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Posts posted by LoreChief.8391

  1. If you're more concerned with your output, then simply take the current version of Sevenshot and replace SB2 with it, and then still put Sevenshot back to where it was. Skill shots are inherently interesting skills, "push button, generate numbers" is not. I understand I'm in the minority here, but its just so terribly boring to use the new version.

  2. Just started playing again recently only to find out that they nerfed the best and most interesting skill on Rev SB.


    For those just tuning in, Sevenshot used to be an AoE skill that utilized an interesting ground target reticle that had all arrows converting to a point, and damaged enemies within that pattern for up to 7 hits depending on how many arrows they got filled with.


    Now it is a target-required attack with no interesting features.


    If at any point in 2020 you, as a developer, think to yourself; "Hey let's turn an interesting attack into a tab-target skill", you need to re-think your career, because you've just made an absolutely terrible decision.


    Revert the changes, put Sevenshot back where it was before.

  3. I have a very nice gaming rig, but find it simply more convenient to turn the model limit to low because it makes seeing things easier - especially when doing content like the Istan farm.


    However, regardless of what model limit setting I have - the last priority it would seem is for monsters to load. This makes it needlessly extra difficult to tag mobs in group content. Their HP bars often show up only after the monster itself is half dead, let alone the actual model being present before they die.


    You know what I CAN see though? About 1000 turrets.


    So, request:

    1. Allow an option that lets us disable viewing friendly player "pets" (ranger pets, engi turrets, ele elementals, necro minions, and of course mini pets)

    2. Change priority for model loading to display hostile enemies first and foremost.

  4. I'm using yolomouse so that I can actually see my cursor in combat, as it is basically impossible to see in group content otherwise.


    However the deck is stacked against me. I am someone that uses KB+M for moving, and part of that is holding the right click to pan camera basically all of the time I'm in combat. Unfortunately because of the game itself, that means "hide the cursor, he's holding right click!".


    Please allow us the option to see the mouse cursor even when right clicking. Stop making this harder then it has to be.

  5. So I had a wild thought the other day; "What if I ran the Istan farm as a support class, such as the new and improved Herald? Ventari even?"


    Obviously fairly quickly though, I realized this would never work because you don't get champion bags without hitting a damage requirement on a mob. Further, champs die so quick in meta events that you have to basically be optimized for getting tag credit to even have a chance for bags in the first place. Even running as a power holo with a full turret arsenal, I'm only ever able to get at most about 80% of the bags possible.


    But it would be nice though. I'd like to contribute something more interesting than mash-mash DPS, such as buffs, heals, barriers, all-of-the-above, and still be able to reliably get pouches. But playstyles like Ventari, although useful and fun to play - don't get loot credit!


    So I would like to ask for a change to the tagging system. Something like; "If you heal at least X amount and/or provide X amount of boons and/or cleanse/convert X amount of debuffs - and a unit you've healed within the last 20 seconds gets tag credit & kills a monster, you also get tag credit". Extra emphasis placed on cleansing or providing powerful effects (such as granting allies Quickness or purging Slow).


    So for example(s);


    1. Herald provides 10 stacks of might to 5+ allies, and 1+ of those allies get tag credit on a champion = Herald gets tag credit on the champion.

    2. Chronomancer provides Quickness to 5+ allies, and 1+ of those allies get tag credit on a champion = Chronomancer gets tag credit on the champion.

    3. Elementalist cleanses 5 conditions from allies and generates 10k+ of healing on allies over the course of 20 seconds, and 1+ of those allies get tag credit on a champion = Elementalist gets tag credit on the champion.


    Thanks for reading.

  6. There are so many things wrong with Hammer (not just for Guardian, but I digress).


    1. The cooldowns are too long. Not to mention they have quite a steep jump from 5 -> 18 -> 40 seconds.

    2. The damage coefficients are too weak, especially considering there are only two real damage skills in the kit.

    3. Some of the effects are redundent or counter-intuitive. Immobilize, Launch, and unleavable arena all on the same weapon? It feels like they pulled the effects out of a hat.

    4. The 'Glacial Heart' trait is poorly designed.


    **Suggestions for improvement:**

    * Hammer Swing Combo:

    * Buff damage of Hammer Swing & Hammer Bash by 25%

    * Buff impact damage of Symbol of Protection by 40%



    * Mighty Blow:

    * Buff damage of Mighty Blow by 40%

    * Give it 600 range

    * Make it a ground-target skill

    * Finisher is no longer Blast but Leap



    * Banish & Zealot's Embrace:

    * Merge both skills into one that uses launch

    * Banish: Send a wave toward your foes that launches them with a powerful smash

    * Range 1200, damage of Banish, 30s cooldown, num targets = 5

    * Uses the same style of aim pattern as Deflecting Shot in the Longbow kit

    * This is now the #5 skill instead of the #3/4



    * Ring of Warding

    * Is now the #4 skill, cooldown is reduced to 22 seconds

    * Cast time is reduced to 1/4 second, duration is reduced to 3 seconds

    * Enemies that try to leave the circle (voluntarily or otherwise!) are knocked down



    * New #3 skill: Defy

    * Defy: Counter the next attack within 3 seconds, damaging and dazing enemies in front of you while gaining Aegis (5s)

    * 12s cooldown

    * Replacement for Glacial Heart trait: Righteous Offense

    * Slaying enemies while wielding a Greathammer breaks movement impairment effects, grants Superspeed/Quickness (3s) and refreshes the cooldown on Mighty Blow.



    I was going for a more cohesive kit - where the skills are both more interesting to use, as well as connected to each other in some way. I also wanted to bake in shorter cooldowns into the skills themselves, that way the Hammer trait could be reserved for interesting effects (such as ROffense, which turns you into Hammer Pacman!) Hammer is probably thematically one of my favorite weapons in the game - but every class that can use them has implemented them rather poorly.


    Anyways, thanks for reading!

  7. 1. Core Engi & Scrapper. Gyro's are mostly gimmicks, as are turrets. (Here's my thread on a suggested change; https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51920/idea-rework-gyro-and-turrets-to-be-a-singular-entity#latest)

    2. Also in regards to Engi's: They need to be animated as firing both pistols if they are going P/P.

    3. Ranger as-a-whole, and Ranger Pets:

    * Ranger pet choices are very limited. We have pets like cats, floating potted plants.. (yawn) Why not Griffins, Stoneheads, Hydra, Minotaur, Treants or Sloths?

    * Ranger pet skills are also rather boring. I'd rather have one really exciting skill per pet then a few boring uninspired ones like we currently have.

    * Why is Longbow so neglected? Ranger of all classes should be sensational with a Longbow, but they simply aren't.

    * If you re-work Ranger, can you simply make better utility skills that actually utilize the pet instead of just apply buffs to them?

    * Also, Soulbeast is extremely limited as far as implementing power builds. I don't want to use a pet, but it doesn't mean I want to be strapped to a Shortbow and conditions either.

    4. What is ANets problem with traps?

    * Make them ranged/ground-target instead of right under your own feet.

    * Give us charges - why do we only carry around one of a type of trap???

    * Seriously though, these are the most boring trap implementations of ANY MMO out there. And we have 3 classes using them now.

    5. What does ANet have against non-perma pets?

    * Mesmer phantasms needed better functionality after they were summoned, not being turned into one-and-done skills that summon clones

    * Guardian spirit weapons were amazing as they were. If anything they should have just been made stronger, not turned into ammo-system with zero life. Give us a Ritualist spec soon if you're going to be that way about it...

    6. I see you're making some changes to Herald - but Rev as a whole is still wonky because of the shared energy system between weapon skills and right-side skills. I know that you know you can just remove the energy costs from weaponskills and everything would be sunshine and rainbows - so why won't you do it?

    7. Warrior 100 blades can safely be made into a mobile skill now. Please change it so that we don't have to stand still to use it. What kind of warrior is so limited in combat?


    Just a general question too; Will the Systems Team be responsible for designing the next generation of Elite specs?

  8. **General:**

    1. Gyro's have no HP

    2. Turrets are removed from the game (I'm not going to talk about replacing skills for Core Engineer right now).


    * **Rifle Gyro**:

    * Follows the Engineer, lasts indefinitely. Periodically fires a shot at the Engineers target while in combat.

    * Toolbelt skill is [surprise Shot] from Rifle Turret

    * Secondary action is [Net Attack] from Net Turret

    * **Shredder Gyro**:

    * Placed via ground-target, lasts for 25s (damage modified to account for longer duration).

    * Toolbelt skill is [Firenado] - causes the Gyro to emit flames around its location for 3s, burning enemies.

    * Secondary action is [Reposition Shredder] which allows you to move the turret within 900 range via ground-target, damaging enemies it passes through.

    * **Medic Gyro**:

    * Follows the Engineer, lasts indefinitely. Periodically heals allies around it and grants Regeneration to the Engineer.

    * Toolbelt skill is the primary healing skill for the Engineer - healing them for a large amount.

    * Secondary action is [Reposition Medic] which allows you to place the turret within 900 range with ground-target. The Engineer still receives healing effects when apart from the Medic.

    * Becomes [Recall medic] which allows you to grab the turret back to follow you.

    * **Blast Gyro**:

    * Placed via Ground Target, has initially 2 charges. Explodes when an enemy gets near (minimum of 3 seconds from placement) - dealing damage and triggering blast finishers.

    * Toolbelt skill is [Explosive Rounds] - causes your next attack to Burn & Daze the enemy.

    * Secondary action is [big Bang] - detonates all active Blast Gyro's immediately, and in a larger area - dealing less damage but launching enemies.

    * **Bulwark Gyro**:

    * Follows the Engineer initially, lasts for 15 seconds. Pulses barriers to allies around the Gyro.

    * Toolbelt skill is [Defense Field] from Bulwark Gyro.

    * Secondary action is [Mode 2] - detonates the Bulwark Gyro but creates a Reflective Dome around its location that reflects projectiles.

    * **Sneak Gyro**:

    * Remains the same.




    Turrets historically haven't been very useful for active gameplay. They are currently used predominantly for tagging right now, and to some extent see use in Arena for bunker builds. Gyro's at the same time, have always felt (to me at least) like a half-baked implementation of what everyone wishes turrets did years ago. Further, when Gyro's were added to the game, they nerfed turrets and took away a lot of their QoL functions (such as ranged placement). So these ideas are roughly the merging of the longevity of turrets, the functionality of gyro's, and the features of both merged into a single entity. They are only available of course on the Scrapper, which is a class that doesn't see much love or use outside of Arena. Thats all I have to say on the matter for now.



  9. Flamethrower is a mostly excellent hybrid condi/power kit that has some CC and utility, and can be used as a main weapon.


    Bombs are great for CC and are decent for damage - and are great for just dropping all at once and swapping out of the kit. The same goes for Grenade kit.


    However Tool Kit and Elixir Gun aren't particularly great for any situation, either being used full-time like Flamethrower, or short-term like Bomb/Grenade. Tool Kit as an example, is extremely situational - and even then you aren't likely to have use of more than 1 or 2 skills in it. Repairing turrets (who even does that really?) is nice, not really.. Box of Nails is about as useful as a box of rocks. Pry Bar wasn't even that useful *before* the Confusion nerf, let alone now. Gear Shield could honestly be the Toolbelt skill for this kit and it still wouldn't make the kit itself worthwhile to use.


    Then with Elixir Gun, you have a decent toolbelt skill, and Super Elixir really. The spammable Weakness from Tranq isn't that useful honestly. The range of the kit is also pretty atrocious for what feels like its supposed to be a support kit as well.


    Honestly I don't know how to make Tool Kit something worth using other than completely re-doing the kit. The sad state of turrets outside of the Istan farm really makes it seem like the kit ought not even exist really.


    For Elixir, I have some ideas;


    1. Tranq Dart is now the [2] skill. It grants 5s of Weakness, more bleeding. Range is now 900 -> 1200

    2. Glob Shot is removed.

    3. Fumigate is replaced with a ground target instead of cone. Range is now 450 -> 900

    4. Super Elixir range is now 900 -> 1200

    5. New #1 skill;

    6. [backpack Regenerator] trait now affects self as well as allies within 300 radius.

    7. [Purification] is the new [1] skill. It is a 425 range cone skill similar to Flamethrower's [1] skill. It heals allies for a small amount 10x and deals light damage to enemies 10x. Think of it as the less-damage/but-with-healing version of Flame Jet.


    So yeah, kind of wanted to complain about what I think are really poor performing kits I guess. Thanks for reading.

  10. The first few days compared to now are a great indicator of the longevity for this event. I barely even remember it outside of the Gauntlet fights from its first release - but its pretty boring and unrewarding right now.


    For starters, coordinating boss kills takes a lot of work, and usually still doesn't get gold. Even if it did get gold, its only like, two extra bags. Even if a group is going hardcore in this place (which they stopped doing a while ago obviously) it was never anywhere near as rewarding or consistent as any of the existing meta farms.


    Then there's the daily rewards for the event. I think people are mostly in it for the Mystic Coin and the lottery box you get every 5 days. I find myself going "Why are these favors of the bazaar so easy to get!? The Tokens are the bottleneck." I could be getting several other skins that I don't already have, but I'm probably not going to because farming tokens is a very tedious chore...


    It really seems like the type of event that should have started off this way for the first few days, and then evolved several days later to become even more interesting. I don't know - we don't get events too often, it just kind of feels like it should have at least usurped the Istan meta for its duration..


    Anyways, thats my 2 globs.

  11. I want to make this short, but I have a feeling it won't go that way. Anyways.


    Transmutation charges are a currency required for changing the looks of your gears. You can buy them from the gem shop, earn them from map completion, get them as rewards in the daily logins, get them as rewards for PvP/WvW reward tracks, blah blah blah blah blah.


    I want them to go away. I want to be able to change the appearance of my gear on a whim, for whatever reason I feel like, without having to use charges. More then that, I want to be able to store "looks" in a convenient UI window so that I can switch how I'm looking to a template I made on the fly, similar to how we can now do it in FFXIV.


    I understand the only real Ray D. Tier to be referenced to here is "But how is ANet going to make money off of you buying transmutation charges from the gem shop!?" Well, for starters - I don't buy transmutation charges from the gem shop. I get them in game via the "F2P methods", but they are tedious and not really where I desire to spend my time. I actually have never met anyone that paid for transmutation charges. I bet most people do it the F2P way. I'd be genuinely curious as to how much money ANet makes off of selling them.


    But okay I'll bite. Maybe ANet needs to make up for the lost money from transmutation charges some other way. So I propose that the "Wardrobe System" which I've sort of described in this post - is a method by which they can make money. Perhaps every player gets by default, 1 Wardrobe slot per character. That means they can save a template for one set of armor/weapons, and their accompanying dyes. To unlock another account-wide slot for each character, you have to spend like, idk 600 gems? Yeah that might be a good amount. Who knows?


    Any way, bottom line - my point is that I don't like the restriction of having to have transmute charge currency in order to make my character look the way I want to. I get tired of how my character looks (let alone when I replace gear on them), but that doesn't mean I want to discard the charges spent for the last transmute set so that I can do it all over again.


    Thanks for reading.

  12. So with the patch today, Epidemic was changed to only transmit conditions with 50% duration. I don't think that this actually 'solves' the problem of indefinitely-chaining conditions. It just makes it less effective.


    So, a version idea I had;


    1. New set of Condition categories called "Transferred %condition%"

    2. Epidemic maintains its full duration conditions when transferred

    3. Epidemic transmits all of the conditions as "Transferred" condition types

    4. Epidemic cannot transmit Transferred conditions


    This stops indefinite propagation. It also maintains the balance of condition duration.

  13. > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

    > It would have an impact, it's a really liked character, much like Tybalt. Eir's passing was "meh" because I didn't feel that much invested in her, Taimi's death would hurt though. And so, she should die, in a painful and needlessly cruel way.


    I'm tired of storylines just "killing people off" because they think it will have impact. Too many stories are going that route since GoT made it popular. If they don't go the "kill the good characters" route, they go the "lets add rape to the storyline" route. Obviously we likely don't have to worry about the latter situation in this game..


    How about they just keep writing really good stories with characters people like and enjoy, instead of just killing them off for some superficial tear-jerker moments?


    Eir was awful even in the books, which carried over into vanilla GW2. It doesn't surprise me that she died so quickly in HoT. Logan also has proven to be a huge let-down in the story. Really, DE except for Rytlock doesn't seem to hold up well with the way their stories are told.


    That is not an excuse to just start hacking characters up.

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