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Posts posted by takatsu.9416

  1. **KEYS**


    Maybe it's already been mentioned before but the amount of keys/tokens used to open chests and things are getting pretty insane! Other than HoT, SW and PoF having different keys and in HoT for EACH zone, there are also keys for jumping puzzle chests or Mad King's Chests and a million other things! This is taking up an insane amount of precious inventory and bank space.


    Can we please be provided or at very low affordable in game cost allow us to have a keychain item which contains and tracks all these keys like those portal tomes.




    On the other hand we really need a Library shelf in our home instance so we can deliver all the random memoirs and books with pages and so on we keep collecting. Players are just throwing them out but they do contain some interesting lore and effort from the Anet team.


    There are also a crazy amount of trophies in PoF. Some can be consumed for mastery or karma but some are actually really interesting. My favourite is the Statue of Joko defeating Abaddon. I so want to keep it. But it's using up room!


    An easy way might be just to have a shelf in our home instance and we can just deposit all or any trophies we want to keep to it. It'd be like a separate almost unlimited bank just for trophies




    A real quality of life, extra luxury improvement would be to have a collection of tonics as well. It's not likely to be able to use all the tonics in one go so they collect and take up alot of bank space. But this isn't that urgent


    I'm trying to keep as much as I can but Anet please please introduce more ways to compile and deposit these items. So we can keep stuff and revisit or use it later without killing our inventory space. At this rate it is becoming way too much to handle


    Thanks for reading!

  2. I am still seeing the same unreasonable circular arguments that I addressed in my previous post. Who are you to say the four dye channels were HIDDEN AWAY or 3 dye channels were REMOVED? who said they didn't just decide to add in 3 more dye channels just for this spooky skin... Look at the bone design.... With another skin it may not be 4 dye channels and maybe less. Maybe more? They can theoretically add in a hundred or something. So are you saying because it's technically possible since the beginning they cheated us of something?


    Look at armor skins... They vary in dye channels depending on design. The basic mount had one and had its natural colour of the creature it's supposed to belong to.


    For those who want four dye channels but not the spooky skeleton skin... Wait for future mount skins... This was just the first Halloween themed design. Who knows what cool skins and dye channels we can get in the future.


    We got what we paid for in all the content the mounts the ability. Period.


    Stop arguing that more and everything of additional luxury to come ever in the future was entitled to us for purchasing the original Path of Fire expansion. It just does not make any sense.

  3. Ideally there would be a way to balance or separate condis, CC, condi burst, condi duration etc. Ideally we would want condi duration and ramp up for sustained damage. However don't forget that all classes also have access to great on demand condi cleanse. Anet sort of shot itself in the foot and made the situation a lot more complex. Basically their class balance is everyone can do everything, maybe not the best but they can do everything. The only balance that can possibly be done now is adjust the numbers a little.

  4. > @Dashiva.6149 said:

    > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > > > @takatsu.9416 said:

    > > > I disagree. The mounts we got were free and the BASIC mounts.

    > > Really? I had to buy an expansion for them.


    > Agree with this. Mounts were one of the big selling points for PoF. Saying they were "free" isn't entirely accurate.


    You paid for content, the mounts and their features, the maps, the stories, the elites and a lot more. We got what was expected. We paid for the actual content and gameplay. We paid for access to four default mounts with abilities and all the fun. We did not pay expecting to be able to dye four channels and an unlimited selection of skins or anything cosmetic. We got what we wanted.


    One default dye channel was actually an EXTRA benefit. Alot of players were happy and excited to see we can actually dye the mounts with a single colour. This was not what we actually expected.


    Now there is an upgrade for cosmetics of sorts and now youre all arguing that it should have been there since the beginning in retrospect? If they introduce a mount skin upgrade that can have 16 dyes do we all have to complain again? You do know what upgrades are.


    Also who said they initially made mounts with 4 dye channels just because we have 4 channels now? They can insert and design additional channels if they want. If you notice the channels are designed to be for the spooky skeleton skin, the channel for the bones is certainly created to display that way for this skin only. I'm pretty sure they can add and activate more dye channels and redesign things later. Do you remember the thread on weapon dyes? The dev said they hadn't ever designed weapons with dye channels. But armors have that system active and some have 1channel, some have more. Just because now they created 4 channels doesn't mean the originals had 4 and they TOOK AWAY 3. What kind of unreasonable conclusion is that?


    Also 250 g for a griffon is still free. It's in game time and gold. No one was asked to pay real money for it. Even the gem store skins can be paid by gold. If you want a legendary do you not need to invest gold and time? If you want a griffon is it not reasonable to invest some gold and time? You also needed to invest time into masteries, should we complain too?


    These kind of thoughts lead down the same path of entitlement and irrational complaining about everyone getting the best things for free and no effort

  5. > @castlemanic.3198 said:



    > I get disagreeing, but you're seriously going to suggest that asking for more dyes on basic mounts is some form of communism?


    Not the authoritarian system of communism but the ideal of everyone needs to have everything shared equally communism, yes, I think thoughts seem to be aligned that way, rather than work for gems and gold to upgrade and improve etc.

  6. I had no problem discovering where to jump down on, those floating rocks and stone pillars etc. It's not that hard, it's not even a jp, it's literally just jump and drop down you don't even have to control it as it's perfectly the max distance of your jump. This is the point of the instance. I also had no problem with fear and conditions. why be so close to the edge and be in a position where a fear from him would send u off the edge? I always position myself so the main area is behind me and the mad King in front. There are also stunbreaks, condi cleanse and other active defense mechanisms which by now every player should have learned especially through all the harder content on HoT and PoF. I solod the Ascent no problem and he barely does any damage

  7. I disagree. The mounts we got were free and the BASIC mounts. Therefore it makes sense they have less features and makes sense you have to upgrade using gold or gems for better things. It doesn't make sense to give you the best features for free nor should they cater to your fashion wars right from the get go. Why should the raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal and griffon not have their own natural colors? They are immersive actual creatures we learn and interact with. These extra gem shop purchases are actually the unrealistic non immersive extras and bragging rights. These should not be made available in our basic mounts. Just because they can make it have one or four or sixteen dye channels doesn't mean all of a sudden it needs to be your definition of equal and fair like some form of communism?

  8. I don't instant die on the horror on glass mesmer. I take a hit and I have a bit of life so I can heal up but also alot of active defense like evades invulnerable aegis blocks and constant heals and condi cleanses so I do okay. Playing HoT or PoF should be enough preparation to not find any content in Halloween to be difficult tbh. For example if you play a Daredevil I'm pretty sure you have enough evades to avoid him

  9. I did a search but didn't see this mentioned yet.


    # LFG (Looking for Group)

    Please inform all new player about the **LFG (Looking for Group) tab** located in the **Contacts Panel** (usually the Y key). There are two types of groups, parties (limited to 5 players) and squads (limited to 50 players or 10 for raid-mode) hosted by a commander. The commander has a special tag.


    Note that sometimes you may not appear in the right map/zone instance with a successful group or with enough players unless you join one of these groups that are recruiting. If you are not in the right instance, when you join a party or squad, right click on players in your group for the option to "Join in [Map/Zone Name]". (This was already mentioned above.) It'll take you to where the rest of the group is. You should see bright solid blue dots on the mini map/map for your group members.


    There are sections in the LFG tab to find helpful groups to join for:


    * World Bosses

    * Helpful Hero Point or Mastery Point trains

    * Meta Event Chains especially HoT maps

    * Bounty Trains in PoF maps

    * Collection and other Achievement groups

    * Dungeons

    * Fractals

    * Help for Personal Story Instances

    * And I have been starting Mentoring groups, and I think new players and experienced players should facilitate this more


    Note that some of these kinds of groups may need to be found in appropriate categories or specific maps. So take a browse!




    # Links

    Other sites that I would consider to be the Gw2 "Bible" other than the comprehensive wiki and /wiki command in chat:


    http://dulfy.net (latest news, guides, already mentioned)

    http://gw2timer.com (Spawn times of World Bosses and big Meta events)

    http://gw2efficiency.com (Account/Finances/Economy Management, Crafting Breakdown and Guide, etc.) [Connect GW2 API*]

    http://gw2crafts.net (one of the handy Crafting guides)

    http://gw2skills.net (for the Build Editor)

    http://qtfy.eu (updated meta builds and benchmarking, meant for reference, not to follow absolutely)

    http://metabattle.com (updated meta builds and benchmarking, meant for reference, not to follow absolutely)

    http://gw2style.com (some fashion)


    **GW2 API**

    Some sites will access your account data (authorized sites are secure) by generating an API easily from your Gw2 Account page: https://account.arena.net/applications

    Please be careful with the sites you use it on. But it is very helpful for instance on gw2efficiency, which will break down what resources you have and what you still require to craft something, your account and bank value, what is the amount of gold you can actually earn from your sellable items, history of your spending and so on. You can also view your character specs, inventory, your wallet currencies and more.

  10. Just because the thrust leap lands the Mirage within 100, doesn't mean its effective range is 800. I've had many sword ambush thrusts that doesn't connect even though I've almost shot past my target. The leap animation does bring the Mirage pretty far but I don't think the actual hitting range is that full distance, even if the momentum carries it as you say to 800

  11. Well, the playstyle of Mesmer hasn't been to stick to target constantly in melee range - Mirage does that well. Mesmer has been about mobility but not necessarily gap closing. You're talking about for example, Chrono F5 + clone, phantasm, stealthing to enemy, melee burst, pop back out combos, sometimes you get a whole player down just from that alone plus the double phantasm summon, double shatters, etc. It seems like Mesmer playstyle has been about avoiding damage, and disengaging. Keep in mind, part of our gap closers is simply our clones and phantasms going to our target, while we don't necessarily have to be there all the time.


    Personally, I play a pretty melee style Chrono, and don't really have problems doing that. My clones and phantasms can go ahead of me and I can rely on positioning and avoiding damage. I have CC and I can hold a position in melee.


    Basically, I think gap closers in the traditional form is not necessarily Mesmer playstyle. Play a thief or warrior if you want melee gap closing and whacking the target. Or Mirage which puts an opposite spin on Mesmer and makes it like a thief


  12. I'd suggest Chrono to start. If you want a versatile build for group play and solo roam/open world play, chrono is versatile. It can support, it can hold defensive tanky positions, it can also dish out a lot of damage, and it's extremely survivable, with lots of blocks, low cooldowns, aoe, constant shatters, doubling up on phantasm hits, freedom to go power or condi if you choose etc.. Don't underestimate Chrono damage output. Chrono in open world is amazing, you can solo anything. Mirage does feel like a thief but honestly it's DPS isn't so great when compared to top classes and it doesn't offer much to a team. I think it's best for pvp/1v1 dueling personally. I've found that after using mirage for a while, it still has issues with evading accurately in a group of players, in a field of effects and animations, or dealing with many targets. If you really want to stick to playing a thief style evasion and mobility thing, you can do a Mirage, but if you want to try another class and might be playing varied content, Chrono is definitely versatile and in demand.


    As for builds, it really depends on what content you're going for. Sinister and Viper is fine. Maybe do some Grieving. there are already a lot of Mirage builds on the forum, take a go through the recent threads, a lot of stuff available, no point in constantly repeating things

  13. I agree the old living seasons should be replayable, because it is a central part of the core storyline. Even though I do think it's really nice to be able to have a hand or impact in the history of Tyria thus far and feel a belonging of the present and past moments that are no longer changeable, the living stories are actually part of the primary storyline, which means these are not just an impact on the whole of Tyria open world but a significant part of the players personal story.


    It would've made sense if it was more separate. Call it a paywall or whatever but at this point it is not separate. The events of HoT go into LS3 and then PoF. When players get to the Departing some may have not experienced the past events and these memories don't make sense or don't mean anything to them. The player is also not 'commander' or Dragons Watch guild leader without going through those events.


    They have mixed up general open world living story with personal story and so thus, living story should be made available for players to recap and understand. Older players may also want to revisit memories and so on. Do it as a sort of fractal thing, like a time machine revisiting of the past or so.


    They invested time and effort into quality content in these episodes and it would also be a waste if other players can't enjoy it

  14. Wait, why on Earth should something not be withheld from players? This is a game where you do stuff to get stuff. How is this a problem? This is how life in general works. Since when was everything freely given at any time to anyone who wants it? What's wrong with checking Lfg, or even god forbid checking wiki or gw2timer or gw2efficiency and planning on doing something to get something you want? Or maybe even staying up late one night when you might have a day off to work it out with an event time. Whatever you want to invest to get what you want. Especially for expansion end game content which is end game content and intended to be more complex and difficult. So should everyone just be given legendaries? I solo a lot of events and bosses but there are some just not intended to be solod for example. So I accept that, why should everything be easy?

    I just don't understand this sort of thinking. Sure it's frustrating at times, well go do something else that's fun for you til you are able to join a squad and do the event. It's not that hard.

  15. What a wonderful idea and restart :)


    Probably no one would gift such a hefty gift but my RNG has always been horrible and I've been trying to loot exalted chests for it for a long long time... to no avail...


    and I won't be able to afford it having never surpassed 200g, and currently working hard on ascended armor ...


    But I really really really desire a Vial of Liquid Aurillium or Liquid Aurillium Infusion.... That aura is just so so so necessary for my character... Haha it's like my biggest dream right now


    My eternal gratefulness if this ever happens, or if you can help in any way


    Thank you for reading :)

  16. I've been having a blast , kind of figured it out on my own but it is so incredibly fast and you can gain such tremendous height even a bit higher than where you jumped off. So exhilarating on all the maps and watching the world below become small and it makes maps so beautiful in a new way.


    The wing flap boost really can be part of the dive for max height gain. You dive down and then release the dive and press speed boost with wing flap key pretty soon but you can get the feel of how long you leave the dive on for. But you speed boost in a dive at the ground and release and pull up with second movement ability almost immediately after and that Sonic boom momentum from wing flap carries you up all the way to max height. You can gain height with it. I've never needed to wing flap a second time for the up like that

  17. Dual daggers, mainhand pistol plssss


    how bout a mainhand focus? I think that would be pretty elegant as if we are holding nothing and don't need legit weapons. It'd be real subtle elegant tricky illusionary magic and the power of the mind kind of feel.


    Daggers should honestly have been mirage... Fits with the whole mirage thief evade feel...


    I don't really get the whole concept with axe and shield honestly .... How does that fit the mesmer image? I mean Chrono is a good spec and I love it. But thematically...? Axe as well? I mean they made it work kinda but still


    I just don't see bows rifle etc fitting with our class now that we have axe and shield which are two heavy handed crude weapons.


    We need something real elegant and mind games ish.

  18. I too wouldn't think it works in the gw2 balancing and system thus far.... But alot of gw2 NPCs and bosses especially are combos of diff class skills.


    The elite specs as mentioned above are also blurring the boundaries and reinterpreting other classes through one.


    I'd like to be a mesmer thief, mesmer warrior and mesmer elementalist as well. I also think mesmer engineer would be interesting and I wouldn't know how that might work. Like holographic projections or something holosmith mesmer lol. I personally would prefer the animation effects of holosmith on my mesmer haha but darn I also love the purple and pinks

  19. > @hellsqueen.3045 said:


    > It does mention the LFG section once you unlock your first dungeon for the first time because it tells you to check or advertise a party so you can do the dungeon. At least that is how I remember finding out about it.

    > I think it should be split from the friends list and such however. It is such a key thing that having it second to the friends list is rather annoying.


    I was around and doing dungeons before the Lfg system was implemented and read up about the updates first so I guess I never really remembered that haha. That said, the recent content completely avoids dungeons, unless they do their core personal story, and raids and fractals are like about the only thing left that requires a team. I think for most players rushing right into HoT or PoF they may not find out.


    Actually LFG should be used way more often. There are people just looking for friends or levelling traveling buddies. It's easy to write a description that matches what you're looking for. There's even a Roleplay section too.


    Indeed LFG panel needs to be more obvious and distinguished

  20. I just realized an important part of tutorial MUST be LFG panel. Not even some experienced players know about using LFG and get frustrated trying to get people to join a meta or run. In fact LFG had a mentor section too, if more experienced players who have time let themselves be available and if new players would check there that could help too. But LFG isn't even known to some players

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