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Head Kracker.4790

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Posts posted by Head Kracker.4790

  1. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Head Kracker.4790" said:

    > > > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > > > > I would think that what those of us in the USA consider one stick of butter might not be what is standard on Tyria. It could be the equivalent of a 1/2 or even 1/4 stick the North American standard for butter sticks. Of course if a missing step in the game recipe is to turn X number of sticks of butter into clarified butter or ghee then that could account for the excess since the process removes the water that bulks it up. Making clarified butter is results in about a 1/4 loss in volume.

    > > >

    > > > I went with the USA definition of a stick of butter. Those of us in a number of other countries do not have sticks. I thought it was a colloquialism until I was told about a year ago that butter in the USA can come in actual sticks.

    > >

    > > Just out of curiosity what does it come out in other countries? Butter crock or just a small plastic bowl or something? Never actually shopped for groceries in another country actually.


    > In Britain it's either sold in a block (wrapped in plastic or grease proof paper) or in a plastic tub.


    > I suppose the blocks are similar to sticks, just wider and shorter (not quite a cube, but a short rectangle), but I think they must be bigger too because you'd have to be making a lot of something to use a whole block in a recipie. Most are 250g - 500g.


    So it sounds like your block equals about around 1 pack of 4 sticks laid atop one another over in America since my pack of 4 sticks is 453G. So in general its generally more a change in presentation and packaging since as you say it takes ALOT of use to use such a large amount of butter .


    To throw you even more for a loop I can buy half sticks over here which is basically the equivalent of 2 sticks of butter cut in half again or half a block. Really its useful since as a single person, unless you love butter in everything, there is no way to use that much butter in a decent timeframe.

  2. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > > I would think that what those of us in the USA consider one stick of butter might not be what is standard on Tyria. It could be the equivalent of a 1/2 or even 1/4 stick the North American standard for butter sticks. Of course if a missing step in the game recipe is to turn X number of sticks of butter into clarified butter or ghee then that could account for the excess since the process removes the water that bulks it up. Making clarified butter is results in about a 1/4 loss in volume.


    > I went with the USA definition of a stick of butter. Those of us in a number of other countries do not have sticks. I thought it was a colloquialism until I was told about a year ago that butter in the USA can come in actual sticks.


    Just out of curiosity what does it come out in other countries? Butter crock or just a small plastic bowl or something? Never actually shopped for groceries in another country actually.

  3. > @"ProjectSoul.6513" said:

    > This is all I've ever wanted and I'm so sad I missed out on it when it was available. The fact that it's dyeable makes it even better bc we can match it to any outfit, mood, holiday, etc.


    > Can we get this back in the store again? Is there another way to obtain it through Black Lion tickets or something? I'm still kinda new to the game... just wondering! Thanks all! :]


    So for if you missed it in the patch notes the wings you want are now in the Black Lion Statuette. I'm just gonna forum tag you so you can get a notification message, enjoy. :)

  4. Please for the love of god find out what's causing all the lag in that set of maps. Apparently from the trailer your using the dwarven forge and the area around it. Now presumably its instanced content but if its actually overworld, that map has way too much lag in it regardless of what point on the map your at to be considered stable enough for the amount of play its going to receive in 2 weeks.

  5. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

    > > > @"anninke.7469" said:

    > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > There's also the Town Clothing outfit which comes up planty on Sylvari..

    > > >

    > > > Yup, the Common Clothes outfit. And the Cook and Wedding outfits are also planty for sylvari. Oh, and the one Canach wears... Verdant Executor was it? And that's pretty much it, IIRC.

    > > >

    > > > I'm not even much keen on the Maguuma armor pieces as they're much too bulky for my liking and too stone-ish to be considered enough sylvari-themed by me. I like the Shadow of the Dragon set a little better, but it's very bulky for males too. And the helmet clips tremendously.

    > > >

    > > > So yes, please give us more leafy fashion. Much MUCH more. At least the stuff NPCs get to wear (like the guy in Siren's Landing with those nice leafy shorts. I need those badly).

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > i love the maguuma set so much. I love the mix of wood and stone textures and that they can be dyed separately. But i'd be glad for some leafy looks. I actually wish they'd use that legendary armor tech they developed for animated armor to make sylvari themed armor that bloom flowers when you unsheath your weapon, and the flowers wither when you sheath your weapon/leave combat.


    > Wouldn't it make more sense that the flowers bloom with the day/night cycle? At night you glow, during the day you bloom.


    While that would be awesome, it probably would be pretty demanding on the armor teams since animated armor on the legendary side to sooo long

  6. When they do weapon sets they have to bake in the coding for auras and glows and fire so the game wont have to reference as many tables like armor does when you load in a character. That and if they want to do other collections/acquisitions like the king toad and so forth they have rendered models that they only need to add the coding for the colors they want to.

  7. So the answer is maybe with chances of other. To specify the[ Black Lion Statuette](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette) in a month or so may have the wings, since they usually follow a pattern of 4 to 6 months after a items release into the chests to be put into the tables when they change them for the next set. Be aware though that most back items will require 40 to 60 statuettes from that which means either you would have them on hand or would have to buy that many keys or get lucky or unlucky therein with your drops from black lion chests. You might actually have to pay alot more than your willing too, to get enough statuettes be it gold conversion or outright buying gems to buy keys if you don't use keys on a regular basis.

  8. Now take this with a grain of salt, but on my warrior I really didn't breakbar him and I use axe axe/longbow and marauder ascended gear and trinkets to kill him. I freely admit that it was a long fight and I did it recently as well so this is post nerfs to the encounter. As well my food and utility had run out before the encounter so I was at my base power. I did however learn his pattern of hops to life drain early and had enough condition cleanse to keep from hitting max Vulnerable. As long as you evade away at the right time and range him the fight isn't that annoying. Tough yes but to me not annoying.




  9. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > @"Head Kracker.4790" said:

    > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > (Unless of course I want it but think it's absurdly over-pried, then I'll wait for a sale - but again it's an expansion, not a new game, so I can be reasonably sure the price will be comparable to previous expansions.)

    > >

    > > Well lets hope the current development and marketing team remember how outraged we all were at the Heart of Thorns "expansion". Basically we were rebuying the game in that expac (59.99 at the time if I'm recalling things right) when it first dropped and it caused a big kerfuffle. Path of fire was a much more reasonable price overall.


    > It was 49.99 at the time of pre-purchase. The 'kerfluffle' was over the Core game going Play4Free, not the cost of the expansion.

    > In May of 2017, the price dropped to 29.99.


    That's right and they did not allow the people who paid for the game, pre play for free, a cheaper way to get that content. We were basically told your SOL and had to rebuy the game. Which was pretty much the original purchase price for the base Guild Wars 2 game. The price drop only happened after 3 years. Newer players did not feel that sting like those of us that played at or near the beginning. And it told us longer term players just what the development team of that time, about what they thought about us players that stick around. Suckers with Wallets.


    I freely admit its definitely gotten better now that they have outlets like skins for mounts and such that they put in the gem store. It not nearly as in your face cash grab unless you actually WANT said items and since they are cosmetic anyway those who want them can pass on them if they wish or not as the case may be.

  10. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > (Unless of course I want it but think it's absurdly over-pried, then I'll wait for a sale - but again it's an expansion, not a new game, so I can be reasonably sure the price will be comparable to previous expansions.)


    Well lets hope the current development and marketing team remember how outraged we all were at the Heart of Thorns "expansion". Basically we were rebuying the game in that expac (59.99 at the time if I'm recalling things right) when it first dropped and it caused a big kerfuffle. Path of fire was a much more reasonable price overall.

  11. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Maxed out with what? The extra goodies are often something you can only get via the pre-order.

    > Such as: Exclusive Title, access to Beta weekends, Exclusive Mini-pet, etc.


    Maxed out might mean character slots I imagine, but otherwise different things float peoples boats more than others.

  12. Personally the digital extras that come from expansions from Anet have always seemed weak sauce and not really worth spending money on the best of the best version. I mean we didnt even get a character slot in one even though they gave us revenant in that one then they actually caved to add it in later. Adding gems to it makes it even worse since its only there to bump the price up higher. Otherwise most the rest is things I really dont care about enough to pay more for.

  13. So I just did the POF story for skimmer mastery and I figured that while I'm doing it I might as well do Griffon collection as well. I do the first part of the event chain by defending the event in diviner reach, but other than starting the rest of the event chain other escort missions pop up, but not the event chain for Nayrim. Do I have to do the side quests before her chain becomes active or is it just broken? I tried this on three maps and nothing after the defend diviners actually happens.

  14. I was thinking about it and sure there are many people that get precursors but they always seem to be a infinite amount of accounts that never get one either. Sure you can go through the legendary collections for one but even then not as many players actually do so. So lets say that if you are around for a decade of play you get a choice of one account bound precursor to do with as you wish.

  15. I dont know what caused this, and I sent in two bug reports with screen captures. But I was in Orr and when I used my raptors leap I was floating like I was hovering with my glider while on my raptor. It was around 7:55 cst on the plains of karst. The steps were holding down the action key (ie space) and pushing forward on the w key as well

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