on gw2 and want to play not to rage but to have a good time, i don't mind taking months to get my legendary, BUT ATLEAST let the process be fun. I don't want to get grabbed by a rip off stegosaurus while i'm on my raptor and get 2 shot with 22k health. Any balance, related to player level, or player-online time based balance on mobs, a bit more lighting in HoT maps, a bit more of anything. I get HoT is a very old expansion and that Cantha is coming. But atleast respect your players who are trying their hardest to stick to the game and trying to voice their opinions for a change. And of-course please try providing it. Alright! Back to returning to a checkpoint which takes me halfway across the map from the hero point i just died on, and try to re attempt it with broken armor, because there is no repair station nearby, and i don't have a million repair canisters because i'm a casual.

    > > >

    > > > Edit: I realized they have nerfed the difficulty once, i can't imagine what the mobs were like.

    > > > Edit: I get where most of you all are coming from, But as i said, its my opinion and many other casual gamers opinion on the content. Leading to a player driven balance, not a balance for everyone.

    > > >

    > >

    > > This post hit the nail on the head. And of course, he is going to be told that it's him that sucks playing even though for 80 levels of the base game he was playing fine.


    > Like it was already said many times: it's because the major part of the core game is simply too easy.


    > >The expansions have not been made for those players that loved the base game.


    > Nope, it's for people that loved the base game, understood the core mechanics and wanted something new instead of repetitive simplified tutorial-like content they can play at any given moment, because nobody took that core part from them.

    > The best thing to show the attitude of people like you or OP is probably to look for posts of people that tried to help someone complaining about one of PoF storyline bosses. They've included videos, offered multiple ways to EASLY complete the encounter, doing it with undergeared (as in below exotic) characters. From what I remember, the main answer they received boiled down to: "I don't want you to help me, I want it to be easier". And this is what this complaint is: the content isn't exactly too hard, you just don't understand the mechanics of the game. Catering to players like this is the death of the game, which inevitably will still bleed players due to stagnancy like any other mmorpg.

    > You want core content? Then play core content.


    > >(...)listening to the armchair know it alls in this community who claim to speak for everyone.


    > >But the devs here are more worried about pissing off the armchair forum posters that think they know everything that players want.


    > ...and somehow, in your mind, you managed to convince yourself you don't fit that desciption, right? :D


    I don't because my post count is lower than yours.

  4. > @"AdamWarlord.6782" said:

    > Edit: This post is to voice a percentage of player base's opinion(may it be a minority, majority, or even just me) on HoT including mine. **I have nothing less than love for the game Devs and the community**. I have been playing for 2-3 years atleast, and have played some GW1 back in the day. Im not just throwing shade on the HoT content. ** I am trying to voice my opinion and my experience in a straightforward manner. **


    > Alright, so i just finished up my online classes and studies for my upcoming third year exams and I sit to do my daily completion of a legendary, going on for weeks now. As you can understand, i don't have more than maybe 2-3 hours to play at best. Completion of Eternity and other core legendary weapons took time, but atleast it was doable without frustration and having "fun". When it comes to HoT, I don't know what i am even doing. I am trying to go around the map 90% of the time trying not to die because the floor minion mobs are so OVERPOWERED. I have been playing the game for 2 years, and i have avoided HoT every chance i got because of the same exact reasons i am about to mention.


    > 1. Its very hard to see, hate the map design and how dark it is in 70% of the places.

    > 2. Lags way too much on my mid end laptop.

    > 3. Floor mobs are wayy too overpowered and feel like boss mobs.

    > 4. Hence because of the same reason above, VERY hard to level up the masteries.

    > 5. Why do masteries you ask? Because there are wayy too many hero points and other aspects of the completion of HoT, which require doing them. Which sucks.

    > 6. I can't Solo 50% of the hero points, being a max reaper.


    > 8. I actually start to rage(sorry for caps above) playing guild wars 2, which is 90% of the time fun, except when i play HoT.

    > 9. And due to the above reasons i mentioned above, I actually can feel better playing DARK SOULS than HoT.


    > I also get why they would be reluctant to nerf the mobs more and bring some player driven balance , but atleast 50% if not more gamers are casual on gw2 and want to play not to rage but to have a good time, i don't mind taking months to get my legendary, BUT ATLEAST let the process be fun. I don't want to get grabbed by a rip off stegosaurus while i'm on my raptor and get 2 shot with 22k health. Any balance, related to player level, or player-online time based balance on mobs, a bit more lighting in HoT maps, a bit more of anything. I get HoT is a very old expansion and that Cantha is coming. But atleast respect your players who are trying their hardest to stick to the game and trying to voice their opinions for a change. And of-course please try providing it. Alright! Back to returning to a checkpoint which takes me halfway across the map from the hero point i just died on, and try to re attempt it with broken armor, because there is no repair station nearby, and i don't have a million repair canisters because i'm a casual.


    > Edit: I realized they have nerfed the difficulty once, i can't imagine what the mobs were like.

    > Edit: I get where most of you all are coming from, But as i said, its my opinion and many other casual gamers opinion on the content. Leading to a player driven balance, not a balance for everyone.



    This post hit the nail on the head. And of course, he is going to be told that it's him that sucks playing even though for 80 levels of the base game he was playing fine. The expansions have not been made for those players that loved the base game. I knew 10 people that loved this game before the expansions and they all have quit and think the devs are stupid for listening to the armchair know it alls in this community who claim to speak for everyone. And when this game goes to steam it will fail hard too. They are trying to suck in new players to fall for the same thing the OP did. They refuse to balance the mobs in the expansions to match the mobs of the base game. They made the maps in the expansion annoying and hard to get around. No other MMO does this with its maps. The game needs new management to bring back the fun of the launch of the game. But the devs here are more worried about pissing off the armchair forum posters that think they know everything that players want.

  5. > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > You probably don't remember, but in the years since Path of Fire, there was a push on the forums to "make content mean something". tl;dr: They wanted the various skills learned and unlocks achieved to be attached to questing, have their own stories, etc., etc. to make better use of the Mastery systems and drive engagement in expansion content. Folks were unhappy that their skills and abilities just happened, with no cause or reason.


    > This is the result.


    Yeah give the vocal minority everything they want and screw everyone else is the GW2 moto.

  6. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Because the core map design is often so much more fun and interesting to play than many of the narrow focussed later LS maps which lack the variety and organic design of their predecessors. Sometimes I just want to experience what GW2 started out as rather than what it has become


    The only reason a lot of people still play is that they can forget about how bad the game got after HOT.

  7. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Those who enjoy the game are prob in the game enjoying it to be honest. I know I am (well, bugged events aside)


    > It's an internet fad where twitch, twitter and other media must be filled with quick bites of vitriol. You are shouting into the hurricane hoping to change that


    This 100%

    The people that really enjoy the game are not posting and crying on the forums. These people got the devs to give them what they want and it's not enough for them. It's like this in every mmo forum now. These are the hardcore players that should be ignored most of the time but devs for some reason think these people speak for everyone.

  8. > @"Comus.7365" said:

    > i think most people being smug about playing through it don't consider that a fresh player doing it now will be in a mix of blue,green,yellow and most likely a rabid or two piece of gear. they don't have access to best in slot exotics nor ascended gear. so yeah for the rest of us it might be a breeze but certainly not them.


    > also they're unlocking their first elite spec.


    This is why I'm starting to dislike the player base here. These smug elitist that just post to insult anyone that rightfully complains about the over the top difficulty of the expansion content. I got a new character to level 80 and got the exotic gear and was still having a blast doing map completions in the base world. Then I tried to do POF content and couldn't believe how OP the mobs were compared to the base game. In any other MMO, this would be called unbalanced content. All I did was die over and over. And now I'm being told I have to play differently than I did through 80 levels of content. What I load of BS. The expansions in this game are not meant for most players just the hardcore elite snubs.

  9. > @"DisabledVelociraptor.7865" said:

    > The leap in difficulty from the personal story to heart of thorns is insane... forgive me for complaining here but this is kitten near unenjoyable.. I wish there was some kind of difficulty setting for instances because I just want to experience the story without feeling like i'm being completely crushed by everything


    I agree with you. A new player going from level 1 to 80 is in for a shock. And I know the reason why they did this. It was to please their veteran players that complained content was to easy. Heck, you even have them asking to make it even harder still. I got the game at launch and I don't even bother with the expansion content much anymore even though I own both of them. I just can't be bothered because they suck the fun right out of the game for me. If a game needed a difficulty slider it's this one.

  10. I created a new Azura Engineer character and was trying to complete the Metric Provence zone. I had one more point of interest to get and the map made it seem like it was in the Inquest complex. For over an hour I just couldn't find it and died a few times from those inquest grenadiers. I finally yelled out for help. And this guy swoops in teams up with me and takes to where it was which wasn't in the complex. Just as quick he was gone. So a big thanks to that guy.

  11. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > There's only one type of style kit and they aren't random. Using one gives you a menu just like the hair style section of the character creator but with more styles and colours and then you choose which ones you want. The kit won't be used up until you confirm the changes, so you can play around with different options to find something you like.


    Thank you for you help.

  12. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > Is it this one, but with different colours?

    > ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/0/08/Exclusivehair-asuramale7.jpg "")


    > If so it's one of the exclusive styles available by using a [self-Style Hair Kit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Self-Style_Hair_Kit). As explained above you won't find it in the character creator, if you want it on another character you'll have to use another hair kit to get it.



    Thank you so much. That is it but the dreads are black with some brown highlights and the headband is brown and black. I was hoping it was account-wide. Is it in all style kits or its random? It was a long time ago when I got it.

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