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Lady Vanithy.6495

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Posts posted by Lady Vanithy.6495

  1. I'm sure someone who knows way more than me but I use it because it gives me a barrier to absorb the damage I take from others.> @"Pagio.3029" said:

    > I have a question: Why to choose Bulwark Gyro? How does it helps you?

    > I see many of you, you are using it.

    > As it sais it redirects damage to you.

    > i'm confused.


    > > @"Flame Of The Titan.3649" said:


    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASncoCFpitpCmXB0ehl7ii+2j9cHsBjwA47/GwCE-jxRBQBG7CAgHdEmRJIAeAAXR53/2f4vq/AA-e

    > >

    > > So with this build you can maintain a near 100% uptime on quickness, there is a small problem with building might but I'll get to that in a moment, here are some variations.



    > How you keep 100% uptime on quickness? I tried your build with Strength Runes and it doesn't even open.



  2. I too am thankful for all the work and tips from this thread. I started out playing Mesmer mirage and was spoiled a bit to be able to avoid open world mechanics. Then started a Guardian. Was very difficult learning to use skills to absorb/avoid. With Mesmer the "Dodge roll" doesn't move your character so position became very important with rolling and such.


    My engineer is Holosmith which is very forgiving with someone learning but I love the idea of my big beautiful Norn with a huge ass hammer. Tried to play her in open world but was struggling with HP/vets and such.

    I'm now 2 pieces away from full ascended on her so I'm excited to play her with this build.

    Right now Ive had the best luck in Marauder's gear but with ascended its easy to change.


    Thank you again.


    Also, what is the current build/skills as you've continued testing?

  3. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > > @"Matsumori Oukanishi.8794" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957"

    > >

    > > Thanks! Yeah one thing i know I'm doingvwringvnow is interrupting my auto attack chain on the dragonhunter


    > While interrupting auto chains is a loss, it's not the difference between 20k and 33k. Honestly easiest way to help you improve is if you record yourself on the golem so we can figure out exactly what you're doing wrong. Also double check traits.


    > Edit: Also something super basic to note. Do you have melee assist off and using Whriling wrath in the center of the golem hitbox?


    After playing my Guardian more, I'm now wanting to get more serious about playing in fractals. I can follow along with most of the tips here but I'm not familiar with what "melee assist" and center hit box means.

  4. Mesmer, Guardian, Ranger, Necro and a new Engineer which I have fallen in love with so I guess this is my main. I have both elites unlocked and I'm enjoying running around ow as scrapper.


    It's the first character I have actually leveled crafting for and started my daily time gated. Engineer has so much versatility - I dun care about meta but it sure is fun trying out different traits/abilities/weapons to get the job done.

  5. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > > @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

    > > > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > > > Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?

    > >

    > > My husband, who sits right next to me while we game, sent me the bubble glider as a gift the other night. I ignore most mails until I'm ready to see them so I dismissed the alert and kept on hunting. Late last night he finally asked if I liked the bubble glider....so, guess there is no way for the sender to confirm their gift was received or not.


    > Hmm - I wonder though - when you did take it did he maybe get an alert of some kind saying delivery was accepted? I agree it's easy to not notice some mail you got, and quite possible they aren't yet aware of the packages.


    No. He received no confirmation.

  6. > @"Biff.5312" said:

    > Can I ask how to determine that a gem store 'gift' was delivered successfully? Twice now I've sent people pretty extravagant gem store gifts and gotten zero acknowledgement. How do I know they received the items? I don't want to ask directly because it comes off as fishing for thanks. I just want to confirm delivery. Is there a way to do that?


    My husband, who sits right next to me while we game, sent me the bubble glider as a gift the other night. I ignore most mails until I'm ready to see them so I dismissed the alert and kept on hunting. Late last night he finally asked if I liked the bubble glider....so, guess there is no way for the sender to confirm their gift was received or not.

  7. > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > You are also right about testing and feedback. Players told Anet time and time again but they do not care.

    > Say what you want about Activision or Blizzard but at least they got PTR and feedback is taken into account during testing.


    You obviously never played on the PTR. Blizzard is notorious for not listening and pushing unfinished/buggy shit out to the live servers even with pages upon pages of feedback on the PTR forum.

  8. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:



    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQFAWnsICNohVoBeoBMrhlZjysC2tWqMAutkxv+3//H-jByCwANV+BRJoP1fA8AAEu/wLdABuAAGM/RKgqEtB-e


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67087/questions-about-class-build-for-soloing-pve-for-impaired-gamer#latest


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30394/open-world-domination-mirage#latest


    This is the build my husband uses. This build enables him to enjoy the game again. Before this, he was frustrated and ready to quit. Very easy gameplay with real results. He struggles with reaction speed and can get overwhelmed with all the visual noise. He's usually the one still standing when we fight HoT champs lol. I'm more agrresive player trying out didn't weapons/builds so I end up killing myself more often lol.


    He recently swapped to Toment runes and loves it. The bonus is all the other abilities the Mesmer has - ports being flexible and fun, he loves that the Mesmer does not "roll" but stands in place and thats a plus for him because rolling all over the place and off cliffs irritated him the most lol

  9. Hello. Fairly new to the game. Had 4 keys left from the PoF/HoT deluxe package so bought 4 Black Lion Chest (I never seem to be able to loot chest, sigh) and got the Endless Extractor. Cool item. Of course I don't have the gold to list it for sell but what I really wish is we had a way to trade/barter player to player. I am wanting the Permanent Hair Style kit for my account and my husband's. Seems the Extractor kits is very disired by players where as someone may have 2 of the hair kits they would want to trade but with no safe way to accomplish this, it forces you to be at the mercy the TP and getting taxed to death ( I do understand and the taxes as a deterrent).


    Would be nice if they took the fees/taxes out when the sell completed though.

  10. > @"Habanero.9384" said:

    > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > @"Habanero.9384" said:

    > > > Please allow me, to kindly point you at my thread:

    > > > "new mesmer needs advice: Best Route to unlock Elite Professions Chronomancer + Mirage"

    > > >

    > > > I think you are the right people who can possibly help me a lot :-)

    > > > Thank you

    > >

    > > It's hard to tell how much difficulty you have picking these things up, but I do have a build for the type of player that is never going to "git gud" (no offense intended to anyone here!) . The build is specifically designed to be 1) Inexpensive to gear, 2) As uncomplicated as possible, and 3) As forgiving as possible.

    > >

    > > I've basically taken it to the limits from using the most defensive weapon available and not including a weapon swap to utilizing a passive healing skill. With this setup you can literally stand in the fire and just push buttons at random. As long as you keep dodging and pushing 1 you should find making your way around PoF/HoT easy (Although soloing champions might still require you to step up your game a little bit from just pushing 1/dodge and buttons at random!).

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQFAWnsICNohFMDWoBMMjlZjqMAutkxf+3//3sC2tWC-jByCABQoEMgLAQTK/Ea/BAeAAAqDwAzf+o+DpAoS0G-e




    > Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me. This is indeed a very good and helpful build for beginners with the profession.

    > I had this kind of build in mind, when posting in this thread. My problem with this build is just, that I haven't unlocked Mirage!

    > What I had in mind, when posting here, was if this build can be adapted for **core Mesmer**?

    > I haven't unlocked neither Mirage nor Chronomancer yet.

    > I have to use a core mesmer build to get through HoT or PoF to unlock both Elite professions...


    > The standard GS POWER build here ( https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Greatsword_Burst ) that I used for leveling

    > has really bad personal sustain. I often felt very squishy.


    > Can you help?

    > Thanks a lot!


    Pretty sure this is what I used before Mirage.



    Basically I used GS/Staff and wanted to generate as many clones as possible. I didn't shatter much at first till I got use to knowing when I could get more clones out fast. This is how I intend to level up my 3rd Mesmer lol.

    I'm on my phone so I think I chose the correct traits. I'm sure someone with better help will come along. Just look at the traits and pick the ones that generate clones, gives you some defense through range. For me, I didn't much care about pumping out mass damage so much as being able to stay alive.

  11. This is the build I'm using to get use to moving/dodging. It gives me the time I need to watch what's going on around me and react. I love this build because it let's me still play the game and have success completing content.

    I now have 2 mesmers - love them so! The first one I use axe/torch and Staff but was still not very good at the skills needed to avoid damage in melee and would get beat up/downed quite a bit. Now I switch to GS/Staff during events and able to stay alive lol

    I love that Mirage has plenty of ways to adapt to the level of player skills and is still very much enjoyable.


  12. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

    > > Love my Mesmer and now completed getting her HP for Mirage! Huge thanks to @"AliamRationem.5172" .

    > > Right now for gear I'm getting Dires and wanted to ask about runes. Seems undead or affliction would be the choices but leaning more to undead. Sound about right?


    > Undead runes are a good, inexpensive choice for a dire setup, especially doubling up with the Chaos traitline to gain 17% of toughness as condition damage. This translates into well over 300 additional condition damage on a full exotic set.


    > For inexpensive sigils that work well for open world play, corruption and stamina are good options. You can add another 250 condi damage with the stacking bonus on corruption and stamina will make you virtually invincible while also pumping up your damage as long as there are easy kills to be had.


    > If you get to the point where you start putting some gold into your gear and crafting ascended, Viper is a great option. Pair with 4 nightmare/2 trapper runes and malice/energy sigils for more damage. If open world is more your speed, Trailblazer is great, too. There's just not much reason to sacrifice the extra damage from Viper outside of solo play in PvE.


    I figure while I'm going back and starting at the beginning with core Tyria/LW2 I could test out different gears/runes. Came across 2 pieces affordable Dires gear with affliction runes so going to give that a shot. I did change the staff I got in a chest to Mathilde Spire in the forge and put energy/malice sigils in it. Thanks for all you do! I really enjoy my Mesmer gal and feel this will be a fun experience trying out different skills as I explore before I set in stone and craft the higher end stuff.

  13. Love my Mesmer and now completed getting her HP for Mirage! Huge thanks to @"AliamRationem.5172" .

    Right now for gear I'm getting Dires and wanted to ask about runes. Seems undead or affliction would be the choices but leaning more to undead. Sound about right?

  14. I have a baby Asura Mesmer. My husband says she looks like a pretty predicured toe. She's fun to watch flying around doing her skills. I love the way she carries her greatsword over her shoulder. Doubt I'll level her past 53 because my big beautiful Norn has stolen my heart.

  15. If you're like me and did not read up on the 80 boost and how it effects new players to the game then here is what I suggest...

    Instead of creating a new level 1, I just take my your new boosted character back to the starting area and start playing through the content.

    I took my first boosted 80 and got the mounts first - it's easy-peasy. Now that I have finally played through several professions and decided on the 2 I love and the races, I have 2 of each (Guardian and Mesmer). I plan to take them all back through content now.

  16. > @"Paradox Reaper.7249" said:

    > for me this is an epic setup

    > esdf for movement

    > m5, w, q, t,r for attacks

    > a is heal, z x c are utility, tab is elite

    > g is interact

    > 1,2,3,4,5 are profession skills.

    > shift for dodge

    > and there aren't many keys at all.


    Get out of my head! This is almost my exact key setup. I moved all my movement keys years ago because small hands = short range and this freed up more keybinds.

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