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Posts posted by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148

  1. Yes, more sylvari cultural armor (and other stuff too) would be great :) I doubt they'll release something with the new expansion, since they didn't add anything with HoT or PoF (only in the gem store). We have a few extra skins, sure, but again, in the gem store. And honestly, that's how I think they'll release racial/cultural skins. Or any new way that we don't know of yet.


    Since we're on the topic of sylvari, I'd really like to see their cycles have some impact on them. I know it's probably too late for this, and many people have suggested this before, but I'd like to see the four cycles in-game and not just day and night, and have our character react in a special way during their cycle :) I don't know, saying something (e.g. "Ah, my favorite time of day/night") or just taking a deep and relaxing breath. They already react to night (by glowing), so I'd like to see them react to their cycle as well. But oh well, I'll keep dreaming :grin:

  2. I don't see any problem with the current description. We might be interpreting "physical" in different ways; the way I see it, it refers to "body toughness", meaning elementalists (and other professions like thief, for example) aren't tough like warriors are. Doesn't mean they can't be strong or produce damage. Every profession is strong (or "tough") in their own way, but that's not what that description is talking about.

  3. Sounds interesting!


    I'm just a bit confused: are these chapters a continuation of the story (as "final arc" suggests)? Or more like side stories that we can play, similar to Visions of the Past? Calling them chapter 1, 2, 3 etc. makes it look like the beginning of something, and not a continuation of the current story :)

  4. This may sound crazy, but what if the position of Khan-Ur will be viewed as outdated and no longer necessary by the United Legions (assuming they win over the Dominion, most likely they will)? Maybe the charr who survive this civil war will have less "traditional" views on the importance of a Khan-Ur. The way people talk about the position of Khan-Ur makes it seem like they just want to unite the charr so that they can then dominate other races (there's a dialogue in the Black Citadel that goes something like this "When we have a Khan-Ur, no one will stop us"). And if that's the case, and assuming the charr won't want to dominate but rather live peacefully and on equal terms with others, then the Khan-Ur might not make sense anymore to this new "generation" of charr? Of course, the Khan-Ur could be someone who's progressive and truly wants peace with other races. But the idea of a Khan-Ur (the supreme leader of all charr) just sounds (to me) too traditional/old for a society that wants to be progressive and put the past behind.


    In any case, if they decide to go with a new Khan-Ur, I'm sure it will be someone fitting and good for the charr. Maybe this new Khan-Ur will even bring some Dominion charr back?

  5. > @"roughneck.8936" said:

    > I had the same problem today ,the solution i found after digging thru forums comes from Healix.5819 and it works.

    > Open a command prompt (search , type cmd ,right click run as admin) and enter following(you can copy&paste):

    > nslookup origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


    > Copy one of the addresses (it changes every few days and there are usually 2) for my region its currently



    > Search the start menu for notepad, right click it and run it as an administrator. In notepad, open:

    > C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts


    > At the bottom, add the following line, substituting the current IP you found:

    > assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com


    > Save it(don't forget to run notepad as admin,otherwise it won't save) and launch GW2. Remember to remove the line when you're done(i never did still works). This advice is from Healix.5819 and it works,i used it twice before in the past(after digging thru today i came across and remembered his posts ) and also helps with stuck downloading update and so on so forth.





    Thanks for the info! I have a few questions, though.


    1- We add "nslookup ..." right next to C:\Windows\system32> or below that, in another line?

    2- What's your region? I'm wondering if that address will work for me (Portugal) And where do we find the "right" address?


  6. > @"starlove.9281" said:

    > > @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

    > > Yep, OS rollback doesn't seem to work either.

    > >

    > > Wonder if it's only the 3 of us who got this problem, very strange.


    > We are 4 now, i got the same issues, also I send a support ticket, but I didn't roll back and I don't want to do it. I uninstall the game and it doesn't let me reinstall it for now.


    Let's hope this gets fixed soon, whatever it is :/

  7. > @"Nydo.3406" said:

    > I just received an email response telling me to roll back my OS, which I am not particularly interested in doing. It was last updated on the 15th, and Guild Wars was working fine until this afternoon.


    I got the same response, did the roll back but didn't solve the problem :/

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