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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > Yea then legendaries will get upgraded

    > if you look around how it done in all other games - answer no. Strong typed NO :)

    > Ofc you can still use old armor for old content but new raid wings and new dungions from EoD can be closed for you.


    > >, same way they got upgraded to ascended nice try tho.

    > again - no. We can just predict, but be sure - ofc no.


    > Let it see. We can't be sure.



    This isn't other games though. We've had the situation where new gear came out that was better than legendary. ANet just raised all existing legendary gear to the new max level. Quote: "Legendary items were always intended to be on par with other “best-in-slot” items."


    So we don't have to predict anything, we can just take ANet's word and past actions on this matter. Legendary items will always be "best-in-slot".


  2. The bad news is that you can't reset hero points. The good news is that there are more than enough hero points to fully unlock both holosmith and scrapper on your engineer. As the others have said, there are sometimes hero point trains that take you to the various hero points, especially in HoT where the hero point challenges are designed to be completed by a group and not by a single individual. There aren't that many hero point trains in PoF because the hero points are much easier to solo.


    The being said: If you feel your engineer is too weak right now (due to only having half a trait line) I recommend playing as a core engineer until you have all the necessary traits for a full holo or scrapper build.

  3. > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > The crazy thing is that conjures are among the more useful utilities. Just look at the cantrips and black magic. They often have long cooldowns for severely underwhelming effects.

    > >

    > > And then look at ele elite skills. No one talks about ele elite skills because there is nothing to talk about. They are so useless that they might as well not exist. FGS was overnerfed years ago and even before that it was only good for its gimmic. Tornado locks you out of your skills and the only useful thing about tornado - the increased attributes to make lingering fields tick harder - was nerfed. I don't think the elemental was ever nerfed, but I don't remember it ever being strong either. Now that the lesser glyph can summon multiple elementals it should be stronger than the elite skill.


    > The glyph elite is very strong. The water elemental is a 7k heal on a 15s cd. Fire is ok and air is meh. Earth is a tanky at least. Tornado elite hits very hard. Specifically the 4 skill when combined with lightning rod.


    During the time it takes to cast fire elemental plus aftercast you can deal more damage with your other skills than the fire elemental deals over its entire lifetime. The earth elemental could be used as a meat shield if it had a way of getting aggro. So far it can only protect you from non-piercing projectiles. It protects you from neither melee nor aoe. And the water elemental doesn't scale with your healing power, so that's pretty useless too.


    Again, the tornado locks you out of your other skills. So it isn't just a dps loss, but also locks you out of all your defensive abilities. I've tried the tornado in serpent's ire for cc, but the long cooldown makes it a one-trick-pony there. I've only found it usefull underwater due to trident having only one useful aoe and being meh in general.

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > Of course you mean a completely new game, because neither Guild Wars nor Guild Wars 2 are in any way compatible with VR

    > Well people can run GW2 in VR already... but its not exactly designed for it.


    > Either way what the OP want is a new game and thats not something you "think" about and have it materialize over night. When/if VR gets bigger *maybe* we will see something within our lifetime. Because thats pretty much the timespan we are talking about here.


    How? I know how to run GW2 in stereoscopic 3D, but so far I have not found a way to run in in VR.

  5. I'll have to agree with everyone wishing for performance. Specifically I'd wish for the game to better utilize the available hardware. For now the game runs slow without really using anything. The main rendering thread needs some serious clean up and parallelization. Where possible and feasible calculations should be carried out by the GPU instad of the CPU.


    My second wish is for my main profession: I want an elite-spec that allows ele to swap around attunements more freely and encourages frequent attunements swaps.


    Other than that I just wish for the next expansion to have a better start than Cyberpunk2077.

  6. For the skyscale you should keep in mind that you don't just need the episode where the mount came out, but also the other episodes that are required for the collections. So you will need the entire living season 4, which costs 960 gems if you need all episodes plus a full stack of each currency associated with those maps and at least 35 gold. On top of the cost the skyscale is a lot of work to get.


    The griffon is easier to get, but as you said, the griffon and the skyscale serve different purposes. While the griffon can't rise into the air on its own, it can traverse a map faster than some pcs can load it, if you start from a high perch. It's not suited for exploration.


    So the mount you want - judging from your description - is the skyscale. The question is how much time and resources you are willing to put into getting the mount. The wiki has a good list of the costs associated with getting the mount. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale#Notes

  7. The crazy thing is that conjures are among the more useful utilities. Just look at the cantrips and black magic. They often have long cooldowns for severely underwhelming effects.


    And then look at ele elite skills. No one talks about ele elite skills because there is nothing to talk about. They are so useless that they might as well not exist. FGS was overnerfed years ago and even before that it was only good for its gimmic. Tornado locks you out of your skills and the only useful thing about tornado - the increased attributes to make lingering fields tick harder - was nerfed. I don't think the elemental was ever nerfed, but I don't remember it ever being strong either. Now that the lesser glyph can summon multiple elementals it should be stronger than the elite skill.

  8. The stereoscopic rendering was originally limited to NVidia "3D Vision". Of course other graphic cards were also capable of providing 3D screens with appropriate data, but only NVidia paid the money to have a feature integrated into the game. Since then NVidia has dropped their "3D Vision" project. You can still get the software, but it's no longer automatically bundled with your driver updates and hasn't been updated in ages. I've recently tried playing with "3D Vision", but it drops the fps from 60 down to 4 or 5. Completely unplayable.


    The biggest competitor to "3D Vision" was TriDef. They had software that made playing in 3D with any graphics card possible. Well, they went bankrupt and even if you bought a key back then, the software can no longer be activated.


    As for VR: GW2 wasn't made for VR, so the best you can get is a virtual 3D screen. As far as I know there is no software that can place you into a game in VR if the game wasn't made for VR.

  9. While GW1 had this feature (walking towards the point where you clicked), GW2 does not. You can move by holding both the right and left mouse button, but that will only make your character move forwards.


    I recommend moving with the WASD keys since this allows you to press a lot of other useful buttons with your left hand without moving the hand.

  10. > @"Marckfast.8093" said:

    > Also to end, when you put a item to sell, but a bit ime later u want to remove it from the market place, why should we also pay those big taxes just for showing on a list?



    There are two reasons for this:

    1. This prevents people from abusing the trading post as a storage expansion. Even though people still post items at ludicrous prices with the intention of never selling them, simply because their normal storage is full, they at least don't get to store their stuff for free.

    2. This also effectively lowers prices on items. People are more likely to post their items at an affordable price, if they know that taking the item down and re-listing it at a lower price eats up any bonus gold they could have gotten by price gauging.

  11. > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

    > My hopes rest on the power-creep at the moment. If they continue this madness a little longer, we might be able to run a few raids with the same difficulty as we run dungeons at the moment. Without a dedicated raid-team, it is only a matter of time till the difficulty gets downgraded.


    > A story-mode without rewards would be great. Like the story-mode Dungeons, no badges. But without that above mentioned raid-team, it may not happen at all.


    > DRM look very promising. Content that can be done solo, in groups or in a public anonymous mode. Different rewards depending on the difficulty-selection, but easy story-access. I hope after Raids & Strikemissions, this one will prevail. But looking at the LFG, they are already working on that. "Ensuring quality-standards" in DRM feels like sending the Ginyu Force to stop a toddler with a water-gun.


    All this talk about power creep sounds convincing...


    ...until you realize that back in the day we could finish the burrows in AC P3 by casting a single skill at 0 might.

  12. > @"VocalThought.9835" said:

    > > @"Slartibartfast.5416" said:

    > > Seriously, this has been requested NUMEROUS times over the past 8+ years. Just about every other MMO on the planet does it, I have no idea why Anet refuses to. I play with people who do not speak English that well. They rely on being able to copy what they see in chat so they can translate it.

    > >

    > > So seriously, either implement an in game automatic translator, or give people the ability to copy text. Or do you believe that having to alt-tab out to Discord every couple of seconds to send messages to people, copy responses, translate them in Google or DeepL, and type back your response, then come back to the game, is that a really good game experience in your opinion? It's awkward enough having to use an external translator, but that's at least doable if they're able to copy text from chat. Or do you prefer that people just use a 3rd party chat program like Discord, and just don't use the in game chat at all? Because we can do that, too, if that is your design decision. They won't be able to understand what goes on in map chat, but what the kitten. It's mostly a Barren's chat experience, anyway.


    > They don't allow Copy and Paste to help avoid spam.


    You can post into the ingame chat though. Which is all you need to spam.


    Personally I'd like the ability to copy text ingame because it makes sharing Ts3-Addresses so much easier. Having to type an IP-Address sucks, especially if you don't have a second screen.

  13. > @"Nazarick.9653" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > Which portal devices would you put into that book? I'm curious because I have an entire row of shared inventory space reserved just for teleport devices. I just feel that these devices are too different to put into the same item (even though all of them can be considered teleporters).


    > The city portal scrolls.


    Ah, I completely forgot these existed. Yes, I agree: The city portal scrolls should definitely be bundled into a book.

  14. Which portal devices would you put into that book? I'm curious because I have an entire row of shared inventory space reserved just for teleport devices. I just feel that these devices are too different to put into the same item (even though all of them can be considered teleporters).


    I guess you could group the VIP passes together, that wouldn't save me any shared inventory space though since I only have and use one pass.

    The world boss portal device and maguuma portal device could be merged, but that's just a factor of 2 to 1. Not significant enough for a new item.

    The remaining teleporters like festival teleporter, teleport to friend, home instance teleporter, spearmarshal's plea, etc are just too unique to be merged into one item.

  15. You can get one key per week by doing the lvl 10 personal story. So if you want to continue trying your luck with the black lion chests, I'd recommend doing that story step once a week.


    Around halloween there is one outfit that can be bought with candy corn cobs. To my knowledge that's the only one that isn't exclusive to blcs or the gemstore.

    As for mount skins there is one warclaw skin that can be earned in WvW, all other mount skins are again gemstore or blc exclusive.

  16. First of all I think your pretext is wrong in one aspect: Being forced to switch the map is not a sign of no one playing the map. Well, your map-instance in particular might be empty, but the map is popular enough to have several instances at the same time. If a map feels empty and does NOT offer to switch to another instance, then it's really empty.


    If this was a vote whether we would like a mapless expansion I would have voted no. However the question is whether we would buy a mapless expansion and unless something drastically changes I would buy any GW2 expansion...

  17. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > > > @"Carcharoth Lucian.1378" said:

    > > > > > But how? What do they find difficult in t1?

    > > > > > I did a couple of days ago and the mecas don't really do damages if failed. You have a lot more mecas to handle on Ark for example.

    > > > > Last time I did it, each of her spammable AoE did unreasonably high damage to my party members for the amount of AoE she is farting out.

    > > > >

    > > > > Maybe they nerfed in since I last did it (due to boycotting it until the bugs are fixed, as well as general Fractal Burnout), but those winds in her first phase should not take half the HP of anyone in T1, if she can spam 30+ of them per minute.

    > > > > And people tend to get sucked into the water pillar during the last phase, which has a stupidly low chance to get out, if you end up inside.

    > > > >

    > > > > The encounter has cheap written all over it.

    > > >

    > > > Yea you know what you can do side step the winds and walk backwards to not get sucked into water it such a hard concept to grasp mate.

    > >

    > > Yea you know there are noobs in T1 who have a hard time with positioning and dodging aoes? The amount of aoes in Sunqua is so high, that many players get overwhelmed and stop dodging even the most obvious fields. With just 1 healer you can carry most groups through T3 and even T4 if the instabilities aren't too bad. Doesn't matter if it's Swamp, Underwater or Arkk. You can even outheal the pirate ghosts. You can't outheal Sunqua T1.


    > Yes and there is big aoes you can walk out of 95% of the time.

    > Learn the patterns.


    I have learned the patterns and I have no problems staying alive in Sunqua. That is until the mechanics start that can't be soloed easily because I'm the last person standing with my glass cannon ele. The jumping part and the water beams are really difficult to complete when the rest of the group is dead.


    In other fractals I would just switch to my healer gear and make everyone stay alive, whether they want to or not. Sunqua doesn't give me this option even in T1.

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