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Posts posted by BunjiKugashira.9754

  1. Hi and welcome to Tyria.


    I've been an ele main player for many years and the best advice I can give you is to try out EVERYTHING! Make sure to get all the weapons and try both melee and ranged.


    About Gear:

    GW2 doesn't have "magical" or "fire" damage. There is only direct and condition damage. Elementalist can deal both, but it's recommended to focus on only one damage type. Hybrid builds generally aren't as strong due to lacking synergies.

    Direct damage is achieved by using gear that provides Power, Precision and/or Ferocity. If you decide to go for direct damage, you should try to stack these three stats.

    Condition damage is achieved by using gear that provides Condition damage (surprise) and/or Expertise. Expertise isn't easy to stack while leveling, so I would recommend starting with a direct damage build.



    For leveling I recommend getting the glyph of lesser elementals early. The pet takes aggro away from you and makes it easy to stay at range.

    The glyph of storms is your best friend for fighting groups of enemies. Cast it while attuned to earth and it produces a pulsing field that makes enemies that stand in it miss you with their attacks.

    Make sure to use all your attunements. Water is strong at healing and earth is good at defending yourself or preparing combos with other elements. Fire or Air (depending on weapon) will be your primary damage attunement.



    This is something you really should learn as an elementalist. Read your skills to see which ones are combo fields and which one combo finishers. Then try out all possible combinations. The most useful ones:

    Fire field + Blast finisher = Might

    Water field + Blast finisher = Healing

  2. I have the same "problem" if you can call it that. I only play 2 or 3 characters actively and I'm pretty confident with their current looks. So for now I don't have any cosmetics I'd want to buy. I would pay for racial armour and mount skins, but those don't seem to be coming. New faces could also make me buy a character overhaul kit.


    However I won't spend anything on loot boxes. I never did and I never will.

  3. I guess most PvE players (like me) don't participate in this poll because we are neither for nor against mounts in WvW. We just don't care and don't want to influence a game mode with our opinion that we aren't even playing actively.


    If WvW gets a mount however you can bet the completionists among us will do anything it takes to get it. Be prepared for WvW to be overrun by PvE players on Tuesday.

  4. @"Vancho.8750" @"Randulf.7614" I already have different keys set up for each mount. With the addition of the warclaw that will be 7 keybinds. With a potential underwater mount it will be 8. And for what? For the functionality that you could have with 3 or 4 keybinds. With my suggestion a single keybind would suffice for most situations.

  5. GW2 allows us to choose a default mount. When you press the mount button you can use that mount and ONLY that mount. However there are situations where only specific mounts are usable and the button does nothing. Wouldn't it be great if the mount button automatically chose a different mount if your default mount is unavailable?


    This means:

    - When normally pressing the mount button your use your default mount.

    - When pressing the mount button in the air you automatically use the griffon.

    - When pressing the mount button on the water you automatically use the skimmer.

    - When pressing the mount button in WvW you automatically use the battle cat.

    - When pressing the mount button underwater you automatically use the potentially upcoming underwater mount (we can dream right?).

  6. > @"Leablo.2651" said:

    > If you have such an excess of them then it sounds like they're already unlimited for you. This is at best coveting an item that you have no use for, though it really just sounds like an attempt to turn straw into gold.


    I'm using my unlimited bank access 5+ times a day. A stack of 100 would be gone in less than a month. Having access to your bank anywhere and anytime really changes the way you organize your inventories.

  7. > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > Later on I recommend getting Weaver first. Weaver adds some extra overload skills to your F1-F4 keys, which are a nice addition to your existing build. Tempest on the other hand makes playing ele even more complicated than it already is. You should probably stay away from tempest until you're familiar enough with ele and weaver.

    > >


    > You swapped tempest and weaver, it should be the other way around.




    Oh, you're right. Thanks for letting me know, I corrected my post.

  8. Ele is not really the "weakest" class, it's the squishiest one. Ele has the lowest health pool combined with the lowest armor value in the game. If someone as much as sneezes in your direction, you drop dead. Additionally ele is difficult to play since you have to cycle through all 4 elements for a total of 20 weapon skills to be effective. Many people compare playing ele to playing a piano.


    For a long time this risk was rewarded with the highest potential dps in the game, especially on large hit-boxes. Weaver was incredibly strong as a dps. Well, several nerfs later (especially against large hit-boxes) and all ele has to show for its difficulty is a potentially high dps output.


    If you want to play ele, I recommend using the glyph of elementals while leveling. Having a pet takes a lot of aggro away from you. The glyph of storms while attuned to earth is your friend whenever enemies come too close. It creates an aoe that pulses blinds, making enemies miss you with every attack for several seconds. Long enough to kill the entire group. Later on I recommend getting Tempest first. Tempest adds some extra overload skills to your F1-F4 keys, which are a nice addition to your existing build. Weaver on the other hand makes playing ele even more complicated than it already is. You should probably stay away from weaver until you're familiar enough with ele and tempest.


    If you like playing difficult rotations, the thrill of playing pure glass and raging about nerfs, you can have a lot of fun with ele.


    Edit: Correction: Swapped Tempest and Weaver.

  9. > @"Morozzko.2136" said:

    > > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > But, could you reach 20 without the chair? :tongue:

    > >

    > > Sure, one finger/thumb on each of ten W keys, then one toe on each of ten others. Some mighty weird-shaped keyboards, of course. :p B) =) ;)


    > who cares about "W", i have a portal on mesmer


    You'd still need to press F on 19 characters before the portal runs out.

  10. I always figured that finding a forgotten who isn't branded would be a major step in the story. So far we found the old ruins used for ascension in GW1. No Forgotten there. We also found one of their cities, Kesho. No Forgotten there either. I find it kinda hard to believe that Kralkatorrik branded every single Forgotten without fail, when there are human settlements or dwarven ruins only 100 m away that escaped the brand.

  11. We know that Joko was human at some point and that he and King Oswald Thorn knew each other when they were alive. This means Joko was alive somewhere in the early 8th century AE.


    When you completed a certain Halloween achievement, you got access to Thorn's Trophy Shelf and with it to [Palawa Joko's diary](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Diary_of_Palawa_Ignacious_Joko "Palawa Joko's diary"). If the diary is correct, Joko studied necromancy under an unnamed teacher and his first murder was his fellow student.


    What we don't know is how he became a lich. We know that Vizier Khilbron became a lich through Abaddon's magic. Maybe Joko has a connection to Abaddon?

  12. I have to refute that you're speaking for all of us gamers. I know for a fact that I don't like many of your suggestions.

    You're suggesting more impressive animations, when the game already has a problem with too much visual effect clutter. Many bosses completely drown in visual effects so you can't even see their models.

    Account bound and soul bound items are bound for a reason. If you have any specific items that shouldn't be bound in your opinion, it wouldn't hurt to name them. The general concept of items that can only be earned and not bought however should stay.

    I don't know what you mean by "load other players". If you mean teleporting them to your position, that could be annoying and/or abused to troll people. If you mean carrying people, I have nothing against that. I just don't think it's easy to implement because clients aren't perfectly in sync with each other.

    We can already breathe under water. No need for a mastery that does nothing.

    What is an elite specialization editable?

    I would love more customization options for weapons and legendary weapons. Adding dye-channels to them would be a good thing. Turning their auras and foot steps into infusions (that you can cheaply get once you've unlocked them) would be another good thing. However I don't agree with adding unique skills to legendary weapons. Especially not if they boost your stats. Legendaries are supposed to be only as strong as ascended weapons. We don't need a gear-grind for power!

    While more hair options wouldn't hurt, we already got a lot of new hair options since release. I would like to also get new body, face, ear, eye, horn, tattoo, skin-pattern, etc options.

    I believe the Dwarves are a lore issue. All Dwarves have turned to stone. That much is certain. For a long time they've fought Primordus's forces in the depths of Tyria. Newer lore says that Ogden is the last Dwarf and all others are dead (except that talking head). I don't remember where I read that though and haven't encountered a convincing ingame source that confirms the Dwarves' defeat. Maybe they're still fighting. If they're still around it would be cool to see their armies in action one day. Maybe (after Primordus is defeated) we can even reverse the Rite of the Great Dwarf and help them re-establish their kingdom.

    What do you mean by naming thumbnails?

  13. > @"Halcyon.7352" said:

    > I'm not sure why you need some official source explaining something that should be obvious.


    > If an arcing projectile was programmed to travel exactly 1500 units, it would never hit anything at 1500 range.


    > That then, would be a bug. Therefore, in order to hit something at the listed range and avoid this bug, compensation must be made for the projectile's travel path. Clearly, this behavior is working as intended.


    You know, it's quite easy to make an arching projectile that travels exactly 1500 units. You just remember where the projectile originated from and delete it if


    This check prevents the projectile from leaving a 1500 sphere around its point of origin. It can still track targets within the sphere. It can arc almost as much as it wants. If you want to make insanely arcing projectiles and are afraid they could leave the range sphere through its roof, use a cylindrical check instead:


    With this check projectiles could arc to the moon and back without leading to an out of range error when they shouldn't.

    Neither arcing projectiles, nor calculations being complicated are a valid excuse for this bug.

  14. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > > It's not just you that needs to lasso the hydra. Basically enough people need to do it to fill the second bar.

    > >

    > > Good point.

    > > So far, it hasn't seemed to be a problem after full-map meta attempts. I'm sure that will change at some point, perhaps it even happens now during off-peak periods.


    > That might not be an issue. Today it seems to get lasso'ed much faster with fewer people.


    I'd even argue that it gets lassoed and killed too fast nowadays. It isn't that uncommon for the hydra to loose 80% of it's life in the first burn phase, get lassoed before everyone even has a chance to get out of combat and mounted, and then is killed off.

  15. @"Gulbasaur.1865" They wouldn't lock anyone out if they just did a quick check.

    if operating_system == "Win10x64" then

    use dx12


    use dx9


    Implementing dx12 doesn't mean that dx9 stops working and everyone must use the new stuff. They could even offer an option as to what to use. Either via the ingame graphics settings or a command line argument when starting up.

  16. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

    > > Going afk is one thing, but there are people who actively feed points to the enemy team once they're behind in order to finish the round quicker. Giving the loosing team something wouldn't change this kind of behavior. If anything, it would increase number of people who try to finish a loosing game quickly.

    > >

    > > What this festival (and many others) needs, is a reward based on a player's individual performance. Only a reward based on individual performance can ensure that most players play earnestly. The problem is that each player's individual performance is hard to ratify in a team based game. The focus of the game would shift from winning to accumulating points, which would be detrimental to the game.


    > So if everyone is striving to get as much points as possible that somehow make them not win, I fail to see the logic there.

    > Since the point of this team based game is to score close to or on the dot amount points first


    It might make people hit as many opponents as possible instead of finishing the injured ones first. Though I admit that for Dragon Ball the player score is a pretty good indication for each player's performance. However this is not true for every festival. Best example: Toypocalypse. If you have a high score in there, you probably didn't spend much time building defenses.

  17. Going afk is one thing, but there are people who actively feed points to the enemy team once they're behind in order to finish the round quicker. Giving the loosing team something wouldn't change this kind of behavior. If anything, it would increase number of people who try to finish a loosing game quickly.


    What this festival (and many others) needs, is a reward based on a player's individual performance. Only a reward based on individual performance can ensure that most players play earnestly. The problem is that each player's individual performance is hard to ratify in a team based game. The focus of the game would shift from winning to accumulating points, which would be detrimental to the game.

  18. > @"bellabia.5091" said:

    > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > I wish MetaBattle wouldn't include stat+5 infusions in their builds. For the vast majority of players, they aren't worth the time, effort, or expense. If you're one of the top 1% of players in the game, you'd notice the difference; the rest of us aren't likely to.


    > You're very correct I cannot afford to make these nor do I want to play Fractals for 3 months just to complete this build. I was simply looking for a good Tempest fractal build and ran across this. I don't want to just abort it as I have done everything but this part. So should I just use +5 AR? Because I assumed the Mighty part is where she was getting her extra power from? Thank you!


    You can use whatever infusions you want. If you're going to play fractals I recommend using the normal +X AR infusions. They are a lot cheaper than the mighty infusions. If you don't play fractals on that character and have a lot of spare laurels you can get +4 power infusions from the laurel vendor. These don't give you any AR though. You can also leave the slots blank until you find a use for them.

  19. > @"Alimar.8760" said:

    > Longbows arc and rifles fire straight. You can hit farther on the longbow if you're angled correctly but that doesn't mean your max range for auto attacking is any less or more than what it is said to have.


    The 1500 reach refers to the direct distance between player and target. Shortest path. The total distance an arrow flies, if you measure the arc, is more than that and should be more than that. That is because the arc is obviously longer than the direct line, so in order to hit a target at 1500 reach, the arrow has to travel more than 1500 units.


    The problem is that arrows travel even further than that 1500 reach. Even on flat ground. While bullets are outright deleted once they reach a distance of 1500 from their point of origin, arrows are not. They continue to fly until they either hit something or reach a distance significantly higher than what their tooltip says.


    From what I understand stray projectiles in GW2 aren't deleted based on how far they've traveled, but rather based on how long they've been alive. A projectile that's going in a straight line will always reach the same distance in the same time. An arced projectile however takes longer to reach a lower point than it takes to reach a higher one. In order to ensure that the projectile always reaches its intended distance, the lifetime variable was adjusted to the worst case scenario. This leads to the projectile over-reaching in all other scenarios.


    A possible solution to this problem would be to replace the lifetime mechanic with a real distance check. There are two variations to this:

    1. Calculate the distance each frame and see if it passed max range.

    2. Calculate the max distance coordinate once and check each frame whether the projectile has passed it.


    Another possible solution would be to dynamically calculate the time it would take the projectile to reach its maximum distance and use that as its lifetime. The time it takes to reach maximum distance can be calculated from the projectile's speed, the projectile's firing angle and the projectile's pivot point.


    Considering the fact that ANet hasn't touched these base mechanics in over 6 years, I wouldn't expect a fix any time soon or ever though.

  20. I just tried it and...

    Adding up all my equipment plus the 1000 base precision my character should have 1996 precision.

    The GW2 UI correctly shows 1996 precision.

    GW2 Efficiency for some reason shows 2100 precision.

    I don't know where GW2 Efficiency gets this number. It could be a calculation error on their part, it could also be that they just pull the numbers from the api and the api returns the wrong number.

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