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Posts posted by LoreChief.8391

  1. > @"SmartRas.8473" said:

    > I would also very much love an underwater mount such as an octupus with the ability mentioned at the top. Or maybe a Black Marlin or a shark since they are some the fastest underwater animals.


    OMG since you said this, I had an idea;


    POD-RACING, except with Marlins. You right in a little chariot being pulled by a duo of Marlins, or something else. Then they could give us Dolphin, Octopus and Shark skins or what have you.

  2. At some point in the future we'll assumingly be dealing with Bubbles finally. There is already a decent amount of underwater content in the game as well.


    It would be cool to have an underwater mount that would help us traverse the depths of the ocean. Not sure what kind of animal it would be though - dolphin-type seems too obvious. Seahorse was already done in WoW. Maybe an Octopus? Its special movement could be less "ease of movement" and more of "survival". Something like; "Camoflage; when not moving you can indefinitely remain stealthed. When you move, you get a few seconds of stealth before it runs out." It could be important if there were something like packs of Pocket Sharks or Lovecraftian horrors we needed to avoid.


    This is of course assuming Taimi doesn't just invent us a personal submarine instead..

  3. 1. Request that non-gem-shop skin items be able to be 'stored' in the wardrobe. While the skins themselves are unlocked, discarding the item itself feels like a waste of what would otherwise be a transmute-charge-free application.

    2. Request that gem-shop skins be free to apply account-wide, permanently. We already paid gems to unlock them, they should not continue to cost transmute charges to use.


    I know this isn't a new request. This is a reminder that many of the playerbase want it.

  4. Current version;

    1. Pistol skills from player and illusions cause bleeding (6s) at 50% chance per hit

    2. Interrupting a target refreshes the cooldown on pistol skills by 25%


    **Whats the problem?** 25% cooldown refresh is not very good.


    With illusion trait; base cooldown for the two pistol skills are 16s and 25s.

    Without the illusion trait; base cooldown for the two pistol skills are 20s and 35s.


    That means per interrupt with this trait you would be refreshing the cooldown of those skills by 4/5s on Phantasmal Duelist, and 6.25s for Magic Bullet. You would need to pull off both a successful Magic Bullet, as well as both Powerlocks in a row in order to "refresh" the cooldown on PD, assuming you aren't a Chrono with alacrity of course.


    This feels very heavy-handed in order to get a benefit out of a trait where the cooldown refresh doesn't even work on enemies with break bars in the first place. The trait is therefore only good for stacking bleeds, assuming you're playing a condi build in the first place. Aside from this trait though, Pistols favor power builds.


    So what is my idea?


    **Duelist's Discipline:**

    1. Pistol skills from player and illusions cause bleeding (6s) at 50% chance per hit

    2. Killing an enemy refreshes the cooldown of pistol skills


    A simple change, but a welcome one. It maintains its use for condi builds, loses the clunky and unrewarding interrupt-based partial cooldown refresh, and allows a full time pistolier to reliably have a phantasmal duelist up for the start of a new mob. It also adds a dimension to multi-mob fights that allows the player to focus a larger target with duelists while culling weaker mobs in order to refresh phantasmal duelist - allowing them to pick up speed on a boss fight with quicker duelist summons.


    Anyways, thats my idea. Trying to play power mesmer with pistols is mediocre to say the least, mostly due to the cooldown on PD.

  5. ANet still doesn't get whats wrong with their design concept on ambush skills.


    With Thief, you have "Stealth Skills". They are better then an auto-attack string because you have to activate stealth to use them. Either they are insanely strong or decently useful. But the thing is, even though you have a short window to execute them, the rest of the kit is designed to help you execute them - also you activate that stealth KNOWING you're going to use a stealth skill.


    In comparison, what you've done with Mesmer is say; Let's give them an even smaller window to execute a skill thats not much better than the auto-attack string, and then have them be put in a situation where they will often not intentionally plan to use said skill. NO BUENO.


    1. Buff the damage and/or effect of the ambush skills. They aren't even really worth using even with these minor buffs.


    2. Increase the window to use said skill to like, 5 seconds. It's fine if there are times in combat where the ambush skill is available multiple times in succession. They aren't that strong anyways.


    3. Jaunt Range at 600, please. It won't kill anyone to have a fun AND useful elite skill. It's okay, really.

  6. These small reductions to energy costs are only delaying the inevitable. You NEED to do an energy rework.


    1. Make the default out-of-combat energy stay at 100% instead of 50%.

    2. Remove energy costs from weapon skills.

    3. Add traits that either increase the size of the energy pool, rate of energy generation, or decrease the rate of energy expenditure on toggle skills.

  7. Barrier skills are too quick of fall-off to justify the high life force cost for Sand Cascade. Either make it last like 2 seconds longer or just scrap the mechanic and go with Aegis instead - because Barrier is quickly proving to not be that useful.


    Serpent Siphon is still going to suck even with these buffs. It's just an underwhelming skill by default.


    Sand Swell needs 1200 range.


    Sand Shade base damage needs to be increased by like 250%. Duration of the applied Torment should be 4s base.

  8. Weaver seems very thoughtlessly implemented. I was hoping to see some real changes for them prior to launch, as having played it during the elite spec beta - I could tell it was very underpowered. These seemingly "slight tweaks" do not seem anywhere near enough, and the core issues are still there.


    1. Dual Skills do not benefit from any of the damage increase or cooldown traits.

    2. Dual Skills do not have interesting effects, and what they do have is not very strong considering their long cooldowns.

    3. The 'Stance' skills are extremely boring, underpowered, and have too high of cooldowns regardless. Nobody is going to be using them.

    4. The elite skill, as well as the attunement CD reduction - has pushed this class into the playstyle of "mash all the buttons you possibly can because it doesn't matter what you're casting any more".


    Not lookin good anet.

  9. 1. I don't like that there isn't a "reply" button on any of the comments or original post. I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to start a reply? Not cool.

    2. The new layout is too sparse and poorly organized. We don't need to see the "Latest post", we don't need to know how many discussions/comments exist. We don't need all this white space between section headers, let alone the grey bar separating them. The old layout was significantly better looking.

    3. What happened to the "Arrow -> Next official response" button? That was like, the pinnacle of forum user friendliness.

    4. Why don't we have a Suggestions/Feedback subforum?

    5. http://imgur.com/a/oYbDT Just LOOK at this. This look absolutely ridiculous. Why is there so much wasted space, and so much attention paid to garbage like "started by " and "most recent", let alone visibility on all the stupid tags that need their own row of space?


    My god this is such a huge disappointment. It's like you guys decided "Eh, people might want to browse this forum on mobile I guess? Let's just make it look like a total obfuscated nightmare just in case."


    **PUT IT BACK.**

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