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Posts posted by Killerassel.2197

  1. Took me longer that I had hoped, but I finally got around to put the new endpoints to use. Unfortunately I found a problem. :(


    The account endpoints, at least mapchests and dailycrafting, do not properly reset for me. I haven't logged in today* and the account endpoints still show yesterday's progress.


    /account { ..., last_modified: "2019-05-04T22:25:00Z", ... }

    /account/mapchests: [ "verdant_brink_heros_choice_chest" ]

    /account/dailycrafting: [ "lump_of_mithrilium" ]


    Worldbosses is empty, but I think I didn't kill one yesterday. So it's probably affected, too.


    I developed my code assuming that I get the current values and that the requests would be independent of each other and ignorant to reset timing. I could override to empty when account.last_modified < daily_reset, but without massive refactoring that means I'd need twice as many requests.


    *today: in relation to reset. 22:25 UTC is 0:25 local time.

  2. I had an idea. I mostly dislike the title + name idea for my asuras, because they would constantly be addressed with that title as if it actually were their name. Since I'm uncreative right now, let's take an NPC as example: Archivist Grep.


    While players would get it and use only the actual name - unless you are named Xx Grep Xx, then I **will** call you exactly that until you admit that it sounds rediculous as a name. But I'd be terribly annoyed if NPCs would call me Commander Archivist Grep. Or Lightbringer Agent Wattever.


    My suggestion: allow _nicknames_, to override how NPCs address you. Unlike the split between first and last name already suggested earlier in this thread, I'd even suggest to make it freely chosable. May or may not be displayed to players. But if so, it shouldn't make the actual name invisible for the reasons already stated by others in this thread. And since it isn't the actual name as considered for game mechanics (party invite, mail, ...) it wouldn't need to be unique.


    For me it would open up "surnames" to asuras and salads.


    Probably many players would still be unhappy to be seen by others with such a title or lore-wise unfitting surname.


    Regarding 19 letters: I've had to rename a charr because of this limit. I had thought out the character's backstory and what a fitting name would be but didn't consider the length. During character creation I had to improvise. Luckily charr names are still available. Especially when using non-english warband names.

  3. > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > The solution to it is simpler than you would ever think.

    > Just give your character a real life name and surname divided with a space. Simple


    > @"Neworder.7981" said:

    > https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/human_gw_names.php will get u all the names you will ever need. Male/Female/Neutral


    May I remind you that there are five playable races? I don't think there is that much of a problem with human names. There is a huge amount of combinations of first and last names. But the other four races have their own way to name their people. While you can, technically, give them human-like names, they don't fit.


    Since charr use last names, though following a different pattern than humans, they should be fine, too. In fact with my recent charr I could get the name I wanted easily. It may help that I give them German names.


    Norn do not use family surnames, either. But using ...son / ...dottir or an "earned" title (e.g. ...slayer) probably expands their name pool enough.


    Sylvari and Asura typically have single word names. *They* are the ones most affected by this problem. Especially when you don't want your character to be named Xvcxptzrvw or similar. I have been stuck in character creation trying to find a free name for long enough and have claimed that all (proper) asura names are taken.


    Using random accents or things like Xx The Name Xx somewhat allows you to take the name you wanted. But personally I hate seeing these. There is no way I would use these methods myself.

  4. Since charges quartz crystals aren't crafted (Edit: in the "by a crafting discipline" sense) I doubt this "recipe" is listed anywhere in the API. Mystic forge recipes aren't listed, so charging stuff on a place of power is even more unlikely.


    You could either create a manual list or try to read such conversions from the wiki. I use its Semantic MediaWiki addon for some queries. It is a secondary source and might contain errors or be out of sync, though.

  5. Anet should never take players' names. This game is designed to allow outtimes and return after a long time. A good example of this philosophy is the lack of item or character level progress. It would be terrible if the first thing you'd have to do when you return after a break is to find a new name for your character. Especially since the pool of names would still be small.


    Allowing others to share the name would also be problematic. While I don't care about pop culture references, I'm more concerned about in-game "celebrities" and the possible confusion or wrongly attributed misbehavior that this would open. Another possible abuse would be PvP, where you'd quickly find teams where every character has the same name. Additionally, from a technical standpoint, remember that you can send in-game mail and do group invites etc to a character name, you don't need the account name. This would be more difficult if character names were no longer unique.


    On the other hand, I've had the problem with exhausted name pool myself. I prefer playing asura, and RP-wise asura do not have a surname. You can take on a title instead, sure, but I don't like that. Add the requirement to have a double letter and pretty much all names are already taken.


    So I would like to see a solution, but have no idea for one that could work.

  6. The trick is indeed to wait. After reading it I tried again and _was_ reset properly. Well, still annoying, but it works.


    To reiterate:

    - die

    - adventure UI pops up; do NOT press reset

    - after a second or so get revived at latest checkpoint

    - UI does NOT show the adventure as running NOR the failed/restart dialog

    - wait for 30 or so seconds

    - get ported to Gourdon, where you can restart


    Oh, and no need to stand still. You can run around and do stuff and still get ported back. I haven't tried, and wouldn't recommend, dying again in the 30 seconds, though.

  7. > @"Brett Nellermoe.7098" said:

    > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" We're likely going to change a few things about the bombs next year, possibly including a re-arrange of the order of the bomb skills and some sort of rework to the costs of skills. No time to do that this year sadly.


    I've thrown my fair share of oversized and overexpensive bombs. But after getting used to it I like the current order. It is more consistent, in a sense. If I want to use the slingshot I can spam 2. The first 2 equips it, all others shoot. If I want to throw (small) bombs, I can spam 3 in the same way.

  8. I canNOT confirm the workaround. I had experienced the problem earlier and read this thread. Today I tried W2Z3 and died. As suggested I did not immediately click reset but waited. I got then automatically rezzed at the latest checkpoint. But there the adventure UI was gone and I could not click reset.


    And since the W2Z3 adventure crosses a point of no return, I could not walk back. It is literally impossible to try again without restarting the instance. I did that, tried and died again. With the start point of the adventure a few minutes into the zone this is a terrible experience and I won't try again.


    I then tried W2Z2, which is also a pain in the kitten. Here too I died and got reset to the latest checkpoint instead of Gourdon. In this zone it is technically possible to track back using the teleporters. I lost too many hearts doing that from falling off the stalks and got killed again during my second try. At that point I ragequitted.


    This achievement is impossible to achieve with this bug. At least without losing my sanity and/or keyboard.

  9. After re-reading your post I think I understand what you meant.


    Yes, the changes are indeed backward compatible because you need to explicitly request them. Whether as v=latest or v3/ is secondary. But as you said, v=latest is a good sign, because it allows for incremental changes without having a v3/ that is mostly empty or equal to v2/.


    If they weren't guarded with ?v=... they *would not* have been backward compatible. I didn't realize it when I posted my comment, but I had to adapt my code regarding /account/home/cats, and as stated some code may complain about schema breaking, unexpected fields in responses.

  10. Thank you! Both for the live sign and the updates. :heart:


    The last_modified field was suggested in the forum and as stated in that thread, I have an idea I need it for. :+1:


    > @"Ideka.7946" said:

    > I would've thought that if you're changing the API in a way that's not backwards-compatible you would call it version 3 and put it under `v3/`...


    Not necessarily. It depends on how strict you parse the responses. The json-to-object parser library I use doesn't care about additional fields, so the new last_modified would be silently ignored until I add it to the mapping. Others may throw an exception claiming the format was invalid. You wouldn't want to break, say, a mobile app without prior warning.


    It does open the possibility to do breaking changes without major version bump, though. The inconsistency about the daily achievements / account type comes to mind.

  11. It's been a few month since this question has been asked. And now after the dust after the layoffs last month has (mostly?) settled, I'd like to ask it again.


    [in November Daniel Snider stated](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/736539/#Comment_736539 "In November Daniel Snider stated"), that the API is still valued and worked on. He also offered to post updates to the forum to at least communicate that the API is still alive.


    This hasn't happened. API development looks as dead as it has for a long time. :( Last commit to github (api-cdi) was 3 months ago.


    And since the company has recently shrunk and had to reorder their priorities I'm afraid the API could have fallen off the end of the priority list.


    So, again I question: what is the current state of the API? Is it still worked on? If so: only bugfixes or is it still worthwhile to suggest features?*


    *Clarification: Of course not every idea has to be implemented within days. Or at all. But if it is effectively feature frozen there is no need to clean up and write down one's thoughts into a proper suggestion.

  12. I'm not sure if this is a bug or deliberately configured this way. I usually browse the forum without logging in, unless I want to actually write a comment. I recently noticed that, when not logged in, I cannot see the reactions (helpful, thumbs up) on forum posts. The number is only visible if I could click to add my own reaction to the post. And that link is - rightfully - not available when logged out.

  13. Don't get me wrong. While I was looking forward to the live stream, I understand that they are busy with, and worried about the recent news. It is perfectly fine that that is their priority right now. I sure wouldn't have wanted to sit in front of the camera if I was in their situation.


    And I've seen twitch chat. It was full of disrespectful, unfunny "jokes" and memes. Not exactly encouraging. I wouldn't have wanted to be moderator there either.


    I'm just unhappy that the cancellation of the live stream was not announced before but long after its scheduled start.


    But regarding questions, they could have started the stream with a short statement, even if mostly empty words, and then ignore the whole topic and only show the mount as planned. Actually I was hoping for that, too. But again: I'm not criticizing the cancellation, only the lack of communication.

  14. Inspired by the discussion about movement speed in and out of combat: Sometimes mobs put non-damaging conditions on me that tick for what feels like an eternity after they died and that keep me in combat. I.e. walking slower and unable to mount. This is even more annoying with cripple or chilled. Sure, I could radically change my build to get access to a condition clear. (Remember: revs can't just switch a single skill). But I'd like to suggest a QoL approach: if a player has non-damaging conditions but would otherwise be out of combat, the condition should be ignored or cleared, so that the player can actually *be* out of combat. Maybe restricted to PvE, since keeping an enemy player away has value in PvP context.

  15. I noticed that my daily GW2 experience contains a lot of things that feel like chores and could be easily botted. And while bots are forbidden, golems are not. :) So I present: _Chore-o-tron_.


    Task: Harvest home instance.

    Suggested function: When in a home instance: double click to harvest all nodes, chests, .... Unlimited use, since home instance nodes are already limited.


    Task: Harvest guild hall.

    SF: When in a guild hall: double click to harvest synthesizers. Unlimited use.


    Task: Harvest rich nodes or similar farm spots, e.g. wood near Pagga or iron near Proxemic Lab.

    SF: In open world, either on double click or from right click menu: harvest all nodes within certain radius. Once per character and day.

    Special case: this should be compatible with Kudzu garden and the LS3 trees there. Those are obviously not normal harvest nodes.


    In order to not invalidate glyphs, it should use the character's harvest tools. Maybe the daily cooldown shouldn't trigger if the harvest tool is used up in the process and needs to be replaced.


    I also do other daily tasks. But I don't think a daily world boss (Verdant Brink Meta) or adventure (griffon or roller beetle race) should be achievable with a simple click. Not that I'm opposed to free loot, though. ;)


    While I don't have another idea now, I think this golem should be build as a platform offering services, with the possibility for future advancements without then requiring more item slots.

  16. I haven't read through the thread and I'm not sure how something like this could be implemented with a simple enough UI.


    With now three (infinite) salvage kits I regularly use for different purposes / items I need a lot of clicking and micro management. "Salvage all" helps a lot, but still requires too many clicks.


    I'd like to suggest the ability to "macro" salvaging and salvage with a single click or button press.


    My personal scheme would be like: blue and white items and all trinkets up to yellow with copper fed; green armor and weapons with rune crafter's; yellow armor with silver fed. (Yes, I know reddit disagrees and suggests a different scheme.) I throw yellow weapons into the forge, so those shouldn't be automatically salvaged. Exotics with black lion, but they are rare enough to keep salvaging them manually.


    Personally I wouldn't mind writing the configuration in a script language. But I know most people couldn't. So I'm imagining the UI as maybe a matrix: Rarity / item type and salvage kit as value. With the possibility, actually default, to select "none", of course. On the other hand it should also be able to handle non-equipment items, such as salvageable hides.

  17. This is not the only possibility to get stuck in this instance. :(


    A few days ago I've played the story on another character with the goal to get the 15 minutes achievement. All went fine until the second to last platform of the fight. On arriving there I've got caught in an appearing crystal and could not escape it. I used /stuck and waited. Like OP I was teleported to the entry point of the instance and could not return to the fight. Already annoyed I wrote an ingame bug report and left the instance. I was playing it alone, so I couldn't just wait and let my party finish it.


    But that was just the beginning of my problems. :( I restarted the instance and due to the checkpoint system had only lost a bit of progress. So much for the time achivement, but I could just finish the instance and restart the episode, right? Wrong. When re-entering the instance I did not get the buffs/upgrades you can get before the fight. And as a glass cannon, and at the moment not thining about the buffs, I died within like 10 seconds. Not a chance. Maybe I could, in theory, with ranged attacks and dying through. I called it a day and went to bed instead.


    Now my problem: I cannot lose the "progress" and restart the story instance. I left the episode, started another story arc and reactivated it. Still starts halfway through. With this character I'm effectively stuck in story progress. Sure, the obvious solutions are getting a build that can fight through unwanted hardmode or find someone to open a fresh instance and hope it counts.


    But I'd like to suggest another one: please Anet, add a button to reset a story instance and intentionally lose checkpoint progress in it. In this special case it would also have helped to automatically apply the optional buffs - the achievement for that is not doable at this state anyway.

  18. I have built an application some time ago that shows a table of fractals with overlays on the dailies, using the API as source for the daily achievements. Since the achievements do not reference the fractals directly, I use a regexp to match the required fractal scale in the achievement's name. This worked and still works fine.


    For the daily fractal island my (old) code reads the bits parts of an achievement and looks for the same regexp pattern as for daily level. This used to work, but when I've checked today it did not. Manually checking a daily fractal shows that it does not contain a bits part.


    If possible, as the simplest solution, I'd like to get the bits back in.


    A better solution would be to introduce a new optional key or bit type for fractals, directly referencing the fractal scale(s) to complete.


    A more complex solution would include a new /fractals endpoint. This has been suggested before and I'd prefer this, but it is more work. And with seemingly little activity on the API I don't have much hope this could arrive any time soon. This endpoint could contain the map scale <-> island and instabilities per scale and allow the achievements to reference it, e.g. with a fractal_island: "maitrin" key.


    To fix my application, I probably need to change the regexp and get the fractal island name. This should work, but I need to have yet another key to the island. Since my scale <-> island map is parsed from the wiki, I need to upgrade it to put another, not automatically generated, key into the file and to watch the dailies for a while to get all names.

  19. What would you like to craft it from? To my knowledge there are no plain, non-excuisite serpentite jewels.


    Sure, Anet could change the drop to plain serpentite jewels and require jewelcrafting to refine it. But that would make Diviner's the only stat set which requires a refined jewel - made by an unrelated discipline - as ingredient. I'm sure that would cause quite some outrage. There is another big difference to other excuisite jewels: serpentite cannot be slotted into gear.


    My suggestion: just ignore the name. Unfortunately it shares the name with something familiar, but think of it more like rose quartz than like (excuisite) ruby orbs.

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