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Posts posted by Sciger.1679

  1. Idk guys, I'm thinkin' this is a hint for upcoming content given how the rift that keeps showing up looks like the ones with the Bloodstone events. Edit: Rift just closed, it had the 'stabilize the rift' event 'fail' as per usual but that's only been seen in regular maps, not cities.

  2. No, not the Mad King kinda spooky things, upcoming kinda spooky things.


    [https://imgur.com/NbGLjWm](https://imgur.com/NbGLjWm "https://imgur.com/NbGLjWm")


    Also witnessed it using the raven glider with some colorful dyes on it, appears to have two minions of sorts, running around Lion's Arch. Theories?

    Edit: 2 at one spawned at one point, ran around then poofed. A rift appeared before one guy and when he went through, it took him to Tyler's Bivouac WP in Fields of Ruin.

    Edit 2: SS of the rift

    [https://imgur.com/9qafm4O](https://imgur.com/9qafm4O "https://imgur.com/9qafm4O")

  3. Just one? JUST ONE!?

    YOU MANIAC, curse you with restricting my joy to ONE. SINGLE. THING!!! *shakes fist*

    All silliness aside... :D


    Probably the biggest thing I love about GW2 is the lore. It's so deep and you can find so many little hidden tidbits all over the place if you just look for it. I've spent countless time scouring the wiki, and in-game itself, for information on any and every question that begs to be asked as I go about playing the game. 90% of the time, I find an answer somewhere and I absolutely love it.

  4. I probably should've done other myself but... *shrug* B)

    Largely, I enjoy PvE content, I get hyped as heck whenever more story content shows up as I'm a lore junkie, I enjoy WvW often enough (CD4lyfe, scrapin' the bottom of wood tier), and I hope to start getting into raids in the nearish future. :D

    I have a creative itch that has to be scratched every now and again so I create my own canon stories for all my toons, with one being my proper canon 'Pact Commander.' It's become a bit of a problem though. 20 toons and counting...

  5. Gonna nudge this up a little (what're bumping rules for the forums again?) as I'm still continuing to update with more stories. I've published a story for a 5th toon, my asuran deadeye named Jaarit. He was fun to write up and develop.

    Fun Fact: Jaarit's story has currently taken the record as my longest story, 24,000 words with all parts combined!

  6. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > > @"Samug.6512" said:

    > > Thank you for the update! Bloody Jormag at it again I guess.


    > He seems to think we'll be lulled into complacency and not be prepared for his infrequent but noteworthy attacks. However, with our many team members of a variety of professions ( ~polishes dual bows~ ) we smited him yet again!


    Gaile = confirmed condi soulbeast?

  7. It really is. Usually I'm rushing, trying to get something done like level yet another of one of my new toons (hopeless altaholic here) or get some new wardrobe piece unlocked for fashion wars. Though sometimes when I'm mapping and chilling, I just gotta stop and take in the world again. ;3; I don't do it often enough. Got a fav place to screenshot in Tyria? I personally admire Ascalon the most. @.@

  8. If you like your toons' names then that's what matters. cx Some may make me go 'o.O Wat?' and some may make me crack up but if they work for ya, great! I personally like having lore-based toon names since I come up with my own stories for them all. Generally, I prefer to have the proper spellings of their names if applicable but alas, a lot of names have been taken so I had to make some adjustments to some. Some of my toons' names I like the most are Raltyr Firetrail (charr tempest), Keesyn (sylvari soulbeast), Aoifeah (necro reaper), Asiri Kabbara (elonian human weaver), Armand the Lunatic (krytan human dragonhunter - also nuttier than a fruitcake), Ruairih (sylvari mirage - even nuttier than Armand; also the one that annoys me the most since I can't get his properly spelled name or any variants) and Jaarit (asuran deadeye).


    Usually during the toon creation process, I have to have at least some idea of what they're like/their history, I spend about 30 minutes determining what their physical features are like. Then I'll sometimes spend just as long deciding on a name. XD


    Of course, then there's my brother in law. Who has toon names like Keep It Ranged (ranger ofc) and Keep it Melee for the pet. LOL

  9. > @"Andrew Gray.5816" said:

    > > @"Cameron Rich.3905" said:

    > > It depends on the families views. If someone you knew and loved rose from the grave and asked to be let back into your life, would you? What if they had been part of an army of zombies that ate people's brains, but suddenly they broke free of that?


    > Depends on the stink level tbh...


    I just laughed loud enough to wake up my 3 month old nephew. Thanks, Anet. XD

  10. SO UH, I'm bein' brave here and postin' my stories for people to actually *gasp* READ!


    In the past, I've created my own headcanon for all the toons I've created, written them down in txt documents for my own records/enjoyment but I think it's time to step out of my comfort zone. So, I've created a place for me to post them and for you guys to read and, hopefully, enjoy. c: Please, tell me what you think on here or in comments on the deviations themselves.


    You can find them here,



    Hope y'all enjoy 'em! At the present, I only have three parts to the story for my newest toon, Ruairih, (-shakes fist at whoever took Ruairi!-) posted and if things go well, I'll post stuff for more toons. :D Thanks for your time!


    Please note that Ruairi's story series, Nightmare, is a bit dark. Read at your own risk! ;P


    Edit: Decided to post Keesyn's story, my former mordrem guard sylvari ranger.

    Edit 2: Posted Comhall's story, my sylvari daredevil who was captured by the Inquest right after being born.

    Edit 3: Posted in-game screenshots of my toons so you can get an idea of what they look like, as well as posted a whopping 20k word story (split into 5 parts) for my newest toon, Jonga Scorchshield, former flame legion fire shaman.

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