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Posts posted by Sciger.1679

  1. Botting is defined as using outside programs, i.e. macros, to perform actions for a character. If they're using a macro to farm radiant dust endlessly, then that's definitely against ToS. The most you can do is report and move on, Anet'll take care of it.


    Now, what is acceptable for AFK farming are things like engineers leaving their turrets up and necros using minions since that uses game mechanics to do the farming, nothing else. That's fine, using a macro to use skills while AFK is most definitely not.

  2. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Sciger.1679" said:

    > > As someone who's running as a DH set, I've found I can mostly keep up with lootstick and scepter/torch but my bags/hour is definitely smaller. My only beef with SB DDs in Laby is when they don't take off their raid builds/traits and take out 1/4 of the mob's HP in a single shortbow hit, kinda screws over the rest of the group that's following. I think I'll swap to this build, though not use a power based stat for the armor/weaps, just so I can farm up some more bags. Thanks for posting this, it's incredibly helpful! C: Any recommendations on what stat to use or just whatever will do?


    > Anything really, you only need to do like 200 damage to get loot. Remember to take off your trinkets =D


    I figured as much, I'll probably go for a set that has no power boost to it for good measure. |D Less damage means more people can hit it, at least more likely to. Then a zerker set for when we have to deal with Steve. *shakes fist at him!*

  3. As someone who's running as a DH set, I've found I can mostly keep up with lootstick and scepter/torch but my bags/hour is definitely smaller. My only beef with SB DDs in Laby is when they don't take off their raid builds/traits and take out 1/4 of the mob's HP in a single shortbow hit, kinda screws over the rest of the group that's following. I think I'll swap to this build, though not use a power based stat for the armor/weaps, just so I can farm up some more bags. Thanks for posting this, it's incredibly helpful! C: Any recommendations on what stat to use or just whatever will do?

  4. I'm not just ready, I'm VERY ready. B)

    I've got gems saved up to buy stuff from the gem store (already bought one thing, that being the lunatic guard outfit that showed up today), got a bunch of keys ready for when the BLC swaps, got a toon ready to farm Laby, I'm BEYOND ready. :D


    What I am interested in seeing this year, some things that I'm hoping for, is Joko to show up being taunted by Mad King Thorn in some capacity (lel), praying that we get a Halloween beetle though I'm expecting we'll have to pay gems for it (I'll get it as long as it isn't a 2k gem skin), it looks like some potentially shiny stuff involving the lunatic armor was teased, upgrades perhaps?


    I'm just all around excited, I had tons of fun this year and I'll have tons of fun this year! And lots of gold to earn. B)

  5. Thanks for posting this video, it'll be helpful to redirect people asking about the best ways to earn gold. :D Personally, I already do an amount on this list, though I don't do Istan but now think that I should given how much gold one can get in an hour of meta. I knew it was good gold, even post nerf, but not that good! Here's my take as a gold farmer,


    I'm a lazy fractal farmer, I don't do T4s often enough though I'm going to be remedying that in the future. -3- I already flip legendaries for a living, I'm actually getting low on gifts of exploration so I gotta do some more map completion. |D I personally may do it (once I have my personal keeping toons all map completed) on a guardian instead since I like their burst DPS. SW farming is a pretty big key to my (lazy) gold farming, though I actually keep the T4 mats for crafting into ascended materials daily for even more profit.


    As for PvP, it ain't my cup of tea so I don't bother, even now knowing it can be pretty profitable. For home instance, my brother in law has been playing for a /very/ long time and has an almost full home instance that he lets me farm when possible as he's a very busy man irl! The problem I find with using spirit shards for gold is I actually don't get enough of them with how often I flip legendaries. I swear, I'm the only person in GW2 who actually needs MORE of the dumb things!! LOL


    Excellent gold farming guide, well done!

  6. Is anyone else unable to purchase gems? I've tried with Visa, Paypal and American Express. I've checked all the accounts after hours of waiting with no charges to any account and I never received any gems.


    Paypal is throwing 'an unknown error has occurred' for about a second after attempting the transaction. Visa and AmEx go from the confirmation screen of the total + tax to a loading screen then it goes straight to the purchase screen again as if nothing had happened. Is this happening to anyone else or is it just me? I have filed a support ticket, just wanted to see if it's their end or mine.


    Edit: It was my end, I'm guessing something was blocking my account's ability to buy gems so, it's fixed now and my final attempt had the transaction go through properly.

  7. I used three keys earlier and was fortunate enough to get the guaranteed uncommon drop. I did get the mini jackal + BL statue + two slots AND the guaranteed uncommon drop. So, I did get a total of 5 items from one lucky black lion key, the statue is in addition to the old drop system.

  8. I could go and pull the 'it's unfair' card since not everyone will play Inquisition for 12 hours straight, but life's not fair in general. It can impact the game if they are chosen to be the lunatic (happened twice during my session) which makes for a bit of a boring game but that's not much of a consequence since yay, free bags for those playing the legal way.


    My point being is that it's against the rules to bot, whether it's autoaiming/attacking in PvP/WvW or to use a bot to dodge/autorun to AFK farm Inquisition. It would seem harmless to you but if they wouldn't get in trouble for something like this, it would make for a gray area for botting that could get ugly in a hurry.

  9. I won't list the username but a certain user was spotted in Lunatic Inquisition over the course of a few days by some fellow Inquisition-loving players running at walls and occasionally dodging, seemingly AFK as they would never react to anything around them. Later on, after several of us discussed it in map chat, they contacted me in whisper and all but admitted to using a third party program to autorun and dodge while they were AFK. Every time they were seen in the game, their char would be running into a wall and dodging at the cooldown interval. Seeing as you can't just hold down 'v' to dodge repeatedly and have to press 'v' every time to dodge, a program would have to activate it each time. This is the same for turning autorun on after being teleported at the end of the game.


    I'm fairly certain it's considered botting but figured I'd ask too. B)

  10. Squishy zerker ele here with tips for other eles on how I ran it: I had to try ~~several ~~ a few times, had broken gloves/shoulders by the end of it but here's what I ran and eventually succeeded with: full ascended zerker armor/accessories/trinkets/etc and staff. I have tempest unlocked but was using weaver. For my build, I was running fire (top, top, top), air (bottom bottom top), weaver (top, mid, top). Still deciding if I like those perks on the weaver build but hey, still learning how to build this crap. B)


    Zerker staff fully attuned to air, this is critical to my success as Gust is your primary hard CC. You won't be able to use it every time his break bar comes available but it casts fast enough that you can use it successfully almost every time you can use it.


    Skills: Glyph of Elemental Harmony (for the most heals at once), Signet of Air for movement speed increase for kiting, Armor of Earth for a little more defense while waiting to break his bar, Mist Form to escape from the suction if Gust is on CD, and Weave Self for some CD reduction.


    My strategy: basically, autoattacking and kiting while using Lightning Surge whenever it wasn't on CD. Whenever I saw the circle spawn with his jumping, immediate cue (along with obvious blue break bar lol) to use Gust to break the bar. If you can't break the bar, use Mist Form. If Mist Form is on CD, dodge twice as soon as he lands in his circle to evade the suction damage. Overall, the successful fight was done within about 10 minutes.


    Best of luck to y'all fellow glass eles! You can do iiiiit!

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