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Posts posted by draconicrose.6213

  1. I don't understand the argument that they shouldn't release these because other races don't have as many hairstyle choices. These are already done. For other races, new hairstyles would have to be modelled and textured. It makes no sense not to release them just because other races don't have as many choices.

  2. Liked:

    * Race with option for non-PoF players to rent a mount!

    * New achievements in line with the Halloween changes

    * New snowflakes!

    * Changes to the JP!



    * Snowflake exhange wasn't fair (though maybe balanced...). If I'd had the opportunity to salvage my snowflakes into the basic ones I'd have millions of the new snowflakes but I got barely enough for two snow diamonds instead. Not fun, I feel like I was punished.

    * Toypocalypse still takes forever and continues to not be fun. It's always the same thing, for too long, and the rewards suck.

    * Infinirarium is fun, but takes too long as well. No reason to do it more than once because the rewards suck.

    * Too many RNG "rewards". Most of the unlockables this year came from some form of RNG or paid in the gem store or in PAID RNG BLC. -.- Add more rewards in like with Halloween with multiple minis, at least one outfit and recipes to unlock.

    * We still have PWYL in Bell Choir. Ugh.

  3. I like underwater combat. It was one of the things that sold this game for me! I could see them getting rid of underwater-only gear and skills, but I would much rather have an update to the underwater combat and underwater section designs. Orientation isn't too much of a problem in a well-designed "level". I think people don't spend enough time underwater to get used to the intricacies. That is definitely a gripe I have whenever I hop on an alt. I'm just not used to fighting underwater so I forget what skills do.

  4. I'd play it once in a while. I already only do it if I happen to be in Istan and have nothing better to do. I find Palawadan exhausting. It's way too long and way too fast paced. There are always mobs so it's constant combat. Nothing gives you a little time to slow down in the middle or something. I definitely can't bring myself to farm it, despite the rewards. In this aspect, I prefer the GH meta, since it's at least short.


    I also find the mechanics somewhat meh and think it has too many mobs. The chests are too spread out, also. Ideally, you would have event -> reward -> event -> reward, etc, where event is fast fast fast action packed and the reward stage is chill looting. Currently the two phases blend into each other because tons of mobs swarm you. It'd be nice if once you liberate an area the number of mobs decreased greatly instead of being enough to swarm stragglers.

  5. I feel you, but daily rewards are there to incentivize people to...log in daily! :P The hope is that people will log in and get suckered into something else by map chat/guilds. A lot of GW2 is spontaneous and sudden group events.


    As for you, specifically, maybe you don't play every day but you could log in every day? Leave your character parked near the Asura home instance (compact!) and once a day log in, gt your rewards, log back out. It'll take you like 10 mins and you won't be missing out on those sweet once a day quick rewards. :3


    Merry Wintersday!

  6. Definitely having this issue as well. I've deleted local.dat, repaired the game, defragged the disk, updated graphics cards, reduced graphical settings. Nothing works! This definitely needs to be something that gets optimized on ANet's end. I wouldn't mind longer loading times if it meant I would load in to an actually loaded map.

  7. I like where the dailies are at. There's always three easy ones to do, usually 2 PVE ones and 1 quick in WvW. I don't even like WvW much but killing a sentry or taking a camp isn't hard. I love it when it's big spender and I use those days to build up my cultural armor collection.

  8. The respawn timer is murder, honestly. Nothing like having an epic fight with two vets and 3 normals every time I get dismounted, only for the same mobs to respawn before I even had time to catch my breath! Respawn timers definitely need to be toned down and, while they're at it, so does the number of veterans. I swear, Core and HoT did NOT have this many veterans. As for the aggro, I haven't noticed anything unusual about it but that might be my playstyle. I could get behind a shorter leashing distance though.

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