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Posts posted by xan.8936

  1. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > I agree that there needs to be better rewards but also improving the feel of the grind.

    > To say Guild Wars 2 didn't used to have grind is false. Grind existed but was better disguised.


    > The problem we have now is two-fold: the grind is too obvious or the content not interesting enough to disguise it.

    > The rewards don't necessarily seem subjectively worth the cost in time and currency because they are reskins.

    > Many veterans already have stockpiles of weapons and skins which represent countless hours of work but the only way to display them is on the character. Currently there is a finite amount of alts you can have per account and not everyone wants to buy the character slots to reach that cap just to display the fruits of their labor.


    > Solution?

    > Perhaps introduce something we can earn for the home instance to display our accomplishments. Make an interesting list of things we must do that brings us back to older content to breathe new life in to things most of us have left in the dust. Add to it tiers that we can earn so we can start off being able to only display 1 set of our favorite weapons, to being able to display 2-3-10 etc..

    > I would not encourage monetizing this but perhaps once unlocked they could add monetized aspects: like an npc to look like they are cleaning the pieces, or an npc to model them. A butler to display the things you ask for, or randomly. LOL.


    > ANyway those are just ideas . Make the carrot great again. idk.



    This is exactly what i was thinking but explained in a much better way. Well said, Obfuscate!

  2. i’m sorry i guess i didn’t clarify myself well enough. My point I was trying to make is that i would really like different high end reward goals to work for at the end of each episode.

    Not just basic weapon collections that are very expensive. Most of these replies were referencing end game playable content something very different.

    oh well i guess we will see what comes in the future...

  3. Anet really needs to rethink it's end game goals to work towards. All these expensive weapon collections that most people will not go for. Why not more legendaries or a cool new title? We have hundreds upon hundreds of weapon skins. I miss season 3/4 when you could go for a cool new legendary each episode.

  4. I read a lot of people that only play one or two game modes that they just don't get enough content. I personally like to get the most from my money and experience everything in whatever i do. Thus in gw1 and gw2 I have always played all game modes. In Gw1 there were Zaishen chest keys, HoM statues, and cross content titles that encouraged people to play all content available. Maybe Arena Net should do more of that as the game ages to try to get people to diversify and increase there play. Then who knows some people may learn to like other modes.

  5. I buy gems every 2 or 3 months to support the game. But I think a lot players just farm gold and convert to gems for the items they want. In addition, A Net keeps adding more and more sources to make lots of gold compared to early on in the game. Living world updates and other additions to the game are free. No monthly fees and expansions every 3 years or so are only 30 or 40 bucks. Seem like Gw2 is the best value triple A game out there but I just hope it doesn't effect there bottom line down the road. thus effecting the games future years from now.

  6. I feel Gw2 needs a more defined prestige implementation. Gw1 had some very prestigious titles and weapons/armor that people had to spend years to get. I feel legendary weapons were that way in the beginning. But new legendaries (armor, trinkets) don't seem to hold that weight really. Achievements and points could have maybe done that if implemented better i feel. Have certain titles/rewards for reaching certain ranks/points in all game modes etc. would be nice. I know some people say well i don't want to play all parts of the game to get something prestigious but that's what we had to do in gw1 to get really high end titles and gear and no one seemed to complain about it then. I really hope down the line something gets implemented to show comprehensive dedication to the game that all have access to even someone starting from scratch.


  7. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > We REALLY need a solution for all those players who missed Living World season 1 and its achievements.


    > Also, I would still love to see ArenaNet's [Long-term plans for achievement rewards](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52450/long-term-plans-for-ap-rewards "Long-term plans for achievement rewards"). I keep wondering for instance what the path is to 60,000, if there ultimately will be more rewards for achievement ranks.


    > I also wonder why the recent expansion and living world releases seem to be a bit lacking in AP rewards. Especailly when you compare it to the amount of AP in LW Season 1 and 2 as well as temporary festivals. Players who miss the festivals really will get a hard time to reach the upper levels, as well as players who missed Season 1.


    I agree with this and I have been playing since launch and have all the living story season 1 achievements completed. I had fun getting those achievements and would not mind at all if Arena Net retroactively gave players unattainable points some how

  8. I mentioned this as well a little while back. I believe Arena Net was compiling metrics with the Suns refuge to see if players wanted this feature again like in Gw1. Hopefully the metrics showed that a lot of people wanted a more expanded feature like in gw1 which was a major long term goal for many players and kept Gw1 fairly active long after it stopped receiving major updates.

    In addition, if and when they do decide to add a feature like this, it by no means reflects that Gw2 isgoing to end and pass our achievements to its successor as some has stated. It would just be good for the over health of a game to show your progress over the years. I remember people loved to go to each other HoM in Gw1 to see each other progress.

  9. Is this achievement still doable? I want to complete the shadow of shadow achievement as I have four done already but have to do the portal spiker one which is a whopping 100 times. I don't see anyone doing the meta anymore never mind the achievement? The shadow of shadow has been showing up in my almost done achievement panel and I would like to progress it. Thanks!

  10. Hello guys,

    Can anyone use gw2 gold to buy all the cosumables (drunken, sweet, party etc) in gw1? The only thing I would think to worry about is you would have to give gold to somebody claiming they have gw1 consumables to max your gw1 titles. I have recently been considering finishing up GWAMM while I wait for season 5 in gw2 to start. I currently have 26 titles. Thanks for any insight.

  11. Right now i am working towards the third legendary trinket Coalescence. I cant help but wonder why each trinket is more work than a legendary weapon. Between the gold cost 1.5k, all the achievments, currencies and more. Will the final product of all 5 trinkets be gw2's ultimate reward since there is no other item that comes close to the work and gold put into it?

    I like working towards things and can't wait to see the final product!

  12. What in the world did Ncsoft think they would accomplish by laying off actual devs from raids, fractals, world maps and living story. Do they think the money saved now will pay off later when the rest of the devs are so distraught they leave too and a once profitable game is no longer. I don't post here that often but I am truly and completely distraught over seeing a game that I have loved and played for 12 years gets treated this way.

  13. How does Anet deliver such value for very little cost? The latest free patch was excellent. The upcoming living story episodes will be free and I'm assuming right into season 5 as well. The gem store has good stuff but it doesn't seem to add a lot of new things each week.


    I spend real money on items and gold because I don't have the time but I see a lot of others just exchanging gold for gems/items. My son plays fortnight and they seem to be always milking him for money for season passes and skins coming every night. I am just so happy with arena nets business model I just hope they can keep it up!

  14. Hey guys,


    I would like to get this for my toons I don't use that often as they don't have any map uncovered. Does this gem store item just unlock the waypoints or does it also un-fog the maps as well. I would think It would still be kinda hard to use if the whole map was still fogged up. Thanks for any help!

  15. I absolutely loved the mini-dungeon in Derelict Delve in the Desert Highland map. I miss the old subterranean-cavern style dungeon rooms of old. Solving the puzzles with the runes for each room to gain entrance and the semi challenging obstacles in each room was good too. Also an added bonus of finding all the pieces of dwarven weapons that you forge at the end is great. Hope we see more in future maps.

  16. > @Fallesafe.5932 said:

    > > @mauried.5608 said:

    > > If everyone has a Legendary weapon then they are no longer legendary, so the obvious question is what percentage of the player base can have legendary weapons before they are no longer legendary?

    > >


    > Eventually, anybody who can fog a mirror will have legendary gear. Because the community has sworn, with blood oaths, that they won't accept "gear treadmills." Apparently, mastery-treadmills, and specialization-treadmills, and stat-combo-treadmills are perfectly fine. But the tar and feathers are on standby for anybody who dares to suggest that better items should **also** be added to the game.



    I eventually feel that Arena Net should introduce a new tier of gear and make it part of upgrading ascended gear. I am a moderate player but the key is I have been playing since launch and I have accumulated way more ascended equipment then I will ever need. I think Arena Net would find a way to increase a new tier without making it a huge grind or start from scratch kind of process. Some players always need a long term goal to feel the sense of accomplishment.


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