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Everything posted by Dahkeus.8243

  1. It's certainly not specific to silver/gold since there's well documented platinum bots (such as the one in the trending post in the GW2 Subreddit: ), but yea...it's pretty bad. It's a serious issue and I wish we could at least get some generic statement from ANet saying that they are aware of the problem and working on a solution, but it's seemingly been dead silent regarding this as far as I'm aware. I get that there is an expansion on the horizon, but this will affect PvP in the expansion just as much as now, so it still needs to be addressed.
  2. Yes, I agree to an extent. Playing other classes has helped me understand how to play against those classes to a large extent. However, sticking to no more than 2 classes/builds for any actual really competitive play has been really key to doing well for me. There's a huge difference between playing a class and playing it long enough in the current meta to do so well. Swapping to a build just because it's what would make the team comp perfect on paper rarely does so in practice.
  3. Healbreaker is strong, but it's nothing so egregious that it needs a hotfix. It would be much better to have this addressed in the context of a full balance patch instead of knee-jerk nerfing it before another balance patch that will shift the power balance of classes further.
  4. Lots of good stuff here, but a lot of it is kind of "This strategy is good except for when it's not, in which case this other strategy is good except for when it's not". Not meant as a criticism against the stuff discussed, but talking PvP strat at a general level can just inherently end up that way. Would be nice to see more gameplay with moments like the ones you describe and some of the reasoning behind the choices made. That being said, since you're making a lot of more strategy-based videos, I'd really suggest a vid on tips for how to communicate effectively in PvP. There's a lot of keyboard warrior/armchair commanders that spend the majority of their game half-assing fights while typing an essay on where they think everyone else should go or what they should do when those players probably aren't even paying attention to chat anyways.
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