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Posts posted by Mikeskies.1536

  1. > @"Xentera.4560" said:

    > I would like to pick your brain regarding your experiences with DPS classes in 100 CM.

    > I have already finished it a few times, and got the “Dances with Demons“ title. I have found the following classes to be most viable there:


    > 1) Condi FB


    > 2) Condi Ren


    > 3) Condi Mirage


    > 4) Scourge, full Condi or with Blood


    > 5) Condi zerker, without banners


    > I am in no way excluding other classes from this CM. Just sharing my experience with you. Would love to hear about your experiences there.


    Condi Zerker is so underrated, it's not even funny.

  2. Ring of Fire does not add any stacks to Persisting Flames because it does no pulsing damage. In order to interact with the new Persisting Flames, the secondary effect needs to be changed to cause Burning every second, rather than on pass through only. As it stands, it only adds 1 stack of Persisting Flames for a 7 second Fire Field.


  3. In practice, Greatsword / Axe + Axe works best for Spellbreaker with a nicely flowing rotation.


    1. "To The Limit!"

    2. Bull's Charge

    3. Arcing Slice

    4. Weapon Swap

    4. Cyclone Axe

    5. Throw Axe

    6. Dual Strike

    7. Whirling Axe.3

    8. Eviscerate

    9. Kick

    10. Cyclone Axe

    11. Throw Axe

    12. Weapon Swap

    13. Arcing Slice

    14. Hundred Blades

    15. Whirldwind Attack

    16. Bladetrail

    17. Greatsword Swing-->Greatsword Slice

    18. Kick

    19. Repeat Steps 3-18.



    1. When in Axe+Axe, you can queue up skills 2-5 without cancelling them by accident.

    2. Only use a Physical Skill after every odd-numbered Eviscerate in the rotation (3, 5, 7, etc.) to prevent having both Bull's Charge and Kick on cooldown when you need to use it before the 2nd Arcing Slice. Use Bull's Charge, unless Kick has 2 charges. If so, use Kick.

  4. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > berserker heal is more of a dmg boost than rly used for healing, because it refreshes your f1


    > but conditions were never meant to burst, dont know where ppl got that idea from, the times when condis actually bursted were a nightmare and anet even admitted that it wasnt meant to be like that


    > conditions are dot's (damage over time)

    > they are supposed to rather slowly ramp up to outdo power burst dmg over a longer period of time, so for short encounters you take power burst and for longer fights you take ramping condition damage


    > alone the fact that you only need one stat for condis to do dmg and can go tank for the rest of your stats shows that condis are supposed to work that way (being tanky for long lasting dights), power on the other hand need 3 different stats to max out their dmg, leaving less room to go tanky, because they are supposed to make quick work and to not get into log fights


    Blood Reckoning definitely heals you to full if you are doing your rotation correctly. It should be all you need to stay alive.

  5. TBH, I think you need at least three power DPS for Tactics to be worth it over Discipline. That goes for both Power and Condi.


    Mace/Axe build works better on Golem, but in practice, Greatsword + Axe/Axe is equal in damage (if you play it right), with a smoother rotation and better mobility.


    in Fractals, you can swap mainhand Mace/Axe with Dagger for boon stripping, if necessary.

  6. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

    > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

    > > > > > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

    > > > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > > > > > > > > Power berserker is a dead build unfortunately.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Whats the reason for this? Does berserker power traited not work well with an powerspec? Or are the other options as core or spellbreaker just that much better dps wise?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > anet decided to butcher the adrenal use on berserker, you waste 3 bars of adrenalin to enter the mode but upon using primal bursts you only gain one stack of adrenal health and berserkers might, that was the patch when everyone ditched berserker as power build

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Still hoping they reverse this. Everywhere preferably since it’ll be competing against PoF specs so wont seem so strong as before. But AT LEAST in PvE.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's not even the main problem. Arcing Slice is a 3/4 s cast, compared to Arc Divider at 1/2 s cast.

    > > >

    > > > you are telling me that the arc divider casttime is a bigger problem than the adrenalin change? lol sure m8, maybe in pve, no idea about that, but in pvp and wvw its definately the adrenalin change

    > >

    > > This topic is about PvE...


    > true lol mb,

    > thank god pve balancing doesnt phase me a single bit, still thought the adrenalin changes made the biggest impact


    It definitely hurt PvP, though. Killed my favourite build.

  7. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

    > > > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

    > > > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > > > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > > > > > > Power berserker is a dead build unfortunately.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Whats the reason for this? Does berserker power traited not work well with an powerspec? Or are the other options as core or spellbreaker just that much better dps wise?

    > > > >

    > > > > anet decided to butcher the adrenal use on berserker, you waste 3 bars of adrenalin to enter the mode but upon using primal bursts you only gain one stack of adrenal health and berserkers might, that was the patch when everyone ditched berserker as power build

    > > >

    > > > Still hoping they reverse this. Everywhere preferably since it’ll be competing against PoF specs so wont seem so strong as before. But AT LEAST in PvE.

    > >

    > > That's not even the main problem. Arcing Slice is a 3/4 s cast, compared to Arc Divider at 1/2 s cast.


    > you are telling me that the arc divider casttime is a bigger problem than the adrenalin change? lol sure m8, maybe in pve, no idea about that, but in pvp and wvw its definately the adrenalin change


    This topic is about PvE...

  8. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > There are very few cases where you'd even consider using Strength over the other two options. Please don't remove one of the main reasons to do so.


    He was probably dueling a bunker Strength, Defense, Spellbreaker warrior on a non-dueling class.

  9. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > They basically killed it with the long cast on Headbutt and Arc Divider (I really, really miss the old one) and by nerfing the synergy between Primal Bursts and Berserker's Power. The old Blood Reckoning opening rotation is too slow and too weak now. It would require them to revert all of the nerfs and to add Rage skills to Peak Performance if they wanted to make this equal to the other builds. Rather unlikely.


    > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > Power Berserker is a victim of "nerfs that kind of made sense at the time but now, because of power creep, should be reverted".


    > With the addition that they very really go back on nerfs. Nerfs which would hardly be justifiable if they happened now but made sense back when they happened.

    > Look at Ride the Lightning on elementalists. One of the best mobility skills back then and just a joke when compared to what they added over the years.


    The Berserker's Power change isn't really an issue. The cast times really hurt.

  10. > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

    > > @"Mikeskies.1536" said:

    > > > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

    > > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > > > Power Berserker is a victim of "nerfs that kind of made sense at the time but now, because of power creep, should be reverted".

    > > >

    > > > This is literally it in a nutshell

    > >

    > > Headbutt, Taunt, Arc Slicing OP. People don't like getting one shot.


    > Yes, a long time ago Beserker was capable of some really cheesy stuff. But with Firebrand support and weakness being thrown about everywhere I really doubt even a pre-patch Beserker would “one-shot” anything in today’s arenas. And tbf, Headbutt was always a highly readable skill. Not to mention stunbreaks are everywhere now compared to HoT days.


    > Just my 2 cents, feel free to have a difference of opinion.


    I think the changes should be reverted. In that patch, they increased Arcing Slice and Headbutt cast times and reduced the Berserk Mode taunt duration, effectively killing Power Berserker in PvP, while reducing PvE damage at the same time.

  11. > @"kybraga.7103" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"kybraga.7103" said:

    > > > Yeah, definitely. But purely because of the Regeneration of MMR + Magebane Tether; I don't want anything else nerfed! I'm perfectly fine with everything else haha.

    > >

    > > Are you actually aware of how much healing MMR gives when you pulse might or are you just another poorly informed player? HINT: It's MUCH less than Signet passive heal.


    > Exactly why I would enjoy a little less might generation per pulse. ~350 hp per second over 8 seconds + 344 from Healing Signet and then 133(266 or 399 if they've landed enough skills.) It's almost over-rewarding compared to other things. I'm well aware of how the trait works and I even admire the synergy but it just feels a bit too strong. The class is too reliant on just regenerating health. **ED: Well, not reliant, but you understand what I mean by essentially resetting from landing either a Full Counter or a single Burst Skill. It's overwhelming how quick they can reset.**



    > **ED again:**


    > Allow me to give the situation: You're playing a class that cannot consistently boon rip and get put up against a Spellbreaker, you never really have a problem with the typical Spellbreaker, and you can even handle a Rampage or two! But something sinister lies in the workings, something you did not expect, something you could not prepare for: Magebane Tether. You're fighting the Warrior and you are forced to facetank a Breaching Strike, no big deal right? Lost two boons and a proc of Adrenaline Heal-- then you realize you're revealed, which doesn't bug you too much you don't stealth anyway, but you see their HP spiking up after all that hard work to bring it down. You're defeated, irritated as well due to such a gaping advantage, and even admiring the synergy of such traits.


    > Might Makes Right: 133 Health; 2 Endurance.

    > Adrenaline Heal: 133 Health; 15 seconds; Stacks 3 times.

    > Healing Signet: 344 Health; 1 Second Interval.


    > Magebane Tether: Might x3; 8 second duration; 1 Second Interval; Internal Cooldown: 12 seconds.


    > Now, I'm not saying, "NERF MMR." That already happened and even then, it didn't bug me remotely. It's Magebane Tether that bugs me the most and seems to give too much of an advantage for a Spellbreaker to restore ~876 Health per second in a melee situation, and even then, you'll be pulled back in to the Might-stacked Spellbreaker if you attempt to escape. I mean, yes, it is an amazing trait, most definitely, but I think it could use a little bit of toning down or a shorted duration on the tether so players in a 1 on 1 scenario could at least stand a chance.


    It isn't overpowered. For a Spellbreaker to take Strength for MMR, they either have to drop Discipline or Defense. There are trade offs to both. Magebane Tether is taken precisely because it is useful for 1v1. What spec are you playing that you are going 1v1 against a Spellbreaker, anyway?

  12. > @"TotallyNotJazzie.1493" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > > > > Power berserker is a dead build unfortunately.

    > > >

    > > > Whats the reason for this? Does berserker power traited not work well with an powerspec? Or are the other options as core or spellbreaker just that much better dps wise?

    > >

    > > anet decided to butcher the adrenal use on berserker, you waste 3 bars of adrenalin to enter the mode but upon using primal bursts you only gain one stack of adrenal health and berserkers might, that was the patch when everyone ditched berserker as power build


    > Still hoping they reverse this. Everywhere preferably since it’ll be competing against PoF specs so wont seem so strong as before. But AT LEAST in PvE.


    That's not even the main problem. Arcing Slice is a 3/4 s cast, compared to Arc Divider at 1/2 s cast.

  13. > @"kybraga.7103" said:

    > Yeah, definitely. But purely because of the Regeneration of MMR + Magebane Tether; I don't want anything else nerfed! I'm perfectly fine with everything else haha.


    They already nerfed MMR because of the interaction. It used to give 5 endurance per might.

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