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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. I don't think a support thief would work without some major trait reworks of the core lines. All professions that currently have a successful support spec also have two core trait lines that go well with it. The only healer traits I could find on Thief are [shadow Savior](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Savior) and the rez trait. While thief does have plenty traits providing healing, all of them are selfish.

  2. What @"Hannelore.8153" said is mostly correct. Mostly because stats like Precision aren't directly Critical Hit Chance. Just in case you're confused why there is both Precision and Critical Chance on your character sheet.


    Stats like Armor, Boon Duration, Critical Chance, etc are derived attributes. This means they take other attributes and even your equipped armor, throw them into some kind of formula and out comes a calculated number. You can find a great description of what the attributes do on the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute).


    The biggest difference to other games is that there isn't separate stats based on profession that basically do the same. So it's not like the Wizard has to invest in Intelligence and the Barbarian in Strength, so they both deal more damage. In GW2 raw damage is based on your strength for every profession. Even the mages have to invest in strength to strengthen their spells.

  3. I would love an island map with lots of tiny islands. Event NPCs would board ships to get from island to island. Though I guess we already have enough pirate themed islands, so I guess the ship has already sailed for that one.


    When we get to the deep sea dragon, we absolutely need a huge underwater map. Or multiple. The whole story ark sinks or swims based on that map.


    Lastly I'd like to explore the dwarven tunnels beneath Tyria and the far shiverpeaks. There are so many of them and they have a deep connection to EotN. You really don't have to dig deep to find tons of material for new maps.

  4. @"Berry Daniel.9605"

    You can find the full list of stuff than can be unlocked, as well as what you need to do to unlock them here: https://hom.guildwars2.com/en/#page=main&details=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


    Possible unlocks:

    - Armor Skins

    - Weapon Skins

    - Pets

    - Minipets

    - Titles


    Note that you get the first three points just for linking your accounts.

    If you want to hunt for HoM points, I recommend getting all 3 campaigns plus eye of the north.

    EotN is a hard requirement as it's the place where you unlock the HoM points. EotN is not a standalone game, so you need at least one of the three standalone campaigns. I recommend getting all of them because every campaign has it's easy points. Getting rewards that require a lot of points becomes harder if you don't have that many sources to get points from.

  5. I played ESO for a while and the "optional" sub was anything but. It was like playing GW2 on a free to play account. Sure, it's possible, but you are barred from so much convenience and especially inventory management becomes so bothersome, that it's really not fun to play. Hiding all that convenience behind an optional sub was really the main reason I quit ESO after a while.


    I like spending my time and money on things that I get to keep and I loathe buying temporary things. In that sense I'm like a dragon sitting on his hoard, lol. Subs offer temporary bonuses that expire as soon as the sub runs out and to me it always feels like something is taken away from me. I hate it.


    Should GW2 ever introduce a subscription model, even an optional one, I would likely quit the game.

  6. No, just no.


    The first effects of Jormag's power can be seen in GW Eye of the North. Svanir falls for Jormag's whisper at lake Drakkar and starts hunting and killing Norn. This is not something he wanted to do, it's something Jormag made him want to do. The same effect can be seen with every creature turned icebrood. People who fought Jormag's invading forces to protect their families come back as ice brood to kill those they tried to protect. "Jormag only gives the people what they want" is a big fat lie.


    You know that feeling when you're standing on a bridge or a high building and something tells you to jump? It's known as the "call of the void" and can be a part of any healthy person. Does this mean you want to jump? No. My theory is that Jormag is able to amplify this "call of the void" to the point where it overwrites all self preservation. I've followed the Norn in Jora's Keep out into the cold. She walks on her own, yes, but her mind is clearly not her own. In the end she freezes to death no matter how much healing you provide and no matter how often you try to talk to her. That's a kill, not a suicide.


    Now, granted we are at war with Jormag at this point, killing enemy soldiers is justified. However Jormag never once admitted we're at war. Because if he did we would be faced with the question of who started the war, who shed the first blood? And that would be Jormag by a mile.


    You've criticized that Primordus isn't shown as the evil he is, but that's wrong. An entire race has practically sacrificed itself, turned into living stone, with the single purpose of stopping Primordus's forces. The only reason we haven't focused on Primordus yet is because we didn't have to. The dwarves held the line rather successfull for a long time. Should we have helped the dwarves and done something about Primordus earlier? Yes, we should. That doesn't mean we're seeing Primordus as "innocent", it just means the fight is too far hidden from us to be an immediate threat.


    The part about Drakkar and Claw of Jormag being innocent pups... If you want to call an ancient creature that has lived for centuries a pup, go ahead. On the innocent part I can only agree if their wills were manipulated like Jormag has done with most of his other minions.

  7. In PvE ele used to be a high-risk high-reward profession. While the learning curve for ele is very steep, pro eles used to deal 1.5 to 2 times the damage of any other profession.

    Nowadays ele is a high-risk medium-reward profession. On small hitboxes chrono, deadeye and soulbeast get to deal more damage with a lot less effort. On big hitboxes guardian deals comparable damage with a lot less effort.


    Playing ele is like race driving without abs. A good pilot can achieve similar results to the other pilots, but it takes a lot more effort.

  8. > @"Zakka.2153" said:

    > SKritt or get out, the Skritt are smart enough and I don't feel they deserve to be put under Primitive. There is a whole quest in the Asura area saying if enough skritt get together they can become smarter then even Asura.


    > Plus SHINES!


    Seeing how Skritt gain their intelligence from numbers, I request being able to play as a group of three Skritt. It would be one model, but it would feature three Skritt.

    The right and center Skritt each carry a copy of the right hand weapon and the left Skritt carries the left hand weapon. In case of a two handed weapon each Skritt carries a copy. They take turns attacking when going through an auto attack chain and every skill is carried out by one or more of them. When riding a mount they all sit behind each other. It would be hillarious.

  9. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > Some of these points sound like they'd be expensive to implement and/or break in combination with other game mechanics.

    > >

    > > There are areas in the game where it's not possible to use a combat transformation tonic. What would happen in these instances?

    > > Some features like a choice of Charr tails and coat markings should better be added to the existing total makeover kits.

    > > Earrings and other accessories would be expensive to make because the devs would need to make a version for every existing pair of ears in the game.

    > >

    > > So far I don't see how the higher per-item-cost could possibly offset the development cost.


    > This is not a tonic. It's a permanent change to your character's skin texture map. Just like changing your character's hair style or using an infusion wouldn't change those game instances, this idea also wouldn't.

    > While my idea could be added to a standard makeover kit, expanding the options ten fold , the cost as you pointed out would be expensive to make. That is why I'm calling this an ELITE makeover kit, and it is separate from the default one. It would cost about $20-25 each. It would be the ultimate customization exclusive with no reliance on RNG, with no weird glitchy drawbacks, and you would be able to ride your mounts, and look as cool as you want in any story instance and through any game mechanic.


    Your first suggestion was looking like one of Palawa Joko's awakened. That's more than just a skin texture map, that's a completely different skeleton and model. Or do you mean more like the special awakened like Koss? In that case the effect could be achieved with an infusion. And since I saw you mention Tengu: Those too would require a different skeleton and model. It's either a potion-like effect that also changes your armor (because most armor doesn't have a model for Tengu) or we're back to the reason why a new race is highly unlikely.


    About the cost of $20-25 each: making something expensive does not automatically make it pay for itself. Even if you call it "Elite" or something. The gist is that fewer people are willing to pay a higher price and more purchases are made at a lower price.

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/fzz5H5e.png "")

    There is a market equilibrium at which both increasing and decreasing the price result in less money earned. I doubt the $20-25 is anywhere near the market equilibrium and for the associated cost with increasing the standard makeover kit's options tenfold I doubt that it would pay off even at market equilibrium.

  10. Some of these points sound like they'd be expensive to implement and/or break in combination with other game mechanics.


    There are areas in the game where it's not possible to use a combat transformation tonic. What would happen in these instances?

    Some features like a choice of Charr tails and coat markings should better be added to the existing total makeover kits.

    Earrings and other accessories would be expensive to make because the devs would need to make a version for every existing pair of ears in the game.


    So far I don't see how the higher per-item-cost could possibly offset the development cost.

  11. A little bit **more** difficult **than HoT**, but **less** difficult **than PoF**. Yes, for me that's the correct order.


    HoT mobs are easy once you know their mechanics. Some of them might require you to bring some special skills like reflect (Bristlebacks) or aoe damage (Pocket Raptors). With the right tools though most HoT mobs are easy. Most dangerous attacks have long and obvious tells or are multi-hit attacks where only the accumulated damage is dangerous.


    PoF mobs on the other hand have way too much aggro range. They often interfere in fights between players and other mobs, so the player is constantly at a disatvantage. Once you killed the mob you originally fought, and killed the mob that you aggroed as a result of that fight, and killed the mob that you aggroed as a result of that other fight, the first mob already respawned. Add to that the fact that some PoF mobs are ridiculously hard to kill for their difficulty level. Veteran Djinn are way harder than HoT veterans. I suspect their weak point is their break bar, but that's harder to kill than their health pool. Harpies pop strong aoe bubbles around them on a ledge that doesn't allow any walking out of the bubble, there's forged whizzing around on their flying saucers and the most difficult mob for me are the Veteran Awakened Abominations. Who the hell decided it would be fun to create a mob that suddenly reflects all damage without warning? The Veteran Chak have a similar effect, but they give ample warning and the effect can be cancelled with cc.


    In total I want mobs that have meaningful mechanics and obvious tells on their more dangerous skills. And I absolutely want the HoT aggro range back!

  12. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Oxstar.7643" said:

    > > I assume there is no addon that shows cooldowns on currently unactive weapons? As an engineer, being able to see when my kit and forge skills are ready without having them in use would mean the world.


    > Under Options (F11), General Options (first tab) there is a check box for Show Skill Recharge. Will that work?


    No, that only shows the remaining time for visible skills to recharge. It does not show the recharge duration for weapons, elements or kits that are not currently active. There is no ingame option for knowing the cooldown on your currently hidden skills. - Ele-Main


    As far as I know there is no addon for this. It would be pretty difficult to write an addon for this because of alacrity or chill changing the skill cooldown time. So this couldn't be done by a key-listener but would require a hook like arc dps has. And then we're right at the edge of what's allowed and what's not.

  13. Eir unleashes a pretty long stream of small aoe-attacks. I guess this is about those. The trick is to just run. You can't dodge often enough to evade all aoes, but you can run fast enough to run out of the aoe before it hits. Just keep running until the barrage of aoes lets up.


    The trick in that fight is to kill Garm first. Once his hp reaches zero, Eir heads over to Garm to heal him. Use cc skills to break her blue bar. Once she's stunned you have a time-window where you can deal damage.


    If you want help in-game it would be good to post whether you're on EU or US. The regions can't play together without a costly server transfer.

  14. Will you demand the option to disable cosmetic effects and decide not to purchase the upcoming expansion pack unless this demand is met?


    No. No, I don't think I will.

    I don't have many legendary trinkets that could cause such clutter and my PC isn't bothered by a few people dressing up as christmas trees. Also I kinda want to play the next expansion. Would I delay buying the expansion by x amount of time for this issue? Also no. To me this is such a minor issue that it has 0 effect on my purchase.

  15. Ranger is usually a ranged class and is notorious for pushing enemies around. You could think about playing a tank to make your son's ranged gameplay easier, but there is no proper tank mechanic in GW2 and ranger already comes with a pet.


    I would suggest going for a ranged class yourself, so you have an easier time staying together.


    Necro is really strong early on because of the pets and having all these meat-shields. If you spec into blood magic you can additionally make your necro a healer.


    Ranger would be a good pick. "Two rangers?" you ask? Rangers are fairly self sufficient and have a lot of support capability. Also I can imagine you'll have fun collecting the animal companions together, which is something other classes can't do.


    Elementalist is also a strong supporter capable of giving buffs and strong healing while attuned to water. It is more difficult to play though and requires knowlege about combos. Especially on low levels playing an elementalist can be frustrating.

  16. I never had a problem with not enough content. Even now that only very little content is released I can easily bridge the gap until the next expansion by doing things that kinda got left behind during the content rich times. I'm mostly playing open world, raids, fractals, achievement hunting, collecting shinies, etc.


    PvP and WvW never really clicked with me. I play WvW from time to time for new shiny stuff like the warclaw or a new legendary. I often read on these forums that PvP with its 5 or so maps is a lot more diverse than PvE because you never have the same encounter twice or something like that. I can't even begin to imagine how much PvP content these people have to catch up to if I can't even keep up with PvE content at times!


    I thought PvP could hold my attention for a while with its new game mode (forgot its name, so you can guess how that went). Despite the PvP exclusive legendary shinies and the game mode presumably yielding a lot of gold not even my inner skritt could get me back into PvP.

  17. Making items mailable without putting them into the tp opens the game up for all kinds of scams. People WILL try to buy the items and people WILL get scammed in the process of doing so. The only way around this would be to allow players to sell these ascended items on the tp.


    Imo ascended equipment should require some amount of work, even if it's just following a crafting guide or farming ls currencies. If you want to support someone getting their first ascended set, you can already support them by sending mats or offering a well equipped home instance for harvesting.

  18. I believe using updrafts would fit the griffon perfectly. The griffon requires a high starting point in order to properly shine. Updrafts would make it easier to get to a high starting point and to use the griffon's abilities.


    It wouldn't make any other mounts obsolete since the skyscale would still be the only mount that is able to rise into the air on its own. It would just be a quality of life change, so we no longer have to dismount, use the updraft with a glider and then remount the griffon.

  19. I believe something similar to the golem bank would be easy to implement: Current total makeover kits are instead turned into a package that gives a non-consumable total makeover kit when opened. This kit is soul-bound and lasts 1 day or whatever time ANet finds appropriate.


    The soul-bound part prevents players from changing all their characters with a single kit and personally I think the duration should be around 1 day so players have time to play their characters and experience them in the different light settings the game has to offer.

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